View Full Version : Would you sell your bike for an engagement ring or a wedding?

F5 Dave
25th June 2004, 10:47
I saw an add last night claiming the reason for sale was as such.

Ok this is just a sly lead-in so I can ask a question

Now the girl has been making all sorts of noises & I’ve been consoling her a bit to shut her up while I ease myself into the whole idea. No I’m not intending to sell even one of my bikes (one for every day & a spare), but well, at some time, I guess, I might, make her, you know, an honest woman. :puke:

Every time we have a few drinks she becomes a bit more blatant & of late has started to talk about engagement rings. She says she doesn’t want a solitaire (whatever that is?) But something a bit more funky probably with a lesser cut of Diamond. Well she is the frugal type so I thinks.

Anyway yesterday she winds up visiting this manufacturing jeweller & says she’s found the ring she wants! ‘Course it’s the thick end of 5K! :doh:

I mean I haven’t even asked her to marry me yet, Sheesh!

So what do you guys think is a reasonable amount of money for one of these dam things?? I mean I’m not broke or anything but it still seems like such a waste. I bought my touring bike for that much.

Yes she will have it for the rest of her life (hopefully) & she says maybe we should talk about how much she should put in, but is that a loaded question or what? You can just see her complaining to her friends in 10 yrs time, - :crybaby: he’s so tight he made me buy my own ring.

James Deuce
25th June 2004, 10:52
There's compromise and then there's the "I'll change him" approach.

If you have to sell so much as a front axle she's trying the "change" thing on.

In the long run it just doesn't matter. So long as both of you accept each other for who you are you'll be sweet.

I would suggest that if you sold a bike of your own recognisance, that would be heartfelt compromise, and an excellent measure of your feeling for the lass in question.

If you get badgered into it, you are in trouble brother.

25th June 2004, 10:53
Well I say NO WAY !!! :2guns: be true to yourself man, if you like your bikes then why should you give them up ?? I got rid of my bike 10 years ago for the slang that I divorced in the end, and the whole time I was married I regreted it ALOT, I made murmurs of getting another one but she would not allow it. You are a complete package ,complete with bikes so stay treu mate.
If you aint got 5k you aint got 5k and she cant have the ring, end of story.
At worst chuck the ring on finance and keep your bikes

White trash
25th June 2004, 10:55
I sold my engagement ring to get a bike.

Trash to the core. <_<

25th June 2004, 10:58
So what do you guys think is a reasonable amount of money for one of these dam things?? I mean I’m not broke or anything but it still seems like such a waste. I bought my touring bike for that much.

Yes she will have it for the rest of her life (hopefully) & she says maybe we should talk about how much she should put in, but is that a loaded question or what? You can just see her complaining to her friends in 10 yrs time, - :crybaby: he’s so tight he made me buy my own ring.

Man i think thats way overpriced for an engagment ring... but than again what do i know... im only 22 and have no idea how much those things cost... :S

25th June 2004, 11:04
The brainwashing created by the artificially-inflated diamond industry has stated for some time that a man should spend two months' wages on a ring for his beloved. Take that as a guideline if you must.

Personally, I would find it a little, well, *bothering*, if I was unmarried and receiving those hints from a girlfriend. A woman who sat down with me and initiated a reasonable discussion on the subject, as I would do with her, would impress me a hell of a lot more than someone who just started dropping hints whenever she got tipsy. But then, I do have difficulty with women who aren't capable of at least *pretending* to be rational beings.

Of course, she's probably labouring under some manufactured romantic delusion that everything can't possibly be perfect unless you (insert dreamy sigh) go down on bended knee and (surprise!) present her with said enormous ring. So I will suppress my instinctive cynicism in reaction to your description of her and advise that if she's the woman you're in love with, then buy whatever makes her happy (with your own money, sell a bike or whatever you have to if necessary) and marry her pronto.

25th June 2004, 11:08
I would suggest that if you sold a bike of your own recognisance, that would be heartfelt compromise, and an excellent measure of your feeling for the lass in question.

If you get badgered into it, you are in trouble brother.

Right on! :niceone:

25th June 2004, 11:09
If you aint got 5k you aint got 5k and she cant have the ring, end of story.

Yeah. You got it.

There *is* the point that any woman that would nag a man to buy something he can't afford is pure poison and shouldn't be touched with a ten-foot barge pole. She'll spend the rest of their life together playing on his insecurities and natural protective instincts to get precisely what she wants without regard to his wellbeing. He'll end up fat, bald and fifty, staring into the bottom of a glass of cheap whisky after she finally divorces him because he didn't "complete her", wondering where his life went.

Ms Piggy
25th June 2004, 11:11
No WAY!! I'd never sell a bike for a ring or expect a man to do that for me...well I don't believe in marriage anyway so it's all good for me anyway :rolleyes:

As far as the amount that should be spent...hmmmm, tricky one really. Maybe go round to a few jewellery shops on your own & ask them what would be a realistic amount. It dpends what she wants. In the case of rings...more is better - unfortunately!

25th June 2004, 11:14
First off, jewellery is a bad investment - hyped up prices, despite what jewellers would try to make you believe.
Secondly, this relationship may not work out if she's pushing it and you're not sure yet. Having said that, my partner of 26-odd years (married for nearly 22) and best friend initially pushed me a bit with the marriage thing, until I thought through my feelings, fears, expectations, etc., and decided it was a Good Thing.
I haven't regretted it. Now having kids - that's another thing altogether....:Oops:
I think honesty is a very important basis for a relationship, and I think it'd be a good idea to sit down and tell her what you think about the whole getting married deal. It sounds as though you are not averse to the idea, but timing etc. is important. As is her understanding the importance of bikes in your life. I'd sell my bike if it came to a choice between bikes and her, and I've told my wife that, but she also knows (now, after a few battles) that bikes are part of who I am.

Unless you're toldlessly wealthy, $5K is way over the top for a ring. I like buying my wife jewellery, but I don't think that all the jewellery I've ever bought her would be worth that much! I do regret that the engagement ring WE picked was a bit on the small and inexpensive side, but my wife loved it (and still does), I had to cash in an insurance policy to pay for it (I was at uni at the time), and its insignificance has since been augmented by some complementary rings, so it's no big deal.

25th June 2004, 11:14
Yeah, the price isn't excessive (although it is inflated, but then you won't get a diamond that isn't). Any less than that and she *will* have friends with better rings. Which is approximately equivalent to you having friends with bigger penises.

Paul in NZ
25th June 2004, 11:16
Ok.. I'll have a go at this one...

I sold (amoung other things) a Rickman Metisse' moto crosser to buy Vickis engagement ring. At the time the rickman was in big bits (ok ok I blew it up chasing TM250's) and was not worth much but was always going to be super collectable and I knew I would never ever find or afford another one. However, we were broke (just finished OE) and desperately in love...

It's not the biggest rock ever bought by man but remember that the whole ring thing is a symbol and Vicki knows what it cost me.

24 years later I still wake up next to the most beautiful woman in the world that seems to get sexier and more beautiful every day. Did I get a bargain or what?? It was the best investment I ever made in my life.

OK. Having dated myself as old to ancient..

It didn't take long to get a return either.. We had years of renovating old houses and stuff that consumed all our spare money and I was reduced to a $75 Suzuki TS250 for a while. Then one day, while we were hauling the last load of crap to the dunp, I saw a 1970 Triumph TR6C for sale outside a shop. I told Vicki, after we buy the carpet for the house, I want a bike like that one. On the way home, Vicki drove (which was something she rarely did) and stopped outside the shop. Go find out how much it is she told me. It was exactly the amount we had saved for carpet.

Buy it she said. I can wait for carpet a bit longer and you have waited long enough.. I don't think I ever loved her more for that!!!

I'll tell you! I worked my arse off to save the money for that carpet!

I still have that bike, I'll never sell it!

I never look on our relationship as a finshed investment, it's a continual work in progress. I have many mates who's relationships never lasted the course (hey, I'm not taking mine for granted either or being smug here..). But I ask you this. How much emotion, money and effort do people put into their divorces??? If they put that money, effort and passion into their marriages then all the divorce lawyers would go out of business....

Good luck, I hope this helps... But ultimately, it's up to you!!

Paul in NZ

25th June 2004, 11:25
Sold a bike to pay the lawyers fees but that's about it.The wife bought her own wedding ring - but doesn't wear it on her left hand.I'm with Sea Lily on this one,marrige means nothing to me,an engagement - oh,come on!! Perhaps we should have a thread on the new law of commitment thing.

25th June 2004, 11:57
Ok.. I'll have a go at this one...
And a damned good go it was, Paul! Great story.:2thumbsup

It's not the biggest rock ever bought by man but remember that the whole ring thing is a symbol and Vicki knows what it cost me.Yeah - that's the thing. It's supposed to be a SYMBOL. The same with Karen and I; the ring wasn't expensive, but given that I had no money or assets except my insurance policy, it was the most I could buy, and still means a lot.

24 years later I still wake up next to the most beautiful woman in the world that seems to get sexier and more beautiful every day. Did I get a bargain or what?? It was the best investment I ever made in my life. You too? I look at my wife in the morning, and she seems to get more beautiful somehow. A strange phenomena...

OK. Having dated myself as old to ancient.. Too late - you already did that when you introduced yourself.:Pokey:

I saw a 1970 Triumph TR6C for sale outside a shop. I told Vicki, after we buy the carpet for the house, I want a bike like that one. ....Buy it she said. Now that Karen's worked out that Bikes Are Important To Me, she won't let me sell it. However, she's also said this is the last bike I'm 'allowed'. :eek5: I suspect if I keep giving her rides on it, and reminding her how planklike the seat is, that might change.... Mebbe I should start looking for summat comfy, some sort of LuxoTourer....

Really good post, Paul. I think it's going to be good having you on KB.:D

James Deuce
25th June 2004, 12:18
Really good post, Paul. I think it's going to be good having you on KB.:D

Until he gets drunk and goes all socialist on you that is.

F5 Dave
25th June 2004, 12:19
Wow! That got a quick response! Ok first things first I would never sell a bike to buy a ring or anything & long decided, having seen people sell bikes & of course resent their partner that anyone who would do that isn’t worth it.

My girl does like me having bikes, loves riding on the back & is making noises about learning to ride (sort of used to). She’s not particularly materialistic, makes her own cloths etc, but she is a romantic. . .

Yes I guess we are rationally talking about the future, just being a guy I’m dragging my feet & not rushing while I’m still young. Ok so I’m 36, so maybe I do need a push.

My real question is the dollar value. I mean I don’t have th money sitting around, but the mortgage is almost paid off again (took a another hit for more bikes) so I could blang it on. Just what would be the normal amount for a ring these days??

25th June 2004, 12:26
I saw an add last night claiming the reason for sale was as such.

Ok this is just a sly lead-in so I can ask a question

Now the girl has been making all sorts of noises & I’ve been consoling her a bit to shut her up while I ease myself into the whole idea. No I’m not intending to sell even one of my bikes (one for every day & a spare), but well, at some time, I guess, I might, make her, you know, an honest woman. :puke:

Every time we have a few drinks she becomes a bit more blatant & of late has started to talk about engagement rings. She says she doesn’t want a solitaire (whatever that is?) But something a bit more funky probably with a lesser cut of Diamond. Well she is the frugal type so I thinks.

Anyway yesterday she winds up visiting this manufacturing jeweller & says she’s found the ring she wants! ‘Course it’s the thick end of 5K! :doh:

I mean I haven’t even asked her to marry me yet, Sheesh!

So what do you guys think is a reasonable amount of money for one of these dam things?? I mean I’m not broke or anything but it still seems like such a waste. I bought my touring bike for that much.

Yes she will have it for the rest of her life (hopefully) & she says maybe we should talk about how much she should put in, but is that a loaded question or what? You can just see her complaining to her friends in 10 yrs time, - :crybaby: he’s so tight he made me buy my own ring.

First you give her the ring....then married bliss briefly follows....then she realises " hey, I'm not being FULFILLED here"...then it turns to shite and she starts to hate you with a surprising amount of enthusiasm...then she gets your house and everything in it..and sticks you with ongoing cost for what's left of your blighted life.....hey I think you should forget the diamonds, just wrench your still beating heart out of your chest and let her feed it to the dog NOW (it'll be a lot less hassle)

F5 Dave
25th June 2004, 12:43
But I don't own a dog & it wouldn't fit my lifestyle. Besides, anything smelling worse than me gets to live outside.

25th June 2004, 12:57
d Dude at the end of the day You really need to decide--do I actually want to get married.?The price of the rock is really accedemic isn't it?
What I would do though is first make your decision. Then make it clear that you will never serll your bikes etc and that part of you will never change.
Once you have made that clear then i'd buy a nice ring on sale or return
Go flashy but not too flashy.
Most important -Ask her in a romnantic way . It is very important to a lady
I took my ex for a trip on the waipa delta -paddle steamer and as the sun set over the water I proposed.
We lasted 10 years together and we are sdtill besat freinds so summat must have been right

25th June 2004, 12:58
I spent $1300 on a ring for my ex. She's still got it :( And I sold a crappy condition Mini 1000 to pay for it. Still miss that car ;)

When it came time for Gini and I to be engaged, we fudged things a bit as money was a bit tight.

She had a ring that she had had for nearly ten years that happened to have a very expensive diamond in it.

So we got the diamond taken out, and the gold from the ring used to make a new ring.

We got kind of matching rings. Mine is a two colour gold jobbie with a band of yellow gold celtic knots with white gold bands outside it.

Hers is a beautiful solitaire with triple knots (you know like on Charmed ) on each side framing this huge diamond.

Anyway, what I mean to say is, we both decided on what we wanted, and we both contributed to the deal. Marriage is a thing you should do TOGETHER. Start off on the right foot and hopefully you will continue to work together for the rest of the relationship.

Of course, there's still the possibility of things going wrong. I've been thrown out of the house once already this year ;)

F5 Dave
25th June 2004, 13:58
. . . We got kind of matching rings. . .

Yeah there's another thing, how many guys get wedding rings?

I really don't want one, I'd only end up garking it doing an engine swap or something (which is why I have a weekend digital watch). Though a friend has a cool Titanium one if I was really pressed, but I think she is ok with me not having one.

Frosty: I guess I have made my decision, just being cautious seeing as it’s an important one & also a little scared -as you do. Selling the bikes is a no option (she was well aware of this, we were best friends for 6 yrs before we got together), just it was an interesting sidenote to see how many would/had.

Paul in NZ
25th June 2004, 14:19
I don't wear one. For years I was working on live power and it was a major hazard. I still don't use a metal watch strap. However, I just don't like jewelry of any sort. Vicki loves it, the ring was important to her. I could not have given a rats patootie.

Then again, she felt the same way about the bike...

Now, I pretend I like gardening and she pretends to like bikes...


25th June 2004, 14:20
LOL,The Mrs & I only really got married to get a married couples job on a dry stock farm.After 24yrs I finaly got round to buying her a wedding ring.
My wife and I were togeather for quite a few years before we got married,We don,t need a ring to prove anything to each other or anybody else either.
Hey have you seen the size of a Diamond compered to a bike.Hell no, nothing that small is worth that much anyway.

25th June 2004, 14:55
I like the watch idea - Sarah and I have discussed this and agreed - She gets a ring worth approx "X" much and I get a nice watch of the same value.

It's a good compromise as we both get a nice shiny gift.

25th June 2004, 15:04
Here's a pic of my wedding ring

25th June 2004, 15:20
I was waiting for a reply from the other side of the fence - thought it might be you Jack.Same here - we got married because we ''needed'' to,my wife cried on our wedding day,but not from joy,she uses the name she was born with,same as I do.We've known each other for 30yrs,married for 23 with 4 kids - we don't need to exchange vows and rings to prove we have a bonding that keeps us together come what may - someday we would like to get married because we want to,but like,who cares...we're happy (today)

Ms Piggy
25th June 2004, 15:23
Here's a pic of my wedding ring

I can't see it Celtic b/c it's showing as an x-rated image.

25th June 2004, 15:27
I can't see it Celtic b/c it's showing as an x-rated image.
Oh is that what that check box is for. I though it meant "include this image with your post". Sorry.

It certainly wasn't a picture of THAT ring ;)

Ms Piggy
25th June 2004, 15:42
It certainly wasn't a picture of THAT ring ;)

Ummmmm...errrrrr...yeah, thanks. I can see that ring now

Big Dog
25th June 2004, 16:18
In my experience women want the value of the ring to reflect your investment in the relationship.

I have yet to meet a woman who knows the true value of a piece of jewelery.

My advice would be buy something classic (real not zirconia as she will have it appraised, and only tell you about it if it was a fake) and that will fit in with her style. Eg don't get a tomboy anything to dainty, don't get a girly girl one engraved with Harley Davidson monika's.

Don't let her decide on the specific one, she will always be disappointed that you did not care enough to choose it yourself. But do read the mailers with her.

Do buy it on sale, but don't give it to her while it is still being advertised, and not for a couple more months for good measure.

Don't get anything to trendy, as it will be out of fashion before she has shown any one.

Never give a woman a ring bought for another woman (unless it was your grand mother / mother before you were born) she will find out, women have ways.

Choose a day that is important to her already to give it to her so that you have one less day you can be accused of forgetting. Make even the most insignificant ring look like a rock by letting her think you have forgotten said anniversay (first kiss / date / living together, don't ask me but they are important to those without y chromasones but it is not a good idea to celebrate first BJ or Root), take her out for a last minute "apology dinner". You know, the sort you have to wash your hair and shave for, not the sort you can take the kids along on. Wear a suit. Arange her favourite song in advance to use as a cue (not if her fav is Rob Zombie). The rest should be obvious AND REHEARSED.

25th June 2004, 17:03
Bloody hell - what a bunch of pussy whipped romantics - do you guys ride bikes or just talk about them,are they your fashion accessory? What's your tips on ironing a shirt? should I wash it first? bet ya like wine too!

F5 Dave
25th June 2004, 17:15
. . . do you guys ride bikes or just talk about them. . .

Mo'sickles?? Heavens no :blink: , they're dangerous aren't they??

25th June 2004, 17:25
. . . We got kind of matching rings. . .

Yeah there's another thing, how many guys get wedding rings?

I really don't want one, I'd only end up garking it doing an engine swap or something (which is why I have a weekend digital watch). Though a friend has a cool Titanium one if I was really pressed, but I think she is ok with me not having one.

i'm not a big jewelry guy either - but wanted a ring - something kinda industrial and different.
i was going to get a friend at AirNZ to make me one out of titanium
but then found this crowd in dunedin
i got their # 352 10mm wide with no inlay - completely plain.
i also didn't get it polished.
titanium's a very grey metal - and after it's scratched up a little - it looks excellent. i love it, i never take it off.

any questions - PM me
kind regards


Ms Piggy
25th June 2004, 17:31
Bloody hell - what a bunch of pussy whipped romantics - do you guys ride bikes or just talk about them,are they your fashion accessory? What's your tips on ironing a shirt? should I wash it first? bet ya like wine too!
Awwwwwww, I think it's sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. :love2:

25th June 2004, 18:09
Selling a bike to buy a ring is like saying your woman is more important than your bike,what kind of a ridiculous concept is that?Pretend you`re going to do it,if she smiles she`s obviously an evil twisted person and it`s time to get rid of her.

Posh Tourer :P
25th June 2004, 19:59
My parents both have plain gold rings with some minor patterning on them. Neither of them wear them, my dad hardly ever. He's an engineer and she's an early childhood teacher, so each has some hazards associated with rings :P A couple of friends of mine who got married recently got white gold matching rings, but no engagement ring afaik.

I dont think dollar value is an issue, get something different and unique. Of course she went out and looked at the highest value ring there, but I dont think she really seriously expects to get it.... I guess $1000 would be a maximum for me because I'm a poor student, but I would suggest you get the most unique thing you can find, as long as it still looks good. Two reasons, firstly she'll think you've put a lot of thought and love into it, secondly because she will never know how much it cost. If you arent giving up anything dear to you to buy it, she doesnt need to know how much it costs and will often be happier believeing it was very expensive. This scenario isnt going to happen if you chuck it onto the mortgage (In which case you're gonna have to spend more then arent you?? :P).

Remeber, she'll only wear it for however long you are engaged, and its the wedding ring that ought to be the really special one. I wouldnt go overboard on cost for both of them.... The cost of wedding rings ought to be shared, but I think the engagement ring ought to be out of your own money...

25th June 2004, 20:06
I saw an add last night claiming the reason for sale was as such.

Ok this is just a sly lead-in so I can ask a question

Now the girl has been making all sorts of noises & I’ve been consoling her a bit to shut her up while I ease myself into the whole idea. No I’m not intending to sell even one of my bikes (one for every day & a spare), but well, at some time, I guess, I might, make her, you know, an honest woman. :puke:

Every time we have a few drinks she becomes a bit more blatant & of late has started to talk about engagement rings. She says she doesn’t want a solitaire (whatever that is?) But something a bit more funky probably with a lesser cut of Diamond. Well she is the frugal type so I thinks.

Anyway yesterday she winds up visiting this manufacturing jeweller & says she’s found the ring she wants! ‘Course it’s the thick end of 5K! :doh:

I mean I haven’t even asked her to marry me yet, Sheesh!

So what do you guys think is a reasonable amount of money for one of these dam things?? I mean I’m not broke or anything but it still seems like such a waste. I bought my touring bike for that much.

Yes she will have it for the rest of her life (hopefully) & she says maybe we should talk about how much she should put in, but is that a loaded question or what? You can just see her complaining to her friends in 10 yrs time, - :crybaby: he’s so tight he made me buy my own ring.

I wouldn't sell my bike if my mum's life was at stake.

25th June 2004, 20:54
I sold my engagement ring to get a bike.

Thats more like it, boyo! :laugh:

25th June 2004, 21:10
Simple answer = No!. Narder, never no way in hell would I sell my bike unless I personally didnt want to ride again.

25th June 2004, 22:02
Well I'm not planning to sell the bike or get another wife, but to answer the question..........let's put it this way I can always get another bike and it took me thirty years to find the wife. :first: .............. no prizes for the right answer..............


25th June 2004, 22:39
Ok,I apoligise - some girl just came screaming and knocking at my door,but some thug dragged her back on the street and they went up the road yelling and screaming with him slapping her about - I've rung 111 and a patrol car is going to do a drive by...bloody West Auckland.

Get soppy...I'm happy to see some girls have loving attention,the other side is sadly lacking. :angry2:

25th June 2004, 23:48
...I can always get another bike and it took me thirty years to find the wife. :first: .............. no prizes for the right answer..............

Hmmm - the fellow has a point....so we'll put you down as a "no way", will we?

26th June 2004, 11:26
There's compromise and then there's the "I'll change him" approach.

If you have to sell so much as a front axle she's trying the "change" thing on.

In the long run it just doesn't matter. So long as both of you accept each other for who you are you'll be sweet.

I would suggest that if you sold a bike of your own recognisance, that would be heartfelt compromise, and an excellent measure of your feeling for the lass in question.

If you get badgered into it, you are in trouble brother.

I agree with Jim,

I also reakon JRandom has given VERY GOOD advice :There *is* the point that any woman that would nag a man to buy something he can't afford is pure poison and shouldn't be touched with a ten-foot barge pole.

Then theres this side of it.....
My lovely man designed my ring himself, melted down gold, set diamonds
and presented to me - it was soooo beautiful, but 8 months after we were
married someone else decided they needed my engagement ring (and his
wedding ring) more than we did. stolen! never to be seen again. So if its $400.00, 2k, 5k or 20k value it means nothing when you don't have it anymore, although I enjoyed it immensely when I did have it - nothing is a sure thing.

If you decide to spend the 5k -INSURE it immediately...thats all I can suggest

Ms Piggy
26th June 2004, 13:10
Remeber, she'll only wear it for however long you are engaged, and its the wedding ring that ought to be the really special one.

Ummmmmmm....actually when my ex husband & I were looking for an engagement ring I was much more excited about it than a boring ole gold band. My engagement ring cost about $500- and for me it was more a symbol of "our lurve" than about the $ value.

Kinda funy really that in the end I couldn't wear either rings b/c I had an allergic reaction to them and my hand ended up with a nasty BIG welt on it...I think that was a sign! :Pokey:

27th June 2004, 06:00
Hamish does have a wedding ring but doesn't wear it because it won't fit any more (all my tasty home cooking!!).

I have an engagement ring and a wedding ring, I wear them on my middle finger of the left hand because they're too big on my ring finger (I let Hamish eat all the cooking and I haven't yet gotten round to getting them resized). I don't wear any of my rings when I ride as I find them uncomfortable, they dig into my fingers (probably because they're too big).

The engagement ring we chose (did it together after he proposed) is the one that suited my hand, it's not the style I thought I'd like, tried several of those on and they didn't suit me. It's not the most expensive one I tried on, but it's the one I liked. A sapphire surrounded by diamonds.

My wedding band is plain gold with bevelled edges, which is what I wanted. Manufactured by the same manufacturing jeweller who made Susan Renouf's ring (so far mine's lasted longer than hers to Frank!!).

As to what you should spend? I don't really know. Diamonds are lovely - a couple of years ago I bought myself a lovely four-diamond ring that cost about $2,500- it was a replacement for a ring that I lost - via insurance. The ring I lost was my late mother's 1938 engagement ring, which I was gutted about. About a month ago Hamish found my mum's ring at the bottom of the gas heater - I'll never know how it got there but I was so pleased to have it back. I have repaid the insurance company. Sorry, :Offtopic:

Tip: make sure you get a valuation and certificate for insurance purposes, should the worst happen.

There are some good thoughts on this thread.

I think you should buy what you can afford, and what you and she like.

I would never sell one of my bikes for any material thing.

I still have my engagement ring from my first marriage. I never wear it, it has no meaning to me other than it's a small diamond ring. I would never get rid of it, but I would probably not ever wear it again. I sold my first wedding ring - kind of a very small trade-in when they made our wedding rings - but I did stipulate that I didn't want any of the gold from that in my new ring!

Good luck - let us know what pans out!! (I don't mean monetary-wise, that's your business - I mean if you ask her etc etc etc)

27th June 2004, 06:15
I sold my first wedding ring

I sold my wedding ring after getting fed up with looking at the thing about a year after my divorce.As usual got ripped-off by the shop I sold it to but didnt really care as the plan was to go and spend the money on beer,celebration of finally letting go I guess.Had myself a good few pints and when nature took it`s course it was kind of symbolic.

27th June 2004, 07:25
I sold my wedding ringWould have sold the rings (after separiating) but some cu*t stole them out of my flat (had to be one of the flatmates or one of their visiters cause nothing else was touched).

As for marrage I an't getting remarried until I find someone who is happy with me as I am (and I am happy with the way she is). That means IF I want to keep the bike I WILL, and if I decide that WE need the money and want to sell the bike to get it I WILL. I would not ask a partner to sell any of their possessions for me and I'd expect the same respect from my partner. Anything else would be disasterous.

As for the engagement ring, she (ex) choose it & the wedding rings (& would have been a total bitch about it if I had got anything else) and push the wedding ahead (it endding up being her mother's and her wedding, I was just part of the decorations).
Should have heard the warnings then.

If she's chosen the engagement already without your participation, be warned. Marrage is a JOINT affare. She will want to be envolved in you decisions, and needs to know that works both ways. Do not let yourself be pushed in to marrage (you'll both regret it). Only do it if it is what you BOTH want.

27th June 2004, 08:59
The ring I lost was my late mother's 1938 engagement ring, which I was gutted about. About a month ago Hamish found my mum's ring at the bottom of the gas heater - I'll never know how it got there but I was so pleased to have it back.

What a nice end to that story! insurance doesnt replace sentiment and to
find your mums ring again was so good to hear

Ms Piggy
27th June 2004, 09:36
The ring I lost was my late mother's 1938 engagement ring, which I was gutted about. About a month ago Hamish found my mum's ring at the bottom of the gas heater - I'll never know how it got there but I was so pleased to have it back.

The exact same thing happened to me with a Paua ring that my Aunty had given me, I was so dissapointed that I'd lost it but, down the bottom of the gas heater! Must be where the gremlins take them! ;)

27th June 2004, 10:35
I don't see the point in spending mega bucks on either rings or a wedding. Ive been to several weddings where they were held in a nice park reserve, native bush etc. Its all about getting together with friends and family, not spending 10's of thousands of dollars on a flash meal in a posh venue. Same with the ring, as its only a token of your love, so $$$ shouldn't really matter.

And theres always upgrading of the bike to be done....its all about priorities :first:

27th June 2004, 10:54
I don't see the point in spending mega bucks on either rings or a wedding. Ive been to several weddings where they were held in a nice park reserve, native bush etc. Its all about getting together with friends and family, not spending 10's of thousands of dollars on a flash meal in a posh venue. Same with the ring, as its only a token of your love, so $$$ shouldn't really matter.

And theres always upgrading of the bike to be done....its all about priorities :first:

Yeah, I;d agree Deano, 100's of years ago when we got married, it was in the domain at Auckland, family, freinds, sunny day, Bag Piper, I think from memory it was the celebrant who was late, he (the celebrant) was at the time a rather controversial mayor in west auckland, and was often involved in protests and concreting and such like, I remember thinking, shit the future Mrs F/F had changed her mind, and she apparently was thinking the same
thing about me, mean while Tim was away somewhere on a misson :shit: ,he got there about 30 mins late, after we got hitched, then it was home for a rip roaring piss up, :apint: :apint: and ended up being to drunk & :sick: to go on H/moon. :Offtopic:

Sorry, just reminded me about it all.


27th June 2004, 12:46
in a heartbeat.
no pile of rubber & steel is more important to me than my wife.
it's a no brainer for me personally...

F5 Dave
28th June 2004, 09:11
Ahh, but at a deeper more philosophical note:

Would you sell your Bike to buy another Bike?

Thought so -Quitters!!

Ok Lynda your off the hook.

Big Dog
28th June 2004, 17:52
This scenario isnt going to happen if you chuck it onto the mortgage (In which case you're gonna have to spend more then arent you?? :P).

So your saying put a trip to the casino on the same mortgage extension, this way if you get lucky you just paid for the wedding and the honey moon if not she still thinks you paid heaps.. Win / Win. :bleh:

28th June 2004, 20:43
he (the celebrant) was at the time a rather controversial mayor in west aucklandF/F

LMAO - your solemn, serious exchange of vows was conducted by Tim himself? Did he arrive in the limousine with the concrete mixer behind??

Some cruel people said that when he left Auckland for Invercargill he improved the standard of living in both cities...

But I always had a lot of time for him. A man who knew exactly how seriously to take life.

James Deuce
28th June 2004, 21:27
LMAO - your solemn, serious exchange of vows was conducted by Tim himself? Did he arrive in the limousine with the concrete mixer behind??

Some cruel people said that when he left Auckland for Invercargill he improved the standard of living in both cities...

But I always had a lot of time for him. A man who knew exactly how seriously to take life.

And the bastard got me into, deep, deep trouble when I was five. The first holiday break when I started school, the big kids were stacking the desks, and us little kids were drawing pictures.

Except I drew my version of the cover of "Bullshit and Jellybeans", complete with title. I've wanted the opportunity to give that bloody larrikin a good slapping since that day, to make up for the one my new entrants teacher gave me.

28th June 2004, 21:36
Anyway yesterday she winds up visiting this manufacturing jeweller & says she’s found the ring she wants! ‘Course it’s the thick end of 5K! :doh:

Well, a few points. For one, do a little research on how nasty the diamond trade is. There's a lot of literal blood goes into one of those stones.

Second, 5k is a bunch, especially if you can't afford it. I'd have serious questions about how well a relationship is gonna last if someone is going to be unreasonable about finances.

Thirdly, I know I'm married, but really, big whoop. Intention to stay together is what matters, and we still date our anniversaries on how long we've been together, not how long we've been married.

Finally, my wife wanted to get married. So she asked me. And bought me an engagement ring (nothing showy, just a gold puzzle ring). If she wants to get hitched, let her ask you. And buy you a ring.

29th June 2004, 07:04
LMAO - your solemn, serious exchange of vows was conducted by Tim himself? Did he arrive in the limousine with the concrete mixer behind

But I always had a lot of time for him. A man who knew exactly how seriously to take life.

As I recall Mike, he arrived late, Mrs F/F seems to think that he arrived by Helicopter(no dobut paid for by Westie rate payers) he had been out At Great barrier protesting about the logging of native timber, still had clay on his shoes. As for the job he did hitchin us, well were still together after 20 years, had a couple of kids who arn't too bad(have to say that as they are KBers as well), And she is the woman I want to grow old with. :love2: So yeah ,I think its worked out okay.

Firefight. :)

James Deuce
29th June 2004, 07:13
As for the job he did hitchin us, well were still together after 20 years, had a couple of kids who arn't too bad(have to say that as they are KBers as well), And she is the woman I want to grow old with. :love2: So yeah ,I think its worked out okay.

Firefight. :)

Congratulations on the 20 as that's a rare achievement becoming rarer. However - shhhhhh - your kids already think you're old ;)

F5 Dave
30th June 2004, 12:49
Well hey hey, pretty much of her own accord she has sort of come to the conclusion that maybe 5K is a pretty silly amount to spend on a ring, but in her defence she claims she is a girly & is prone to dreaming of this sort of thing. Made it a bit harder to spit out I just got a bonus yesterday that would cover it, but heck that’s going on the mortgage. Well I kinda need a new touring helmet, and a new chain for the race bike + the wets are getting a bit old. . .

Does this make me a bad person? Oh well, the new toys will console me.

Ahh, makes me think she is the right lass though. I'll have to look out for something real nice. Then with a half brick. . .

30th June 2004, 12:57
pretty much of her own accord she has sort of come to the conclusion that maybe 5K is a pretty silly amount to spend on a ring, but in her defence she claims she is a girly & is prone to dreaming of this sort of thing. .

Awww she sounds lovely. I bet that makes you want to buy the one she's
dreaming of now! she sounds like the kinda girl who would appreciate it forever

p.s on the female "credit system" (ie) when anniversaries or b/days get forgotten etc etc and points deplete, from now on, you will always be in credit,she only needs to look at that ring ...(joking )

F5 Dave
30th June 2004, 13:08
Yeah, it sort of does :weep: . But it would still be borrowed money & better to pay all that back & decide to get some new bedroom furniture for when we move in together. Think she’d appreciate that better. Esp. considering what mine looks like. :puke:

30th June 2004, 13:18
Would have been cheaper in the long run to buy a bike and not a ring, ahhh well, thats another whole long story not for here, boring ending lol :shutup:

30th June 2004, 13:21
Yeah, it sort of does :weep: . But it would still be borrowed money & better to pay all that back & decide to get some new bedroom furniture for when we move in together. Think she’d appreciate that better. Esp. considering what mine looks like. :puke:

Well, who says you can't surprise her one day when you are in a better position to do so (even years after you are married) with something shes dreamt of but never expected ....

in the meantime, she sounds like she would love any engagement ring shes presented with....I mean, hey...its an engagement ring, which means she has found a good man to take care of her,thats priceless.

James Deuce
30th June 2004, 14:12
its an engagement ring, which means she has found a good man to take care of her,thats priceless.

You'd find it more "priceless" if you'd met Dave. ;)

Big Dog
1st July 2004, 05:33
which means she has found a good man to take care of her,thats priceless.
Don't you mean to take care of?
I thought it went.. Men are looking for someone to cook, women are looking for someone to cook for? :Pokey:

Seriously though all the women I have met who are not married yet just haven't found the right project yet.