View Full Version : That's quite enough excitment for one day thanks!!

Ms Piggy
12th August 2004, 18:09
Arrrrrrrrrrgggghhh! <_< On my way to work my clutch cabel in the bike broke - bugger! It was on Cabel St (how ironic!) turning into Taranaki St and it was peak hour traffic! So I had to let all the traffic that was in a mad hurry get past me before I could push the bike onto the footpath by the Hire place. I couldn't get it it into neutral either which made it a bit tricky. Finally got there though.


The "exciting" part of my story is that the towie ended up with his leg pinned under the bike!

Poor guy! His remote for the wynch had been playing up and didn't stop so the bike fell over on top of him. Ouch!!

Then me with my lightening reactions stood there like a stunned mullet :blink: for about 10 seconds looking at the petrol pissing out of my bike until finally realising I'd have to lift the bike off the porr towies leg as he was writhing in pain! :eek5:

As an interesring side note, it was peak hour traffic and we were on the cnr of Taranaki and Cabel Streets and no-one stopped to help us! They MUST have seen what happened!! :finger:

Another side note was that the guy from the Hire place came over and asked me if I was ok and if I wanted to leave the bike in their yard. :niceone:

12th August 2004, 18:17
one word..... bugga :(
did you get it fixed???

Ms Piggy
12th August 2004, 18:24
We dropped it off at Boyles, so I'll know the good news tommorrow. :mellow:

12th August 2004, 18:30
fingers crossed it's not going to cost you an arm, or leg, or a foot. 'specially the tow!

12th August 2004, 19:44
Any damage to the bike from falling over on the towie? You'll be able to claim it off their insurance, if that's the case.

And a free tow too, I hope after the distress of seeing your baby fall over & then having to pick it up off the towie too! :eek:

12th August 2004, 19:48
a "cable in cable street"

omen????.. nah...just sucked! I'm getting a bit slow in my old age and just realised your irony!:done:

12th August 2004, 20:57
Do you score a date with either the towie or the hire guy? :msn-wink:


James Deuce
12th August 2004, 21:01
You have certainly had your share of excitement! At least the towie ended up with a manky body part this time and not you.

This reminds me. I should get my cable oiler out this weekend!

Let us know how you get on, and don't listen to that ching ching fella, he rides a Suzuki.

Ms Piggy
12th August 2004, 23:25
Do you score a date with either the towie or the hire guy? :msn-wink:

What do you think HIS chance would be after dropping my baby!! :gob: He wasn't cute enough either.

He was very dilligent about giving his card to the bike shop though and he asked them to make sure they looked it over and made sure it was ok but she looked fine.

Oh yeah and the tow didn't cost me cos I'm a member of the Honda Riders Club. :2thumbsup

13th August 2004, 05:57
I'd wondered if the towie was cute too, so thanks for asking Ching!

Let us know how things go CSL.

We dealt with a broken throttle cable on an MHR ('83 Mike Hailwood Replica Ducati) in Martinborough a couple of weekends ago, an hour and a half later we had it fixed and on our way again.

14th August 2004, 15:56
What a bugger CSL, but the good side of it is that at least it didn't happen on the ride between wgton and tokaanu eh!, and I've just gone and given my cable a nice lubricating so thanks for the timely reminder. I hope it doesn't cost you too much, I had one go on the gn and we made a new cable inner for it, cost less than $15 as I recall. I hope you are back on the road again soon cheers Lucy