View Full Version : Good on you Peter Boshier

16th February 2007, 09:28
Of course your careers fucked now.

Judges telling the truth as they see it. (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/1/story.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10424270) Whatever next?

16th February 2007, 09:39
Make him Prime Minister!!!

16th February 2007, 10:39
Well my attitude is if the little pricks are old enough to do drugs they're old enough to do a lag in Poremoremo and be swapped around the inmates for cigarettes!!!

16th February 2007, 10:46
Personal accountability! What a radical concept!

Now listen to the bleeding heart liberals splutter into their Chai mochalattes

16th February 2007, 10:50
Personal accountability! What a radical concept!

Now listen to the bleeding heart liberals splutter into their Chai mochalattes

What you mean"I am responsible for my own actions"
That will never work in this day & age sonny Jim

16th February 2007, 10:55
What you mean"I am responsible for my own actions"
That will never work in this day & age sonny Jim

Annoyingly accurate

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
16th February 2007, 11:03
Crikey a judge with balls!! Miracles do happen. Yep watch the do-gooders condemn

16th February 2007, 11:05
Crikey a judge with balls!! Miracles do happen. Yep watch the do-gooders condemn

Great big hairy balls!!

16th February 2007, 11:05
What you mean"I am responsible for my own actions"
That will never work in this day & age sonny Jim

Modifications to the above...

"Someone else is always responsiblefor my own actions..."


"I will never work in this day and age..."

16th February 2007, 11:06
It would be great if it ever came to happen, I must be getting cynical in my old age, as I don't believe that it will!
Children know right from wrong by the age of 7, we should make them accountable for their actions long before the age of 12.

16th February 2007, 11:14
I expect there to be consequences for my actions. For example, I regularly don't show up at school.

So, as punishment you can send me to detention.

And then when I goof off and don't show up, you can kick me out of school.

Which of course is exactly what I wanted in the first place !

No wonder kids are finding it hard to reconcile their actions and the consequences.

Squeak the Rat
16th February 2007, 11:51
And earlier in life:

"You did what? Come here I'm going to give you a spanking"

"Haha, you can't do that pops"

"Why you little.....go to your room!"

"Cool, beats hanging out with you"

Yep, that learned them......

16th February 2007, 11:55
"Why you little.....go to your room!"

"Cool, beats hanging out with you"[/INDENT]

Yep, that learned them......

Question: What size does a 'time out' room have to be before it is classed as a cupboard?

16th February 2007, 15:16
Question: What size does a 'time out' room have to be before it is classed as a cupboard?

Any size...as long as it is playing piped music from some orchestra school band... but that would be cruel and unusual punishment in some eyes:zzzz:

16th February 2007, 15:59
remove the parents sexual organs (ovaries and balls) so this will never happen again. Then throw the kid in jail.
Otherwise you are just playing catchup.

16th February 2007, 16:03
Commit the crime... do the time... age should be irrelevant... too many young teens committing serious crimes... should be given the same treatment as adult offenders

16th February 2007, 16:07
Used to... but then along came The Children and Young Persons Act ... a load of P.C. crap....

16th February 2007, 17:16
A man with a complexion like that can't be all bad.

James Deuce
16th February 2007, 17:32
There's been lots of whinging about "PC Crap" today.

You got what you voted for.

Does that compute?

And don't try to say, "I didn't vote for Labour" because that is irrelevant.

Thanks to a lassez faire attitude to politics, NZers always get what they deserve.

16th February 2007, 17:42
A man with a complexion like that can't be all bad.

A bit like Crocket and Tub's leiutenant, but without the moustache...

17th February 2007, 07:59

You got what you voted for.

And don't try to say, "I didn't vote for Labour" because that is irrelevant.

Huh??????????????? You're in the American C.I.A. aren't you...???