View Full Version : The Immutable Laws of Motorcycling

11th October 2006, 16:02
The Immutable Laws of Motorcycling

Motorcycling is not dangerous. Crashing is what is dangerous.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

You start with a bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately the experience usually comes from bad judgment.

Keep scanning and doing head checks. There is always something you have missed.

In the ongoing battle between motorcycles traveling at high speeds and the ground traveling at zero, the ground has yet to lose.

In the ongoing battle between vehicles weighing over a tonne and motorcycles weighing less than a tonne, the rule of weight applies.

The only time you have too much fuel is when you are on fire.

If you wear an open face helmet, avoid crashing face down.

Tests have shown that good leathers slide on bitumen for 80 metres before wearing through. Denim slides 8 metres and everything else is worse than that. Only wear denim for short slides.

It is always a good idea to keep the end with the large light going forwards as much as possible.

Stay out of fog (clouds). The silver lining is probably a Mercedes.

Big Dave
11th October 2006, 16:05
It should be 'right of weight' applies.

11th October 2006, 16:11
The Immutable Laws of Motorcycling
It is always a good idea to keep the end with the large light going forwards as much as possible.

I like that. Well found :)

11th October 2006, 16:39
My "experience" bag is full... I think my "luck" bag has a slow leak:weep: or maybe it's my "ball" bags? not too sure on that one?:cool:

11th October 2006, 18:00
Surprisingly, I found this on the Ulysses Australia website!


11th October 2006, 19:05
seen exactly the same list (but longer) with motorcycle replaced by plane ,i'll try to find it some are shit funny!

11th October 2006, 19:38
sure...so after 8 meters i pull off my jeans and replace them with the leather pants that are hanging in my wardrobe. lol

very good...i like that. o yeh....fogs a bitch! ran into some wicked fog between rotorua and taupo coming back from paeroa, was so thick i literally couldnt see past the mirrors...i had no idea where i was going or anything!

17th October 2006, 19:52
In the ongoing battle between motorcycles traveling at high speeds and the ground traveling at zero, the ground has yet to lose.

this is wear you need to learn the art of missing the ground.