View Full Version : It wasn't me, just in case you're wondering

21st February 2007, 18:37

I'm really enjoying this Cyfswatch website. The speak a lot of sense, quote: "Cyfswatch is of the belief that actions have consequences and MPs should no more be immune from the consequences as the rest of us."

Here's the link and per usual the Herald has taken the comment out of context: http://cyfswatch.blogspot.com/

James Deuce
21st February 2007, 18:44
Interesting how her PR pictures no longer look like the old '80s bull-dyke we all came to know and *cough" love.

22nd February 2007, 16:26
Seems the link no longer works mate.

22nd February 2007, 17:13
Fortunately, there's a mirror (http://watchingcyfs.wordpress.com/), of sorts.

Google pulled the plug - the shutdown was apparently due to the threats against Ms Bradford violating Google's terms of service. Unsurprising.

One hopes that the CYFSWATCH people will either wise up and host their site somewhere more appropriate, or read their free webhosting provider's EULA before clicking through in future.

22nd February 2007, 17:28
So much for democracy and freedom of speech!!!!

Were all fucked now!!!!!

22nd February 2007, 20:29
Some of us have been fucked for years.

22nd February 2007, 20:42
Sounds like she wants the glory of the bill but not the shit that comes with it!! if I were her I would've got on that website and ran that fucker into the ground!!! Then gone round to his house and give him a good smacking!!!

5th March 2007, 11:23
Fortunately, there's a mirror (http://watchingcyfs.wordpress.com/), of sorts.

Google pulled the plug - the shutdown was apparently due to the threats against Ms Bradford violating Google's terms of service. Unsurprising.

One hopes that the CYFSWATCH people will either wise up and host their site somewhere more appropriate, or read their free webhosting provider's EULA before clicking through in future.

For anyone who is interested (either in the site content, or the principle involved), CYFSWatch is back up again, on a dedicated offshore server.Here http://cyfswatch.org/index.php

I've not checked if the old content is there or not. I shall watch with interest attempts to close that down.

5th March 2007, 11:33
Interesting how this 'MP' manages to always say parent's who want to hit their kids'. Good parents using the option to lightly smack kids hardly constitutes 'hitting' which in my mind is a harsher word. Her ads on tv show a kid getting a serious spanking... again not representative of loving discipline currently allowed under the Crimes Act 1961. Typical radical MP twisting the facts and distorting things to get their way. The people who beat their kids will do so regardless of the law - that kind of assault has always been illegal.

5th March 2007, 11:38
Apparently Ms Bradford doesn't have any kids.
How exactly is she qualified to push a bill like this?

5th March 2007, 11:42
It wasnt me

I think we all know it wasnt you Finn, this is more likely to be you.


Mr Merde
5th March 2007, 11:51
Apparently Ms Bradford doesn't have any kids.
How exactly is she qualified to push a bill like this?

Because she is a MP and yours is not to question her judgement but to do as she says.

Having been elected (?) she knows what is best for us all and doesnt need to actually listen to the deires or requests from her electorate.(?)

She probably took a class in "Child Psychology" sometime and since she didnt fall asleep in it now considers herself an expert on the subject.

As to not having children of her own she probably has a friend (?) who has some and has babysat them occasionally. This in itself makes her an expert.

As an example, a doctor doesnt have to have a particuler disease to be considered an expert in it. So children are not a prerequisite for being an expert in child development.

Now I have finished speaking a load of crap I'll go back to reading.

5th March 2007, 12:00
I'm pretty sure the bitch has got kids.

I saw some pictures in the paper this weekend of what looked like a fucking hippy commune with her marriage to a Kenny Rogers lookalike also covered.

Mr Merde
5th March 2007, 12:23
I'm pretty sure the bitch has got kids.

I saw some pictures in the paper this weekend of what looked like a fucking hippy commune with her marriage to a Kenny Rogers lookalike also covered.

I find that very hard to believe. It implies that someone out there has no morales, taste or sense of propriety and as such has shagged the lady in question.

Have you been there Dover?

5th March 2007, 12:58
I'm pretty sure the bitch has got kids.

Yup. One of them is the political journo for Radio Live that was covering the happenings in parliament....sounded to me like she's also a part-time mouthpiece for her mother.

5th March 2007, 13:02
"The creature in question" has five children....

Fu*k knows how she did it... could have been Nandor, high on wacky baccy at the time...???

She is an un-elected politician. Sliding in under the radar on the list vote rather than an electorate one.

Mr Merde
5th March 2007, 13:50
"The creature in question" has five children....

Fu*k knows how she did it... could have been Nandor, high on wacky baccy at the time...???

She is an un-elected politician. Sliding in under the radar on the list vote rather than an electorate one.

Good drugs have a lot of bad things to answer for but 5 kids with her I find very hard to blame on them. Got to be a syringe job.

Un elected so therefore unanswerable to any constituants. This part of the NZ political situation still amazes me.

A free agent that can cause as much sh1t as they like, think that they have earned their stipend, and disappear leaving the rest of us sufferring for their arrogance