View Full Version : Holding a grudge

22nd February 2007, 05:53
So you get in to some pissy arguement online, blood boils.
How long before you forgive and move on?

Let it go!!!

22nd February 2007, 05:57
Nah, until I flick the power button.:bye:

22nd February 2007, 06:34
Until your next post........or 3 mins 25 secs' whichever comes first....:yes:
So piss off Sixpack i still love you.....:dodge:

James Deuce
22nd February 2007, 06:34
Never lasts more than 5 minutes. (now - used to be a big deal until someone hit me in the head with a bed pan)

It isn't worth it. All the people who butt heads get on perfectly fine when they go on a ride together or go to a KB party or something.

Half the problem is created by reading a tone that isn't there into a comment or taking someone's passionate response as a personal insult.

22nd February 2007, 06:40
from an arguement online ????

gawd laffing I never get pissy about it, cause its all trash talk anyhow ...takes quite a lot to get my blood boiling & its easy to remember this is cyberworld ppl are always hiding behind a screen typing shit that makes them appear one way & reality is just so different ...

Not sure why ppl feel the need to be something they are not online but hey each to their own fantasy/dream ... right off to my reality .. work !!

22nd February 2007, 06:54
NEVER, SPB, I will never forgive you.
You were mean and nasty and horrible and rude and disgusting......
I'll forgive others but you are on my hate list for life (p/t)

Gee, despite what some people think, KB is not real life.

22nd February 2007, 07:13
friend of mine, when she was 20, her father told her that she was a pisshead.

she's 42 now, and still struggles with that comment.

and yes she is still a pisshead.

truth hurts :)

22nd February 2007, 07:18
cos i can :bleh:

22nd February 2007, 07:19
A few hours but I'll moderate myself before posting a heated response and try to keep the tone light. Besides, I may meet the poster in the future or require their help, wouldn't want to f*ck up and destroy those opportunities.

22nd February 2007, 07:30
A grudge? Not long.

However, the messages of some people here certainly label the member as someone not worth bothering with

That aint a grudge, that's just common sense; no point discussing or debating with chronically insecure people or those who think this board is a forum for homophobia, racism, sexism, intolerance etc.

22nd February 2007, 07:50
Yea where's the option I don't really as I don't care enough to get pissy or anything like that?

22nd February 2007, 07:51
A grudge? Not long.

However, the messages of some people here certainly label the member as someone not worth bothering with

That aint a grudge, that's just common sense; no point discussing or debating with chronically insecure people or those who think this board is a forum for homophobia, racism, sexism, intolerance etc.

Or people who think this board is a forum for leftwing social reform *whistles innocently*

22nd February 2007, 07:53
Or people who think this board is a forum for leftwing social reform *whistles innocently*

:yes: as opposed to the right wing racism and intolerence replied to? I hope so :Punk:

22nd February 2007, 07:57
Yea where's the option I don't really as I don't care enough to get pissy or anything like that?

ditto lol...

22nd February 2007, 09:02
friend of mine, when she was 20, her father told her that she was a pisshead.

she's 42 now, and still struggles with that comment.

and yes she is still a pisshead.

truth hurts :)

Emotionally needy?

22nd February 2007, 09:12
Where is the option for under 30 seconds?!
Why stress about it, is my response. I judge people only on what I see when I meet them, anything else is likely to be BS anyway.
But piss off six pack I still hate you lol :done: :nya: :nya:

22nd February 2007, 09:12
I think you are super neat SPB and I'm not just saying that because you repped me either ;) (yes I am)

On line grudges are stupid. Just like texting anything written down, either a smart comment or whatever can be taken the wrong way... or not the way it was intended. Lifes to short to worry about stuff like that. KB is pretty special in that, the people who post you either know them personally or will meet them at some stage anyway... and can either make up, have a hug or smack their ass. :rockon:

But if someone online really gets up your nose, you can just ignore them anyway.... no biggy.

22nd February 2007, 09:23
Depends on the grudge... any basis to it or is it there because the's just enough truth to piss you off...

Forgive and forget's good

22nd February 2007, 12:40
I don't think I've written, or read a comment directed at me yet that couldn't be gotten over pretty quick from. But everybody has a nerve that doesn't like being touched.

I could guess at a few of of the members here weakspots so I don't go there.

Common themes are offspring, riding style, sexual preference and personal appearance. All of which I'm particularly sensitive about myself.

22nd February 2007, 12:53
there have been people here who's projected persona i haven't liked much and have been wary of ........ suspect that's true for everyone

and i have been known to take part in a heated exchange or two ...... ditto ditto ditto

but grudge? hardly!

c'mon ........ it's all part of life's rich tapestry, n'est pas? :sunny:

Squeak the Rat
22nd February 2007, 13:00
I learnt late in life that you can't try to please every one, and for every one person who likes you there is one who doesn't. I don't hold grudges, but equally there are some people i don't choose to talk to or associate with.

I operate a sort of points system. If i don't know you you start at 50. Do something positive you get points, do something negative you lose points. If you hit zero then you're off the radar unless you really do something good, conversely if you hit 100 your a mate and it's harder to go down the scale for too long.

(I don't actually have points stored in my head, that's just trying to illustrate my thinking).

22nd February 2007, 13:01
Piss off, I hold a grudge forever.....or at least 'till the first beer.....

22nd February 2007, 14:02
don't get mad

get even

22nd February 2007, 14:49
SPB, you bastard, one day I'm going to kill you and dance about on your grave singing hallelujah.

If you're lucky.

22nd February 2007, 14:55
ArcherWC, BarBender, bugjuice, busa pete, DEATH_INC., DMNTD, Fish, HDTboy, idleidolidyll, Jonny Rotten, kadams, Kornholio, Macktheknife, ManDownUnder, N4CR, SPman

Just some of the 'ahem' votes....SPB is sooooooooo loved....:love:

22nd February 2007, 15:04
ArcherWC, BarBender, bugjuice, busa pete, DEATH_INC., DMNTD, Fish, HDTboy, idleidolidyll, Jonny Rotten, kadams, Kornholio, Macktheknife, ManDownUnder, N4CR, SPman

Just some of the 'ahem' votes....SPB is sooooooooo loved....:love:

an i dont even know the man

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
22nd February 2007, 15:13
from an arguement online ????

gawd laffing I never get pissy about it, cause its all trash talk anyhow ...takes quite a lot to get my blood boiling & its easy to remember this is cyberworld ppl are always hiding behind a screen typing shit that makes them appear one way & reality is just so different ...

Not sure why ppl feel the need to be something they are not online but hey each to their own fantasy/dream ... right off to my reality .. work !!

Not just online Chancey - happens in real life.

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
22nd February 2007, 15:21
Agree with Jim2. I have no control over how someone will take what I have written - it's their perception only, and frankly its none of my business either - I don't sweat the small stuff. Better things to do in my life.

I stopped holding grudges years ago - I enjoy peace and serenity - and holding a grudge only hurts me - no-one else. If I am in the wrong, I have no problem apologising - don't enjoy "atmospheres" of the negative variety. It is amazing how a simple sincere sorry FACE TO FACE can heal so much.

22nd February 2007, 15:25
So you get in to some pissy arguement online, blood boils.
How long before you forgive and move on?

Let it go!!!

you obviously forgive pretty quick if money is involved. lot of hate built up there then, wabam, k6 in the garage.

22nd February 2007, 15:33
Hey Mikey, I've still got your socks in my car from New Years Eve. PLEASE come and get them.

22nd February 2007, 16:09
So you get in to some pissy arguement online, blood boils.
How long before you forgive and move on?


To the grave my man, to the grave....

22nd February 2007, 16:18
Not just online Chancey - happens in real life.

of course it does .. but unless i read the initial post wrong .. thought they were talking online specifically ..

my mistake ..;)

22nd February 2007, 16:33
KB is not real life.

This isn't real?

Well there go my perceptions of reality

22nd February 2007, 16:44
Agree with Jim2. I have no control over how someone will take what I have written - it's their perception only, and frankly its none of my business either - I don't sweat the small stuff. Better things to do in my life.

I stopped holding grudges years ago - I enjoy peace and serenity - and holding a grudge only hurts me - no-one else. If I am in the wrong, I have no problem apologising - don't enjoy "atmospheres" of the negative variety. It is amazing how a simple sincere sorry FACE TO FACE can heal so much.

I have to agree this

22nd February 2007, 16:46
So you get in to some pissy arguement online, blood boils.
How long before you forgive and move on?

Let it go!!!
I don't a grudge... you can hold my fudge if you like...

22nd February 2007, 16:49
Sort of like fishin too me, if you don't get a bite you don't get all huffy do you ? You just change the bait and try again, if you catch something you don't like .... just throw it back.

22nd February 2007, 16:55
Hey Mikey, I've still got your socks in my car from New Years Eve. PLEASE come and get them.

was a memorable night new years in the back of your little poogo mr fat jim, you dont wantto keep my socks for memories?

22nd February 2007, 16:56
I fuckin gill you, you gunt

22nd February 2007, 17:09
Depends what they did I guess... if it's just a pissy argument, it's time to move on. If they went far enough to PM you that they were going to chop your head off, then perhaps never.

22nd February 2007, 17:48
What's to forgive? It's a forum where people get to say stuff about things. Such is life.

22nd February 2007, 18:27
I can't post about grudges online while there's the test case going through court - all the talk of hiring assasins on people's arses is liable to get a body in trouble! :rofl:

And it's a public poll so I'll be buggered if I'm gonna post an opinion - there's a danger someone may think it's what I really think.

22nd February 2007, 18:29
Now what about the different types of grudges.

You got your classic grudge when some ones pissed with you but you have no idea why?

Followed closely by the 'missus grudge'......c'mon we have all experienced that one. Does this sound familiar;
'Whats wrong?'
About now you realise your missus is briefly spinning out in an alternate reality where 'NOTHING' means 'SOMETHING BIG' and if you expect to go sausage surfing any time soon you better work it out.
Or buy her shoes.

You got yer psycho grudge.
'nothin' bro' just gettin' a beer'
About now you look at the creature of mass revulsion next to 'psycho drunk' realise both him and ham beast are close to loosing consciousness and let rip......'fuck off or I'll nut yer'

Any other grudges types missing?

22nd February 2007, 20:02
Oh come on you cant hold a grudge against your missus because she answers 'nothing' when she really means 'something'.. dont you know anything about the way females communicate.... you are suppose to READ OUR MINDS!!! Sheeezzz

As for someone abusing you for nothing, and you dont even know them, then yea I think no one could blame you for holding a grudge against that.

Am I missing something... are we suppose to hate you SPB? What did you do? How do I change my vote? :D

Mr Merde
22nd February 2007, 20:05
To the grave my man, to the grave....

A man after my own heart.

Not necessarily my grave though.

22nd February 2007, 20:06
Any other grudges types missing?

Fuck yes.....when i ask Mr Whippy for a Fruit Sprinkle, i dont expect to get a Double Dip with a flake............man that gets me pissed....:angry2:

22nd February 2007, 20:16
Fuck yes.....when i ask Mr Whippy for a Fruit Sprinkle, i dont expect to get a Double Dip with a flake............man that gets me pissed....:angry2:

At least you GET Mr Whippy...

23rd February 2007, 08:07
So you get in to some pissy arguement online, blood boils.
How long before you forgive and move on?

I've already posted my prespective but just to note:
I currently have a pissy stalker here obviously holding a grudge against me (a week so far).

He's quite hilarious in his own pathetic way

23rd February 2007, 08:48

If I decide that I need to take action against someone that's wronged me; and I may have to wait many years then I'll wait, plan and act at a time that suits me.....but I don't sweat it in the meantime, I've better things to waste my energy on. Is that a grudge?

At present there's only a few police, a social worker, a head teacher, a school governor, a homo child molester named Raymond...and my sister on the list.

Stuff on KB; hey I'm just processing my emotions.

23rd February 2007, 12:03
I'd say "about 10 to 20 minutes, usually" is less than a week.

23rd February 2007, 12:11
I dont seem to hold grudges too well.

24th February 2007, 12:26
Lets analyse the results of the poll.

The most balanced group by far give up their grudge within a week...happiness and an easy night sleep are yours

Within a month?....yeah okay sometimes it takes a little longer.

You never give up a grudge?....your gun licences are rescinded people, and a wide berth given.

Piss off sixpack?.........you bastards a pox on your families life, I will NEVER forgive you!!.........nah only joking:yes: its the Internet folk's not life as we know it.

Get into an argument online by all means but do not take it seriously, If you think you know a person from a few vitriolic online statements you are sadly mistaken. Our online identity is rarely the same in real life.

White trash
24th February 2007, 12:32
I'm a critter for holding an online grudge. I'm the sort that gets all wound up and takes things as a personal attack when what the other person is ACTUALLY trying to do is wind me up and get a bite. I hold those grudges a long time.

Untill I actually meet the grudgee, I either get over it real quick or I get Big Dave to stand behind me while I call them a cunt.

25th February 2007, 20:46
Untill I actually meet the grudgee, I either get over it real quick or I get Big Dave to stand behind me while I call them a cunt.

And who do you get to stand behind you when you have a grudge with Big Dave and call him a cunt????????????

25th February 2007, 20:54
I sort of assumed that one of the recreational points of KB was to make people laugh or make people bite (and therefore get a laugh from another group of people). I therefore don't hold any grudges against anyone online I've been disappointed by a few people that I expected better from but hey - if someone wrongs me in real life it's a different story though...:2guns:

25th February 2007, 21:01
I learned long ago, that arguments on the interweb, are as futile as the quest for a cat that doesn't have the brain of a goldfish. My cat just walked into a wall, and that's the honest to God truth.

I'm usually over it within a few minutes, life's too short for pointless bickering.

25th February 2007, 21:19
Nobody on KB has ever said anything nasty to me, so I've never had grounds to form a grudge (I think someone did a year or so ago but I can't remember who it was or what they said).

25th February 2007, 21:26
Yea like I met Waylander for the first time today and for some reason I expected him to look almost exactly like Paul Sr out of american chopper, but he's far from it (which is good)

25th February 2007, 23:32
I voted for piss off because you didn't put up a three second option on the poll.

Its only words on a website. If somebody walked up and smacked me in the face it would be a different story, but otherwise I wouldn't give somebody I hardly know the satisfaction of knowing he could ruin my day with an opinion I probably have no cause to value much anyway.

I blame all that oestrogen finding its way into our waterways from the widespread use of contraceptive pills for making everybody so catty.

26th February 2007, 00:55
only killed one hippy,when they could have got a whole shipload

27th February 2007, 10:46
My little grudge bitch is still sniffing around posting childish messages, I think it has a woody for me.

27th February 2007, 11:32
ArcherWC, BarBender, bugjuice, busa pete, DEATH_INC., DMNTD, Fish, HDTboy, idleidolidyll, Jonny Rotten, kadams, Kornholio, Macktheknife, ManDownUnder, N4CR, SPman

Just some of the 'ahem' votes....SPB is sooooooooo loved....:love:

What are you trying to say?????

27th February 2007, 15:29
What are you trying to say?????

No body loves me:bye:

27th February 2007, 15:31
No body loves me:bye:

I do...........:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Edit: Who is using my login.......?

27th February 2007, 15:31
What are you trying to say?????


No body loves me:bye:

That... or maybe someone is able to tell when we're taking the piss...

27th February 2007, 17:53
No body loves me:bye:
So far only 28.75% of people polled... could be worse. :)

27th February 2007, 17:58
So far only 28.75% of people polled... could be worse. :)

Yeah but there wasn't a catagory for how I REALLY feel about this subject..

27th February 2007, 18:02
Yeah but there wasn't a catagory for how I REALLY feel about this subject..

Let it go Scummy...tell us aaaalllll about it.....:yes:

27th February 2007, 18:10
Let it go Scummy...tell us aaaalllll about it.....:yes:

You'll find out about it alright, - when I'm in a tall tower...with a high-powered rifle.....and a case of ammo....and the red mist decends over my eyes.

27th February 2007, 18:13
My old man's first word was 'Grudge' I reckon............he takes a lot of beating man...............

27th February 2007, 18:13
You'll find out about it alright, - when I'm in a tall tower...with a high-powered rifle.....and a case of ammo....and the red mist decends over my eyes.

Men in ivory towers................ppfftttt

27th February 2007, 18:13
You'll find out about it alright, - when I'm in a tall tower...with a high-powered rifle.....and a case of ammo....and the red mist decends over my eyes.

Ok its worse... sorry SPB :bye:

27th February 2007, 18:38
You'll find out about it alright, - when I'm in a tall tower...with a high-powered rifle.....and a case of ammo....and the red mist decends over my eyes.

The problem with these fantasies however is there's always some bugger with a howitzer watching you......:rofl: but I know how you feel Scummy. Must be a Glesga thing eh?

27th February 2007, 19:06
You'll find out about it alright, - when I'm in a tall tower...with a high-powered rifle.....and a case of ammo....and the red mist decends over my eyes.
Just one little question:

Am I in your will, sixpack?

27th February 2007, 19:09
Just one little question:

Am I in your will, sixpack?

Not so fast Wolf.....I ride a GIXXER...faster than a speeding bullet:rockon:

27th February 2007, 19:29
Speeding bullet, did you say? Speeding - oh that's dangerous. I'm sure that one of our noble boys in blue will pull the bullet over and confiscate its licence, in the interests of public safety. Always did like those Royal Enfields, mind.

27th February 2007, 21:33
reply to this flabpackback,

a few months ago you were searing an cursing an blowing an o ring about your shitty gsxr and youd never buy a suzuki again, WHAT ARE YOU RIDING NOW?

are you just another shit talking slow gsxr riding aucklander?

27th February 2007, 21:35
My little grudge bitch is still sniffing around posting childish messages, I think it has a woody for me.

Aw man - and I thought I was your grudge bitch - that's why you sent me the little messages wasn't it? Gotta love that red rep - it's a bit like sado massochism innit? Keep nursin' that woodie bro.

27th February 2007, 23:55
are you just another shit talking slow gsxr riding aucklander?

you little mullet sporting fuckstick.

i resemble that remark.

28th February 2007, 05:33
reply to this flabpackback,

a few months ago you were searing an cursing an blowing an o ring about your shitty gsxr and youd never buy a suzuki again, WHAT ARE YOU RIDING NOW?

are you just another shit talking slow gsxr riding aucklander?

*In a patronising voice*

Don't let your hate consume you Mikey....let that GIXXER jealousy go:shutup:

Lou Girardin
28th February 2007, 05:42
The interweeb isn't real, is it?

28th February 2007, 06:23
Aw man - and I thought I was your grudge bitch - that's why you sent me the little messages wasn't it? Gotta love that red rep - it's a bit like sado massochism innit? Keep nursin' that woodie bro.

you don't think i can have two (or more) sad bitches posting childish crap at me and sending inane jerkoff pm's?

Squeak the Rat
7th March 2007, 15:41
This was the stupidist friking thread I ever read and I'm still pissed off about it.

8th March 2007, 22:35
This was the stupidist friking thread I ever read and I'm still pissed off about it.

Ah, but can't ya just feel the love???

8th March 2007, 22:52
i got red-repped today for a comment i made in a thread 2 months ago!

8th March 2007, 23:07
i got red-repped today for a comment i made in a thread 2 months ago!
OK, I rep people for stuff they wrote months ago but it's green rep and usually because I've only just discovered the thread.

18th March 2007, 11:02
Still holding my grudge.........

18th March 2007, 11:22
But...but .... this is reality for some of us - who have no life, noddy no mates.
None so queer as folk

18th March 2007, 11:25
This thread is becoming fast like a grudge, it won't seem to go away:D

18th March 2007, 16:22
This thread is becoming fast like a grudge, it won't seem to go away:D

What do you mean by that?????? huh??
You talkin to me?! You TALKIN to ME???

Sorry got a little carried away there.lol

Disco Dan
18th March 2007, 16:35
I despise idiots. Especially idiots that think they have brains and when given the chance of redemption throw it in your face. To me that shows they are even more of an idiot... can you see a pattern forming??

18th March 2007, 19:39
I despise idiots. Especially idiots that think they have brains and when given the chance of redemption throw it in your face. To me that shows they are even more of an idiot... can you see a pattern forming??
Yeah, then these "even more of an idiots" get offered redemption and throw that back in your face making them "even more idiotic still" and the spiral continues until they hit Critical Stupidity Mass and cross the Hyper-stupidity Event Horizon.

Whoa, a black hole from which not even the smallest particle of reason or wisdom can escape...

Encountered a few of them in my work. they have a disturbing property of mutual attraction due to their large mass of stupidity and drift towards each other clumping in what scientists have called "committees"...

19th March 2007, 15:54
Fuck yes.....when i ask Mr Whippy for a Fruit Sprinkle, i dont expect to get a Double Dip with a flake............man that gets me pissed....:angry2:

Next time,"TOP" him!!!

19th March 2007, 15:58
I've already posted my prespective but just to note:
I currently have a pissy stalker here obviously holding a grudge against me (a week so far).

He's quite hilarious in his own pathetic way

I see it is now well over a month??????????

Disco Dan
19th March 2007, 16:56
Yeah, then these "even more of an idiots" get offered redemption and throw that back in your face making them "even more idiotic still" and the spiral continues until they hit Critical Stupidity Mass and cross the Hyper-stupidity Event Horizon.

Whoa, a black hole from which not even the smallest particle of reason or wisdom can escape...

Encountered a few of them in my work. they have a disturbing property of mutual attraction due to their large mass of stupidity and drift towards each other clumping in what scientists have called "committees"...

Yes there are at least 4 KB members that have pissed me off and all for the most stupid of reasons. The most recent idiot, which in my book takes the cake at the all time biggest idiot (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=46283) was even given the chance to cross the bridge yet decided to retaliate instead... the cycle continues... oh well... we move on. The world is full of idiots. Only a matter of time before one bought a bike and pretended to ride I guess... :shutup:

20th March 2007, 07:20
I see it is now well over a month??????????

yeah, i even extended an olive branch

i'm kinda looking forward to his 'challenge' the next time we meet. i've been loading extra razor blades into my tongue in anticipation