View Full Version : No porn allowed on Sony's Blu-ray player

12th January 2007, 11:15
Heads-up people.

This could be the turning point in the HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray war.

Prominent adult movie producer Digital Playground (site (http://www.digitalplayground.com/)) says it has been forced to use HD DVD instead of Blu-ray, because Sony does not allow XXX-rated movies to be released on Blu-ray.

Squeak the Rat
12th January 2007, 11:47
Are they mad? Like it or loath it, porn is (currently) the cornerstone of the DVD market...... Bye bye Blu-Ray:spudwave:

Did you find this on the Digital Playground site :innocent:

12th January 2007, 11:48
Eh... wont be gettin one of them then

12th January 2007, 11:50
ha, everybody say goodbye to Blu-ray. :bye: They've just shot themselfs in the head.

12th January 2007, 11:53
ha, everybody say goodbye to Blu-ray. :bye: They've just shot themselfs in the head.

Youi mean foot?... No actually - I think you're right... head!

Considering the all up worth of the xxx market relative to the non xxx market .... tis a gutsy (albeit stupid) move

12th January 2007, 11:54
Good God man!

Not the porn!


12th January 2007, 12:11
What's Blu-Ray?
sony's new version of a DVD. holds more etc

porn is all about the internet anyways! haha

12th January 2007, 12:14
so if blue ray looses out to HD-DVD, what happens to the mighty PS3 when it finally get a WW release.....................

oh and no porn is shocking, although I'm not entirely sure I want to see porn in Hi-Def anyway...its not like I want to know what the pornstars had for breakfast.......

12th January 2007, 13:14
Heads-up people.

This could be the turning point in the HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray war.

Prominent adult movie producer Digital Playground (site (http://www.digitalplayground.com/)) says it has been forced to use HD DVD instead of Blu-ray, because Sony does not allow XXX-rated movies to be released on Blu-ray.

Where the hell do Sony get off telling people what their media/players can/can't be used for. I don't care that much about the porn, but I do care about the principle.:angry:

Similarly I bought a firewire card once that came with some video editing software (that was useless to me because I don't use Windows), which had conditions that you don't use it for any form of pornography. Stupid.


James Deuce
12th January 2007, 13:19
No porn?? But Sony are a Japanese company. They read porn on the way to work!!

Oh the humanity!

12th January 2007, 13:46
Man, I spent HOURS on that digital playground site, and I couldnt find the info about the player restriction. Guess I'll just have to keep looking...:dodge:

12th January 2007, 15:30
The interdweebnet advanced BECAUSE of pron FFS!

12th January 2007, 15:55
The interdweebnet advanced BECAUSE of pron FFS!

Internet pr0n also gave birth to the special one hand keyboard lol


12th January 2007, 15:57
This is what happens when you put an American in charge of a Japanese company.

12th January 2007, 17:12
No porn?? But Sony are a Japanese company. They read porn on the way to work!!

No, they read comics like Manga. same "Speed Racer/Gigantor" artwork, only XXX rated. A study suggested it's from all the Phytoestrogens in the tofu and soy products thay eat.

12th January 2007, 20:22
Sony really fuck me off as a company. Twas those fkers who forced regional DVD formatamathingies onto us. That really pisses me off - Who the fk are they to think they can tell me I'm not allowed to buy exactly the same product cheaper from overseas, legitimately, and use it on MY player. Fkers.

And now the dicks wont sell me a unit I can watch prawn on. And don't get me onto whaling.... bastards. Good on Greenpeace for...hang on.......sorry........I ummmm......PSP is cool eh?

12th January 2007, 20:36
so no blu movies on blu ray then?

how does the player distinguish between porn and more savoury content?

does it have willy, flange and knocker recognition alorithms built in? my mate at uni developed software to recognise and filter naughty bits in pictures.

so I beat him up and ostracised him. cunt.

12th January 2007, 21:32
Good on ya Dover. Next time you see him give him a slap for me too...

13th January 2007, 06:40
Good one Sony. It's all about putting porn where it belongs, in the mags and dunnys, where it can be fully appreciated. :dodge:
