View Full Version : Buzzzzzzzz

23rd February 2007, 17:04
I love riding. It's given me a new lease on life. Just when I was starting to really improve I had a little tickle into a car.. That was then and this is now. My bike isn't too far away from getting back on the road and I've resolved to become a much better rider than I was. I intended to get some rider training and mentoring to get there.

In the mean time I've been trying to keep myself occupied. As some of you know I row (on the water) and recently went to the Masters games. Thanks for asking, yes I did well. A gold and two bronze. The thrill of the 8's race was pretty good. A good time had both on and off the water. Apart from that it's been pretty quiet. I dunno whether I'm ADHD or just f*cking crazy but I've found that nothing is giving me the same buzz as riding does. They say you should do something once everyday that scares you - helps you feel alive or some shit. Maybe it's just because I haven't been able to ride that I'm feeling... lacklustre.

I want a buzz. I want to feel that excitement again. I need a fix.

What do you do for a buzz if you can't ride? (No drugs) - Lick a truck battery?

23rd February 2007, 17:10
In the words of somebody in a PM to me - go get a life! Go swimming, go into town for a coffee, go do something, anything and stop your whining!:Pokey:

BTW, congrats on your medals... awesome for an old bugger!!

23rd February 2007, 17:12
Lick a truck battery?

You are a scarey man even thinking that! :love:

Me, I take my buzz every day by waking up, life is so special, everyday is a goody regardless........thrills are a bonus to me!

23rd February 2007, 17:13
In the words of somebody in a PM to me - go get a life! Go swimming, go into town for a coffee, go do something, anything and stop your whining!:Pokey:

BTW, congrats on your medals... awesome for an old bugger!!

He is old eh?

23rd February 2007, 17:14




23rd February 2007, 17:17
Yeah... well... I do things.. Dragon boating, rowing, touch, gym.... I've shit to do... but I want a BUZZ. I want to have adrenaline in my veins that I didn't expect to be there. I want a rush.

23rd February 2007, 17:17
Getting the kids to bed by 10pm everynight gives me a buzzzz... but then I have a sad life.

Na... sorry nothing is better than riding!!! :shutup: *rubbing it in, rubbing it in*

Edit/ why dont you try sky diving or bungy jumping then?

23rd February 2007, 17:18




Smart Arse!

23rd February 2007, 17:20
What do you do for a buzz if you can't ride? (No drugs) - Lick a truck battery?

Judging by most of the guys on KB I'd say masturbate rates high on the list :tugger:

23rd February 2007, 17:22
Meh got someone to do that for me...

Skydiving - would love to.. can't go tandem (too big) so I'd have to get my jump cert. Oh and the $$$$ that go with it... Bungy... down up down up down up .. where's the mrs... sorry.. erm Yeah doesn't excite me much (tried it)

23rd February 2007, 17:29
Gawd, you are fussy and difficult to please, aren't you?
Have wild sex on the lounge floor 30 seconds before the kids are due home, then.

23rd February 2007, 17:30
With anyone in particular...?

23rd February 2007, 17:31
Thanks for the green, Col - you turned me into a whore!

23rd February 2007, 17:32
With anyone in particular...?

Michael Barrymore... that'd give ya a buzz :D

23rd February 2007, 17:33
With anyone in particular...?

How dangerous do you like living??

23rd February 2007, 17:36
Michael Barrymore that'd give ya a buzz I didn't say I wanted feel more man...

How dangerous do you like living??
Dangerous... Like walking into a biker bar and kicking the first guy I see in the nuts...

23rd February 2007, 17:41
Dangerous... Like walking into a biker bar and kicking the first guy I see in the nuts...

That doesn't count. You'd be the biggest bastard in there.....

23rd February 2007, 17:45
Hmmmm... make some suggestions... I feel like doing some MMA ... I dunno what it is - I gotta itch I need to scratch... *waits for the you need to get some cream blah blah blah...*

Don't you guys get it?


23rd February 2007, 17:47
Don't you guys get it?

not often *runs for cover*

23rd February 2007, 19:45
Re-enact the Bow scene from the Titanic http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=44745

Crisis management
23rd February 2007, 20:23
You reckon he's excited now.......wait till I tell him I've got the parts for his RF but can't get down to wellington for 4 more weeks!:jerry:

23rd February 2007, 20:26
Oh yeah you gettin' my blood goin' now!

I'm thinking of taking up MMA...

23rd February 2007, 20:33
Seems a bit extreme. (http://www.mma.org/)

23rd February 2007, 20:34
OH YEAH!! Local politics here I come!

(You're an arse!)

Crisis management
23rd February 2007, 20:35
Oh yeah you gettin' my blood goin' now!

I'm thinking of taking up MMA...

Ooooooooh, theres nothing better than seeing those big, red, buttons and giving them a good push.

See ya saturday Col!

23rd February 2007, 20:38
Meh got someone to do that for me...

Skydiving - would love to.. can't go tandem (too big) so I'd have to get my jump cert. Oh and the $$$$ that go with it... Bungy... down up down up down up .. where's the mrs... sorry.. erm Yeah doesn't excite me much (tried it)
Skydiving is not even in the ballpark of bike riding exciting. IMHO.

Although I didn't try sports jumping.....hmmmm

23rd February 2007, 20:50
Base jumping I'd have a go at...

24th February 2007, 13:06
OH YEAH!! Local politics here I come!

(You're an arse!)

Yes but a huggable ass.

The other option was Mixed Matial Arts :woohoo:

24th February 2007, 13:33
Everybody is huggable - only the pressure changes...

Fark I was in a foul mood last night. STill thinking MMA though. There's Mt Vic dojo here in Welly that does BJJ and MMA. Only concern is my fitness level...

24th February 2007, 13:37
Everybody is huggable - only the pressure changes...

Fark I was in a foul mood last night. STill thinking MMA though. There's Mt Vic dojo here in Welly that does BJJ and MMA. Only concern is my fitness level...

I would love to do shit like that... Then I watched my 8 year old do his 1st grading. I don't have the patience

24th February 2007, 13:39
I suspect I'd be too gung ho and get my arse kicked... alot... So much technique so little aggression. Ever seen any MMA live? Heaps different to that you see on TV.

24th February 2007, 13:40
how about bumfights? you get to beat up the homeless all for a bottle of cider :D

24th February 2007, 13:40
I suspect I'd be too gung ho and get my arse kicked... alot... So much technique so little aggression. Ever seen any MMA live? Heaps different to that you see on TV.

Watched K1 and thats about it.... They are bad enough

24th February 2007, 13:42
The big arses that lumber around suck, but the guys that are fit and have some decent technique are real scary. Now that's the sort of shit that gets that ticker working!

24th February 2007, 14:19
lets see, while i was healing there were a few things:
sex, food, loud music (not something you wouldn't listen to usually - Metal etc), swing sets are awesome - try and get them horizontal, spacies (but not gambling), kite flying, work on the bike, drink, work on the bike some more, mountain biking.
And all of that didn't even come close.

24th February 2007, 14:39
Sex - what's that?
Food - you haven't met my fat arse have you?
Loud music - Metal.. what's wrong with that? Avenged Sevenfold, Audioslave, Black Sabbath... new or old matters not...
Swing sets - Hmmm wouldn't mind but not even my mrs is interested in me!
Spacies - boring
and rest well not anywhere near close...

24th February 2007, 15:48
Try water skiing for a laugh mate, or scuba, as for skydiving you should do it. You can do the course in 2 days max, then first jump within an hour of completion. It will cost you a few pennies but that is such a RUSH!!!
First solo jump from 3,000 feet will just about mess yourself, then you can't get enough!
Congrats on the medals too mate, not allowed to bling you anymore at present, so imagine a big green hug from me! lol

24th February 2007, 15:53
Try pole dancing... apprently its a good workout ;)


Unicycling, stilt walking, rolling down a grassy hill (fun but grass stains would be a killer), or I found this article on an extreme sport you could give a go:

Why would two men lug an iron and an ironing board up the side of Mount Everest, set it up at 5,440 metres and give the Union Jack a good pressing? "Why not?" is the reply from Ben Gibbons, half of the British pair who just set a high-altitude record in the silly sport of extreme ironing. The extreme sports movement, it seems, has outgrown sports.

24th February 2007, 15:59
Just bought a punching bag off reTardme for $30 so I'll start off by getting fit(ter)... Also picked up a Yamaha SH50A scooter - got jumped into the lagoon at X*Air so that's giving me something work on...

24th February 2007, 16:26
I can lend you a paraglider, or if your in the mood you could come work with me next time we are doing some big work, guarenteed to get the heart pumping.

24th February 2007, 16:29
'big' work?

The Pastor
24th February 2007, 18:32
get a mountain bike and hit some of the local tracks, you can get nuts fast around hairpins on a clif edge wile dodging trees......

24th February 2007, 20:21
Did enough of that when I was younger...

24th February 2007, 20:58
'big' work?

yeah big trees, something tall enough to make you question the strenth of every stitch in your harness and every fibre of your rope and the limbs your rigging off. You loose off a ton limb and the whole tree kicks about like a bronco and the limb hits the ground and shatters, blowing shrapnel everywhere. Good fun. Mistakes are easy and life changing (or life ending), so there is an enforced need to concentrate that ritalin cannot come close to. all which keeps that buzz going.

I have a spare harness and gear, if your fitness is good, your welcome to have a go sometime. Even if it just means going for a climb sometime.

24th February 2007, 21:54
Ooo we likes trees... and we can handle a saw yes we can. Maybe the fatness isn't what it once was (it's worserer) but the spirit is still willing and gets the ticker going on the big 'uns!

24th February 2007, 22:45
Dear Colapop,

I hear you have been languishing in a state akin to limbo regarding your lack of vehicular bi-wheel locomotion. The commodity you are lacking is that quintessential "hoon" factor (as defined by such notables like Ixion).

I propose several paths which can lead to a bifurcation of your stress levels and a state of meditative calm.

1) Become a Soldier of Fortune. Periods of boredom will be made up with periods of life-threatening madness, possibly terminal or resulting in PTSD.

2) Take up quilts/crochet/macrame/knitting. Please ensure you have equipment large enough to take your hamfisted mishandlings and enough material to keep you occupied safely in a corner somewhere.

3) Read War in Peace. Then The Brothers Karamazov (once you have done this, re-read it in Russian). Take a large ream of paper, start hitting the keys of your keyboard randomly until you somehow have bashed out a novel worthy to be hacked into a movie. Do this many times until even Stephen King is sick of you.

4) Push a Jaffa down the road up to Auckland. Do this first with your nose, then turn around - in a real test of your patience and skill, do it back with your tongue and see if the Jaffa lasts to Wellington.

5) Become an avant-garde artist using toilet paper as your main medium of expression.

6) Dress in a superhero costume, rush out at night and right the wrongs, rescue old ladies and cats from trees (just the cats, old ladies shouldn't be up trees).

7) Learn to ignore gijoe1313.

8) Find out where all the missing socks are, the misplaced pens, the equivalent of the national debt in loose change down the back of settees and sofas, and most important of all ... where all that missing fat goes when people try to lose it.

9) Start painting little models, make terrain and start rolling dice and cackling maniacally at your opponents across the gaming table (real or imagined).

10) Seed a new R&D company that specialises in taking away the paper cut element out of paper product usage.

As you can see, fine Sir - there is a plethora and multitudinous platter of life-saving and changing options before you. I suggest you take one step to the left, then a step to the right - waggle your tongue around, roll your eyeballs and at random, stab a digit towards the screen in the general vicinity of the aforementioned options.

It will most certainly change your life dear Sir. No need to thank me - I do this without financial considerations since I am far from penury, suffice to say I value your friendship and sanity. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the nearest instance should you need further elaboration on these options.

Your dearest and most cordial friend,

25th February 2007, 08:30
Dear sir,
Thank you so much for the advice. I realise now, that which I have been missing has been pointed out to me. The clash of crochet needles, the clatter of gaming dice, and the rustle of toilet tissue have stirred my my desires and fired my imagination! Oh, how can I ever repay thee for such selfless kindness? If you would consider a hug to be sufficient payment then I sir, are your man. I will catch you up and hold you close to my breast, such that the full weight of my thanks is known to you. Nay sir, it would be remiss if I did not hold you in such a manner that all who would know you thereafter would also be aware of my gratitude in this instance. It is my endeavour now, sir, to ensure that my heartfelt thanks are rendered to you at the earliest opportunity.

Crisis management
25th February 2007, 08:36
You want me to bring him down on saturday so you can express your gratitude? There aren't too many asians in South Auckland, I'm sure I can find him......:innocent:

25th February 2007, 08:38
Bring him to me...

25th February 2007, 22:11
Never fear, those of oriental descent will often coincide with the accidental occidental orientation of occupational coincidences! The occular occasion will often over-ride other matters. We shall all laugh merrily away and while the time away discussing frivolous things and have many a nostalgic schadenfreudian gerrymander! At the earliest my dear sir! With Crisis Management as a sounding board for that repartee of riposte, a renaissance shall evince and all and sundry will be heartily cheered by our companionship!

Pray, prithee tell - this boon shall come soon!
Your ever humble servant in repose

25th February 2007, 22:18
My gob! It is smacked! You two are amazing.

Dear Colapop....

Dear sir...

Never fear...

26th February 2007, 08:58
We Sir, are the cultured elite. Such witty repate and banter would not normally be used in the view of such mortals, in this case, there has been made an exception. You are priviledged.

26th February 2007, 09:15
Would you fit the go-carts? I'm told you're a tall fella so that may not be an option. What about jetskiing? There's gotta be something you can get a buzz from until your bikes back on the road.

26th February 2007, 09:30
Monday - Streak the length of Courtenay Pl at lunchtime.
Tuesday -pop down Kent Tce, climb the statue of Q.Vic and then yell abuse at motorists.
Wednesday - leave a briefcase in the lobby of PHQ Taranaki St
Thursday - lever out the plaque in the footpath at Stewart Dawson cnr
Friday - appear in court.

26th February 2007, 09:41
Monday - Streak the length of Courtenay Pl at lunchtime.
Tuesday -pop down Kent Tce, climb the statue of Q.Vic and then yell abuse at motorists.
Wednesday - leave a briefcase in the lobby of PHQ Taranaki St
Thursday - lever out the plaque in the footpath at Stewart Dawson cnr
Friday - appear in court.

Sounds like a dare to me!!!!!

26th February 2007, 09:53
No no, just suggestions to give Col that 'buzz' he is missing....:shit:

26th February 2007, 10:44
We Sir, are the cultured elite. Such witty repate and banter would not normally be used in the view of such mortals, in this case, there has been made an exception. You are priviledged.

You two are an inspiration to us all!
Such skill, such judicious crafting of the language, such a bounteous display of your superior linguistic prowess.
Such persiflage leaves us all aquiver with antici..........pation.
By the way what exactly is witty repate????
:shit: :confused: :laugh: :laugh:

26th February 2007, 10:47
Re pate is when Pate comes back on you.... it makes you laugh...

26th February 2007, 12:18
The fulsome renderings of the hoi polloi and lumpen proletariat is a strain not fearsome to the ear. The bellicose and scrofulous engenderments of us all make for much mirth and musings! With a quiescent and lackadaisical air, we shall not be susceptible to any transubstantiation of the company we keep! Indeed repudiation and remedial steps will be taken posthaste should machismo nueroses rear their heads!

The onomatopoetic air that we pass with every keystroke upon our engines of design, that enigma of modern conundrums of infernal inventions allows us all to partake in our devolved and convuluted forum of decorum (circumspect or shallow it can at times be!)

The audacity of Colapop to be sans wheels is a ridiculous flourish! His preprogative is to visualise his joy in finding other outlests for his zeal and concession to being without said mode of transportation in a linear-time-spatial continuum flux.

And in full circumnavigation of the base areas of my cerebellum or cerebum, I hereby doff my cap, with a tug of my forelock - hereby depart for the non!

26th February 2007, 12:21
You are a scarey man even thinking that! :love:

Me, I take my buzz every day by waking up, life is so special, everyday is a goody regardless........thrills are a bonus to me!

Amen to that! Good life philosophy!

26th February 2007, 14:06
The fulsome renderings of the ...

Strange , how two stroke smoke affects different people, isn't it.They can probably give you tablets for it, consult a good physician.

26th February 2007, 17:01
Strange , how two stroke smoke affects different people, isn't it.They can probably give you tablets for it, consult a good physician.

:weep: The two stroke oil I put in is too good ... it had a little note saying "reduces smoke emission considerably" ... too much methinks! :no: It is all smokeless and nary a cloud in sight *sigh* won't be buying that brand again...too durn feck'n good! :o :innocent:

26th February 2007, 17:08
After the weekend I have found that a golf course is a good place to 'get the buzz' I don't play golf nor did I on the weekend. Nope didn't drink, spend any time in the club house nor out on the course itself proper... Still I had a bloody good time and highly recommend a golf course as a place to go... :innocent:

26th February 2007, 18:55
What do you do for a buzz if you can't ride? (No drugs) - Lick a truck battery?

Next time a woman asks you "Do I look fat in this?" answer unequivocally in the affirmative.

Then come back and advise how much buzz you can really handle.

26th February 2007, 20:43
Meh I say it like I see it. If she asks then I'll tell her. "Do I look fat in this?" and I say "Yep. Coz you are fat." .. I was single for a loooong time....