View Full Version : ahh s*(%...

29th July 2004, 07:01
Hey gang, this might be funny but it's true,

My friend from work comes around last weekend to get a copy made of a CD and wanted to use my burner. Afterwards we pop into my garage to check out my bike which I have on jackstands and minus the fairings and rear tyre.
The bro goes, "Hey I've got a table that's just the right height. We can lift the gixx onto it and you can work on it at the suitable height, no more bending down, etc". I says "Yep let's give it a go"
Whips around to his digs comes back with this old "trestle table" you know the ones where you set up a cake stall in the middle of town with, the ones that shake like a fox terrier in the cold when you give it a nudge. I go "Ummm", he goes "no probs if I can get my quad on top and work on it then your bike should be no probs". Now my mate's a gung ho Pom and he seemed to be on a mission so being the nice person that I am I relented. Shit me.
We collapse the table down with it's legs folded and manage to roll the bike onto it and replace the jackstands under the swingarm. He then attaches ratchet ties downs around the frame and swingarm and loops it around the table itself. I'd been scratching my head until the light went off. "Ahh, fuck we're not going to lift the whole thing up and hopefully the legs will fall down are we"? "Yep... heeheehee." Barrsstaaad!!
So one either side at the rear end he counts 1-2-3 lift. Straining our ring pieces luckily the rear pair of trestle legs unfolds. At this time the bike is starting to slowly but surely slide forward and off the jackstands.
We quickly gather ourselves and lift the front end up and yes the front legs unfold (with a bit of help by yours truly kicking them into position). After again straining our rings and deserving of a new pair of undies we stand back and admire the fruits of our efforts. "Ahh fuck the table's gonna snap in the middle (major, major sag in the middle due to weakness of table and weight of bike). The bro goes, "get under it and prop it upwith your foot and I'll shoot home and get a bracing pole bro". Bastarrrd!!
When he returns, the brace's max height doesn't quite reach the underside of the table except for the addition of a piece of 4X2. Right, the brace needs to be pushed / wedged into position. "Hey bro, gotta sledgehammer?" Second mistake. Piece of advice people. Never, ever, ever give a sledgehammer to a Pom. Like sticking thunderbolts and double happys in the hands of a 7 year old. He wacks the brace into place and the table with bike atop shudders dangerously. There you go bro, no probs. (Pom steals a quick glance at his watch then goes) "well see ya bro got things to do, people to see" and pisses off. So therefore I've got my bike atop this shakyaz trestle table.
So it prompted me to look into trying an engine crane to hoist the bike off this table and back onto the floor in the meantime while I make a more suitable (but definitely stronger) work table.

Now I know there have got to be other backyard mechs who've done out-of-stuff like this - I know I'm not the only one... oh God please don't let me be the only dumb fuck on this site.


29th July 2004, 07:11
What`s your problem mate?Good bit of Pom engineering expertise there,now all you`ve got to do is get one of those rotating table things that they use when icing birthday cakes,get a mate each end to lift the Gixx/table unit THEN you get another mate to slide the cake stand under and you`ve got yourself a rotating workbench on the cheap and it might not even collapse if you`re lucky,hard to please you lot.

29th July 2004, 07:50
So it prompted me to look into trying an engine crane to hoist the bike off this table and back onto the floor in the meantime while I make a more suitable (but definitely stronger) work table.... or you could just kick the trestle legs out from under it.:killingme :killingme

Now I know there have got to be other backyard mechs who've done out-of-stuff like this - I know I'm not the only one... oh God please don't let me be the only dumb fuck on this site.:killingme :killingme :killingme

Ms Piggy
29th July 2004, 07:54
All sounds good to me Ching! Nothing broken, nothing fallen off...well not yet anyway! :niceone:

29th July 2004, 08:27
well it all sounds a little stressful to me, we do most of our work on the back porch, better light than in the shed and a little less hazardous underfoot, but as for putting a bike on a table to work on it, well I'd rather suspend it from the rafters on ropes to get it at the right height, it helps getting wheels off etc too and it is definately easier on the back, gotta laugh though imagining the expression on your face. classic

29th July 2004, 10:25
What a pharkin good larf that was!! It sounds all to familiar but fear of my lufe prevents me going into details here. 'Nuff said, cept i can relate all to well to this scenerio. :whistle:

29th July 2004, 10:28
Gawd, that's hilarious ching... you poor bastard.

:killingme :killingme :killingme

If you were in jaffaland I'd fully volunteer to head over and help lift it back down again...

29th July 2004, 11:09
F-ing hilarious alright! :laugh:

29th July 2004, 12:48
Give up working on it and just go back to riding it. Sounds safer, especially for the bike.

PS Next time your mate helps you, can you get a picture. Ha Ha Ha

It's all good as long as your'e still smilin!!! :laugh:

29th July 2004, 14:21
Where's the pics?? :laugh: sounds bloody hilarious :laugh:

30th July 2004, 05:55
sorry to be repetitious, but shit that's funny!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

(good luck with getting it down - you've got a couple of months till the weather warms up a bit!!)

30th July 2004, 06:12
Haven't got a digital cam peeps. Hopefully I can borrow one before I set the baby atop a more solid bench.


31st July 2004, 09:23
Where's the pics?? :laugh: sounds bloody hilarious :laugh:

Hi folks,

Well managed to get the use of the Pom mates digital camera. Not high resolution but hey, just to show-off the fruits of our labours. Remember viewers definitely do not try this at home... like I did. Oh yeah in the first pic are the first beginnings of a more sturdy motorbike workbench.

Regards people,


31st July 2004, 21:47
Great photos I wont laugh like everone else :stupid: :Oops: :whistle:

1st August 2004, 10:05
Nice. But how the hell are you going to get it down?

Maybe some rope suspended from the roof, pull out the trestle table, and then lower the bike down...

All this beautiful weather and you stuck with the bike up on a trestle.

I feel for you chingster.

1st August 2004, 10:54
Nice. But how the hell are you going to get it down?

Maybe some rope suspended from the roof, pull out the trestle table, and then lower the bike down...

All this beautiful weather and you stuck with the bike up on a trestle.

I feel for you chingster.

Sniff, sniff... thank you celtic...bwa... bwa... bwaaaaaa, (wiping tears while the sun shines outside).

Big Dog
1st August 2004, 15:29
BRM had quite an interesting set of plans for a drive on work bench. It was bassically a square and a triangle you power/ push up until the back wheel is on (if you made the triangle big enough it wont't tip yet) then you secure it in place on centre stand (or you could weld pit stands on - see frosty).then using the magic of leverage you tip it upright and lock the back legs in place. Safe as houses.

Speaking of houses my old house in Taranaki Had a deck with a bolt on handail and a ramp inmstaed of steps. Perfect! Note to self: keep this in mind when buy own house.

1st August 2004, 16:10
Why not a work bench with a decent ramp up onto it.
That looks bloody scarey dude.

1st August 2004, 17:23
Hey peeps thank you for your suggestions... something to ponder indeed.

I've already ordered an engine crane for purposes as already stated earlier in this thread particularly for one person operation as well as the possibility of loading the ride on the back of the ute.

But in the meantime I'll still keep up the vigil of checking every morning that the trestle hasn't collapsed.



1st August 2004, 17:42
Fuck - three people shoudl b able to take that bike off there no problems.

2nd August 2004, 07:24
Fuck - three people shoudl b able to take that bike off there no problems.

No doubt. But like I said, I want to be able to move the bike around just by myself, no assistance except for the engine crane as well as being able to place it on the back of the ute if needs be. Hopefully when it is collapsed the crane itself should be able to be placed on the back of the ute as well but we'll see.


Ms Piggy
5th September 2004, 08:57
Hey Ching,
I am curious to know if it is still on the trestle table? Is that why you haven't said you're coming to Tokaanu? I'm sure a few of the KB lads could help ya get it down from the trestle table. :niceone:

6th September 2004, 13:13
But in the meantime I'll still keep up the vigil of checking every morning that the trestle hasn't collapsed.



oh I wouldn't bother getting up to check mate. With 163 kg's of metal and plastic hitting the deck I'm SURE you'll hear it!

I understand the idea of doing it, but are you REALLY happy to work on the bike like that? I don't think I'd even want to look at it! (although that could be because it looks like mine and it just makes me nervous - and want to go check my sidestand is ok!)

6th September 2004, 15:16
Hi folks,

Well there have been some super days round these parts so I thought, "Arghhh, stuff it, I'm gonna ride". So on go the plastic bits, hoist my baby off the table with the engine crane and Bob's your Uncle.

BTW have replaced the "trestle table" with a more "robust" model from old timber found at the dump (remembering I'm a cheap barstad... refer to photos attached).

Have also trimmed the monster rear fender and stuck on a S / Steel Scorpion Can and a Silver Chrome Sportech Screen. Just need to get the baby repainted and smaller blinkers chucked on.

Hopefully I can rendezvous with you KBers when you hit Turangi / Tokaanu.


6th September 2004, 17:12
Do ya think my 250 would be alright on it? :sweatdrop

6th September 2004, 19:12
Do ya think my 250 would be alright on it? :sweatdrop

Just as long as you get a Pom to sledgehammer a builders brace under it while you're propping it up with your foot you'll be right bro. :niceone:

Nice puter setup BTW.


6th September 2004, 19:41
Hi folks,

Well there have been some super days round these parts so I thought, "Arghhh, stuff it, I'm gonna ride". So on go the plastic bits, hoist my baby off the table with the engine crane and Bob's your Uncle.

BTW have replaced the "trestle table" with a more "robust" model from old timber found at the dump (remembering I'm a cheap barstad... refer to photos attached).

Have also trimmed the monster rear fender and stuck on a S / Steel Scorpion Can and a Silver Chrome Sportech Screen. Just need to get the baby repainted and smaller blinkers chucked on.

Hopefully I can rendezvous with you KBers when you hit Turangi / Tokaanu.


your bike looks very nice, glad it madei t off the table eventually

6th September 2004, 19:51
If you don't mind me asking why did you respray it?????

7th September 2004, 04:51
If you don't mind me asking why did you respray it?????

Have yet to respray it. Have started sanding and yet to take stickers off front fender and tank.
Never did like the colour, I bought the bike on the premise of the good price.
I've either got red or a mirror chrome finish in mind for the final colour.


7th September 2004, 10:04
i suppose seeing as it was about 3-4k cheaper than any other 2003 600.
Mirror chrome finish!!!!!!!!! :doh: don't tell me you're one of those poser types :lol: :lol: . Seriously hmmmm get a custom colour made up by a paint shop that way you'll be the only one to have it. :2thumbsup

7th September 2004, 11:36
Have you started making plans for your GSXR 600 naked bike yet? sounds like you might need to!

7th September 2004, 13:08
Have yet to respray it. Have started sanding and yet to take stickers off front fender and tank.
Never did like the colour, I bought the bike on the premise of the good price.
I've either got red or a mirror chrome finish in mind for the final colour.


you are SURELY on the piss! She's beautiful colours mate! That deep pearl lustre in the yellow is stunning (although nigh impossible to get repaired I suspect). Why don't you get some fibreglass fairing replacements and spray those instead of rooting the factory decals? a full set of alstare colours (fits K2 and K3 remember) would pay for the fibreglass set twice over I'm sure

7th September 2004, 13:59
Too late CK refer to pics on previous page

7th September 2004, 15:02
Too late CK refer to pics on previous page

Yeh... like he said.


White trash
7th September 2004, 15:04
Paint job like that brother, you'll have to change your name to Bling bling. Or Ching ching-bling bling. ;)

7th September 2004, 15:17
Paint job like that brother, you'll have to change your name to Bling bling. Or Ching ching-bling bling. ;)
or to be more appropriate, given the cost, Ca-Ching!

7th September 2004, 22:17
Paint job like that brother, you'll have to change your name to Bling bling. Or Ching ching-bling bling. ;)

More like "ning nong" huh?
