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View Full Version : Biker clocked at 154MPH (and everything I hate about biased reporting)

27th July 2004, 01:22
I wouldn't normally put a link to a news item in here, but this is a classic case of biased reporting. (http://icwales.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0200wales/tm_objectid=14457351&method=full&siteid=50082&headline=154mph-biker-walks-free-with-fine-name_page.html)

No complaints at the biker being arrested for doing 154mph (250kmph?) - in fact I'm amazed he did not get the book thrown at him and a prison sentence.

What does annoy me is the reporter here using the AVERAGE speed of the F1 race at Silverstone in comparison to the TOP speed the bike was recorded doing.

Talk about using figures in an unfair way to make your point.

Yet another case of sensationalism over news - of course, if some of the grubbier tabloids had reported this, it would have been "Death Bike Goes Faster Than Schumaker On Public Road"... grrr

27th July 2004, 02:08
Yes I'm sure he didn't know what speed he was doing ;)

How did the cop catch up to him? haha

27th July 2004, 02:28
Idiot here in Plymouth got flashed by a camera doing 145 in a 40 zone a few months back.I know the road he did it on and the cretin needs psychiatric help,all but suicidal.Best bit is he was coming home from work on his normal route,one of Plymouth`s main commuter stretches, and that camera`s been there for 3 years,what else can you say but :tugger: ?

27th July 2004, 09:08
Chris Davies, defending, said Elmore had not realised he had been speeding on the A449 near Usk, Monmouthshire.

He said, "He does not recollect driving at that speed - he was shocked to discover it and cannot offer any explanation.

What a load of shit, how can you not realise you are doing more than twice the speed limit. The fuckwit should be banned for life if that is a reflection of his ability to read speed.

The lawyer is just a lying piece of shit as well.

27th July 2004, 09:18
What a load of shit, how can you not realise you are doing more than twice the speed limit. The fuckwit should be banned for life if that is a reflection of his ability to read speed.

The lawyer is just a lying piece of shit as well.

The lawyer would have been hiding behind the old "I have been instructed to by my client ......." That way they get to say utter farken crap and get away with it.
Not a good advertisement for Ducati riders though, huh?

27th July 2004, 09:27
The lawyer would have been hiding behind the old "I have been instructed to by my client ......." That way they get to say utter farken crap and get away with it.
Not a good advertisement for Ducati riders though, huh?
You are right of course but the prick knows he is talking shit on behalf of the arsehole, he is no better than if he was constructing the lies himself in my opinion.

27th July 2004, 09:35
You are right of course but the prick knows he is talking shit on behalf of the arsehole, he is no better than if he was constructing the lies himself in my opinion.

He probabley did construct the lies, but is he gonna admit it?
Also, that dude must have had a charmed life if he has got away with only minor tickets before.

27th July 2004, 12:29
the only way I can imagine that happened is if the guys has some short term amnesia. 250odd kms takes some getting too and even on a busa or zX12 it doesn't just happen... 150k can sure come up quick on those bikes but not 250!
I'll bet that bloke Wayne Solman (sp?) who got the jail term for speeding on his ZX-9 will be pissed!

27th July 2004, 12:47
the only way I can imagine that happened is if the guys has some short term amnesia. 250odd kms takes some getting too and even on a busa or zX12 it doesn't just happen... 150k can sure come up quick on those bikes but not 250!
I'll bet that bloke Wayne Solman (sp?) who got the jail term for speeding on his ZX-9 will be pissed!
Yeh,you can creep up to 150-160 on one without really noticing,but at 250 you know you're moving no matter what you're riding....

27th July 2004, 13:04
What a load of shit, how can you not realise you are doing more than twice the speed limit.

Should ask Helen (the teflon lady) that one. Busy working in the back seat...yeah right.

Doesn't everyone check out the top speed of their bike once ?

27th July 2004, 13:17
Should ask Helen (the teflon lady) that one. Busy working in the back seat...yeah right.

Doesn't everyone check out the top speed of their bike once ?
Helen's mob were allegedly doing 130 - 140. Not 250 - big difference.

Sure folks check out their bikes potential, it happens, but don't think that will stand up as a defence for what is essentially outright stupidity.

27th July 2004, 14:05
Helen's mob were allegedly doing 130 - 140. Not 250 - big difference.

Sure folks check out their bikes potential, it happens, but don't think that will stand up as a defence for what is essentially outright stupidity.

Helen's mob were still allegedly doing twice the speed limit, and knew it, which was my point.

mmmmmmm deserted back roads, mates at each end, no driveways - stupidity ??

Sounds like a drag meet to me.

Anyways, call me stupid - I couldn'y really give a f*ck. I enjoy speeding.

27th July 2004, 14:19
Helen's mob were still allegedly doing twice the speed limit, and knew it, which was my point.

mmmmmmm deserted back roads, mates at each end, no driveways - stupidity ??

Sounds like a drag meet to me.

Anyways, call me stupid - I couldn'y really give a f*ck. I enjoy speeding.

Ya dont want to believe all you read, or maybe you do? To do twice the seed limt must mean they stopped for a pint of CD somewhere :apint:

27th July 2004, 15:19
Ya dont want to believe all you read, or maybe you do? To do twice the seed limt must mean they stopped for a pint of CD somewhere :apint:

We generally base our opinions on the information provided, and I believe that Helen's motorcade was speeding. I don't believe everything I read, but Helen did not deny that they were speeding, simply that she had no knowledge of any alleged speeding, thus distancing herself from any accusations. Read between the lines.......Simple political spin doctoring.

I was once told to believe 15% of what you read and 75% of what you see.

27th July 2004, 16:33
We generally base our opinions on the information provided, and I believe that Helen's motorcade was speeding. I don't believe everything I read, but Helen did not deny that they were speeding, simply that she had no knowledge of any alleged speeding, thus distancing herself from any accusations. Read between the lines.......Simple political spin doctoring.

I was once told to believe 15% of what you read and 75% of what you see.

Yup, gotta watch them spin doctors alrighty. One half says no idea, covering the self same butts. The other ones say twice the legal limit, thus making more political mileage out of summit thats nowt.

27th July 2004, 18:21
Another local guy got 6 months inside after wheelying away from a bike shop and knocking down some old dear on a crossing,2 mates of mine actually heard him coming as he had race pipes on,they got the old dear an ambulance.Being a really good bloke he blamed his mates at the bike shop and said the throttle had jammed after they serviced it,so 2 ex-mates to go with his prison sentence.The really good news is that now no insurance company will touch him on a bike and he now trailers the R1 to track-days,just like he should have done in the first place if he wanted to cut that kind of crap.

27th July 2004, 18:48
Helen's mob were allegedly doing 130 - 140. Not 250 - big difference.


The press writeup reported for the time and distance travelled the average speed was 147kmh,next time I'm stopped I'll use the excuse "if it's good enough for the PM it's good enough for me" :)

27th July 2004, 22:10
seriously thats bullshit the press right up will be bollocks somehow, they are jus out to get a story and make money. The people on TV were a great example of over exageration, I mean they were using three speeds Flying, Bat Out Of Hell, and Screaming i think it was. It like the Snail and turtle mode in our tractor really. The fact is the trip they did an average i think was figured out to 120-130km, thats not really excessive and in the end who really gives a shit.

The only time i have a problem with gettin a ticket is for doing 111-115km anything above that and yea i pushed it i deserve a bloody ticket good on the cop for gettin me, but when its only 111km its jus stupid and annoying and really a waste of time.

27th July 2004, 22:27
The press writeup reported for the time and distance travelled the average speed was 147kmh,next time I'm stopped I'll use the excuse "if it's good enough for the PM it's good enough for me" :)
i think you'll find the average speed was 97km/h. try averaging that between hamilton and auckland in a c#r. it's 160k on the str8 bits and overtaking everthing everywhere. here's a it from the herald....

Motorcade dash


* 2h 20min: Timaru courier firm obeying speed limits

* 80 to 120min: Reports of the Clark motorcade journey

Average speed

At 80 minutes - 147km/h At 120 minutes - 97.5km/h.

27th July 2004, 22:41
Helen's mob were still allegedly doing twice the speed limit, and knew it, which was my point.
Sorry but I've not seen any report that has suggested they were doing 200 + KPH.

mmmmmmm deserted back roads, mates at each end, no driveways - stupidity ??
One mans fun is another mans stupidity, its subjective.

Sounds like a drag meet to me.
Are you still talking about Helen??

Anyways, call me stupid - I couldn'y really give a f*ck. I enjoy speeding.
Enjoy it all you want as far as I'm concerned, just don't winge when you get caught.

27th July 2004, 22:44
The press writeup reported for the time and distance travelled the average speed was 147kmh,next time I'm stopped I'll use the excuse "if it's good enough for the PM it's good enough for me" :)
I can't wait till someone tries that excuse.

28th July 2004, 08:11
Sorry but I've not seen any report that has suggested they were doing 200 + KPH.

140km/h in a 70km/h zone.

Are you still talking about Helen??

No, the drag meet referred to testing top speed on a quiet deserted back road.

Enjoy it all you want as far as I'm concerned, just don't winge when you get caught.

I know I will only have myself to blame and accept that.

28th July 2004, 13:28
helens been speeding??? how did I miss that? useless damn news service.

I can only hope the next time I am a little generous with the throttle at the wrong time, the officer who I end up speaking too has a sense of humour and has read the paper!

28th July 2004, 13:38
helens been speeding??? how did I miss that? useless damn news service.

I can only hope the next time I am a little generous with the throttle at the wrong time, the officer who I end up speaking too has a sense of humour and has read the paper!

Dont hang by the left testicle waiting to get off with your speeding ticket though, huh? :)

28th July 2004, 13:40
Just read the herald articles... even averaging 100kmhr (the most conservative estimate of those times) is moving pretty fast. I don't know the road they were on that well but I know I was busting my gut to average 120 coming back from coromandel last time to get into Auckland by 3 and they were pretty empty roads. Any sort of twisty road or other traffic annihilates an average speed.

28th July 2004, 13:43
Just read the herald articles... even averaging 100kmhr (the most conservative estimate of those times) is moving pretty fast. I don't know the road they were on that well but I know I was busting my gut to average 120 coming back from coromandel last time to get into Auckland by 3 and they were pretty empty roads. Any sort of twisty road or other traffic annihilates an average speed.

Long flat roads, Canterbury has no hills for twisty stuff. Well not on the way from Waimate to ChCh anyway. They had the added bonus of Police Escort too

Lou Girardin
1st August 2004, 12:28
It's not that hard to average 90+ km/h on a bike, unless you factor in stops. I averaged 91 from Cowkop to Whangarei on the Harley, never went over 110.
If Helen had two escort vehicles wouldn't that put them offside with the 'boy-racer law'? Street racing!

1st August 2004, 22:55
[QUOTE=Lou Girardin
If Helen had two escort vehicles wouldn't that put them offside with the 'boy-racer law'? Street racing![/QUOTE]

Nope she's a girl. Might have something to do with PM too.


2nd August 2004, 08:45
The press writeup reported for the time and distance travelled the average speed was 147kmh,next time I'm stopped I'll use the excuse "if it's good enough for the PM it's good enough for me" :)

I think the press got the max. speed and av. speed tangled, after all when the old dude in the taxi did the same trip on the same route for the TV crew it took him 17 minutes longer (remember he had no mates holding back traffic etc)- and his AVERAGE speed would have been struggling to be as high 90kph.

Not sticking up for anybody, just relaying a bit of fact.

2nd August 2004, 14:24
If Helen had two escort vehicles wouldn't that put them offside with the 'boy-racer law'? Street racing!
Thats a bit of a desperate troll.

2nd August 2004, 15:28
Thats a bit of a desperate troll.

WHOO! and who wants to tangle with bits of a desperate troll! :angry2: