View Full Version : Baehr heated gloves

24th March 2007, 12:42
Thought I would give my impressions of these having just used them for the first time heading to the Sth Island.

Both meon3 and myself decided that we were getting too old for cold hands and splashed out and got ourselves a couple of pair of Baehr heated gloves.

We bought the vary heat ones and they cost from memory about $450 ish a pair. Non vary heat about $380.

Allthough this may seem over the top the quest for the warmest winter gloves can easily reach this amount when you end up buying heaps of pairs! Any way we are getting soft.

Wiring them in is straight forward and presented few problems although you do end up with a couple of connections hanging from beside each grip.

I first used them heading through National Park in torrential rain last weekend and again through Desert Rd on the way home.


They were waterproof.

As they heat the outside of your hands and around the tips of fingers they did keep the cold out. I only had them turned on about third heat and they were WARM. So much so that it was weird to feel the only mildly cold sensation was on the palms.

The vary heat switch is easily adjusted while riding depending on where the control is fitted. Mine is stuck to the side of the brake fluid resevoir.

I can not imagine there would ever be a time these gloves were not warm enough.


These gloves are rather bulky and it took a while to get used to putting them on and riding with them although you soon forget this when you feel the warmth.

You have a curly cord hanging off each glove and it felt a little weird. They have enough weight in the cord though so they don't fly around or get tangled.


If you ride a lot in the cold you will love these gloves. After many trips in winter months, stopped trying to warm hands on engines, they will be most welcome.

meon3 feels the cold way more than me so she loves them even more.

I carry them with me and only wear them though when it gets really cold or wet as I like the feel of my thinner gloves.

A good buy? For me ...yes. For you?.....Depends on how bad do you feel the cold.

31st March 2007, 20:15
Interesting..any pictures please.
I've given up on the idea that there is any such thing as waterproof gloves.

31st March 2007, 20:17
Will take some hooked up to bike tomorrow and post them for you...if I forget PM me and kick my butt!:yes:

2nd April 2007, 09:52
As promised...

Pic 1 ....Fitted gloves attached to bike

Pic 2.... Connection showing vary power switch

Pic 3 ...Glove

Pic 4....Glove showing water proof inner


2nd April 2007, 11:29
Thanks for the report.
Where did you get them from? Did you notice if they came in small sizes too?
We had a look at some (unknown brand) on the net a few years ago. Expensive! I wondered if they would do the trick for me as the heated grips I've seen are too fat for my small hands.

2nd April 2007, 12:57
importer and distributor:

Challenger Motors Ltd

Ph..... 09 4168008
Mob ...0212234748

website www.baehrintercoms.com (http://www.baehrintercoms.com)

Very friendly and helpfull folks. :yes:

Had a number of sizes, pays I think to call in and try them on if possible.

Cheers krusti

2nd April 2007, 20:24
Thanks Krusti. They do look a bit bulky and that's some heavy duty wiring. Then again, I bet it's all worth it if you are doing the deep south in winter :cold: .

3rd April 2007, 02:51
Like MD say's, that's some major wiring. I'm not sure I like the idea of having the hands 'wired' to the bar like that.
My bike is an import from the UK and has heated grips on it. I've not had the need to use them other than in a test. I ended up having to turn them right down as the palms were tingling with the heat.

3rd April 2007, 20:57
Like MD say's, that's some major wiring. I'm not sure I like the idea of having the hands 'wired' to the bar like that.
My bike is an import from the UK and has heated grips on it. I've not had the need to use them other than in a test. I ended up having to turn them right down as the palms were tingling with the heat.

I agree Hawkeye, that is a heavy cord but in practice they are way better than a light one that flaps around all over the place.

I still wear my summer gloves even in the rain. Only use the heated ones in real cold.

meon3 on the other hand is a different story. Her hands get that cold in the winter that her brain even slows down and her hands almost freeze up.

They will probably save her life.

For me they are just nice when it gets cold. I found that the bulk of the gloves took more getting used to than the cords.

14th July 2007, 10:58
Just an update...On my trip south last week in the snow, sleet, rain etc I have been totally converted. The gloves have worn in now and I am used to putting them on. Once north of Turangi though they were not needed to be on.

In the snow.......almost life saving.