View Full Version : Medical advice needed

Str8 Jacket
4th April 2007, 13:44
I had an operation last week to remove a growth from my thyroid. When they stitched me up they used those dissolving stitches for most of it bar a few "real" stitches, there were a couple that were holding in a drain from the wound, they were black and quite large so I could just cut those once the drain was removed. However theres one little white one that still needs to be removed. The doc's said I could cut it of myself or wait for the next appointment but that aint until 10 May. Problem is is that its right up my neck and hard to reach, it also feels quite tight. Anyone that knows me would know that I probably shouldnt try removing it myself cause Im very likely to stap myself. So what I want to know is does anyone know if its alright to leave it in for a few weeks or should I get someone a bit more stable handed to cut it out earlier?

James Deuce
4th April 2007, 13:45
Go to the Doctor.

4th April 2007, 13:46
Personally I have no idea, but you could try PMing Keystone as she is a nurse and would know...

Str8 Jacket
4th April 2007, 13:47
Go to the Doctor.

Do you mean that it'll be OK to wait until my next appointment with the specialist? Cause I aint paying for the stitches to be removed. I have to go and pay $300 for my bike today!!

4th April 2007, 13:48
If it's bothering you get someone to whip it out. Problem with non-dissolvable stitches staying in too long is that the skin tends to grow around them and they become increasingly difficult to remove. They also become prone to infection. I'm surprised that the docs said to leave it until May! Perhaps they thought you had an earlier appointment or it is a different type of stitch to the norm...?

Whatever, I'm sure it's done it's job by now and can be taken out safely by someone with a steady hand. Don't forget to cut close to the knot and pull the stitch through the skin by pulling the knot, not by trying to pull the knot through the skin...!

If you're really worried your local practice nurse will do it for you for not much - well they should do it for not much but it would pay to ring and check.

Str8 Jacket
4th April 2007, 13:51
If it's bothering you get someone to whip it out. Problem with non-dissolvable stitches staying in too long is that the skin tends to grow around them and they become increasingly difficult to remove. They also become prone to infection. I'm surprised that the docs said to leave it until May! Perhaps they thought you had an earlier appointment or it is a different type of stitch to the norm...?

Whatever, I'm sure it's done it's job by now and can be taken out safely by someone with a steady hand. Don't forget to cut close to the knot and pull the stitch through the skin by pulling the knot, not by trying to pull the knot through the skin...!

Cheers. The Specialist didnt say leave it until May but I had to go see him today and he said that he wanted it to stay in for a few more days and then I could remove it myself. when I got back to work I realised what he had said and realised that I wasnt to keen on doing it myself. Especially after reading the last part of your post. Sounds yucky!

4th April 2007, 13:53
Cheers. The Specialist didnt say leave it until May but I had to go see him today and he said that he wanted it to stay in for a few more days and then I could remove it myself. when I got back to work I realised what he had said and realised that I wasnt to keen on doing it myself. Especially after reading the last part of your post. Sounds yucky!

LMAO! It's not as yucky as it sounds. I edited my above post to suggest you see a practice nurse - I suggest the Newtown Union Health Centre - the nurses there know what they are doing and will probably not make you see a doctor if you ring and make an appointment.

Str8 Jacket
4th April 2007, 13:54
LMAO! It's not as yucky as it sounds. I edited my above post to suggest you see a practice nurse - I suggest the Newtown Union Health Centre - the nurses there know what they are doing and will probably not make you see a doctor if you ring and make an appointment.

Cheers for that. I shall ring them now, fingers crossed I can get MORE time of work!

EDIT - My workmates wife is a nurse and is gonna take it out for me.

4th April 2007, 14:06
EDIT - My workmates wife is a nurse and is gonna take it out for me.

There ya go...perfect...

Str8 Jacket
4th April 2007, 14:09
There ya go...perfect...

Yep, sorted :) Though I do hope he's actually asked her. Can just imagine turning up to their place and her not even knowing.....

4th April 2007, 14:10
Do you mean that it'll be OK to wait until my next appointment with the specialist? Cause I aint paying for the stitches to be removed. I have to go and pay $300 for my bike today!!
Good Girl! Got to have priorities

4th April 2007, 15:11
Go to the your GPs office and ask a nurse to remove it ... won't cost more than $20 (normally) ... and they may do it for free ..they are used to cutting off stitches and stuff.

4th April 2007, 15:17
I'll be round with the chainsaw soon mate !!

We'll take the whole bloody thing off at the neck, that'll fix ya !!

Str8 Jacket
4th April 2007, 15:26
I'll be round with the chainsaw soon mate !!

We'll take the whole bloody thing off at the neck, that'll fix ya !!

LMAO! Can you take the cat with you when ya done please....

4th April 2007, 16:22
When I had my heart op last year somehow the clever bastards did all the stitches from the inside so there was nothing showing on the outside at all. There must still be a miniature seamstress left in there - I knew I could hear voices

4th April 2007, 18:13
Hey you Crack Ho! I can come round a just rip it outa yo' neck! You never let me have any fun no more... Biarch!

Just in case any of you get the wrong idea - I'm pissed coz she's supposed to be out tricking for drug money. Can't buy crack with promises!

4th April 2007, 18:23
You certainly come to the right place for medical advice. However we specialise in Mental Health advice so sorry can't help you.

Str8 Jacket
5th April 2007, 08:51
Hey you Crack Ho! I can come round a just rip it outa yo' neck! You never let me have any fun no more... Biarch!

Just in case any of you get the wrong idea - I'm pissed coz she's supposed to be out tricking for drug money. Can't buy crack with promises!

Im getting a restraining order against you today!

5th April 2007, 13:35
Go to the your GPs office and ask a nurse to remove it ... won't cost more than $20 (normally) ... and they may do it for free ..they are used to cutting off stitches and stuff.
Good advice.
Last time I had stitches (in my eyebrow and next to my eye), I went to the doctor and asked him to be careful as I was still sore. He said, "Oh... well, I'd better not do it then. I'll get a nurse to do it..."

And I was in hospital (appendicitis) during a strike. Apart from one long-sighted nurse who'd forgotten her reading glasses and tried to pull out the drain while it was still stitched to my abdomen, the nurses were all great, whereas the doctors forced to do nurse-type things were farkin hopeless...

Str8 Jacket
5th April 2007, 13:40
And I was in hospital (appendicitis) during a strike. Apart from one long-sighted nurse who'd forgotten her reading glasses and tried to pull out the drain while it was still stitched to my abdomen, the nurses were all great, whereas the doctors forced to do nurse-type things were farkin hopeless...

I had my appendix out over 15 years ago and the stitches were the dissovable type as well and there was no stitch to be removed at all. Im not sure why they used disolvable stitches on my throat bar one little one?! Ah well, its out now and it didnt hurt at all. Dont know why I was being such a wuss! I couldnt have done it by myself though cause it was friggin tight apparently!