View Full Version : More rock throwing

14th October 2006, 08:23
What the f*ck can be done? These bloody kids (I assume it's kids) think it's funny to chuck rocks at vehicles on the motorway!?! Was the death of that young guy not publicised? Is there something mentally wrong with these f*ckers?
Sorry, I suppose in the context of KB this is just *another* societal rant and won't mean anything in the overall scheme of things, but it still pisses me off.

The most chilling part of the Stuff article (http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3828816a11,00.html) is the quote "My biggest concern was if ... it had hit me I've got a 30-tonne truck that I have got to try and stop from killing someone." The driver's first concern is about killing someone else...

14th October 2006, 08:56
Shown on the news last night. Worst thing (almost) was cops "Wouldn't attend incident because we are dealing with more serious stuff" Excuse me?

James Deuce
14th October 2006, 08:59
It's quite simple. If you see someone doing it, exit the motorway, go back to the overbridge, get the tyre iron out and beat them until their head is soft and squishy. The Police aren't going to turn up, because they have more serious stuff to go to. Like vigilantes beating up teenagers with tyre irons.

14th October 2006, 09:37
Yes, I thought the police response was terrible - and I bet the family of the guy who was killed by one of these genetic throwbacks feels the same way.

They've seen the consequences of the slab of concrete hitting a car, now they obviously want bigger targets. Can you imagine the carnage if one of those truck drivers had lost control?

Shame none of their cuzzie bros are travelling along that stretch of road when they're having their 'fun'.

14th October 2006, 12:57
I had a thought that mounting a gun turret on trucks might help...?

14th October 2006, 16:04
catch them and throw the rock at the head of the parent(s).

will work a treat, trust me

14th October 2006, 16:13
catch them and throw the rock at the head of the parent(s).

will work a treat, trust me

I doubt it would make any differance and probably not even be noticed even if it was a direct hit.

14th October 2006, 16:16
<img src="http://images.google.co.nz/images?q=tbn:QBsOjr4k_pQNJM:http://www.officialherogear.com/images/Street-Justice-LARGE.jpg">

14th October 2006, 16:27
catch the idots,then make them the target oneway or the other.:Pokey:

14th October 2006, 16:34
Shown on the news last night. Worst thing (almost) was cops "Wouldn't attend incident because we are dealing with more serious stuff" Excuse me?

Yip I pretty much live across from the overbridge and theirs always groups of Teenagers hanging around.Where I live/work I've seen guys high on something swearing at nothing and then running across the motorway. I have groups of kids yelling out to me,giving me the finger,spray painting shit I can't even read on fences. I've phoned the police five times when our house has been attacked my golf balls. I had the 111 operator on the phone for 10-15mins while our house has been pelted with golfballs (and she could hear them hitting the house).I was then told that they would have sent a cop car around but they are all out chasing a burglar at present. I was then told to give the community constable a call on Monday. I did, left messages and have never had a phone call or visit.

So the question is what is serious stuff?

Not cop bashing as we all know it's a fucking hard job and mostly thankless but I can see why some people take the law in their own hands sometimes.

Lou Girardin
14th October 2006, 16:34
If the cops won't do anything (they do know it's happening), then it's up to citizens.
People can't throw rocks with broken elbow joints.

14th October 2006, 16:50
What chance has a motorcyclist got negotiating these areas through a hail of missiles, if bloody heavy vehicles are getting knocked about!

These bastards are a menace and need to be taken out, (if Police cant be bothered) maybe a suitably placed sniper could make them feel that they have attracted the required amount of attention!

Sort of getting to be "kill or be killed" in this country today. :mad: John.

14th October 2006, 17:49
These bastards are a menace and need to be taken out, (if Police cant be bothered) maybe a suitably placed sniper could make them feel that they have attracted the required amount of attention!

We got a trained one here. Anyone for a whipround. Just kidding. I think.:beer:


14th October 2006, 18:02
Shown on the news last night. Worst thing (almost) was cops "Wouldn't attend incident because we are dealing with more serious stuff" Excuse me?

Funny that they sent patrols and a dog handler who tried to track the guys then isn't it?


14th October 2006, 18:20
"...The offenders probably live locally..." So round up the local street kids or impose a curfew and see what the result is. You target the minor crime before it becomes major crime. Rock throwing may not be all that serious - until someone gets killed. Oh, silly me that's right - that has already happened. And I'm sure the young man who was killed think it's as funny as those clowns think chucking rocks at vehicles is.
This is not about cop bashing - they're trying to do a difficult job in tough conditions. This is about sorting out the motherfuckers who think it's fun to try and seriously injure or kill innocent people.

14th October 2006, 18:36
[QUOTE=oldrider;786544]What chance has a motorcyclist got negotiating these areas through a hail of missiles, if bloody heavy vehicles are getting knocked about!

will that's bloody serious thought about a car, but hang on, i ride a motorbike as well thats pretty scary, espeacily with no windscreens or steel.:spanking:

Mr. Peanut
14th October 2006, 18:46
What chance has a motorcyclist got negotiating these areas through a hail of missiles, if bloody heavy vehicles are getting knocked about!

Its unlikely, a motorcyclist is more of a "human" target. The consequence for action more obvious. Also, a motorcycle has nowhere near the frontal area of a truck, and would be difficult to hit.

Anyway; the whole idea is to smash a windscreen, not a head. It's just that the thought doesn't go much past that.

I think the perfect punishment would be a day suspended underneath the bridge. Completely at the mercy of whether or not said truck wants to change lanes...

14th October 2006, 18:57
Linch Mob justice!

Let's hold the cunts down and drop a cinder block on their fucking head


14th October 2006, 18:58
Round up the Bastards and suspend them from the overbridges by their gonads, aprox six feet above the road. This would stop any re-offending and act as a deterrent to any further retards who may be considering these mindless acts of behaviour.
Now lets see how eager they are to see a truck coming.

Paul in NZ
14th October 2006, 19:02
Well we do have an emerging and VERY serious problem with stupidity and violence - usually present in the same person. Making the penalty stiifer or drawing attention to it just makes it a cooler thing to do to these cess pits but since their whole education has been reality TV shows (they are all just waiting to be discovered by NZ Idol eh) what chance have we got of changing it??

My own barbaric views are well known here on KB but in all seriousness....

We got to DO something. We cannot employ enough cops to monitor every bridge so we need to do something to stop this cycle of idiocy.

I dunno - I reckon some of this surplus could be spent on making sure parents recieving a benefit are doing their bit in return to make sure their kids are being raised properly. Extra help should be availiable to sort the families out.

There needs to be genuine consequences. I drove through a less desireable part of town a while back and watched a patched up gang guy yelling at his kids and strolling about with a baseball bat looking like the lord of flatbush. In a way he is... Some 14 yr old kid the other day (reported in local rag) with 2 adults beat the shit out of an exchange student with a hammer for his cellie, eftpos / pin etc and his dream was to be a patched up gang member... Fuck me, at 14 I wanted to be a bloody fireman.

Society as we know it is changing. We all got a lot greedier and we are all paying the price now. We all need to do something - I just wish I knew exactly what?

Paul N

Mr. Peanut
14th October 2006, 19:04
I'm not greedy :|

14th October 2006, 19:12
the people have had enough, if the govt/cops don't do it, then one day, as it has happened before, will do something. well at least you would hope so, nothing like an angry mob :D


14th October 2006, 19:18
the people have had enough, if the govt/cops don't do it, then one day, as it has happened before, will do something. well at least you would hope so, nothing like an angry mob :D


Dems fighting words. For further correspondance view signature.

14th October 2006, 19:18
Vigilante and Lynching are two words that come to mind.


Lou Girardin
15th October 2006, 06:03
Funny that they sent patrols and a dog handler who tried to track the guys then isn't it?


The cops DO know where the overbridge is, right?
So, take some cops off dayshift revenue patrol and stake out the bridge till you catch them.
It ain't rocket science. Even for morons who are too scared/dumb to prosecute the Labour party.

15th October 2006, 06:36
Society is changing, although it's never been that much better in NZ ever, we just think the good old days were the good old days.

But the key word is society. We're part of society, all of us affect what NZ is like. Just as much as govt policy and more so than police numbers.

If society says something is unacceptable, and as a majority we stand together then things can change. But the problem is things usually have to get really bad before the average Joe (including me) will get off his arse and do something about it.

The key is, how do you get the masses to get together to agree to fight against ( I don't mean physically) things like gangs, violence, child molestation, road rage, bad road repairs....

15th October 2006, 13:11
Before current benefits were available, families had to scritch scrape and steal, just to stay alive!

It seems that being on the benefit gives these kids more leisure time and they don't have to hide for fear of being noticed or too obvious.

Mom and Dad are probably wasted on pot or "P" or away down at the pub too pissed to give a stuff about their kids are doing anyway!

These kids don't use their leisure time productively to learn and advance themselves in the world as intended, no they just hang around and do nothing except cause trouble and attack the ones they are envious of because they have no self respect or role models to look up to, they just don't know any different.

What better to do than get, high, pissed, or whacked out on solvents and then chuck rocks at vehicles going unsuspectingly past on the highway!

Then they read about it in the paper or watch it on TV, compare notes and keep score! Great night out eh bro! :lol:

The government steals your money to pay them to exist so that they can do this sort of thing to you as their entertainment and to create a diversion so that you are not noticing just how corrupt the government is.

Maybe that's why they don't provide enough police to send to stop this behaviour, after all these people are their voters that keep them in power.

Meanwhile you are so heavily taxed that you don't have any leisure time to think or breed or enjoy yourselves, you have to work extra hard to be able to make enough money to pay the government to keep these c**nts in existence.

Past Labour governments may not have been my political choice but they were not corrupt like this lot!

They may have the label of Labour but they are certainly not your average Labour government, they are just a bunch of deadbeat criminal opportunists hiding behind the Labour flag, in my opinion!

Judge for yourselves, look at their record todate, is New Zealand in good hands politicaly?

Did you get what you voted for Labour voters? Hardly bloody likely but have you got the nous to tell the difference?

An even bigger dilemma for those that do know the difference is, who, among the current offerings can you replace them with, in order to get a different result?

You better start singing God defend New Zealand loud and strong, because if you are relying upon this bunch of useless bastards to do it, you are going to be singing your bloody nuts off! :mad: Deeply disappointed, John.

15th October 2006, 13:19
Before current benefits were available, families had to scritch scrape and steal, just to stay alive!

It seems that being on the benefit gives these kids more leisure time and they don't have to hide for fear of being noticed or too obvious.

Mom and Dad are probably wasted on pot or "P" or away down at the pub too pissed to give a stuff about their kids are doing anyway!

These kids don't use their leisure time productively to learn and advance themselves in the world as intended, no they just hang around and do nothing except cause trouble and attack the ones they are envious of because they have no self respect or role models to look up to, they just don't know any different.

What better to do than get, high, pissed, or whacked out on solvents and then chuck rocks at vehicles going unsuspectingly past on the highway!

Then they read about it in the paper or watch it on TV, compare notes and keep score! Great night out eh bro! :lol:

The government steals your money to pay them to exist so that they can do this sort of thing to you as their entertainment and to create a diversion so that you are not noticing just how corrupt the government is.

Maybe that's why they don't provide enough police to send to stop this behaviour, after all these people are their voters that keep them in power.

Meanwhile you are so heavily taxed that you don't have any leisure time to think or breed or enjoy yourselves, you have to work extra hard to be able to make enough money to pay the government to keep these c**nts in existence.

Past Labour governments may not have been my political choice but they were not corrupt like this lot!

They may have the label of Labour but they are certainly not your average Labour government, they are just a bunch of deadbeat criminal opportunists hiding behind the Labour flag, in my opinion!

Judge for yourselves, look at their record todate, is New Zealand in good hands politicaly?

Did you get what you voted for Labour voters? Hardly bloody likely but have you got the nous to tell the difference?

An even bigger dilemma for those that do know the difference is, who, among the current offerings can you replace them with, in order to get a different result?

You better start singing God defend New Zealand loud and strong, because if you are relying upon this bunch of useless bastards to do it, you are going to be singing your bloody nuts off! :mad: Deeply disappointed, John.

Cue Skyryder. lol.

Rogue Rider
15th October 2006, 15:27
There is a lot of emotion on this topic, and rightfully so. There is increasing instance of petty crime, burglary, violent crime and drug related crimes. They all start with small ones. If the Police or someone doesn't do somthing about discpline and consequence than for certain we will have escallated violent and serious crime. The likes of what is happening doesn't happen in the states as communities rally together and impose serious infractions on the little turds.
These menaces to society threat the very peice of mind that homes and families deserve. We can't even depend on our homes as a safe sanctuarry let alone in our cars, or bikes. What is this world coming too, govt and especially Labour has no credibility to deal with it, they don't even have the integrity to pay back the tax payers money they stole and used for there own bennifit.
Vigilanty justice sends a clear message thet communities will not tolerate these actions or behaviour. The problem is the most part of society that revolves around the individuals concerned is pacific islanders imported form 1980 by Labour govt David Lange.

They established a seperate comunity for them, Otara, which became notorius and will probably always be. There culture was never imalgamated with acceptible NZ culture and the seperation in values and lifestyle created a deficit in young people. It is not a racial issue either, its a family values isseue. The family of these individuals do not care for there youth and do not discipline hence the attraction to gangs a source of a sence of belonging, a family of sorts only a distructive one where they are encouraged to deface and attcak the society that cast them out.

Someone needs to send a clear message of resolve, will it be the govt? will it be the police, will it be Us, if noone does then it will just get worse and society continues to get secortised and accepting.??????

Rogue Rider
15th October 2006, 15:41
Sorry long winded way of saying society needs to stir up its own action of intolerance! Enough is Enough, perhaps Bishop Tamaki could picket or rally a crusade to march in the areas concerned rather than his other fracades. I would myself if I saw it but the little blighters have gangs of affiliates that would make mince meat of me, they have safety in numbers, perhaps the cops are scared.......................:Pokey:

James Deuce
15th October 2006, 15:45
Eh? Kit, Labour wasn't in government when NZ opened up immigration in the 60s. David Lange was certainly NOT PM in 1980 either.

15th October 2006, 16:48
....The problem is the most part of society that revolves around the individuals concerned is pacific islanders imported form 1980 by Labour govt David Lange.

They established a seperate comunity for them, Otara, which became notorius and will probably always be. There culture was never imalgamated with acceptible NZ culture and the seperation in values and lifestyle created a deficit in young people. It is not a racial issue either, its a family values isseue.....
Your timeine is totally incorrect for a start. Apart from the political inconsistencies the majority of pacific islanders were not "imported" from 1980. Pacific Islanders originally came here hundreds of years ago, they're called Maori's. If you're talking about the people of the pacific countries of Samoa, Tonga, Rarotonga ..etc that came here for the most part in the '60's then you're 20 years out of time. You're probably remembering the dawn raids of the late '70's early '80's. When hard working families trying provide a better life for their children were focibly removed from homes and deported because of bigots like you.

"It is not a racial issue either" - Fuck off, that's just a statement to try and make your statement racially unbiased.

This issue is about community responsibility. People getting together and caring about OUR community. You think this country was built by the European settlers? They weren't the only people that have come to this country trying to make a better life for themselves. What about the Chinese that worked the goldfields in Otago - who's great grandchildren are still getting grief for being 'immigrants'. What about the Indians - who don't all own dairies. What about the All Blacks? Nobody complains about the skill and flair that Pacific Islanders have brought to the game of rugby.

The attitude you've expressed is part of the reason these problems are occuring, because after all, there's no way any of "our" kids would be involved in something like that". WE as a community need to work TOGETHER to find solutions for these problems. Or better yet why don't we just send all the fucking niggers, spicks, wops, nargs, chinks, fobs, poms, eyeties and everyone else that pisses us off back to where they came from? *tui moment* Gimme a fucking break, add something constructive and try to actually help.

*Rant over*

15th October 2006, 16:54
add something constructive

A joke. Yeah, all right.

There's these, three guys...

a spic,

a white guy and a black guy.

And they're walkin' along the beach.

They see this pot. They rub it, a genie comes out.

Genie says you can wish for anything you want. He asks the Mexican what he wants.

And he goes,

"I want all my people in America to be happy and free in Mexico."

So the genie... Poof! And all the spics are in Mexico.

He goes to the nigger, says, "What do you want?"

And he goes,

"I want all my African...

brothers in America...

to be back in Africa and happy and everything."

So the genie goes poof!

And, um, all the niggers in America...

are in Africa.

So the genie says to the white guy,

"What's your one wish?"

And the white guy goes, "You mean to tell me...

all the niggers and spics are out of America?"

The genie goes, "Yeah." He says,

"Well, I'll have a Coke then."

15th October 2006, 17:05
It's gonna come down to the average joe, we gotta stop this shit, the cops won't. The best thing you can do is not bury your head when you see this shit, either kick some arse or if yer not keen to get personally involved, just get near and make a lot of noise etc, these guys don't like too much attention....if ya want a laugh call the cops, ya never know the shop may be outta dougnuts...

Rogue Rider
15th October 2006, 18:11
Your timeine is totally incorrect for a start. Apart from the political inconsistencies the majority of pacific islanders were not "imported" from 1980. Pacific Islanders originally came here hundreds of years ago, they're called Maori's. If you're talking about the people of the pacific countries of Samoa, Tonga, Rarotonga ..etc that came here for the most part in the '60's then you're 20 years out of time. You're probably remembering the dawn raids of the late '70's early '80's. When hard working families trying provide a better life for their children were focibly removed from homes and deported because of bigots like you.

"It is not a racial issue either" - Fuck off, that's just a statement to try and make your statement racially unbiased.

This issue is about community responsibility. People getting together and caring about OUR community. You think this country was built by the European settlers? They weren't the only people that have come to this country trying to make a better life for themselves. What about the Chinese that worked the goldfields in Otago - who's great grandchildren are still getting grief for being 'immigrants'. What about the Indians - who don't all own dairies. What about the All Blacks? Nobody complains about the skill and flair that Pacific Islanders have brought to the game of rugby.

The attitude you've expressed is part of the reason these problems are occuring, because after all, there's no way any of "our" kids would be involved in something like that". WE as a community need to work TOGETHER to find solutions for these problems. Or better yet why don't we just send all the fucking niggers, spicks, wops, nargs, chinks, fobs, poms, eyeties and everyone else that pisses us off back to where they came from? *tui moment* Gimme a fucking break, add something constructive and try to actually help.

*Rant over*

Sorry to misinterpret your rant, but I was refering to the establishment of low socio economic infristructur made for the the mass imigration David Lange established during ther power of operation in the 80's. If you look into the history of the labour government you will see its consistancies in term. Personally I take no issue with race, only with regard to the seclusion of any race from intergration. Segregation has proved fruitless throughout the ages, look at america and its white supremeacy veiw. I am an imigrant for a start off, and don't condone any form of racism. I do however any race or imigrant to submit and conform to accepting existing values and styles of living. Primary obiding laws and establishing comunity values.
I suspect from your coment you are overse to the Maori people, I think you should be a little more diplimatic and less defensive as the Maori people are one of the 2 races that pre existed mass european invasion, and over 100 years of theft rape and murder. I too know history, and to my knowlege all peoples are welcome in this wonderful country which we all call home.
Crime starts In the home, my only point is where there is a break down in family values: there in lies your problem. No punishment for crime, crime escalates.

Racism of any source is particularly offensive to most civil human beings of which i am certainly one. However I do not mind if you dislike me much.

Rogue Rider
15th October 2006, 18:16
My sincerist apolagy to anyone who missinterprets my messages previous. Just want to clarify: I am definately not a racist nor a bigget as referred above. I would not lower myself to be apart or associate with attitudes of that nature. Being an imigrant myself I would like to think we are all welcome in this fair country, and that we can all get along.
There are obviously some quite touchie abnoxious people on this site who need to lighten up before they get a cancer.............
I beleive in family values and hope others out there do too. Time someone does somthing about these imoral mindless louts.

James Deuce
15th October 2006, 19:45
Kit, that was the most worthless apology I've ever seen. "Sincerely" apologising in one breath and then defining obnoxious while attempting to label others who disagree with you as such in the next.

You should probably pick up a couple of history books instead of repeating "common wisdom", or at least do a tiny smidgeon of research.


It was a under a Labour Govt that the Dawn Raids were carried out.

The numbers of immigrants from the Pacific Islands are not huge, legal or illegal.

15th October 2006, 19:47
Kit, that was the most worthless apology I've ever seen. "Sincerely" apologising in one breath and then defining obnoxious while attempting to label others who disagree with you as such in the next.

You should probably pick up a couple of history books instead of repeating "common wisdom", or at least do a tiny smidgeon of research.


It was a under a Labour Govt that the Dawn Raids were carried out.

The numbers of immigrants from the Pacific Islands are not huge, legal or illegal.

If Eddie Vedder lived here, people would know what respect is.

James Deuce
15th October 2006, 19:52
The goober fired Dave Abbrusseze for being "too Rock".

Respect? Pah!

15th October 2006, 19:59
So when I get an infraction mod, can it please say.

Pearl Jam the greatest band in the world!

Like I know what the infraction will be for but can ya just chuck that in to sweeten the deal.

Rogue Rider
15th October 2006, 20:33
Seems there is alot I don't know about history. What were the Dawn Raids? the only refference I can find is to a rap group from the 1990s. Was it a racial thing or a crime. Forgive me, but seeing as a couple have refferenced it I would like to know what they were if anyone knows.

I don't profess to get things right, perhaps I should shut up.... yaeh sounds good I guess to some. I feel like a noddy, oh well i guess I better blow it out my exhaust pipe in the morning on the way to work.

I am truely sorry if i have offended anyone though, definately not my intention. Your all nice people.


15th October 2006, 20:42
Seems there is alot I don't know about history. What were the Dawn Raids? the only refference I can find is to a rap group from the 1990s. Was it a racial thing or a crime. Forgive me, but seeing as a couple have refferenced it I would like to know what they were if anyone knows.

I don't profess to get things right, perhaps I should shut up.... yaeh sounds good I guess to some. I feel like a noddy, oh well i guess I better blow it out my exhaust pipe in the morning on the way to work.

I am truely sorry if i have offended anyone though, definately not my intention. Your all nice people.


Pearl Jam forgives you!

I'm only doing this to wind up jim2 he's a box of fun, and i think he knows a lot more about pearl jam than I do!

James Deuce
15th October 2006, 21:09
Gaaah Matt!!

Kitt, it's in the link I posted. Police used to knock on the door of overstayers between 4am and 5:30am to catch them before they went to work so they could be deported home.

The National Govt in the 60s under Holyoake introduced a series of temporary visas and made the process of residency easier for those from the PIs. Things got a bit tougher economically in the mid-'70s and the Labour Govt of Kirk/Rowling reopened a previously blind eye on the issue of illegal immigration from the PIs and started deporting people "home".

There were a huge number of issues from the fascist overtones of door-knocking in the early hours of the morning, to breaking up families made of overstayer parents and NZ born children.

Just so NZ society could fuel a demand for cheap labour as our economy expanded in the '60s and early '70s.

James Deuce
15th October 2006, 21:10
I'm only doing this to wind up jim2 he's a box of fun, and i think he knows a lot more about pearl jam than I do!

I lived it maaaan! You were in nappies.

15th October 2006, 21:12
I lived it maaaan! You were in nappies.

Have to respect that. Theres no education better than experience.

15th October 2006, 22:09
Maybe if fuckin Transit would start picking up their fuckin rocks ( they seem to leave a shit load on corners) they mightn't have any ammo.

Sorry couldn't resist.