View Full Version : Need an honest opinion here

16th October 2006, 17:02
OK - imagine that you and your significant other each ride bikes

now :weep: :crybaby: imagine that your significant one has an arguement with an immovable object, comes a poor second and their bike ends up in the repair shop for an extended period

bearing in mind that leisure time is in short supply and you'd normally be out riding together but ..........................

and your poor, bikeless one SAYS they are FINE if you tootle off for a spin half the weekend .......

i mean, you'd say the same but you wonder how you'd ACTUALLY feel if the situation were reversed and it was you left behind contemplating the great riding weather and the empty space in the barn where your ride used to sit ...............

and you don't WANT to be selfish, or to add to the bikeless one's anguish ------------ but .................. :(

SO - TO RIDE OR NOT TO RIDE? - THAT is the question!

what would you do and why?

16th October 2006, 17:07
Is he likely to use the feminine "fine" *shudders*??

16th October 2006, 17:09
Yes do it. You know he wants you to. I mean how much time/sex/companionship do you need???

16th October 2006, 17:10
He said ride, didn't he? Men always say what they mean, don't they, so go for it.

16th October 2006, 17:14
Is he likely to use the feminine "fine" *shudders*??

it's purely hypothetical, you understand :o

16th October 2006, 17:16
Yep, go ride - he'll probably just tinker on the console or look at feelthy pictures on the 'net or call the guys around and play texas hold'em or go do guy stuff in the shed or mow the lawn or fly that kite or watch DVDs or go through the old comic collection or bring out the rifle and pop some rounds or crack open some cold ones and watch motorsports or lift up old logs to look at the bugs underneath or light some old fireworks stored in the attic or spray weedkiller around or do the gutters or hose down the driveway or stack up those old bricks or pour that concrete patio or ... you get the idea ... guys have a 101 ways to kill time!

Jonny Rotten
16th October 2006, 17:18
does he not like goin pillion????

id rather be the piolit myself but if i was bikeless for a lil while i wouldnt say no to goin pillion

16th October 2006, 17:28
He said ride, didn't he? Men always say what they mean, don't they, so go for it.

Tend to agree here. If the woman says, "Fine, go for it!" you may be in trouble but if the man says it you can generally tell very easily whether he means it or not.

I had planned on a trip away to visit my Mum last weekend, but had a couple family health problems and decided to stay home. My wife after hearing my decision to stay, said, " Well I thought you were being a bit selfish, but I wouldn't have stopped you." So I won some kudos for my decision there, but would otherwise have gone believing she was happy about it!

And we've only been married 29 years! :confused:

16th October 2006, 17:49
i dont know the fine details of your situation but i have voted "ride, i dont see the problem"

what does your partner think?

16th October 2006, 17:54
Easy answer Ms triumph...ride:2thumbsup

16th October 2006, 17:57
rent him a couple of porno's, get him a swappa crate of beers, some pizza's and other assorted munchies and get the fuck out of dodge.

or put him in a skirt and chuck him on the back (he'll be safe up there!!)

Big Dave
16th October 2006, 17:58

16th October 2006, 18:16
rent him a couple of porno's, get him a swappa crate of beers, some pizza's and other assorted munchies and get the fuck out of dodge.

And if you can't afford that, go and ask your 'shop' for a demo to use.

16th October 2006, 18:27
No point you both being at home wishing you could be on the road. I don't think any significant other who is a biker would begrudge their partner some time alone on the road.
1/2 a weekend might be an issue though. I think I'd be comfy toodling off for a couple of hours by myself in those circumstances but half a weekend might be longer than I could do with a clear conscience.

16th October 2006, 18:30
Ok the question is:

Is he ok after his crash?
Is the bike repairable?
How long will he be laid up for?

Stick him in front of the telly with the remote, a few movies on dvd and some bike magazines. He will be as happy as Larry....

I mean before you two got together.. you rode in the weekends.. so keep on riding. He wouldnt want you to give up riding just cos he is laid up...
Go out and enjoy the ride.......... and have fun on the bike.
When you get home he will be sound asleep on the couch after having a couple of beers and watching the movies or reading the mags...

16th October 2006, 18:34
The man of the house should always get first option and if he decides to ride your bike while his one gets fixed then that answers your question. Otherwise, it's all yours just as long as the house is tidy and theres food in the fridge.

16th October 2006, 18:40
ahhhhhh Finn

thoughtful, sensitive and even-handed as always :cool:

16th October 2006, 18:48
does he not like goin pillion????............

:( about as much as i wouldn't, i suspect ...........

16th October 2006, 18:50
Do what I do; set him a couple of jobs to do (mow lawn, hang the washing etc), put a couple of handy towels next to the computer then bugger off for your ride and don't think twice about it!!:whistle:
Mrs KD.

16th October 2006, 18:51
So there is no problem. He says ride, so ride. If he wants to go as pillion he'll ask. :ride:

Why do women always have to read more into something than what is intended?

16th October 2006, 18:56
If you feel bad bout goin out... why not do what Mrs KD said n give him a few tasks to do... go out for a ride... then when you get back if tasks complete, reward=keys to bike and then he can go off for a blat too :D

Then things get done... you both get to ride... and no need to feel guilty bout anything. :D

16th October 2006, 19:10
ride, your little pussy off :banana:

16th October 2006, 19:23
If you feel bad bout goin out... why not do what Mrs KD said n give him a few tasks to do... go out for a ride... then when you get back if tasks complete, reward=keys to bike and then he can go off for a blat too :D

Then things get done... you both get to ride... and no need to feel guilty bout anything. :D

What the hell???...she's not his mum!

16th October 2006, 19:26
Get yourself a second job so you can help pay for the repairs ..........:whistle:

16th October 2006, 19:27
Did I help?????????:2thumbsup

16th October 2006, 19:28
Go and enjoy a ride either by yourself or with freinds have a fun day,
when you get home all happy and cheery he will still love you,
just dont rub it in unless you want to piss him off.

16th October 2006, 19:39
What the hell???...she's not his mum!

LOL... true... but when there is an incentive... :whistle:

16th October 2006, 20:11
Did I help?????????:2thumbsup

hmmmmmmm - can u pse send me some nail clippings and a lock of your hair?

....... this hex voodoo doll will work sooooooo much better if you do ........ :Pokey: