View Full Version : Got eggs?

30th January 2007, 16:15

Once were statistics

30th January 2007, 17:22
Fucking black bastards..

30th January 2007, 17:27
at least New Zealand is still a "world beater" in one field!!

30th January 2007, 17:32
At least he ain't just sitting on his arse!

30th January 2007, 18:39
its the colonists fault apparantly

30th January 2007, 21:37
personally I blame everything that is wrong in the world on white men!! How can it be anyone else's fault? I mean duh! It's so plain to see that your average white man is behind every wrong doing of everybody else.

OK Serious now.......when will people stop pointing fingers at white people???

30th January 2007, 21:40
Fuck Yeah!! When I was a Maori I used to beat up my missus. I don't do that now that I'm a honkey and want to get a real job (making P not selling it) and these tattoos off my head.

30th January 2007, 22:15
What is a "colonial" anyway? Does it mean that because NZ and half the rest of the world is being "colonised" by people from other countries right now that I'm going to start belting my "partners" everytime I want my eggs cooked ? I suppose if it means more dickheads stop thumping their families and freinds about I can handle taking the blame for it in the first place.

31st January 2007, 12:00
Apparently in most African, Asian and Arabic countries it's your god given right to Smack your Bitch up!!!! Old Jakey would've been right at home!!!

How many Jake the musses does it take to change a light bulb?

None the Bitch can cook her eggs in the dark!!!!!!!

Uppercut right hook left hook = a happy marriage!!

31st January 2007, 14:01
Yep, it's "our" fault that mowri blokes can only define themselves by being warriors...we better let them fly their red and black tea towel off the bridge next week and give them some more money.