View Full Version : 1957 BSA Shooting Star review

6th April 2007, 21:30
Well cruzed out to my old Mentors place to see what new bikes he was rebuilding & the progress of the ones been done . Sitting there is a Rare 1957
500cc Twin BSA Shooting Star in the driveway very nice ! Brian says I suppose ya want to try it out , I laughed yep so he tells me the start up procedure . Fuel on tickle the carb lightly then a Good kick Brummmm straight into life & settles into a low idle . 1 Up on the righthand gear change & off down the drive . Headed out some back roads to enjoy this beautiful old bike . The ride was very smooth with good power from the small 500 twin , handling was good with a nice feed back through the front & rear ends . There is just something about riding a old bike on a sunny day without worrying about anything more than how great it sounds . As it is up for sale I didn't get to push it hard or try out more revs out of respect but at least I got to ride another bike that many wouldn't ever get to see let along ride . Next week its a BSA 500cc Ally twin Tiger Cub Trail bike with ridged back end , helped out by welding up some parts for the clutch today so should be another excellent bike to test ride & enjoy a blast from the past

6th April 2007, 21:50
That model BSA was my dream bike of the 50's and they were as rare as hen's teeth, especially for struggling apprentice!

When I was at sea and over in the UK they were two a penny and cheap to buy but the ships skipper wouldn't let bring one back on the ship. :angry:

That sure looks a real nice restoration job, well done that man. :yes: Cheers John.

6th April 2007, 21:56
a few hours ago I was kickstarting a 650 version in my fathers garage, can't wait until it's finished so I can take it for a ride

6th April 2007, 21:58
That is nothing compared to the bikes which he has neally finished will post up some pictures & some more reviews when done .

6th April 2007, 23:58
The alloy head on a pre unit BSA twin was pretty rare,but they still had a cast in manifold,so you couldn't run twin carbs like a Triumph or Norton....one big thing that held the A7/A10 back with the home tuners.I didn't like the full width hub and cable rear brake models.Lucky you didn't rev it too hard - that one has the ''thin'' barrel flange,they were renowned for ripping clean off.BSA's just looked so good with all their chrome and flash paint jobs.

7th April 2007, 00:40
The alloy head on a pre unit BSA twin was pretty rare,but they still had a cast in manifold,so you couldn't run twin carbs like a Triumph or Norton....one big thing that held the A7/A10 back with the home tuners.I didn't like the full width hub and cable rear brake models.Lucky you didn't rev it too hard - that one has the ''thin'' barrel flange,they were renowned for ripping clean off.BSA's just looked so good with all their chrome and flash paint jobs.

Ah, I was wondering why the barrel and head were different colours.

It is a pretty little thing. Lucky thing you, getting to ride it!

Have fun next week on the trail bike, remember to tell us about it! I want to hear what it's like to ride a trail bike with no rear suspension. Sounds like a literal pain the arse, lol.

Paul in NZ
7th April 2007, 19:05
I still have the scars from my 57 A7SS.... Unluckiest bike I even owned...

7th April 2007, 19:15
Odd. Most people thought the A7/A10 a lucky bike. Unless, of course, they were painted purple. But none would EVER be stupid enough to do that.

7th April 2007, 19:24
Yes,it was purple.

Ask him how he gets the rocker box on,that's a subject that will keep him talking all night.First time I helped some guys put a head on an A7 one guy was jumping up and down on it.

Paul in NZ
7th April 2007, 20:53
Arrrgghh, (Paul sits on upside down beer crate in greasy garage) Gather 'round yer young squips and I'll tells yas a tale that will send a chill down yer spine and a shiver to ya soul. Its a tale of a purple rogue bike, a beautiful bitch of a murder cycle that'll steal the soul of a man with her passionate looks and chrome reverse cone muffler, ruin his life with her evil ways I tells yas. Its a tale of crazy speed and dread danger, hidden gravel on dark apex's, blood and hideous deformaties, vinyl gloves, shredded wranglers, ejected stands, gang wars and crazed escapes from maddened bikies.... argh - to be sure, beware the colour purple lads, for it t'was nearly the death of me and the more metalfake it is the worse it gets... Aye, cursed I be, cursed by the purple.... argh...

16th April 2007, 20:10
That is a beautifull old timer and well restored, they use to make areal neet sound when winding them up not as good as the Gold Star single Though.
Grab a look at this Rocket Goldie 1964

29th April 2007, 05:32
Here's my mate Phill's bike. He always wanted a Gold Star but being a talented bloke decided he'd rather build his useable own dream bike than pay silly money for a museum piece. Bike in the pics is therefore not a thoroughbred but one man's idea of his ideal bike made into metal.Not much of this baby is standard B.S.A.,motor is heavily modded and much of it is one-off fabrications.He's probably too scared to add up what it cost him apart from several weeks hard graft but in the flesh this is a work of art.

29th April 2007, 09:23
Here's my mate Phill's bike. He always wanted a Gold Star but being a talented bloke decided he'd rather build his useable own dream bike than pay silly money for a museum piece. Bike in the pics is therefore not a thoroughbred but one man's idea of his ideal bike made into metal.Not much of this baby is standard B.S.A.,motor is heavily modded and much of it is one-off fabrications.He's probably too scared to add up what it cost him apart from several weeks hard graft but in the flesh this is a work of art.

Great story! Nice bike!:yes:

29th April 2007, 11:06
looks like it hit reserve of $7k on Tardme- smart buy... keep it in good nick, and it can only appreciate in value.

29th April 2007, 11:21
There's been an immaculate original condition blue one at the last few cold kiwis.