View Full Version : Snap election!

16th September 2006, 16:50
If there was a snap election, which party would you prefer Governs NZ?

Lou Girardin
16th September 2006, 16:52
They're no longer around, McGillicuddy Serious.
Failing that, National Socialists.
In fact, anyone but Labour or ACT.

16th September 2006, 16:52
If there was a snap election, which party would you prefer Governs NZ?


16th September 2006, 16:55

Party at WINJA'S!!!

16th September 2006, 16:57
They're no longer around, McGillicuddy Serious.

+ 1

Big Dave
16th September 2006, 17:01
Don't vote - it only encourages the bastards.

16th September 2006, 17:01
Party at WINJA'S!!!

coool....i have no plans tonite ..ill be round soon winja............hope youve got some good sounds and the beer fridge turned on........:yes:

16th September 2006, 17:02
I'd do a protest vote & put a big X on the voting form. If it's a chioce between national & labour, we all lose while the pollies grin their greedy grins and live the high life. The only politician who ever gave me the impression of honesty and integrity was David Lange!

16th September 2006, 17:04
Really Tho , What About Act , I Think Ron Mark Is Ok He Flipped The Bird To Some Cunt In Parliament

16th September 2006, 17:11
...... The only politician who ever gave me the impression of honesty and integrity was David Lange!

Sorry?? Are you for real? Who carried on with his secretary Margaret Pope? Then left his wife for her?
Does anyone remember Gentlemen Jack (Marshall) or Kiwi Keith (Holyoake)? - no funny business with those two....

16th September 2006, 17:15
Best politicians we've ever had was Rob Muldoon.

We need to hurry up and invent cloning so we can can just have a house full of MP's that are all Muldoon clones.

16th September 2006, 17:16
Best politicians we've ever had was Rob Muldoon.

We need to hurry up and invent cloning so we can can just have a house full of MP's that are all Muldoon clones.


16th September 2006, 17:18
Best politicians we've ever had was Rob Muldoon.

We need to hurry up and invent cloning so we can can just have a house full of MP's that are all Muldoon clones.
Rob's Mob Rock!! Love him or hate him, at least he had the nuts to make a decision and stick with it.

16th September 2006, 17:21
Sorry?? Are you for real? Who carried on with his secretary Margaret Pope? Then left his wife for her?
Does anyone remember Gentlemen Jack (Marshall) or Kiwi Keith (Holyoake)? - no funny business with those two....
Yeah I'm for real. Who gives a toss what people do in their private lives? I thought he was good for the country. I'm not old enough to remember Gentleman Jack or Holyoak tho.

16th September 2006, 17:22
+ 1

+2 for mc guillicuddy serious

16th September 2006, 17:26
Yeah I'm for real. Who gives a toss what people do in their private lives? I thought he was good for the country. I'm not old enough to remember Gentleman Jack or Holyoak tho.

Know what you meant - just pointing out that having a bit on the side shows a lack of integrity, that need not impinge on the ability to run the country.
Wally Nash was another principled pollie

16th September 2006, 17:31
But looking at it - who has any integrity now? Politics is about personal attacks and sandpit fights these days. Integrity? Huh!! Even Mr Cardboard (Brash) has lost any shot at having any of that.

16th September 2006, 17:33
i was a big fan of Clinton personally.. although i did question his taste at times ..

i mean .. here he is .. the most powerfull man in the free word and he hooks up with Monica Lewinski when he coulda called Halle Berry ...

failing that .. any meet market nightclub woulda done it ..

"Waddeya mean what do i drive??? AIR FORCE ONE!!!"

16th September 2006, 17:50
You have only given two choices, I may not want either of them but in a choice between the two I would take National. :sick: John.

16th September 2006, 18:02
You have only given two choices, I may not want either of them but in a choice between the two I would take National. :sick: John.

how does one get put on the ballot down here?.. i think i'd make a damn good PM.. wouldnt have any more power cuts because every city would have its own nuke power station .. with all the profits from selling the excess power on the international grid .. i would tear out every road in NZ refit them with 30 degree banks on every turn ( of course all the potholes would have to be fixed first ...)..wouldnt touch the unsealed roads of course so i would get Motu and OldRiders votes...

Lou Girardin
16th September 2006, 18:03
The only politician who ever gave me the impression of honesty and integrity was David Lange!

Whaaat! Lange, the fat, lying, adulterous slug that lay down for the French and sold us down the river to the New Right?

Lou Girardin
16th September 2006, 18:05
Best politicians we've ever had was Rob Muldoon.

Jeez, I'm getting sunstroke from the glare off your neck.:sunny: Muldoon?:gob: Another jumped up fuckin' corporal.

Lou Girardin
16th September 2006, 18:06
i was a big fan of Clinton personally.. although i did question his taste at times ..

i mean .. here he is .. the most powerfull man in the free word and he hooks up with Monica Lewinski when he coulda called Halle Berry ...

failing that .. any meet market nightclub woulda done it ..

"Waddeya mean what do i drive??? AIR FORCE ONE!!!"

Christ. For once we agree.

16th September 2006, 18:11
Christ. For once we agree.

awww ... you really do like me Lou...

( i thought that post was going in the Brash thread .....stupid KBSPY)

16th September 2006, 18:15
You have only given two choices, I may not want either of them but in a choice between the two I would take National. :sick: John.

I did this because it will always be a battle between these two.

16th September 2006, 18:27
Best politicians we've ever had was Rob Muldoon.

.e.g. Got pissed, called a snap election and lost.


16th September 2006, 18:48
Best politicians we've ever had was Rob Muldoon.

We need to hurry up and invent cloning so we can can just have a house full of MP's that are all Muldoon clones.

Muldoon did have two understudies that were trained by him.

Winston Peters & John Banks.

Winnie doesn't have an iron fist, but John Banks does. Must be the Aussie Mongrel in Banksie.

I reakon John Banks would be as good a Prime Minister as John Howard.

16th September 2006, 19:27
Muldoon did have two understudies that were trained by him.

Winston Peters & John Banks.

Winnie doesn't have an iron fist, but John Banks does. Must be the Aussie Mongrel in Banksie.

I reakon John Banks would be as good a Prime Minister as John Howard.

Yeah I quite like banksy too

16th September 2006, 19:37
Wow, 75% to National. Who would have though bikers were so conservative?

I wonder what that says about the demographic of motorcyclists, since Labour leads in polls done by both the Labour party and National themselves?

16th September 2006, 19:55
Wow, 75% to National. Who would have though bikers were so conservative?

I wonder what that says about the demographic of motorcyclists, since Labour leads in polls done by both the Labour party and National themselves?


16th September 2006, 19:57

Oh yeah, makes sense.

16th September 2006, 20:09
Muldoon was a drunken bloody socialist, the worst prime minister we have ever had!

Muldoon bankrupted the country, Douglas and treasury rescued it!

Lange was a bloody traitor, first to his family and eventually to the country, bloody useless prime minister, clever comedian, probably warm hearted but still just the quick witted fat kid at school.

Helen Clark has modelled herself after Rob Muldoon and isn't she good at it, school, varsity, parliament, totally devoid of life skills or business acumen, nose firmly into the public socialist trough and we have to pay for it!

Muldoon was very dissmissive and scathing toward Don Brash, I think he felt threatened by him, he was one of the brains trust wizkids of the day!

I would be prepared to see Don have a go, he may actually just be the man capable of gathering the national party into an effective political unit, they have far more talent than that useless bunch of Labour dropkicks.

Argh, enough nice things said here, at least the pole looks promising. :shutup: John.

16th September 2006, 20:18
Muldoon was a drunken bloody socialist, the worst prime minister we have ever had!

Muldoon bankrupted the country, Douglas and treasury rescued it!

Lange was a bloody traitor, first to his family and eventually to the country, bloody useless prime minister, clever comedian, probably warm hearted but still just the quick witted fat kid at school.

Helen Clark has modelled herself after Rob Muldoon and isn't she good at it, school, varsity, parliament, totally devoid of life skills or business acumen, nose firmly into the public socialist trough and we have to pay for it!

Muldoon was very dissmissive and scathing toward Don Brash, I think he felt threatened by him, he was one of the brains trust wizkids of the day!

I would be prepared to see Don have a go, he may actually just be the man capable of gathering the national party into an effective political unit, they have far more talent than that useless bunch of Labour dropkicks.

Argh, enough nice things said here, at least the pole looks promising. :shutup: John.


16th September 2006, 20:26
Best politicians we've ever had was Rob Muldoon.
Yeah, right....

16th September 2006, 20:30
I bet if I made it a public poll, there would be less votes for Labour. Kinda like admitting you sell Amway or like little boys.

16th September 2006, 20:38
I did this because it will always be a battle between these two.
Shit. Just like "first past the post" system...
Thank f*ck we have MMP where there are some other parties that HAVE to be brought into the equasion now!

Muldoon bankrupted the country.
Damn right! Think big = SPEND big... and at the same time stuffing up the markets.

Muldoon was very dissmissive and scathing toward Don Brash, I think he felt threatened by him, he was one of the brains trust wizkids of the day!,Yes, an excellent bean counter and number cruncher. Should have stayed in treasury though.

I would be prepared to see Don have a go, he may actually just be the man capable of gathering the national party into an effective political unit,
Cannot see him doing it. No balls, and he is hopeless in the house.

16th September 2006, 21:56
Cannot see him doing it. No balls, and he is hopeless in the house.

Yeah, you are right, he is a bit of a soft cock really but he is improving, see how he goes when he returns to the house.

He said something bloody stupid today on the telly that made me cringe, he is either naive, politically inept or just genuinely focused on the facts, either way he still has to harden up.

One thing I begrudgingly admire about Helen is, she is a dirty bitch a real street fighter, I don't know where she got that from but I wouldn't turn my back on her for a minute, my own personality has to admire her killer instinct though, fuck it! :nono: John.

The Pastor
16th September 2006, 22:11
I think stealing 800 grand and her comeback is "look at don hes a cheater"

Its just a "hey look over there while I pass a law that fixes this mess"

Labour is out next election, as per usal.

16th September 2006, 23:05
I'm probably going to get some red reps for this but fuckit, I'm drunk;

Speaking frankly, I reckon this almost visionary Labour government is the best thing to happen to New Zealand politics in the past few decades.
Prostitution Law reform, (yes I have friends who are sex workers, and they say it's made a world of difference to their safety and health) Civil Unions, a healthy anti-american attitude, not booting out MMP when everyone wanted to. Keeping the Anti-nuclear thing. They've left NZ with some things we can be fairly proud of.

Pity about the spending on that pledge card thing, that's pretty fucking corrupt, and they have to do something about that. They won't, but they should.

I can't see National doing any better, I think they would do a lot worse, hand the country back to the redneck scumfuckers like Bob Clarkson, go into coalition with ACT and fuck us all over. And don't kid youselves National would reduce taxes. They promise the world at election time but you wouldn't get a dime, especially if you were an honest worker. Look at the Progressive Enterprises strike, National is all behind that massive corporation, really anti-union, against a fair wage for a full day's work. Mind you, Labour isn't really helping either in that case.

If National were in, you can be sure we would have our troops killing people and stealing oil in Iraq, NZ would just be another American suburb.

All Labour needs to do now is legalize Marijuana and I'm so happy. We gotta wait for the greens to do that tho. Anyone know any good dealers in Dunedin? My last ounce was all mouldy. Dry, seedy and resinous, but mouldy all the same. The THC content was unchanged, but it just doesn't taste good.

That's what I say!
My name is Steam and I'm drunk! Go fuck yerselves!

16th September 2006, 23:30
Hey Steam, I gave you a green because you spoke your mind even though I disagree with you.
You have the freedom in this country and on this forum to do that.
Has Helen and her Labour party threatened that right or will she just retrospectively pass a law to stop it if it doesn't suit her plans. :shutup: John.

16th September 2006, 23:52
I'm probably going to get some red reps for this but fuckit, I'm drunk;

Speaking frankly, I reckon this almost visionary Labour government is the best thing to happen to New Zealand politics in the past few decades.
Prostitution Law reform, (yes I have friends who are sex workers, and they say it's made a world of difference to their safety and health) Civil Unions, a healthy anti-american attitude, not booting out MMP when everyone wanted to. Keeping the Anti-nuclear thing. They've left NZ with some things we can be fairly proud of.

Pity about the spending on that pledge card thing, that's pretty fucking corrupt, and they have to do something about that. They won't, but they should.

I can't see National doing any better, I think they would do a lot worse, hand the country back to the redneck scumfuckers like Bob Clarkson, go into coalition with ACT and fuck us all over. And don't kid youselves National would reduce taxes. They promise the world at election time but you wouldn't get a dime, especially if you were an honest worker. Look at the Progressive Enterprises strike, National is all behind that massive corporation, really anti-union, against a fair wage for a full day's work. Mind you, Labour isn't really helping either in that case.

If National were in, you can be sure we would have our troops killing people and stealing oil in Iraq, NZ would just be another American suburb.

All Labour needs to do now is legalize Marijuana and I'm so happy. We gotta wait for the greens to do that tho. Anyone know any good dealers in Dunedin? My last ounce was all mouldy. Dry, seedy and resinous, but mouldy all the same. The THC content was unchanged, but it just doesn't taste good.

That's what I say!
My name is Steam and I'm drunk! Go fuck yerselves!
your obviously low income and education with no fucking Idea at all huh?

your intitled to your opinion though.....I respect that you have one....most people don't....just fucking think of themselves and what they will get out of an election....twits!

17th September 2006, 09:28
Go Bob the Builder from Tauranga!

17th September 2006, 10:21
National would have my vote if it wasn't for Don Brash and Judith Collins been the two most annoying people in the world.

I want to see more people like Ron Clark (or whatever his name is) and the original (not the Labour arse licking) Winston Peters.

17th September 2006, 11:11
Bob 'the Builder' Clark from Tauranga... My uncle was an MP (Fraser Coleman - Pencarrow) ... It's in my blood - I should be the next PM!!

17th September 2006, 11:18
Bob 'the Builder' Clark from Tauranga... My uncle was an MP (Fraser Coleman - Pencarrow) ... It's in my blood - I should be the next PM!!
PM = personal massuse?

17th September 2006, 13:51
Rob's Mob Rock!! Love him or hate him, at least he had the nuts to make a decision and stick with it.

That's a bit of an urban legend. Rob Muldoon was the most socialist Prime Minister New Zealand has ever had. If anything he lived in fear of uncertainty and making decisions. Everything was regulated -- from the exchange rate to butter sales (margarine could only be purchased with a doctor's prescription, ditto for new cars with an automatic transmission). You could only take a limited amount of money overseas when travelling. There was compulsory unionism and all of the palaver that went with that, such as the Minister of Labour negotiating pay rates for various collectives with the Federation of Labour. Remember such things as the wages and prices freeze as a way of controlling inflation? How about carless days as a way of dealing with the "oil shock" of 1975?

Not our golden age by any stretch.

I could go on...

17th September 2006, 13:55
... please do. From the little I knew of him as a politician and the way he treated me personally, I can safely say that I liked him.

I think there should be a Hitcher party! I'll bring some beers...

17th September 2006, 14:15
... please do. From the little I knew of him as a politician and the way he treated me personally, I can safely say that I liked him.

I think there should be a Hitcher party! I'll bring some beers...

Col, don't you own a motorcycle? Why aren't you out riding it, or sitting next to it in Carterton with some sort of silly self-satisfied smirk on your dial? Have you seen the weather outside?

If you're going to the footie later, I'll forgive you for being indoors...

17th September 2006, 14:27
Yeah I'm for real. Who gives a toss what people do in their private lives? I thought he was good for the country. I'm not old enough to remember Gentleman Jack or Holyoak tho.

Normally I'd agree but when Brash is bedding the Deputy Chairwoman of the Buisness Roundtable, a group that sees itself as a thinktank but is in reality a lobby group for buisness organisations then it should be seen for what it is. Brash has allowed himself to be compromised where legislation in agreement with Roundtable philosphy could be introduced into Parliment courtesy of the National Party when they gain the Treasury Benches.

Labour had every right to bring this affair to to the publics notice.


17th September 2006, 14:41
I'm probably going to get some red reps for this but fuckit, I'm drunk;

Stupid hippy

17th September 2006, 14:48
Normally I'd agree but when Brash is bedding the Deputy Chairwoman of the Buisness Roundtable, a group that sees itself as a thinktank but is in reality a lobby group for buisness organisations then it should be seen for what it is. Brash has allowed himself to be compromised where legislation in agreement with Roundtable philosphy could be introduced into Parliment courtesy of the National Party when they gain the Treasury Benches.

Labour had every right to bring this affair to to the publics notice.


I can't understand the "outrage" about National's connections with the Business Roundtable, whether the leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition is allegedly boning the deputy chair of said ginger group or not. The Labour Party is and has been in bed with the trade union movement since its inception. Unions rark up their members to vote Labour at every election. They fund the Labour Party. Many Labour MPs (past and present) have been union organisers. Surely that's more sinister than Mr Brash's alleged sex life?

17th September 2006, 14:56
I'm probably going to get some red reps for this but fuckit, I'm drunk;

I'm not drunk, but I'm hoping red rep doesn't get dished out for political opinion (even though green seems fine; I'm not sure why).

Of those two, I'd pick Labour.

In coalition with Green.

And preferably, with Jeanette Fitzsimons for PM.

Oh, and someone with a bit of force for speaker; they need to be made to do some actual constructive debating for a change.


Lou Girardin
17th September 2006, 16:38
I always thought the Business Roundtable were the givers, not the takers.

17th September 2006, 17:29
I don't mean to point out the obvious, but doesn't this "grass is greener on the other side" attitude toward the ruling party, always seem to be lingering?. National will be the holy grail till a handful of their members "f#$k up", then everyone goes "bring back Labour". This has been going on for years and years.

17th September 2006, 18:06
I don't mean to point out the obvious, but doesn't this "grass is greener on the other side" attitude toward the ruling party, always seem to be lingering?. National will be the holy grail till a handful of their members "f#$k up", then everyone goes "bring back Labour". This has been going on for years and years.

Politics is a constant circus of distraction, A and B putting on a show for the benefit of C and C does not represent the voters.

C represents the shady side of the equation, the vested interests lurking in the background.

Watch carefully as the current circus performers go through their respective acts, all the while the background movers and shakers are hatching out their respective little plots completely closed off from the gaze of the voters.

Draw attention to it and they cry out "conspiracy theorist" and denounce your claims vehemently and discredit you via their bum sucking media mates.

MMP has just increased the size of the circus and pushed your nose closer to the grindstone to pay for it.

What we need is "less" government, no circus and truly "accountable" politicians whose every move is transparent to the voting public.

We also need an informed and educated public but our eduction system ensures that the silent majority are educated idiots that clap and cheer their lame brained behaviour as if had a modicum of relevance to our needs.

If you think that this old fella is losing his marbles then sit back and watch what reveals it's self over the next few weeks then think again.

They can fool some of the people some of the time but they can't fool all of the people all of the time! Cheers John.

17th September 2006, 19:02
After Don Brash used dawn parade on anzac day to make a political speech, I would rather see the cast of NZ idol lead this country than that US ass sucker. If it was up to him we would probably have a real military presence in iraq.

National would be an option if it wasnt for that git.

17th September 2006, 19:15
Normally I'd agree but when Brash is bedding the Deputy Chairwoman of the Buisness Roundtable

You could say the same about the connection between Labour and the Unions.

17th September 2006, 19:16
You could say the same about the connection between Labour and the Unions.

I thought I had...

17th September 2006, 19:21
I thought I had...

We finally agree on something yet you still want to argue about it?

17th September 2006, 19:48
And preferably, with Jeanette Fitzsimons for PM.
You HAVE to be on some form of mind-altering drug to say that!!! Oh, yeah... GREEN party... riiiight...:doctor:

17th September 2006, 21:07
I don't think it makes alot of difference in the end, the politicians do what they want anyway, the majority of people don't get a lot of benefit on way or another, just the privledge of paying tax, and then not getting the services that the tax is supposed to pay for...

17th September 2006, 21:11
I Saw On The News That Helens Husband Likes Sausage More Than Tacos, Wonder How That Would Effect Helen In The Polls? Shes A Stupid Corupt Cunt Anyway Time For Labour To Get A New Leader

17th September 2006, 21:24
Meh. Politicians. Hardly worth saying anything about. But some have (and much better than me):

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress, but then I repeat myself.
......Mark Twain -

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
......Winston Churchil

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
......George Bernard Shaw

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
......James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
......Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
......P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
......Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it
.......Ronald Reagan (1986)

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts
.....Will Rogers

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.
.....P.J. O'Rourke

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.
....Voltaire (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.
....Pericles (430 BC.)

No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the Legislature is in session.
....Mark Twain (1866)

Talk is cheap, except when Congress does it.

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
....Winston Churchill

What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
....Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
...Thomas Jefferson

17th September 2006, 21:28
In 1999, a massive 74% of Labour's donations were anonymous - totalling $824,375. Yep almost one million dollars.

In 2002 Labour's level of anonymous donations was only $55,000 less than National.

So Labour are absolute hypocrites when they claim that these anonymous donations are bad, are wrong, and must be stopped. They have happily taken them in. They have explicitly not amended the law to stop them, as they could have done at any time since 1999.

So why are these donations suddenly a bad thing? Simply because Labour didn't get as many as National this time around. Suddenly this major funding source for Labour becomes a bad, evil thing.

So my question to bitch face is if you are now against anonymous donations so much will you hand back all the ones you have happily banked?

17th September 2006, 21:51
I Saw On The News That Helens Husband Likes Sausage More Than Tacos,
That is what the media is reporting....... so far.
Let's hope they keep digging........ there is so much more to find...

Balding Eagle
17th September 2006, 22:23
Riffer, I love your quotes. Keep it up. Hypocrisy is the middle name of many a politician. You really do have to make sure you are squeaky clean if you are going to make accusations. Take the Exclusive Bretheren situation for example. They used their own money to make a statement. They did not give it to the National Party to put their spin on it. And so it was the opinion of a group of individuals. As a result, Helen wants to close down the opportunity for such a group of individuals to contribute towards the debate and she thinks that this is lopsided funding. Well what about the Labour movement? The Council of Trade Unions gives very substantial support to the Labour Party. Do Labour declare how much this is? I doubt that 100% of the rank and file members of the unions want to see their union fees go towards the government.

As for who I would vote for. I would vote for ACT. Although I don't agree with all their policies, they are heavily into personal responsibility and I am all for that. I indicated National on the poll but that was only for lack of choice.

17th September 2006, 23:13
You HAVE to be on some form of mind-altering drug to say that!!! Oh, yeah... GREEN party... riiiight...:doctor:

Actually, that's one of their policies that I don't really care about either way. Never tried the stuff. The only difference it would make to me is that I'd feel less nervous about associating with friends who do use it.

She just seems more level-headed than most - except for dumb stuff like burning off her bit of the Coromandel during a fire ban ...


17th September 2006, 23:36
I have no idea who I would vote for at this moment - it's been a long time since I could say that.
I can say that Helen Clark's (or any other politician for that matter) physical appearance will not sway me either way.

The whole political scene is getting particularly nasty at the moment.
I'm sure it hasn't been like this since Muldoon left office.

18th September 2006, 07:17
I say libertarianz would make a change.
it would be very interesting to see, 1% tax, freedom to do what you like in YOUR private property, the freedom to do what you like with YOUR body...:gob:
Everything else is just another blend of socialisim, with the principal of "we know whats best for YOU" :sick:

18th September 2006, 11:53
The parties that come closest to being what I want are the National Front an the Direct Democrats. However I'll probably end up voting for national simply so that we have at least SOME sort of rightwing party as the primary power, even if they are far too centric for my liking.

Strangely enough one of the few things Labours done I approve is was mentioned by Steam in his drunken rant. I approve fully of legalising prostitution, its the worlds oldest profession after all.

The Civil union bill on the other hand is one of the worst social engineering abortions of all time. Labour forced it through despite massive public outcry, and it needs to be killed dead.

Things I want to see happen from whomevers in power.
Time restriction on benefits, and the UEB is compulsory work-for-dole. You get say 3 months max to find a new job, then you do 40 hours a week for the govt (PD style!) or no benefit.
Legalise , R18, and tax the shit out of marijuana and possibly other drugs such as ecstasy. Where a drug isnt addictive, and doesnt cause psychosis or side effects worse than alchohol/tobacco I cant really see why we shouldnt legalise and tax the shit out of it.
Vastly stricter criminal system, and for the justice system and a shift away from rehabilitating repeat offenders. By all means try and rehabilitate those who have only had minor brushes with the law, but something like 3 strikes and your out works for me. All lowrisk/low security prisoners to be put on work farms/camps, in cheap accomodation (like arizonas tent city) and forced to work to turn a profit to pay for keeping the really nasty prisoners locked in 6x3 cells for 23 hours a day. Death penalty for murder and serious sexual offender. No early parole for most prisoners, none of this serve 1/3 and out bullshit. Home D only for low risk white collar crims. Would quite like to see public executions, caning/whippings, etc introduced as a deterent and a visible punishment (Think Singapore, Saudi, etc)
Revoke civil union law and enshrine in law the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman before the the god(s) they worship.
Re-write our firearms and self defence laws. Legalise mace, tasers, stun guns etc for personal use. Make it easier for law abiding citizens to obtain firearms (criminals in NZ already have easy access to guns, citizens dont). Legalise the use of lethal force by private citizens to defend themselves, their families, and their property.
Reintroduce compulsory national service, everyone has to serve 6-24 months in the armed forced between the ages of 18 and 25. Also massively increase our GDP spent on defense, primarily as a defensive force, with a large combat air strikeforce (air superiority and anti shipping focus) and numerous new naval vessels (think PTboat / coastguard cutter rather than frigate thou). We have a lot of coastline to defend against boatpeople, dodgy asian trawlers, drug smugglers etc. Rebuild our shattered defence links with Aussie, the US, & the UK.
Allow schools/parents to choose whether they want corporal punishment in their schools.
Allow publicans to choose whether or not to have smokefree premises.
Stricter immigration laws, such as Australia has just introduced, including strict english competency tests and pledging loyalty to the country and to follow the laws and customs of NZ. Grant limited citizenship for the first 5-10 years and revoke and deport if they commit crimes etc. Dont even take refugees unless they are skilled and speak english.
Outlaw the donation of monies to foreign aid charities (unicef, tearfund, CCF etc etc), instead setup a partially govt funded aid organisation that uses all donations to improve quality of life in NZ.
Remove anti-nuclear ban, and build several nuclear power plants to put Jantar out of business by making power ultra cheap :innocent:. Outlaw fossil fuel burning plants, only allow nuclear, hydro, wind & solar generation.

I'm sure I've missed things out, but hey this is a 20 minute post not a 200 page party manifesto.

18th September 2006, 12:04
Revoke civil union law and enshrine in law the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman before the the god(s) they worship.

Civil Union is not just for gays... :dodge:
More man-woman civil unions have prob taken place than same sex ones. :whocares:

18th September 2006, 12:07
I'd be looking for the "least worst" party that had a reasonable alignment with my personal thoughts and beliefs regarding society.

To be honest right now I'm not sure who that is but ideally they'd be a right(ish) wing combo of the greens and ACT

18th September 2006, 12:09
it would be very interesting to see, 1% tax

You're right - that would be interesting... bugger roading, and other infrastructure, there'd be committees being formed up and down the countyr trying to work out who has to pay for water, sewerage, power etc...

I think a little more tax base is needed, but the current one is far too high...

User pays does appeal. And from my tax, I get to use about 3 unemployed. Can I have the cute, clean and horny women?

18th September 2006, 12:10
finn....why didn't you make the poll so you can see who voted....coz we can't lynch them for voting labour if we don't know who they are!!!!

18th September 2006, 12:40
Good post Lias....bling awarded contingent on your election next time:cool:
This one particularly relevant...Allow publicans to choose whether or not to have smokefree premises.

18th September 2006, 12:46
finn....why didn't you make the poll so you can see who voted....coz we can't lynch them for voting labour if we don't know who they are!!!!

Problem is if I made it public, no one would admit voting Labour. I've kept it real.

Oh and I donated $100 bucks to SpankMe in return for knowing who voted Labour. There's a few down your way so I'll be giving you their addresses shortly. So start saving up the cow shit.

18th September 2006, 13:21
I propose an extra box on the bottom of every voting form that says "None of the above". If that box gets the most ticks, those canditates get dismissed and a new bunch could apply. Eventually we might get some good ones.......:laugh:

18th September 2006, 13:25
Civil Union is not just for gays... :dodge:
More man-woman civil unions have prob taken place than same sex ones. :whocares:
The existing de facto laws really covered that already, and I could have lived with those being extended to cover homosexuals. But marriage to me is a religious ceremony of declaring their love before their god(s), and I honestly think the way the civil unions thing was pushed through makes a mockery of it. I also think our divorce laws help make a mockery too.

Marriage (or anything like it) should be restricted to lifelong cimmitments between a man/woman of a religious nature, and defactor/common law status should be for all others. PS: I'm not a christian either.

Squeak the Rat
18th September 2006, 13:43
In April there had only been 178 male/male, 199 female/female and 81 male/female registrations for civil unions.

Worth every cent of the 3 months worth of debates in parliament.

18th September 2006, 13:47
But marriage to me is a religious ceremony of declaring their love before their god(s), and I honestly think the way the civil unions thing was pushed through makes a mockery of it.

Each to their own...

Civil Union to me is a ceremony of two people declaring their love, regardless of sexuality.

~ Equality ~
The right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and receive the same treatment.

18th September 2006, 13:48
Ha, thats hilarious!!
Happy middle ground? Don't kow that it can happen.
I would like to see adversarial system abolished, but the alternative leans too far to communism for my liking. How about we remove the vast majority of legal protections for public servants (the servant holds the whip and the purse strings, how the feck does that work?).
If they are legally held to account for their actions (not just the donnas that they want to kill off, but the helens for fraud/forgery, the winnies for wasting court time, etc etc.) May just cull some of the self serving politics, and bring people in who don't give a rats arse about the media, but want to see this country grow and prosper.

The Pastor
18th September 2006, 13:55
In April there had only been 178 male/male, 199 female/female and 81 male/female registrations for civil unions.

Worth every cent of the 3 months worth of debates in parliament.

Awesome, whats the wage for an average mp? 150k?

So an average mp gets 37.5 grand every 3 months.

Now how many mps are there in parlament? about 100? Thats 375 grand for 458 people or 0.01145% of the population, still thats about half of what LABOUR STOLE.

18th September 2006, 14:06
The existing de facto laws really covered that already, and I could have lived with those being extended to cover homosexuals. But marriage to me is a religious ceremony of declaring their love before their god(s), and I honestly think the way the civil unions thing was pushed through makes a mockery of it. I also think our divorce laws help make a mockery too.

Marriage (or anything like it) should be restricted to lifelong cimmitments between a man/woman of a religious nature, and defactor/common law status should be for all others. PS: I'm not a christian either.

You are quite incorrect sir - the existing de facto laws did not cover that already.

What do you mean by "of a religious nature" - christian? non christian? christian-like? jedi? should a hindu man and woman not be allowed to be legally married because they don't claim to worship "god"?

Your argument is contradictory. Most heterosexual couples that have chosen to civil union rather than marriage have done so on the basis that they are not religious, if civil union didn't exist they would be forced to marry, which you don't agree with because they are not religious (see the vicious circle).

18th September 2006, 14:09
The Civil Union bill guaranteed the gay vote. It was also another man hating bill providing another means of screwing over men who are suckered into a relationship with a piece of arse who dumps them in 3 years and strips them of assets.

Note: I have nothing against gay people. Dover's a good friend of mine and he assures me that he's not gay, but he has slept with a few guys that were.

18th September 2006, 14:16
NEWS FLASH!!! Sweden has seen the light - finally.

The left of leftist countries experimenting with social engineering have just changed governments. Welcome a centre right government.

The reasons for changing are;

Huge increase in violent crime
Failure of healthcare
Failure of education
Somalian refugees
And a shit load more

I'm sure this all sound familiar. I used to live in Sweden 15 years ago and have been back several times. The lefties have really done a good job stuffing the place up.

I mean how the fuck can you tax a country into prosperity?

John Banks
18th September 2006, 14:20
The existing de facto laws really covered that already, and I could have lived with those being extended to cover homosexuals. But marriage to me is a religious ceremony of declaring their love before their god(s), and I honestly think the way the civil unions thing was pushed through makes a mockery of it. I also think our divorce laws help make a mockery too.

Marriage (or anything like it) should be restricted to lifelong cimmitments between a man/woman of a religious nature, and defactor/common law status should be for all others. PS: I'm not a christian either.

So I take it you advocate the government legislating people's personal lives? I always thought marriage was between two people and their beliefs, whatever they may be.

18th September 2006, 14:27
*sits back with my popcorn and watches the about-to-be homo bashing*

18th September 2006, 15:03
The party that comes the closest (I am not a member) to my political beliefs is [www.libertarianz.org.nz] any where to the left of that is just leading towards "mediocrity" at best, Communism at worst!

You probably can go too far to the right (extremists?) granted but to the left is increasingly less freedom and more government in our lives.

In my opinion ACT is too far to the left for comfort but this country is full of home bred and brainwashed lefties.

New Zealanders are taught right through school to "ask the teacher" or do as you are "told" do not "think for your selves" vote the way the media "tells" you to!

If things get too difficult for you, don't face up to it, work hard and solve the problem, no, go to the pub, have another drink, pop some pills, hold out your hand and Uncle Helen will give you a little something to go get by on.

For those that get out of line and become self sufficient, Uncle Helen will tax them even more so that they have not got time to relax and enjoy their well earned wealth, they will be too busy supporting all her social welfare schemes and other little hand outs.

Read the information on the Libertarianz Webb site and compare it to the crap the left wing parties feed you and for goodness sake "think" for your selves!

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.

Do you really like what you have always got from the government of the day? I think not! :shit: Cheers John.

18th September 2006, 15:26

Wayne Mapp is one of the better politicians in the house, have you ever met the man?

and nothing wrong with the 90 day bill,give us managers the odd chance to say... mmmm your Fking useless, you're fired!!


18th September 2006, 15:27
*sits back with my popcorn and watches the about-to-be homo bashing*



18th September 2006, 15:29

haha I like it... some of thier ideas just may work...

What is the Libertarianz position on drug use?

Libertarianz would repeal laws prohibiting drug use. Each individual owns his own life; therefore he has the right to treat his body as he chooses.

But if drugs were legalised, wouldn't crime increase with more addicts on the streets?
Prohibition leads to criminal involvement. The resultant black market inflates the price of drugs and attracts criminals. Police time is diverted from apprehending real criminals and is wasted on drug law enforcement. It is likely that drug-related crime would decrease following legalisation of drugs.


Why will Libertarianz abolish the welfare state?

Because it is based on coercion. We have no objection to people helping others, but they must not be forced to do so through taxation. Taxation, which is the theft of private property, is morally wrong. As each individual owns his life, so each individual has the right to the product of his efforts in order to sustain his life. The social welfare system, which is funded by taxation, will be abolished to make way for privately-run charity organisations.

18th September 2006, 16:15
You are quite incorrect sir - the existing de facto laws did not cover that already.

What do you mean by "of a religious nature" - christian? non christian? christian-like? jedi? should a hindu man and woman not be allowed to be legally married because they don't claim to worship "god"?

Your argument is contradictory. Most heterosexual couples that have chosen to civil union rather than marriage have done so on the basis that they are not religious, if civil union didn't exist they would be forced to marry, which you don't agree with because they are not religious (see the vicious circle).
Unless I've been hitting the crack pipe, even before civil union law when any hetero couple had been living together for 2+ years in a relationship like marriage they legally were De Facto / Common law and had similar rights.

It was the same as marriage but they dont get the ceremony and the word marriage because marriage is all about religion (and I said god(s) please note. I dont care if your talking the christian god, hindu gods, norse gods or cthulhu.. Pretty much every religion has a marriage ceremony of some sort)

18th September 2006, 16:22
So I take it you advocate the government legislating people's personal lives? I always thought marriage was between two people and their beliefs, whatever they may be.

I guess in a way, but I dont see it quite like you do.
I see it more as the govt protecting the "trademark" or "intellectual property" if you will of what marriage has traditionally been. Marriage is a ceremony in many religions, but until recently has always been just that, a religious ceremony. Now Labour has decreed that ANYONE can get married, and its not a religious ceremony. I think that dilutes the concept of marriage.

Equal rights? Fine. Marriage? No.

18th September 2006, 16:25
*sits back with my popcorn and watches the about-to-be homo bashing*

I'll only give it to you rough if you like it that way and use a safeword *grin*

18th September 2006, 16:26
Wayne Mapp is one of the better politicians in the house, have you ever met the man?

and nothing wrong with the 90 day bill,give us managers the odd chance to say... mmmm your Fking useless, you're fired!!


18th September 2006, 16:27
I'll only give it to you rough if you like it that way and use a safeword *grin*

lol I'm gonna use 'bubbles' as my safeword :)

John Banks
18th September 2006, 16:38
I guess in a way, but I dont see it quite like you do.
I see it more as the govt protecting the "trademark" or "intellectual property" if you will of what marriage has traditionally been. Marriage is a ceremony in many religions, but until recently has always been just that, a religious ceremony. Now Labour has decreed that ANYONE can get married, and its not a religious ceremony. I think that dilutes the concept of marriage.

Equal rights? Fine. Marriage? No.

Traditionally marriage is about the ownership of a woman by a man. Traditionally it is less about religion and more about property. Either you need to accept that the idea of marriage has changed and will continue to change.
Or at least don't pretend it's about "tradition" or "sanctity" or any other bullshit excuse.

18th September 2006, 16:44
Unless I've been hitting the crack pipe, even before civil union law when any hetero couple had been living together for 2+ years in a relationship like marriage they legally were De Facto / Common law and had similar rights.

It was the same as marriage but they dont get the ceremony and the word marriage because marriage is all about religion (and I said god(s) please note. I dont care if your talking the christian god, hindu gods, norse gods or cthulhu.. Pretty much every religion has a marriage ceremony of some sort)

To qaulify as a De Facto relationship you must be living together for at least 2 years, sharing bills etc. You can get married a week after meeting someone, live in different towns and still have all of the benefits of being married such as next of kin status, joint health insurance etc

If you think that anyone who worships any god should be able to marry (as long as it's for religious purposes), then you would have to accept that different religions follow different values and many religions do not descriminate against homosexuality. Therefore you couldn't really exclude homosexual's from being allowed to marry could you?

18th September 2006, 17:19
Unless I've been hitting the crack pipe, even before civil union law when any hetero couple had been living together for 2+ years in a relationship like marriage they legally were De Facto / Common law and had similar rights.

It was the same as marriage but they dont get the ceremony and the word marriage because marriage is all about religion (and I said god(s) please note. I dont care if your talking the christian god, hindu gods, norse gods or cthulhu.. Pretty much every religion has a marriage ceremony of some sort)

Lias - mate you need to go and check out the civil union website to get all the correct information.

It is now 3 years together not 2 years. Then they get equal share.
Just the same as in a marriage breakup.

Even if say, in a defacto relationship, the couple had children... and one partner died... and if the parents of the partner that died didnt like the other person, they could come in take the kids off them. This is one way to safe guard the children for the partner that is left.

In the past the parents of the dead partner could also sell up the house that the two had brought together... didnt matter if it was in both names. There were too many loop holes.

Say you had a bad accident and your partner came to see you in hospital. Your parents couldnt stand your partner. Guess what under the old ways they could stop your partner from visiting you. Now they cant.
In the past the partner couldnt sign the hospital forms, now they can.

Also go and check out the new relationship/property act that came into effect.

Did you also know that many married couples have actually gone and change their marriage certificate over and had a civil union...
More hetro sexuals have had civil union than gays and lesbians.

It is safe guarding ALL New Zealanders.

18th September 2006, 17:39

C'mon WINJA you are not trying to say that doesn't apply to workers too are you?

There are three possibilities:

The business says, make a buck, stuff the workers!

The worker says, make a buck, screw the business!

The business hires the worker and they both say, lets make a buck and divide it according to how much investment and value we each add to the business!

They are never very often equal but it should be reflected in their employment contractual agreement.

It sometimes takes up to 90 days to establish a worker and train them to a level of proficiency so that they can safely do a job to the required standard.

It does not have to be an acrimonious arrangement, the labour court is there for that sort of protection if it's required. :yes: Cheers John.

18th September 2006, 17:58
I can't understand the "outrage" about National's connections with the Business Roundtable, whether the leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition is allegedly boning the deputy chair of said ginger group or not. The Labour Party is and has been in bed with the trade union movement since its inception. Unions rark up their members to vote Labour at every election. They fund the Labour Party. Many Labour MPs (past and present) have been union organisers. Surely that's more sinister than Mr Brash's alleged sex life?

The connection between Labour and the Trade Union movement is of politics.

The connection between the Buisness Roundtable is of politics.

Wherever there is a 'unlawfull connection' between any lobby group and an MP not to mention the Leader of a political party who has the potential to becomePrime Minister,then there is the potential for blackmail.

Trade Union policies that are incprperated in legislation go through a democratic process.

Any policy that the Buisness Roundtable wanted to become part of Parliments legislative agenda again goes through a democratic process. That policy is moved or seconded etc. Like the Trade Union movements these are not neccessarily public discussions but one a policy has been adopted it becomes public knowledge.

Shagging the Vice Chairman of any Buisness Group would be cause for concern but 'having it off with the VP of the Buisness Roundtable, a known far right lobby group with close assoscations with National is grist for the mill in politics of any shape or form.


18th September 2006, 18:20
Clintons not doing anything - reckon he'd be better than any of the twats currently in or running for government - reckon he was a great US president!

18th September 2006, 18:21
You could say the same about the connection between Labour and the Unions.

No Finn you can not. Seems you do not understand the relationships.

Many Trade Unions are affiliated to the Labour Party as indeed are many Buisness organisations. The same can not be said for the Buisness Roundtable.


18th September 2006, 18:38
No Finn you can not. Seems you do not understand the relationships.

Many Trade Unions are affiliated to the Labour Party as indeed are many Buisness organisations. The same can not be said for the Buisness Roundtable.


Seems you don't understand the real world fish boy. Put the text book down for a moment. The relationship is driven by the same motivation.

The unions would not have the same power under a National government, in fact they are shit scared of their own pitiful existence should Nation govern NZ. This is because most of them are unemployable. Therefore they support Labour. You wouldn't find many businesses supporting Labour, unless they're privately owned by dumbass kiwi's.

On the other hand the BRT support National because they share common ideas of growth and prosperity.

Lou Girardin
18th September 2006, 18:50
I love the people advocating a National Govt. It it long term memory loss, short attention span, or some other reason you don't remember the debacle of Ruthenasia and the other horrors of the Bolger/Shipley years?
It wasn't Labour that consigned us to the longest recession since WW2.
To hell with both their party's.

18th September 2006, 18:57
I love the people advocating a National Govt. It it long term memory loss, short attention span, or some other reason you don't remember the debacle of Ruthenasia and the other horrors of the Bolger/Shipley years?
It wasn't Labour that consigned us to the longest recession since WW2.
To hell with both their party's.

I think it's more a case of people realising they've had enough of Labour's bullshit, lies and corruption. Yes, sure National have made some mistakes in the past but who else have we got to chose from to rid ourselves of this horrid cancer?

Besides, you've got to remember we're a poor developing country at the bottom of the world. If you take NZ seriously, you end up getting angry like me.

18th September 2006, 19:08
I think it's more a case of people realising they've had enough of Labour's bullshit, lies and corruption. Yes, sure National have made some mistakes in the past but who else have we got to chose from to rid ourselves of this horrid cancer?

Besides, you've got to remember we're a poor developing country at the bottom of the world. If you take NZ seriously, you end up getting angry like me.

10 sticks of celery

18th September 2006, 19:28
Clintons not doing anything - reckon he'd be better than any of the twats currently in or running for government - reckon he was a great US president!
Yep, he was a fantastic liar. If I am to vote for a professional liar, at least let it be one I like.

Lou Girardin
18th September 2006, 21:25
I think it's more a case of people realising they've had enough of Labour's bullshit, lies and corruption. Yes, sure National have made some mistakes in the past but who else have we got to chose from to rid ourselves of this horrid cancer?

Besides, you've got to remember we're a poor developing country at the bottom of the world. If you take NZ seriously, you end up getting angry like me.

So, you'll vote for a pack of arseholes just because they're different arseholes to the arseholes in Govt?

They're all still arseholes Finn, all full of the same shit.

18th September 2006, 21:26
Seems you don't understand the real world fish boy. Put the text book down for a moment. The relationship is driven by the same motivation.

The unions would not have the same power under a National government, in fact they are shit scared of their own pitiful existence should Nation govern NZ. This is because most of them are unemployable. Therefore they support Labour. You wouldn't find many businesses supporting Labour, unless they're privately owned by dumbass kiwi's.

On the other hand the BRT support National because they share common ideas of growth and prosperity.

Listen up Shorty. I stopped reading the text books years ago.

No the relationship 'was' not driven by the same motivation. Brash dipped his wick into the VP of the Buisness Roundtable. Unlike the Unions and Labour which is a political connection Brash had a sexual connection. Seems you need some lessons on the bird and the bees.

Yes, you are right in as much that under a National government many New Zealanders 'would be disinfranchised by their own government. Your comments have confirmed the obvious to those that do have an open mind and can think for themselves.

I am well aware of the common demominator between National and the Buisness Round Table. Yes they do share common ideas of growth and prosperity...............at the expense of those that give it to them.



18th September 2006, 22:30
Listen up Shorty. I stopped reading the text books years ago.

No the relationship 'was' not driven by the same motivation. Brash dipped his wick into the VP of the Buisness Roundtable. Unlike the Unions and Labour which is a political connection Brash had a sexual connection. Seems you need some lessons on the bird and the bees.

Yes, you are right in as much that under a National government many New Zealanders 'would be disinfranchised by their own government. Your comments have confirmed the obvious to those that do have an open mind and can think for themselves.

I am well aware of the common demominator between National and the Buisness Round Table. Yes they do share common ideas of growth and prosperity...............at the expense of those that give it to them.


National would always have the support of the BRT regardless of Brash rooting that lady.

18th September 2006, 22:31
So, you'll vote for a pack of arseholes just because they're different arseholes to the arseholes in Govt?

They're all still arseholes Finn, all full of the same shit.

Yes, cause these arseholes (National) are more in tuned to my way of thinking on the tax issue alone.

Lou Girardin
19th September 2006, 07:15
Yes, cause these arseholes (National) are more in tuned to my way of thinking on the tax issue alone.

You agreed with Maori Doug on the Treaty policies then?

19th September 2006, 08:05
You agreed with Maori Doug on the Treaty policies then?

Not at all and it's good that National now understands the wrong doing of their past.

19th September 2006, 18:43
National would always have the support of the BRT regardless of Brash rooting that lady.

Correct me if I'm wrong but 'that lady' is on record as saying dump Brash and watch your funds dry up.

Finn let's round this up and say that the whole thing is a result of penile dysfunction. Brash can't get it up with his misses and Clark can not get it up from her ol' man. Sound fair?? :whocares:



It's been 'finn' as usual :argue: with you. :rofl: :rofl:

19th September 2006, 22:16
Finn let's round this up and say that the whole thing is a result of penile dysfunction. Brash can't get it up with his misses and Clark can not get it up from her ol' man. Sound fair?? :whocares: Skyryder
Fantasies Skyryder, fantasies, they usually hurt less than realities!

Remember, It doesn't really matter where you get your appetite just as long as you eat at home!

"Some" of us oldies just need a kick start to get us going. :spanking: "Bubbles!" (lol) Cheers John.

Lou Girardin
20th September 2006, 07:09
Not at all and it's good that National now understands the wrong doing of their past.

They'll sell us out in a heartbeat, if it meant getting Tariana into coalition.
Remember NZ First?
Bolger was so far up Winston's butt you could only see his soles.

20th September 2006, 08:03
They'll sell us out in a heartbeat, if it meant getting Tariana into coalition.
Remember NZ First?
Bolger was so far up Winston's butt you could only see his soles.

Yes our little insignificant island has had some troubled past however, this is Labour's 3rd term. They've had plenty of time to fix whatever problems we have except all they've done is milk us dry and made things worse. You would have though that they (like their die hard supporters) would stop blaming National everytimes someone challenges them.

Balding Eagle
12th October 2006, 21:36
Learn from the past but don't crucify any party for the actions of their forebears. To be locked into this thinking is to deny the existence of the ability to think.

What this Labour government has done is to tax us dry. They have $11.5 billion of our money that they have not used and they refuse to give it back to us until just before the next election. Another bribe with our own money.

Private enterprise almost always works better than government. What you have to realise/appreciate is that every dollar that is removed from you in tax, loses 25% of its value by the time that it gets to its intended target. That 25% is taken up by beauracracy/administration, call it what you will. The private prisons were working well but were closed down by this government for purely idealogical reasons. As was ACC.

Less taxes and more personal responsibility will make this place a great country. And before the bleeding hearts get into me, yes, I do have a social conscience and give to charities. I would give more if I wasn't taxed so much.

The Left talk about social justice, whatever that is meant to be. It is a shame that no one talks about social responsibility.

Shit, I need to go fishing!!!

12th October 2006, 21:55
Shit, I need to go fishing!!!

You and me together. Salmons' my weakness. What's yours??:beer:


Balding Eagle
12th October 2006, 22:09
On the 90 days issue I would say this. I am a union rep and have been in CEA negotiations. (which might surprise some people from my earlier posts.) However, what I have learnt is that it is very good, when in a debate, to put yourself in the other person's position. So to all those out there who disagree with the 90 days, put yourself in the position of the owner of the business. If you owned a business, would you want to take the risk on an employee who looked great initially but soon started to really screw you around. Not likely so therefore you don't employ anyone and everyone loses. The guts of it is, if you are a good employee, you have nothing to worry about. You can leave whenever you want. There are good employees and there are bad employees, just the same as there are good employers and there are bad employers. But employers should have the ability to dismiss an employee who is not up to it.

I feel a snapper coming on!!!! Don't twist that!!