View Full Version : OK so you chicks don't need us

29th March 2007, 08:38

29th March 2007, 08:43
So many responses, so little time and so much crap I could get myself into. Thanks for the giggle Merv!:sunny:

29th March 2007, 08:51
So many responses, so little time and so much crap I could get myself into. Thanks for the giggle Merv!:sunny:

Your welcome.

See you at the lunch?

29th March 2007, 08:53
Quote from article:
"But results showed that three quarters of women over 70 were indifferent to sex. While their libido dropped off and arousal was less, their capacity to orgasm was seemingly unaffected by age."

Well ain't that an exciting mental picture?!

29th March 2007, 08:54
It's all a matter of focus. Apparently.

29th March 2007, 08:58
Quite straight forward really......

If you are uninhibited with your partner and already can pleasure yourself...then there is no 'only 20 whatever percent of the time with your partner'

So there :bleh:

29th March 2007, 09:02
What a stupid article, another example of overly-simplistic hypotheses.
"The research found that 56 per cent of sexually-active women with no current partner could reach orgasm every time with masturbation compared with only 24 per cent of women with partners."

It takes no account of behaviour and attitudes. There are women who are not pre-occupied with sex, who have low libido and don't masturbate, and are therefore also likely to reach orgasm anyway due to the way their brain is wired: things that would turn other women on (like pleasuring themselves) turn them off.

I wonder how much time, money and batteries were wasted on this study...

29th March 2007, 09:14
See you at the lunch?

I wish, but I can't make it, gotta be at work :weep: But have one for me, ok!:beer:

29th March 2007, 09:14
Many MANY batteries. But was it really a waste of time? Obviously some girls enjoyed it. But the single thing which shows how stupid the study was is the fact that they say "every time", doesn't show the girls who could 99%, 90%, 50% of the time.

Well I figure its probably pretty true, cos my girlfriend already gets enough.

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
29th March 2007, 09:53
Whatever they say - ya can't beat the real thing, physical touch cannot be assimilated. So I reckon you guys are safe - for a while lol

Big Dave
29th March 2007, 10:20
Who cares! - as long as I can watch.

Paul in NZ
29th March 2007, 10:31
Meh! Just another article showing how most men don't know how to provide pleasure for their female partner rather than just your basic rutting I suppose?

Naturally - being a decent society we must never speak of such things to our youth and besides - it says in the (insert religious reference tomb of your choice here) that women should NOT enjoy sex - it's only allowable for men to enjoy it - and then, only when wearing the sacred garments of penance and on recognised feast days and then ONLY for the purpose of creating more church members......

Oh - I'm so going to heck for this post....

Paul in NZ
29th March 2007, 10:32
Who cares! - as long as I can watch.

I'm more a participant than a spectator kinda guy.

29th March 2007, 10:34
Who cares! - as long as I can watch.

That man deserves a DB :yes:

29th March 2007, 10:37
"The research found that 56 per cent of sexually-active women with no current partner could reach orgasm every time with masturbation compared with only 24 per cent of women with partners."

I wonder how much time, money and batteries were wasted on this study...

The other thing that jumps out of course is the obvious flip-side to the stats. 44% of sexually active women with no current partner could NOT reach orgasm every time with masturbation.
Jeeezus girls, if you can't do it yourselves do you really have the right to bitch at us when it doesn't happen?????

29th March 2007, 10:48

but its so much more fun with someone else ... :yes:

I guess in reality to many ppl have hangups over sex & can not communicate their needs/likes/dislikes .. but it should always be fun ;)

29th March 2007, 11:09
90% of men have more regular (daily) sex when single, then attached men. Sometimes they have a partner.

29th March 2007, 12:39
"women dont talk about masturbation , f#ck me man its there occupation "

*sean ryder black grape

29th March 2007, 12:54
"We like to think of people having wild sex for their whole lives but the reality isn't quite like that," Dr Howard said.

What a pisser...

29th March 2007, 13:20
ageing has an impact on sex? :innocent:

Big Dave
29th March 2007, 15:18
ageing has an impact on sex? :innocent:

yep - you get better at it.

29th March 2007, 15:33
So many responses, so little time and so much crap I could get myself into

:shutup: :shutup: :shutup:

29th March 2007, 15:35
:shutup: :shutup: :shutup:

I second that!! Not going to fall into commenting on this one!

Paul in NZ
29th March 2007, 16:33
What a pisser...

Don't worry - Dr Howard just has a shit sex life thats all.

29th March 2007, 16:51
Why do women need men?

Oh, that's right, vibrators can't mow the lawn...

Paul in NZ
29th March 2007, 16:53
Why do women need men?

Oh, that's right, vibrators can't mow the lawn...

Or pick up fallen lady motorcyclists......:innocent:

29th March 2007, 17:09
Or pick up fallen lady motorcyclists......:innocent:

bwaahahahaha good one Paul. lol

Come on ladies.... or should that be Cum on ladies?????
Get in on this one and have a bit of fun.

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
29th March 2007, 17:29
Summings 'rong - I mowed the lawns (and changed tyres, on cars) not hubby -

29th March 2007, 17:35
Summings 'rong - I mowed the lawns (and changed tyres, on cars) not hubby -

Please don't tell me you took out the rubbish too!....
I told you not to tell me....

29th March 2007, 17:42
Y'know I get all sorts of grief for 'supposedly' being too rough and boyish. But the reality is, I'm a kind caring gentle lover (at times) and would like to think I've listened to my partner/s over the years and responded accordingly. I'm not saying I'm the world's greatest, but Jeez guy's how hard is it to listen to what a woman wants...?

HA! Anyone believe that??? Any guy who can understand a woman to start with must be gay. Girls, how many times have you heard your mates say "He just doesn't understand me.." No shit Sherlock - if you guys actually said what you wanted and spelled it out - we'd still be wrong.... Women and the Space/Time Continuum - two things guys will never work out (Ok maybe the Space/Time one we'll get)

James Deuce
29th March 2007, 17:45
Obviously, none of the people polled had kids.

29th March 2007, 17:45
Or pick up fallen lady motorcyclists......:innocent:

is that the same as the 'fallen women' they usta have beginning of last century??

29th March 2007, 17:54
Obviously, none of the people polled had kids.


Yes, indeed.

I have, over the past four years, acquired a very disturbing Pavlovian reaction to the sound of the Wiggles filtering through a locked bedroom door.

29th March 2007, 18:01
i've just built a $600k house, underfloor heating, air conditioning, lap pool - very nice it is.

most important item in the house?

lock on the bedroom door. closely followed by a 1500x1500 twin-head shower :)

unfortunately i'm still waiting for the twins......

29th March 2007, 19:16
Guess I can count myself as the minority.......bingo everytime:sunny:

After 18 years marriage what a stud:rockon: [not that I'm bragin' or nufink]

Big Dave
29th March 2007, 22:31
Guess I can count myself as the minority.......bingo everytime:sunny:

After 18 years marriage what a stud:rockon: [not that I'm bragin' or nufink]

You've got to be over 5 feet tall to be a majority.

29th March 2007, 23:15
Guess I can count myself as the minority.......bingo everytime:sunny:

I reckon I'm good at sex too. I mean, I come EVERY time :third:

29th March 2007, 23:39
Summings 'rong - I mowed the lawns (and changed tyres, on cars) not hubby -

but did you 'put another log on the fire?'

29th March 2007, 23:42
I reckon I'm good at sex too. I mean, I come EVERY time :third:

But what about when doing it with others mate?
I mean do you just roll over and ignore yourself, or do you hold your other hand and 'cuddle' for a while?

30th March 2007, 00:01
Having a good breeding male is still good back up :P

Paul in NZ
30th March 2007, 09:22
is that the same as the 'fallen women' they usta have beginning of last century??

I've always aspired to be a fallen man but I can't afford it yet...

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
31st March 2007, 20:49
but did you 'put another log on the fire?'

He did the housework!! So academic but no clue how to fix anything - would even forget to put oil in the bike!! To me that's criminal!!