View Full Version : Taupo May 06

19th September 2006, 22:11
I guess its time and I havnt been on KB for a while but we all remember the episode with Frosty being part of the chain gang.

I have stayed off KB due to the fact that I feel it was my fault. Its easy to stay off the site and say ...he pissed me off or she pissed me off. But I nearly got me ole mate killed.

The flag marshalls did their best ...but I did my worst. One of the marshalls came up to me and said ...wave the flags the chain is across. Its a new track and I didnt realise the significance of that comment. Trumpy did and went down only to see Frosty take out the chain.

Had the girls or Stroud taken the chain it would have been a worser outcome. Some of the flack that went on about marshalls and the track I wish hadnt.

To Frosty and all those I have abused covering my arse since ...I apologise and see you next track day. I wont be flaggin so ya safe

19th September 2006, 22:28
Damn Frosty, capitalise on this situation immediately, back rubs for life yo !!

I knew nothing of this, but it takes guts to come clean about something and apologise MadDuck. Well done.

19th September 2006, 22:34
Damn Frosty, capitalise on this situation immediately, back rubs for life yo !!

I knew nothing of this, but it takes guts to come clean about something and apologise MadDuck. Well done.

Spoken like a true gent SwanTiger.....i knew ya had it in ya......:2thumbsup

19th September 2006, 23:18
Accidents happen sometimes, could have been worse.

19th September 2006, 23:25
MadDuck, me thinks you're being too hard on yourself girl.

There are a whole raft of reasons as to why this happened and how it could have been avoided. Accidents usually happen because of a chain (excuse the bad pun) of events and if any one of the links is broken the accident can be avoided. Sure, you may have been able to stop it, but so could any one of a number of people, or a slightly different series of events.

The fact is it DID happen and we've just got to try and make sure it doesn't happen again, through better communication, better co-ordination, defined responsibilities, etc etc.

20th September 2006, 06:52
MadDuck, me thinks you're being too hard on yourself girl.

There are a whole raft of reasons as to why this happened and how it could have been avoided. Accidents usually happen because of a chain (excuse the bad pun) of events and if any one of the links is broken the accident can be avoided. Sure, you may have been able to stop it, but so could any one of a number of people, or a slightly different series of events.

The fact is it DID happen and we've just got to try and make sure it doesn't happen again, through better communication, better co-ordination, defined responsibilities, etc etc.

Well said.
There are lots of ifs and but in all of these situations (if I wasn't so damn fat and unfit, I might have been able to run fast enough to reach the chain in time etc) but none of these regrets will make any difference to what happened. However, with the knowledge of hindsight we can change the future for the better......(although I am still fat).

20th September 2006, 21:24
Folks I will not accept an apology from MADDUCK. Not out of spite but because she has NOTHING to apologise for.
I stand by that 100% -The best action she could take in that particular situation was not to react at all.
Heres a cut n past of one of many e mails I recieved and sent in the month following this incident

YOU are pissed off?? –Dude I nearly died !!! –by all accounts I should be dead – My lid is fucked and so is my bike-not to mention the damage to me.(Ohh and to answer that question NO I’m not Ok –damaged voice box and asophagus)
The cost to ME for someones actions is in the thousands of dollars .

1)I diddn’t know who put the chain up and have not put blame on anyone. In fact this is the first time ANYONE has told me who actually put it there.

2)Once the chain was put up somebody was going to die its that simple.It is an EXTREMELY dangerous way to close a track. If the lady concerned had flagged end of session it would have been 4 bikes into the pits not just one and she well knew it.The only thing that could have been done was to take the chain down which should have been done the second anyone realized there were still bikes on the track.

3) I stand behind my report 100% --the marshalling was top rate with fast reactions to my instructions at all times. I couldn’t have asked for more

Heres a cut and paste fyi from the KB site

Thanks for the messages of concern folks.
This is Pillion typing for FROSTY
I was discharged from Rotorua hospital at 4.00pm today.
I talked my way out of an operation (now that would have been interesting to see/hear)
Not feeling 100 percent (or actually even 50percent).
It seems I've done damage to my food pipe and my voice box so I'm really tired and very hungry.At this stage theres about a 50/50 chance its permanant.(sexy very quiet sean connery voice)
As to what happened. Its been pretty well explained elsewhere. I was following two gals around the track whilst they had a private tuition session with Anderw Stroud --as a mobile marshal in case anything happened to them. I decided after 10 minutes or so it was time to call it quits. I came off the track to wave the flag but there was a chain slung across the pit entry road at neck height. I hit it with my neck and flew backwards off the bike. I took the impact on my neck,broke the chain in two and tore it off at both ends. I flew backwards and smacked my head on the track. The bike carried on and smashed down on its left side.
I won't let this tarnish an otherwise fantastic day so please lets not talk about the blame thing.
I am literally just thanking God I peeled in early because the concequences had it been one of the gals or Andrew wouldn't bear thinking about.


21st September 2006, 08:05
Madduck, forgive yourself mate, we have! :hug: See you at the track!