View Full Version : Good job dickheads

23rd October 2006, 19:14
It's been raining for the last 2 and half days in Nelson, and I hate being couped up inside, so put on some rain gear, and went for a stroll. On the home stretch, I turned a corner to see a couple of backwards cap wearers getting into a jap car of some sort (they all look the same when after these kids fuck with them), and started it up. The car was idling when I walked past and the passenger of the car said some smart remark as I walked past the passenger window. Being in a bad mood already, I stopped, and turned round, and said " were you talking to me?", at which point,. the driver gunned it, and gunned it hard, and took off from the curb with wheels spinning.

This in itself was not funny, but the fact that the driver hadn't checked behind him was, and he pulled out hard onto the side of a Holden station wagon, who was passing him, thinking he was parked. By this time I was in the middle of a crash zone, and was watching the dickheads examining the damage to their car, and the angry dad in the commodore wagon, who was cursing pretty heavily by now.

To make my day complete, the angry dad starts tearing strips off the dickheads, and one of them starts crying, and then to add fuel to the fire, I started on them too, seeing as they were so smug not 25 seconds earlier.

The icing on the cake came as the cop car turned into the road, who must have just been cruising the area, because he got there damn quick, and I stayed, and gave a statement to the cop, while the two cry babies looked on in dismay.

I don't know what it is about me, but I seem to attract this sort of shit.

23rd October 2006, 19:19
but the question then becomes .. did it make you feel better ??

I hear ya on the farken rain .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

23rd October 2006, 19:22
It did make me feel better, it was a good lesson for a couple of smart mouthed, dangerous drivers, and I will look back on this and smile. I have a good dent on my shin from one of the wheel trims off the Holden though, that's a bit ouchy.

23rd October 2006, 19:30
I have a good dent on my shin from one of the wheel trims off the Holden though, that's a bit ouchy.

"But it's a good kinda hurt, you know..?" (Heard it on a movie somewhere...):sunny:

23rd October 2006, 19:32
It did make me feel better, it was a good lesson for a couple of smart mouthed, dangerous drivers, and I will look back on this and smile. I have a good dent on my shin from one of the wheel trims off the Holden though, that's a bit ouchy.

pity you did not catch them crying on camera .. & post it on the net as a priceless caption

& buddy a dent on the shin will heal a lot faster than broken bones .. perhaps you need to buy a lotto ticket since you was lucky to get off so lightly ;)

23rd October 2006, 19:40
Love your work, Kro!!!

23rd October 2006, 19:40
Its funny - because no-one got hurt.

What if that had been a biker riding past -flaming dickheads.

23rd October 2006, 19:42
Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine!

23rd October 2006, 19:43
No excuse for that shit. Good job they got busted in all sorts of ways...