View Full Version : Why was Gerber's hubby laid off?

8th April 2007, 13:51
Is there something they're not telling us. The guy seems to have been sacked for keeping bad cop company in the past. For having had a bit of a swinging lifestyle in the past. It seems he and Debbie have got it sorted now - even if some historic smutty stuff may be laying about on the web.

This development can't be good for their children atop the Heralds attempts to smear their Mum and Dad for having not been monogamous. If he was a good ambulance Officer of which we're short why has his association with 'baddies' (in the context of no criminal charges) resulted in him being laid off, when the top rapist got to keep his job so far.

Doesn't seem fair. Anyone know why the ambo is on the scrap heap? Is it not permitted for ambos to break the ten commandments or what? And are others who are on dating sites likely to lose their jobs too? Whats up here?

8th April 2007, 15:47
What on earth are you talking about?

8th April 2007, 17:01
What on earth are you talking about?

I kinda get the sentiment here .. someone was into threesomes and got fired ... and some ambo did something bad?

8th April 2007, 20:11
Makes no sense to me either. Apparently they are saying that somebody made that ad up and posted it which, isn't too hard to believe either.

8th April 2007, 20:19
What Mr Hitcher said. Who is Gerber ? Who is Debbie? What ad ? Where does the ambo come in? What is sound of one hand clapping? And don't tell me the answer is 42. In short, wotcha babblin abart Willis ?

8th April 2007, 20:36
And are others who are on dating sites likely to lose their jobs too?

Will it spread to KB? We'll all get sacked on Tuesday morning!!

Seriously, I duuno wtf he's on about either.

8th April 2007, 20:53
At the end of the day, it's the Somalian orphans that will suffer the most...

8th April 2007, 20:55
So, this is nothing to do with kittens then? Or that stupid bear?

8th April 2007, 21:19
What Mr Hitcher said. Who is Gerber ? Who is Debbie? What ad ? Where does the ambo come in? What is sound of one hand clapping? And don't tell me the answer is 42. In short, wotcha babblin abart Willis ?

This woman is the latest to show the videos of the police and her - the guy is her partner who worked for the ambulance people and was fired but nobody quite knows the reason.

8th April 2007, 21:22
Is this all real life, or have people been watching that television contraption again?

8th April 2007, 22:07
Give me a video camera, quickly. I need 500 large, and I'm sure I can remember being gang-banged by blue people once. Either Police or Smurfs. It's all a bit distant now...

8th April 2007, 22:15
Give me a video camera, quickly. I need 500 large, and I'm sure I can remember being gang-banged by blue people once. Either Police or Smurfs. It's all a bit distant now...

Dude, ya gotta lay off the mushrooms man!

8th April 2007, 22:17
Give me a video camera, quickly. I need 500 large, and I'm sure I can remember being gang-banged by blue people once. Either Police or Smurfs. It's all a bit distant now...

Violated by large police smurfs perhaps?

8th April 2007, 22:26
Give me a video camera, quickly. I need 500 large, and I'm sure I can remember being gang-banged by blue people once. Either Police or Smurfs. It's all a bit distant now...

Arggh. You got done over by the Nac Mac Feegles ! When they bang you they bang you good. I just hope you didn't sign anything. "neever sign a feegle contract . Six inch high people write verra small print". I would start by interrogating McJim. He sounds like one of them, and although he isn't blue , or very wee, that may just be a cunning disguise.

9th April 2007, 00:12
OK I was lazily trying to get answers here but no-one knows what I'm on about apart from Ellie who always does.

Police fear sex case fallout
By EMILY WATT - The Dominion Post | Monday, 2 April 2007

"We're very mindful that the bashing of police, which we have to take on the chin, is going to have an impact on people who are wanting to know what to do with an issue of sexual assault," said Detective....

The latest claims about police sex, though consensual, centre around Tauranga mother of two Debbie Gerbich and a videotape of her having sex with three former police officers, including convicted rapist Brad Shipton and former detective senior sergeant Warren Gerbich. She married Mr Gerbich, but they later divorced.

She has also claimed that handcuffs and batons were used by serving officers during group sex sessions in Bay of Plenty till 2002, and that a serving officer indulged in a rape role-play.

She said three of those officers were still serving.

Mrs Gerbich said that at the time the group sex sessions were consensual, but looking back, she could see she was "manipulated".

Mr Holden said that, every weekend, there would be people who became victims of sex crimes that police never knew about.

"Not knowing what to do with (the experience), not knowing where to take it, can lead to consequences for them later in life."

Mr Holden said the same message was going out to offenders that victims would not take complaints to police.

"We'd like to say to offenders around the country if you're planning to make these offences, you need to factor in that police are interested and police are going to lock people up (unless they are Commissioner material)."

Detective Superintendent Win van der Velde said police were continuing to investigate Mrs Gerbich's claims.

Mrs Gerbich, who was publicly named on Saturday, told Sunday News the investigation and media fallout had been hell and said she had been "treated like a criminal".

She said she had been hounded by the media, with photographers hiding in the bushes, and Herald on Sunday assistant editor Stephen Cook sending "intimidating" e-mails.

She had sent copies of Mr Cook's e-mails to police, including one sent on Thursday that read: "We can play this one of two ways; either with your cooperation or without.

"We have made enquiries today into your background and have turned up several interesting leads. And I suggest it's in your interests to discuss those with me.

"We also have photographs of you both."

His e-mail ended: "If you think you can continue to hide in the shadows, you're sadly mistaken."

Mrs Gerbich's partner, Bill McNeilly, a Rotorua ambulance officer, has also been stood down by St John after the allegations.

Mr McNeilly did not appear in the videotape made public, but it is understood he was interviewed by the Operation Austin team last week, and has been stood down pending police inquiries and an internal ambulance investigation.

Midland St John chief executive Eddie Jackson refused to comment till investigations were completed.

Police Minister Annette King said "Deputy Commissioner (Rob) Pope has advised me there's additional information to be gathered. He also advised me he hopes to have a full report for me in the near future but the ability to do this will depend on full cooperation with the parties and the media," she said.

Its just not usual to get stood down from employment because your partner cries 'police are foul.' And today she told journos she wants to leave the country so maybe he really is in hot water?

Possibility 1

McNeilly was stood down as all his time will be taken up helping Police with their inquiries eg narcing on cops that unknown people are complaining about

Possibility 2

St Johns ambulances might be a christian values organisation that disapproves of alleged 3somes - dismissable offense?

Possibility 3 (scraping the barrel)

Discrimination - employer fears he as sexually transmitted diseases that he could infect accident victims with somehow as they have open wounds

Possibility 4

New Police victims to come forward or old ones of Shipton etc have IDed Mcneilly as present at something nasty that happened

9th April 2007, 00:40
What is sound of one hand clapping?

I can show you the answer to that. No, honestly I can.

Big Dave
9th April 2007, 14:39
I can show you the answer to that. No, honestly I can.

When yer not busy spankin' on about Suzukis. :done:

Big Dave
9th April 2007, 14:41
Give me a video camera, quickly. I need 500 large, and I'm sure I can remember being gang-banged by blue people once. Either Police or Smurfs. It's all a bit distant now...

It was Tron on bad voltage.

9th April 2007, 15:14
When yer not busy spankin' on about Suzukis. :done:

As my father told me, `son, always give credit where credit is due.` Wouldn`t want to let him down now, would I?

9th April 2007, 15:35
Candor I say theory 4.......honestly I dont know what the fuss is about..theyre all sexual deviots who enjoy group sex!!!!If the law already says you can have brothels open over easter but not plant shops then go figure!!!!!!Its all a crock and its too late to cover their asses probly stretched beyond beleif after the battons been there anyway!!

9th April 2007, 23:42
Ewwwww bad visual - SO bad. And it all just goes to show that unlike in pommyland nobody really gives a damn about such things.

10th April 2007, 12:58
... centre around Tauranga mother of two Debbie Gerbich and a videotape of her having sex with three former police officers...

Will nobody think of the children?

There is now a video out there somewhere in interweb-land of their mother being gangbanged by fat, middle-aged men.

Personally, were I one of those children, I would preemptively dig my eyes out with a spoon.