View Full Version : Support Kiwi Music

22nd October 2006, 21:45
Well, just got back from seeing Anika Moa performing at the Lifeboat (pub in Eastbourne)

Fantastic show. Not overly long, but only $25 and she is a great performer. Excellent rapport with the crowd and is actually really funny to boot.

Did a mix of her own stuff and an excellent cover of 4 Non Blondes "What's going on"

Her two albums are Thinking Room and Stolen Hill.

Recommended as a good night out if you get the chance.

Paul in NZ
23rd October 2006, 08:29
Support the musicians - sure - if I like them / their music..

Support thr kiwi industry - forget it. Impossible to contact or deal with unless you are a 'face' and hopelessly organised. I tried a few times with a little invention I had as a promotional tool for music videos / musicians. I was basically giving it away free including a loan of a big screens, projectors software pc's etc and all I needed was some for of licensing that I was prepared to pay market rate for.

Before I go on - I work for a multinational japanese electronics company so it's not like this was some kind of crap thing - it was a marketing tool for me and the music indistry for NZ Music week. Not one of the arrogant fuckers EVER rang back, answered their phone or even understood what it was... (a bit like dealing with a Telco so I was used to it)

What I was not used to was the plain rudeness. Making an appointment, me flying up from wellie to have some 19 year old cancel at the last minute without even the courtesy of a call to tell me? Fuck the kiwi music industry - as far as I'm concerned I'll copy any NZ CD I can rather than buy one to support these useless cunts appart from those released by mates. And trust me - I buy a fair few CD's in a year. No loss to them I suppose but screw the wankers.

23rd October 2006, 11:40
Oooookay, then....

23rd October 2006, 14:51
nah ill just download it for free....:shutup:

James Deuce
23rd October 2006, 15:02
The NZ Music Industry has always been insular and cliquey.

As Paul says, the musos deserve support. They work far harder than you'd imagine, it isn't about the money.

The NZ music industry on the other hand is populated by bottom feeders.

Thanksfully, as MOTOXXX points out, their day is almost done. They STILL haven't woken up to their demise though.

In the meantime, just remember: It's 99% how you look, It's 99% how you look, It's 99% how you look, It's 99% how you look,.......

I believe Miss Moa has recognised that and rejected the "protection" of a major label. Just like Steriogram. Good on them both.

23rd October 2006, 16:00
Plus - she ROCKED!

23rd October 2006, 16:05
At the end of the day, good music is good music. If you didn't like it why would you buy it. Unless you are one of those saps who get sucked in by advertising!