View Full Version : Criminal gets $60,000 bonus

4th October 2006, 11:27
And other case of only in NZ. What makes this even more disgusting is that Hulen stole this money from taxpayers in the first place to fund that fat bitches stomach operation and a few nice holidays so she could recover. I'm not sure if any of this money was used to whiten her though.

Now she gets $60,000. Still happy you voted for Labour?


4th October 2006, 11:32
Yeah she steals $82,409 off the kids from learning to read etc...
and the same Pipi Foundation she stole from decides to give her $60,000 back to her...

There is something so wrong here with the Pipi Foundation.

Pipi Foundation offers Huata $60,000 bonus

10.00am Wednesday October 4, 2006

The foundation Donna Awatere Huata defrauded of more than $80,000 has offered the disgraced former MP a $60,000 bonus, saying she should never have been prosecuted.

Despite being nearly bankrupted in the fallout over her offending, the Pipi Foundation has authorised the payment and is now awaiting an invoice from her before handing over the money, the Dominion Post reported today.

The $60,000 bonus was approved by foundation members seven days ago and is for work Mrs Huata did updating the four-minute reading programme two years ago.

The Pipi Foundation says she did not solicit the payment.

Revelations of the $60,000 bonus came yesterday after Mrs Huata and her husband Wi appealed against their conviction and sentence at the Court of Appeal in Wellington.

The Pipi Foundation supplied an affidavit to the court yesterday.

After the hearing spokesman Peter Nee Harland said Mrs Huata had earned the $60,000 -- and if it were up to the foundation, she would never have been prosecuted.

Whether she was guilty of the fraud charges was up to the court to decide, he said.

The foundation, a private trust with five trustees, had agreed on September 28 to the payment "for her input and expertise in improving and enhancing the so-called four-minute reading programme kindly settled by way of gift from her upon this organisation".

Mrs Huata had gifted the reading programme she devised to the foundation and she had estimated the cost of her and a colleague's services at $60,000.

"But the foundation never paid for it, so they felt they should," foundation lawyer David Porteous said.

Mrs Huata was jailed for two years and nine months for perverting the course of justice and defrauding the foundation of $82,409 -- spending some on a stomach-stapling operation and on boarding school fees for two of her children.

The former Act MP spent nine months in prison and less than three months on home detention. Wi Huata was sentenced to two years' jail but bailed to care for the couple's children, pending the outcome of the appeal.


4th October 2006, 12:19
Despite being nearly bankrupted in the fallout over her offending, the Pipi Foundation has authorised the payment and is now awaiting an invoice from her before handing over the money, the Dominion Post reported today.

The $60,000 bonus was approved by foundation members seven days ago and is for work Mrs Huata did updating the four-minute reading programme two years ago.

The Pipi Foundation says she did not solicit the payment

I don't get it - if it's a "bonus", why the need for an invoice? And if it wasn't solicited, why the need to deny that it was?

She's a dodgy one alright, and the Pipi foundation trustees need their heads reading....

Grumpy Gnomb
4th October 2006, 12:21
Who ever said being honest is the right thing to do

4th October 2006, 12:40
Donna Awatere Huata Not To Accept Money From Pipi Foundation

NewsRoom.co.nz Agency Story at 1:00 pm, 04 Oct 2006

Former Act MP Donna Awatere Huata will not accept a payment of up to $60,000 from the educational trust she defrauded.

She was jailed for two years and nine months for defrauding the Pipi Foundation of more than $82,000.

The foundation has offered her and an associate $60,000, for their work developing a four-minute reading programme for schools.

It says it is only fair to pay for the improvements to the programme over the past seven years.

But Mrs Awatere Huata's lawyer, Jeremy Bioletti, says while she appreciates the offer, she says she would never take the money.

(c) NewsRoom 2006

4th October 2006, 12:45
But Mrs Awatere Huata's lawyer, Jeremy Bioletti, says while she appreciates the offer, she says she would never take the money.


The Foundation will just buy her something worth that amount.....maybe a facelift she so dearly needs.

4th October 2006, 12:47
... she says she would never take the money...

She would tho, wouldn't she? She should at least send an invoice marked 'paid' along with a thank you for the $22409 'bonus'

4th October 2006, 12:52
Former Act MP Donna Awatere Huata will not accept a payment of up to $60,000 from the educational trust she defrauded......while she appreciates the offer, she says she would never take the money.

I feel a Tui ad coming on.....

4th October 2006, 14:51
And other case of only in NZ. What makes this even more disgusting is that Hulen stole this money from taxpayers in the first place to fund that fat bitches stomach operation and a few nice holidays so she could recover. I'm not sure if any of this money was used to whiten her though.

Now she gets $60,000. Still happy you voted for Labour?


:Pokey: bloody money could have been used on the drive by shooting's in pamly, may have given the shooters abit more sence ,:spanking:

4th October 2006, 14:55
Sends a good message to the kids out there don't it?

Brian d marge
4th October 2006, 16:56
I have just read the newspaper, what the frigg am I doing wrong....

Maybe its this get up and go to work thing That I dont understand ... I mean I work , and get stuff all

She goes to pokey for 2 years and gets 60 000 ... ( unless its all talk to ..try and sweeten the media,,as in there was never any 60 000)

shit always floats to the top ,,,,,,,unless you is ill then it cannons to the bottom


4th October 2006, 17:52
.... she says she would never take the money....

I listened to an interview this arvo on the radio with the current chairman of the Pipi Foundation (I think) and WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!

There are several really stinky things in here, didn't the Trust get its funding pulled, so where is the $60K coming from? (that would buy a shit load of books)

He also talked about this being a payment for some work that DA and and some other (un-named person) did. So has this other person been paid? How much?

I though this was a Gubbermint (oops thats ewenme!) funded trust, not a business.

Not happy:angry:

4th October 2006, 17:54
Well I think she is sweet, attractive, hard working, charming and as honest as the day is long and she worked hard for all 4 minutes on that reading program, so she deserves the $60,000 bonus.
I'm so distressed she has been ripped off I am thinking of assigning my Superannuation over to her and her needy family.
Share the love people.
Hope she gets on to Dancing with Stars next season. She is so light fingered and quick on her feet at sidesteps.

4th October 2006, 17:58
Now she gets $60,000. Still happy you voted for Labour?

Is that all???

4th October 2006, 17:59
A question:

Why is it that the only people "stealing" from the Maori people are the Pakeha?

4th October 2006, 18:25
The Pipi Foundation spokesperson also said that they dont have a lot of money to run things.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why are they wanting to give away $60,000 then?????????

Surely that money should be used to keep the Pipi Foundation going to educate the children and help these kiddies to learn to read etc....

4th October 2006, 20:17
The Pipi Foundation spokesperson also said that they dont have a lot of money to run things.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why are they wanting to give away $60,000 then?????????

Surely that money should be used to keep the Pipi Foundation going to educate the children and help these kiddies to learn to read etc....

Shit it's obvious. It's all a PR stunt to make the stomach tuck bimbo look good for her coming appeal.

Thought Finn would have seen through this but his predjuice not only against Maori but the Labour Party blinds him from the obvious.


4th October 2006, 20:25
The News said she is not going to except it as she was never in it for the money. :hug: :innocent: :whistle:

4th October 2006, 20:28
The News said she is not going to except it as she was never in it for the money. :hug: :innocent: :whistle:

See I 'was' right. It's all PR just like her stomach staple. All PR. The woman must think we are all as dumb as she is.


5th October 2006, 06:43
And in the traditional maori way, they pull the race card blaming their short falls on the white man and are now claiming civil rights violations for why NZ (except SkyRyder who has the guilt of the country on his pink skin) don't like what they did.

Or it could be that they are lazy, theiving criminals that got caught dipping their filthy hands into tax paxers money.

5th October 2006, 13:38
Herald today.... now its sex appeal why she was crucified - the big hair and other pivotal attractions!

He (the husband) said he and his wife were often subjected to unfair criticism because of the way they appeared in public.

Huata quoted from the poem: "Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise? That I dance like I've got diamonds at the meeting of my thighs?"

He said: "When I think of the jury and how they found us guilty, a lot of it had to do with how we looked and that was what probably pissed a lot of people off, but I just thought 'damn! my wife's attractive'."

Finn - how can Maori steal their own money. They paid more taxes than any of the rest of us. About a million in property for each one alive today.

5th October 2006, 13:54
Finn - how can Maori steal their own money. They paid more taxes than any of the rest of us. About a million in property for each one alive today.

Shit, they must be really old maoris.

5th October 2006, 14:11
...she says she would never take the money.
"Take"? No.
Accept if "given", that's a different matter entirely.

Donna and Wi:
More slippery than a greased eel in a bucket of KY...

5th October 2006, 15:01
If its any consolation, those fuckers live down the road from me in a shed, just out of Hastings.
I drive past their 'house' each day. When I mean 'house' its a packing shed near the road on an orchard which I think was theirs.
They had a large fruit retail shop not far from there, but I note its sold and all the trees pulled.
Hopefully the powers that be have taken all their money from the sales........but I doubt it.

5th October 2006, 17:06
And in the traditional maori way, they pull the race card blaming their short falls on the white man and are now claiming civil rights violations for why NZ (except SkyRyder who has the guilt of the country on his pink skin) don't like what they did.

Or it could be that they are lazy, theiving criminals that got caught dipping their filthy hands into tax paxers money.

I don't like anyone dipping their snout in the public trough no matter what colour of skin. It's just that the difference between me and you Finn is I base my arguments of facts an logic, unlike you which is bigotry and a bad case of sunburn on the neck.


5th October 2006, 20:34
It's just that the difference between me and you Finn is I base my arguments of facts an logic, unlike you which is bigotry and a bad case of sunburn on the neck.

You're onto me, but I think you'll find there's quite a few more differences than just those. I'm not really a bigot, I just think that maori could try a little harder to fit into my country.

Hey, why do you always end your banter with your name like a signature? It's a post in a forum, not a formal letter. Besides, your name is on the title bar of the post so why repeat it? Get with the program old timer.

5th October 2006, 20:43
He's doing it out of consideration for you. He knows how short your attention span is , and how slow you read, so he realises that by the time you get to the end of the post you've prolly forgotten what the name at the top was

5th October 2006, 21:17
Which is a particularly useful trick in your case. Now stop arguing and come back to bed.

Mum xx

Brian d marge
6th October 2006, 01:44
Well you must admit , it does seem that way ..and the number do tend to suggest ,,,It must be hard for the average hard working maori fella , when all around the general concensus is hes shit,,, Then to top it of these 2 fu"'''#($)s go and steal 80 grand and end up scott free ..( two years is scott free)

If ever there needs to be a drive by these 2 need to be used for practice,,,


( another old timer )

Lou Girardin
6th October 2006, 05:58
Yeah I'm really jealous of a scrawny old crone and a fat crook in a bad suit.
Where did I go wrong?

6th October 2006, 07:13
Herald today.... now its sex appeal why she was crucified - the big hair and other pivotal attractions!

He (the husband) said he and his wife were often subjected to unfair criticism because of the way they appeared in public.

Huata quoted from the poem: "Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise? That I dance like I've got diamonds at the meeting of my thighs?"

He said: "When I think of the jury and how they found us guilty, a lot of it had to do with how we looked and that was what probably pissed a lot of people off, but I just thought 'damn! my wife's attractive'."

She's attractive ?????:crazy: :scratch: :weird: :confused: :shit: :sick:

6th October 2006, 07:44
Yeah I'm really jealous of a scrawny old crone and a fat crook in a bad suit.
Where did I go wrong?

Well it probably started with some good parenting, a decent education and a good attitude. You failure you.

6th October 2006, 07:53
can i just say here..........dont make this a Maori/Pakeha thing. Some of you are just a bit unfair. I would also like to say - Maori dont look like her HAHA truth is, i think that that husband of hers is blardy hopeless as well and the things he says in the media are just stupid and that Pipi foundation - while they DID excellent work for readers - they sure are divided. I wouldnt be surprised if Wi and his henchmen had been along to try to coax that money out of them.

6th October 2006, 10:58
...dont make this a Maori/Pakeha thing....

Yea......gotta blame the fucken asian drivers........

6th October 2006, 11:20
ok HAHA! damn them!