View Full Version : Good News

James Deuce
10th July 2004, 22:30
The little fella is home from hospital and on oral antibiotics, and responding well.

Not that the little bugger ever looked anything less than cheery, even with a temp of 39.8C. Kids are so cool the way they don't dwell on being ill.

10th July 2004, 22:41
Everything you post tonight seems to be *whoosh*ing past me. Did I miss something again?

Whatever happened, glad your wee one's OK. Isn't it amazing how they'll sit around smiling and playing straight through a malady or injury that'd have us Hairy-Arsed Men moaning and whimpering for chicken soup and painkillers?

James Deuce
10th July 2004, 22:48
Everything you post tonight seems to be *whoosh*ing past me. Did I miss something again?

Whatever happened, glad your wee one's OK. Isn't it amazing how they'll sit around smiling and playing straight through a malady or injury that'd have us Hairy-Arsed Men moaning and whimpering for chicken soup and painkillers?

That's because I am the cross-posting, thread-hijacking waffler from hell.

There was a ride today that I had to decline because we thought Jacob would need medical attention.

Ms Piggy
11th July 2004, 08:33
That's great news for your little guy. Phew! I must have missed your reply on the other thread also.

11th July 2004, 09:16
The little fella is home from hospital and on oral antibiotics, and responding well.

Not that the little bugger ever looked anything less than cheery, even with a temp of 39.8C. Kids are so cool the way they don't dwell on being ill.

that brilliant jim!
i'm typing this one handed as i bottle feed sampson - my 4 and a half month old. see my profile for a pic. i'm blown away at how damn cheery he is all the time - even when sick as a dog. how do we end up so sad when we start so happy?
anyway - really glad all is well dude.

Posh Tourer :P
11th July 2004, 09:54
my 4 and a half month old. see my profile for a pic.

4 and a half months and he's already been stolen by the corporate monster, Microsoft!! :bleh:

James Deuce
11th July 2004, 09:57
that brilliant jim!
i'm typing this one handed as i bottle feed sampson - my 4 and a half month old. see my profile for a pic. i'm blown away at how damn cheery he is all the time - even when sick as a dog. how do we end up so sad when we start so happy?
anyway - really glad all is well dude.

Thanks Badcat.

I checked out your profile, and you have a Lovely child, but Microsoft baby clothes? :eek5:

Just kidding :)

11th July 2004, 10:15
yep - it's a long story.
i've been a macintosh zealot for 15 years - now working for microsoft - channel development manager for mac microsoft products.
we had just bought our first house and andre (my beautiful wife) was pregnant with sampson. the job came out of the blue as a 6 month contract and i thought someone was playing a joke on me - but i took as i REALLY was in financial hades....
turns out that my division is unique as it's actually is a part of microsoft australia - we do pc games and Xbox too. it's actually a great place to work and i love it! The shirt on the boy is really just to rile up my macuser friends...
and no-one commented that he's asleep and dreaming of riding a bike at 3 months!!!!!

happily part of the borg.
(actually - there are a lot of bikers at MS!)

Paul in NZ
11th July 2004, 11:53
Good news Jim2, glad it all worked out...

Now the bad news... It NEVER ends... Amber (whi\o flats in town) fell over on the ski field yesterday and ended up in hospital but she escaped to soend the night here. No real problem with anything broken, just very sore... Ha!

Now we have grandkids to worry about as well.....


11th July 2004, 13:00
The little fella is home from hospital and on oral antibiotics, and responding well.

Not that the little bugger ever looked anything less than cheery, even with a temp of 39.8C. Kids are so cool the way they don't dwell on being ill.

Thats great news Jim. Good to hear

11th July 2004, 13:40
Aint it just great when the little rug rats head for home fit and well(er) than they left.
But wait, there is more.
It will continue, for a long long time, my Ma had to put up with us lot till wll into our 20's.
But a very enjoyable past time all the same, kids that is.

11th July 2004, 14:22
Good to hear my wee godson is getting better. Give em a big hug from me.

James Deuce
12th July 2004, 13:38
Good to hear my wee godson is getting better. Give em a big hug from me.

It seems to have worked!

12th July 2004, 18:01
I'm another one that missed the first post but great to here the young one is okay.

12th July 2004, 20:29
It's good to be reminded from time to time what the really important things in life are.
The worst moment of my life was when I was told that a possible reason why my 2 year old son's platelet count had fallen to less than 10,000 was leukemia. We had to wait until the next day for the results of the bone marrow biopsy. Fortunately it turned out to be a benign, temporary condition...
I know how you feel, Jim!
FWIW you will never stop worrying, but it's a small price to pay...