View Full Version : How I got my name.

1st April 2007, 21:50
I was at the latest KB lunch when I got asked but 1 or 2 people how I got my name "Nudemetalz".
Well, I've started my own business doing polished aluminium and carbon-fibre clocks and coffee tables. The name comes from "Nude" (unpainted polished) Metalz and N & Z on either end of the name to represent our lovely country.
The ironical thing is I came up with the name with the help of a friend at the pub after 3 or 4 Exports. Ain't it funny how this is where you do your best thinking.
I finished my latest clock I've made to order for a customer today and delivered. This was CAD designed using 3DS Max, which I am teaching myself to use. I called the clock "Flat-X". It's my 6th clock I've made so far.
Here's the real thing and the CAD render for those who are interested. The cutomer spec'd brushed rather than polished finish.

Nudemetalz Ltd is still getting off the ground properly plus I'm doing it in my spare time, but I'm using a "Start Small, Think Big" approach and have high hopes. Also, Mrs NM is helping out a lot too.
I have a website in the making too, www.nudemetalz.co.nz.

Thought you KB'ers might find this interesting.


1st April 2007, 21:54
There ya go then eh...do I get a free clock with the bike I just pay way to much for?

1st April 2007, 21:54
Nice work ... and I love working with CAD .. your stuff way better than mine

Big Dave
1st April 2007, 21:57
Nice work.

I have a friend called 'Stinkfinger' - but I'm obliged not tell how he got it.

1st April 2007, 22:00
Nice work.

I have a friend called 'Stinkfinger' - but I'm obliged not tell how he got it.

...errrr....thanks Dave....please don't tell me :gob:

And Kneescraper,...I can do you another good deal if you so wish :yes:

1st April 2007, 22:24
Wow! I've wondered that quite a few times, actually. Wondered if you were into naked bikes, or nudist beaches or something...? But now I know :D

Very cool stuff. I like the tables on your website. I have an ever-so-slight timepiece fetish -- I have way too many watches, and clocks etc. When I'm older and richer and have a penthouse office with a humongous desk, I'll buy one of your clocks and hang it on the wall :D

Good on you. I admire artisans tremendously.

Big Dave
1st April 2007, 22:43
...errrr....thanks Dave....please don't tell me

yea - Ya had to be thar.

One of my favourite gigs was working for an artist and sculptor called Richard Tipping.

I used to do basic 3d renders of his concepts on my macs (Ray Dream) before he took them to fabrication.

he was an art teacher at newcastle nsw uni and had works in the guggenheim and the Met (he decorated the lifts at the Met with quirky street signs 'No Understanding Any Time'.)

Like many his work probably wont get the recognition till he carks it. He used to pay me with his art rather than $.

And the point - A brushed metal clock is my favourite.

Every home should have one. Visit nudemetalz etc etc.:Punk:

1st April 2007, 22:52
They are both pretty funky clocks.
Big dave, is yours a cryptic puzzle, or one where you get rated by how many words you can make from it?:innocent:

1st April 2007, 22:58
Cool. I like clocks. The house is full of them, I counted over 40 once.

What I like is that a lot of them are chiming clocks, and none of them say the same time (well, they're ALL correct SOMEWHERE). So there's almost always one chiming.

I've got a backwards clock, it's surprising how many people don't notice it is backwards. And how many freak out when they do realise.

And a fake cuckoo clock (its electonic), that when the cuckoo pops out it says vulgar things. (And a couple of real cuckoo clocks) .

Clocks are fun. And commforting, I love the ticking of clocks.

Mr. Peanut
1st April 2007, 23:01
They are both pretty funky clocks.
Big dave, is yours a cryptic puzzle, or one where you get rated by how many words you can make from it?:innocent:
Now I now where you keep your stash, subtle bro.

Dope not here'n.... :innocent:

Big Dave
1st April 2007, 23:35
Big dave, is yours a cryptic puzzle, or one where you get rated by how many words you can make from it?:innocent:

and in the asking that question is the zeitgeist of his work.

It was all about the arrangement of letters - and arrangements of letters - and it made you go....hey....is...or is it?

Dali it ain't, but not without merit - and he was a cool cat.

Big Dave
1st April 2007, 23:38
Now I now where you keep your stash, subtle bro.

Dope not here'n.... :innocent:

The piece is called 'open other end' - you just have a one track gutter :rockon:

2nd April 2007, 06:05
That's a really cool clock, Dave.

My latest project I'm working on which is so far in CAD form is a digital grandfather clock made out of c/f and alloy.
AFAIK, no-one's done one yet like that.

2nd April 2007, 06:58
Those clocks are really cool NM, might have to ask you the prices closer to Christmas, they'd make cool presents for those really difficult people! I love them!

2nd April 2007, 08:09
Yeah good to hear your explanation about your name. We always assume the worst and I thought there must have been some kind of joke story to be told behind it all, but there you go its about your business.

2nd April 2007, 08:32
I get asked that question alot too. Some people say why didn't you just call yourself Talldarknhandsome, or some like that?

Deviant Esq
2nd April 2007, 08:46
Cool. I like clocks. The house is full of them, I counted over 40 once.

What I like is that a lot of them are chiming clocks, and none of them say the same time (well, they're ALL correct SOMEWHERE). So there's almost always one chiming.

I've got a backwards clock, it's surprising how many people don't notice it is backwards. And how many freak out when they do realise.

And a fake cuckoo clock (its electonic), that when the cuckoo pops out it says vulgar things. (And a couple of real cuckoo clocks) .

Clocks are fun. And commforting, I love the ticking of clocks.
Kindred spirit! :yes:

Visiting old houses in the UK tends to be interesting if you like old classic style clocks. Some places have more than one a room, all old... mantle clocks, grandfather clocks, wall clocks... some beautiful timepieces. :cool:

2nd April 2007, 21:56
Those clocks are really cool NM, might have to ask you the prices closer to Christmas, they'd make cool presents for those really difficult people! I love them!

Well, you ask me what you want, and I can design & manufacture for you at a demon deal :)

Does that sound like a sales pitch ?? :scooter:

3rd April 2007, 06:54
Awesome!! Okay, I'll have a think about who needs a clock and get back to you!

3rd April 2007, 07:18
I got given my name at birth, when mum and dad first saw me the very first thing that came out of their mouths was...Mahahahahahaha....but they shorten it to Maha.....i was Maha Boy for along time but now im all grown up into a Man!!!

3rd April 2007, 08:13
I've got a backwards clock, it's surprising how many people don't notice it is backwards. And how many freak out when they do realise.
Remarkable! I also have one of these in the entrance to the house.
Many comments are made about it.

3rd April 2007, 18:06
Ok, now I feel stupid. I just showed my wife the clock picture, and straight away she said "open other end, very neat":sick:
I hate it when that happens.:confused:

3rd April 2007, 19:39
I am sure there are plenty of good stories behind the nicknames we have. Nice thread dude.

Big Dave
3rd April 2007, 19:50
I am sure there are plenty of good stories behind the nicknames we have. Nice thread dude.

Guess how I got mine?

3rd April 2007, 19:51
Guess how I got mine?

Dude!! don't TEASE us like that!!

Big Dave
3rd April 2007, 19:53
Dude!! don't TEASE us like that!!

Very tall. :shutup: