View Full Version : All hail - Sharapova

4th July 2004, 15:23
Fantastic to watch -

and apparently she is pretty good at tennis too

4th July 2004, 15:26
Fantastic to watch -

and apparently she is pretty good at tennis too
Anna who? :rolleyes:

4th July 2004, 15:27
Damn yes, there is another reason to watch tennis.

4th July 2004, 15:36
And, as you may guess I was bored today....check my new avatar out in honour

4th July 2004, 15:43
You gotta love those fan sites where the quality of the Photoshop work is undone by the spelling (Wikd's first thumbnail has her name spelt as Maira. Sigh).

4th July 2004, 15:44
You gotta love those fan sites where the quality of the Photoshop work is undone by the spelling (Wikd's first thumbnail has her name spelt as Maira. Sigh).
Can't say I even noticed there was any writing on the screen til you pointed it out :Oops:

James Deuce
4th July 2004, 15:58
I like to call her "Shazzapova".

Lovely Girl Next Door Lass, that. She really made Serena Williams flounder. I was quite astounded at how hard she was hitting the ball, and how she had SW running ALL over the court.

At least she can play unlike "Anna who?" to quote celticno6


4th July 2004, 16:02
I like to call her "Shazzapova".

You could call her 'Ben-der-ova' too I guess

4th July 2004, 16:11
Leaping to the defence of Anna Kournikova, while she may never have won a WTA singles title, she had a damn fine record as a doubles player (and some other damn fine attributes as well)

4th July 2004, 16:19
Leaping to the defence of Anna Kournikova, while she may never have won a WTA singles title, she had a damn fine record as a doubles player (and some other damn fine attributes as well)

Yeah ... she's a nice girl ... :yeah:

aksed me outa few times ../.

I said no Anna .... not until youwin somethingk ...

I thoughtit mighta bin an insentive ...

but OBviously not ... quite hurtful really when you thingk aboutit eh ... :crybaby:

Lou Girardin
5th July 2004, 20:30
A babe that has talent, bye bye Anna.
It's good to see that womens tennis was won by one.

6th July 2004, 07:36
its amazing, few years ago it was mens tenis, and female tenis was just like the warm up, now everyone wants to see woman tenis, they get the big dollars compared to the men, nothing wrong with that, gives us something to watch on telly

6th July 2004, 11:48
its amazing, few years ago it was mens tenis, and female tenis was just like the warm up, now everyone wants to see woman tenis, they get the big dollars compared to the men, nothing wrong with that, gives us something to watch on telly

Still not quite as much as the men but hey. :)

6th July 2004, 12:18
JACKPOT, just turned on sky sport 2 and what do you know, replay of the womens final. Will be back in an hour or so. :bleh: