View Full Version : Ever felt like a fly in a spiders' web?

11th July 2004, 03:06
It happened to me today!

I was on assignement today, getting photos of sidecars for a two-part feature for Used Bike Guide (UBG). I spent what turned out to be a pleasant four hours with the London Sidecar Club. Took loads of photos, had a couple of nice cups of tea and by and large people were very friendly and co-operative (aside from one old so-and-so who just glared at me like I was from another planet and mainly did his best to get in the way the one time he did get off his backside).

Steve, the London club organiser was a nice chap and did really helpful things like do some introductions, get people to get the bikes in a group so I could do those shots etc.

So why did I feel like a fly in a web? Well part of my 'brief' was to get contact details for people and take some pix of them with their machines. Most people needed it explaining a couple of times, but once they knew what I was doing, they were great.

Then I found the President of the National Sidecar Federation. Took pix of him and went to his tent to get his contact details... just as it started to rain!

This is when it felt like being a fly going towards a spider's web. "Do you know a lot about the Federation?" he asked, then started into what was obviously going to be a pure 'anorak' rambling. The time was 12.15 - the run out (when I was supposed to do the group shots) was at 1.00. I could see myself still being trapped in the tent with this ramble still going on.

I was SO glad I was able to say, hand on heart "I'm only the photographer - my editor will be in touch with you to talk about your bike and so on, so I will make sure I let him know who you are so he can get more background detail from you if he needs it"!

I was also happy to head out into the rain, even though it was piddling down!

Trust me to find the chief anorak...

BTW, has anyone ever heard of an 'Austal'?

11th July 2004, 17:41
Australian shipyard? They make dirty big aluminium catamarans. IIRC there is one of theirs (the Lynx) on the interisland run. Or were you thinking of something else?

11th July 2004, 22:35
Australian shipyard? They make dirty big aluminium catamarans. IIRC there is one of theirs (the Lynx) on the interisland run. Or were you thinking of something else?

Sorry, spelling error on my part - it should have been 'Austel' - one of the bikes I saw yesterday was an Austel. Never heard of them before, so wondering if anyone else had.

Only other clue I've got is it has a plate on the side that says "1300 Pullman" - so fair to assume it has a 1300cc engine on board!

11th July 2004, 23:12
Austel is the Australian Telecommunications Authority. St Austel is a place in England, and Dr Otto Austel is a pensioner.

I found this on a UK sidecar site though:
A Mini Metro engined Austel with Squire RX4 sidecar.

11th July 2004, 23:36
Austel is the Australian Telecommunications Authority. St Austel is a place in England, and Dr Otto Austel is a pensioner.

I found this on a UK sidecar site though:
A Mini Metro engined Austel with Squire RX4 sidecar.

That bike is the VERY SAME ONE! It might even be in the same spot! I know the club hire the same ground for their annual International Rally, so fair to assume he likes to pitch his tent in the same place.

Nice piece of work though.

Interesting thing for me was the variety of machines there hitched up to outfits - anything from a BSA Rocket III to some BMW's to a couple of H-D's to a Reliant to a K1 to a Super Blackbird.

Everything was different with personalised touches.

Not sure I'd ever want one, but for a day out, it was a good one (especially when the I get the cheque for taking the photos!)

10th June 2005, 22:50
The Sidecar scene in NZ seems quiet at the moment, althought there was a NZ Sidecar Owners Register Rally at Kaikoura a couple of weekends ago
Outfits are certainly fun to drive/ride...[dride?] & its an excellant way to meet fellow nutters[er ...I mean "enthusiasts"] to view their ,often wonderous, mechanical works of art
Ive owned 3 outfits & have been enjoying the sport for over 25 years

21st August 2005, 00:52
How, pray, does one contact the nz sidecar register?
Any leads appreciated.

21st August 2005, 23:54
I was SO glad I was able to say, hand on heart "I'm only the photographer - my editor will be in touch with you to talk about your bike and so on, so I will make sure I let him know who you are so he can get more background detail from you if he needs it"!

Lucky bastard - try being the journalist AND the photographer! I had one guy ring me AT HOME on a Sunday morning at about 8am and rabbit on about some stupid local body issue that bored the tits off me. Being a freelancer and not relying on one employer for my wages meant I had no worries about saying "excuse me, did you actually have a point when you rang me because to be honest I don't give a stuff! If you want to discuss this matter further please ring our chief reporter - NOT ME!" and hung up on him. Needless to say, I haven't heard from him again, and after talking to him for a few minutes the chief reporter promptly put his name on the nutter's list (every paper has one!) and now refuses to talk to him!

The only bonus to doing both jobs is that you get paid twice! :woohoo: