View Full Version : Maori harmed by immigration...

17th April 2007, 12:34
On Stuff this morning:

Immigration hurts Maori - economist
By PAUL EASTON - The Dominion Post | Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Immigration is harming Maori and pushing house prices beyond reach of first-home buyers, says a Massey University economist.

Greg Clydesdale has made public the results of a study on the economic effects of immigration.

He says it shows Maori are being harmed by large numbers of unskilled or low-skilled immigrants allowed in on humanitarian and family reunification grounds.

"They made up 40 per cent of the annual total of immigrants and compete with Maori for jobs, state housing and social services.

"Limited resources are being split between Maori and Pacific Islanders."

Mmn, is this guy saying that all Maori are unskilled or low-skilled? I wonder what the answer could be - what about upskilling? Now there's a thought...

Paul in NZ
17th April 2007, 12:36
Yes - what he says is quite true BUT upskilling is a seperate issue and it is being addressed slowly (it's always going to be slow).

Mr Merde
17th April 2007, 12:37

Do you have a link to the article.

I have my views but will just sit back for a breather first.

Mr :shit:

17th April 2007, 12:39
Maori don't like competition.

17th April 2007, 12:42
A few weeks ago there was a claim about Maori being harmed by too many white immigrants from English speaking countries (mainly UK and South Africa).

17th April 2007, 12:46
send them to the bay plenty of fruit work.
the goverment just about to import immigrants to do this and we even gonna train them.
shit we even building them a backpackers

Dave Lobster
17th April 2007, 12:47
Here's an idea.. how about stop letting unskilled people in - whatever country they come from. That way, the low skilled locals wont have competition.

I'd be interested to know how 'unskilled' white people are getting in (for good) though. Its not as if they can claim to be refugees.

17th April 2007, 12:51
Here's an idea.. how about stop letting unskilled people in - whatever country they come from. That way, the low skilled locals wont have competition.

I'd be interested to know how 'unskilled' white people are getting in (for good) though. Its not as if they can claim to be refugees.

You're assuming that NZ's very own unskilled actually want to work.

Dave Lobster
17th April 2007, 12:53
You're assuming that NZ's very own unskilled actually want to work.

Isn't car stealing, windscreen washing and drinking classed as work?

Paul in NZ
17th April 2007, 12:54
Here's an idea.. how about stop letting unskilled people in - whatever country they come from. That way, the low skilled locals wont have competition.

I'd be interested to know how 'unskilled' white people are getting in (for good) though. Its not as if they can claim to be refugees.

How about we just plain stop pretending we are a part of the international community and stop letting people in full stop...

Dave Lobster
17th April 2007, 12:57
Because other countries that are accomodating of Kiwis might not be too amused..

17th April 2007, 12:57
How the hell do non skilled people even get visas? My girlfriend from Ireland tried twice and was declined as "other New Zealanders could do the job". WTF??

17th April 2007, 13:02
How the hell do non skilled people even get visas? My girlfriend from Ireland tried twice and was declined as "other New Zealanders could do the job". WTF??

Perhaps you should ask Helen.

Disco Dan
17th April 2007, 13:10
How the hell do non skilled people even get visas? My girlfriend from Ireland tried twice and was declined as "other New Zealanders could do the job". WTF??

Im guessing she is white? unless your a minority group you dont have a sh*t show....

17th April 2007, 13:21
Unemployment rate is the lowest in years, but that still means there are people who could do fruit picking, etc.

17th April 2007, 13:21
Maori Harmed?....which one exactly?

17th April 2007, 13:30
Here is the link here: http://www.stuff.co.nz/4028365a8153.html

But what irks me is the fact that this is news because someone has decided it is harming Maori. There are plenty of unskilled non-Maori workers in NZ who could equally claim to be harmed.

And I agree with the poster who said why don't we stop allowing so many unskilled people in (although I think the article mentions on humanitarian grounds somewhere) and try and make NZ a better place for ALL of us, irrespective of the colour of our skin.

17th April 2007, 13:35
Here is the link here: http://www.stuff.co.nz/4028365a8153.html

But what irks me is the fact that this is news because someone has decided it is harming Maori. There are plenty of unskilled non-Maori workers in NZ who could equally claim to be harmed.

And I agree with the poster who said why don't we stop allowing so many unskilled people in (although I think the article mentions on humanitarian grounds somewhere) and try and make NZ a better place for ALL of us, irrespective of the colour of our skin.

I didn't think they did? Is there some loophole? My conspiracy theory is NZIS let in two types of worker - ones that genuinely fill a skilled shortage in NZ and ones to do the kind of work that no one else wants to do - low wages or just plain undesirable.

17th April 2007, 13:40
Stop letting unskilled people in and boot the unskilled people out.

17th April 2007, 13:45
How the hell do non skilled people even get visas?

Because they are skilled,it's just when they get here their qualifications are not recognised....it would be good if they found that out before they got here.I've had so many overskilled people apply to me for jobs.I remember one guy who was applying to be a mechanic,asked what he did in his homeland - he said he was the manager of a steel mill.Well there is a steel mill across the harbour,have you applied there? In his country there is a steel mill in every city,and there are hundredes of cities.Doctors pedaling insurance,lawyers pumping gas....talk to some of these immigrants,they are real people you know.

17th April 2007, 13:52
Im guessing she is white? unless your a minority group you dont have a sh*t show....

Top 5 nationalities granted Work Visa/Permit 2006/2007 as 19 March 2007:
China 18,143 (12.5%)
Great Britain 17,017 (11.7%)
United States 6,256 (4.3%)
India 6,244 (4.3%)
Japan 5,215 (3.6%)
(Total granted: 144,966 out of 164 nationalities)

Top 5 nationalities granted Residency 2006/2007 as 19 March 2007:
Great Britain 8,212 (26.4%)
China 3,328 (10.7%)
India 2,675 (8.6%)
South Africa 2,569 (8.3%)
Fiji 1,789 (5.7%)
(Total granted: 31,078 out of 156 nationalities)

I didn't realize British people are considered minority? (Unless they're all "British rejects" from middle east)

17th April 2007, 13:55
Maori don't like competition.

I allways thought it was the entry fee that they did not like...:shutup:

17th April 2007, 13:58
But what irks me is the fact that this is news because someone has decided it is harming Maori. There are plenty of unskilled non-Maori workers in NZ who could equally claim to be harmed.

Agreed - students, solo parents, young people starting out, parents and grandparents of the previously mention etc... will all be affected.

The article has a - "fill that colomn space with a Maori piece to get the rabble going and back it up with academic comment for credibility" - feel about it".

Much ado about fark all for the brainfarked.

Disco Dan
17th April 2007, 14:02
Top 5 nationalities granted Work Visa/Permit 2006/2007 as 19 March 2007:
China 18,143 (12.5%)
Great Britain 17,017 (11.7%)
United States 6,256 (4.3%)
India 6,244 (4.3%)
Japan 5,215 (3.6%)
(Total granted: 144,966 out of 164 nationalities)

Top 5 nationalities granted Residency 2006/2007 as 19 March 2007:
Great Britain 8,212 (26.4%)
China 3,328 (10.7%)
India 2,675 (8.6%)
South Africa 2,569 (8.3%)
Fiji 1,789 (5.7%)
(Total granted: 31,078 out of 156 nationalities)

I didn't realize British people are considered minority? (Unless they're all "British rejects" from middle east)

Just because there is a 'treaty' does not mean we are not still taking over ;)

17th April 2007, 14:02
Because they are skilled,it's just when they get here their qualifications are not recognised....it would be good if they found that out before they got here.I've had so many overskilled people apply to me for jobs.I remember one guy who was applying to be a mechanic,asked what he did in his homeland - he said he was the manager of a steel mill.Well there is a steel mill across the harbour,have you applied there? In his country there is a steel mill in every city,and there are hundredes of cities.Doctors pedaling insurance,lawyers pumping gas....talk to some of these immigrants,they are real people you know.

I understand that I have no problem with immigrants I am one myself - Canada are having the same problems - encouraging immigrants into the country as they "meet requirements" knowing full well they don't have a shit show of finding a job in what they are qualified for as there is no such industry/employment in that field in the country - they end up driving Taxis and working in Burger King. I don't understand why they do that and then turn down people who are already semi settled and employed.

17th April 2007, 14:21
What's funny about this thread is that it's normally "Immigrants harmed by Maori" so go the immigrants!!!

On a lighter note, we need immigrants. Kiwi's are generally very lazy and have a poor work ethic. The good ones have long gone and what's left at the bottom of the bucket is not worth much. A country is in a very bad state of affairs when it has such a huge welfare industry and no one to pick fruit.

Disco Dan
17th April 2007, 14:27
A country is in a very bad state of affairs when it has such a huge welfare industry and no one to pick fruit.

Doesnt the fruit just fall off and land in the supermarket by itself?

17th April 2007, 14:28
Doesnt the fruit just fall off and land in the supermarket by itself?

You'd think so given the quality of supermarket fruit.

17th April 2007, 15:52
You'd think so given the quality of supermarket fruit.

"You have given out too much reputation blah blah blah" - damn!

17th April 2007, 15:56
You'd think so given the quality of supermarket fruit.

Who the hell wants to be ripped off by buying fruit & veg at a supermarket?
Grossly overpriced.

17th April 2007, 16:22
But what irks me is the fact that this is news because someone has decided it is harming Maori.
Actually I think that the cart has been put slightly in front of the horse here. Let's look at the opening line again...

"Immigration is harming Maori and pushing house prices beyond reach of first-home buyers, says a Massey University economist."

A Massey University economist. Now, researchers, professors, lecturers and other hangers on of higher education institutions don't just research whatever appeals to them this morning. Unless they're at, like, Cambridge or something but this is Massey. So job number one is to find out for what we can extract money from the government in order to continue our research and vainly attempt to gain relevance on the International stage.

Please fund: A study into the wider economic benefits of motorcyle commuting. ---No.

Please fund: A study into the affects of immigration on accountants whose last names start with the letters "P", "N" or "W". ---No.

Please fund: I dunno, something involving Maori and, ummm, first home buyers. ---Oh, Maori. Definitely. Lots of money for anything involving Maori.

And so it comes to pass that the only things that ever get researched are those which have arseloads of money sitting around waiting to be picked up.

I'd like to take this opportunity to lay into the academic standards in New Zealand's universities ... apart from Peter Gutmann ... except I don't really have the energy to do it in a creative and insightful fashion. So please just take it as read.


17th April 2007, 16:26
maori are being harmed by a cant be arsed getting on with life this isnt 1860 any more attitude

17th April 2007, 16:31
It could be that the unskilled immigrants are actually prepared to WORK for their money.

17th April 2007, 16:59
Kiwi's are generally very lazy and have a poor work ethic.

Strangely enough, in London they believe the exact opposite. I have a mate who has a landscaping business who employees Kiwi labour first (and poms way last)...I guess that speaks to your point about the ones that leave, and the ones that stay.

17th April 2007, 17:03
Strangely enough, in London they believe the exact opposite. I have a mate who has a landscaping business who employees Kiwi labour first (and poms way last)...I guess that speaks to your point about the ones that leave, and the ones that stay.

Yes but you must remember where we got our laziness from.

17th April 2007, 17:40
What's funny about this thread is that it's normally "Immigrants harmed by Maori" so go the immigrants!!!

On a lighter note, we need immigrants. Kiwi's are generally very lazy and have a poor work ethic. The good ones have long gone and what's left at the bottom of the bucket is not worth much. A country is in a very bad state of affairs when it has such a huge welfare industry and no one to pick fruit.

Not all the good ones are gone. Iv been working since I left school, never had a benefit, hate being in debt and as a result see paying my bills a top priority. Im now studying a business degree part time and attempting to take leave without pay to study full time in order to hurry up. Although I spose you are right to an extent. Once i get my degree im looking to be part of the brain drain too. Why do people on benefits earn more than me? NZ is a low wage economy, the most difficult way to get ahead is to work hard.

17th April 2007, 17:45
....the most difficult way to get ahead is to work hard.

Usually. Best to work smarter

17th April 2007, 17:51
Strangely enough, in London they believe the exact opposite. I have a mate who has a landscaping business who employees Kiwi labour first (and poms way last)...I guess that speaks to your point about the ones that leave, and the ones that stay.

Got an englishman and a scot at work and they are the laziest people I have ever met. A mate worked in banking over in the UK for a while and couldn't believe how slack they all were.

17th April 2007, 18:00
..................... So job number one is to find out for what we can extract money from the government in order to continue our research and vainly attempt to gain relevance on the International stage.

Please fund: A study into the wider economic benefits of motorcyle commuting. ---No.

Please fund: A study into the affects of immigration on accountants whose last names start with the letters "P", "N" or "W". ---No.

Please fund: I dunno, something involving Maori and, ummm, first home buyers. ---Oh, Maori. Definitely. Lots of money for anything involving Maori.

And so it comes to pass that the only things that ever get researched are those which have arseloads of money sitting around waiting to be picked up.



oh davey, davey, davey tsk tsk ------- the CHALLENGE is to frame your terms of reference in a way that can tap into those areseloads of money ............ f'rinstance how about 'please fund a study into the wider economic benefits of motorcyle commuting on public roads used by Maori......'

(no, don't thank me, it's a gift .............. :innocent: )

17th April 2007, 18:01
Got an englishman and a scot at work and they are the laziest people I have ever met. A mate worked in banking over in the UK for a while and couldn't believe how slack they all were.

................ all us good ones have left? :innocent:

17th April 2007, 18:05
Maori don't like competition.

What ,don`t like competition , I can`t be bothered right now arguing I`ve got some bros` coming over with some beers with the money they got at the traffic lights , then might go to the pub if my horse comes in ,Chur

17th April 2007, 18:08
................ all us good ones have left? :innocent:

Nice one. I also know a bunch of good one's too.

Dave Lobster
17th April 2007, 18:15
On a lighter note, we need immigrants. Kiwi's are generally very lazy and have a poor work ethic. The good ones have long gone and what's left at the bottom of the bucket is not worth much. A country is in a very bad state of affairs when it has such a huge welfare industry and no one to pick fruit.

Its the same in the UK. The good ones are leaving. And they're being replaced by pakistanis.. and (more lately) eastern european slavs.

17th April 2007, 20:26
Yes but you must remember where we got our laziness from.

I'd try to, but I really can't be arsed.

17th April 2007, 20:27
Its the same in the UK. The good ones are leaving.

Thanks for the compliment...

17th April 2007, 22:29

17th April 2007, 22:34
<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2531/tribal1ir5rk9.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a>

<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/922/tribal4nt3ok4.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a>

17th April 2007, 23:00
Bing back Winston :Punk:

Give them all a English test ..:innocent: ..then there wont be the excuse (donta speaka da english)

I have a handicap kid at work.....and the last 30 months has been a hard road training him to be a chef last month he past his final assesment at poly tech and this kid has honestly worked his guts out to upskill himself for his own independence he will always have a hard road in life but it will only make him work harder and I couldn't ask for a better and more commited worker

I dont have a problem who I train as long as they show commitment thats all I ask from my staff

But there is always someone on the bandwagon about "we got it hard its not fair" well life isnt fair and its always the few that often dont want to work are the ones whinging and its the many that do work that get the flack

17th April 2007, 23:05
Another KB Maori bashing thread *yawn*
Shit I think a few got the slipper into the pom's and scot's as well, apparently unless your a white kiwi your worthless.
'Course a few years ago it was all the pommies fault, who remembers 'bash a pom a day' in the early 70's ? I do. Only choice was to get freindly with the maori lads and beat the living shit outa some red necks. I love maori's.
Those were the days:sunny:

Stick to your pig-bashing threads.......

18th April 2007, 05:24
so the economist that said this has spoken to how many Maori? It's interesting how the media pick up things to rev people up huh! Personally, I like immigration in fact, I am currently residing with an immigrant and love it :laugh:

18th April 2007, 06:34

The reason were having so many problems is because - SO MANY OF YOU VOTED LABOUR!!!!

It's abit late now to turn back the tides. The damage is done.
The house prices have hiked already.
And just as Labour adopted a similar immigration plan to the one that has ruined England. We're now ruined too. With beneficiaries a plenty!

Why Complain? You got what you voted for!

What I find hilarious is that members of previous labour parties are completely rubbishing this current labour party and stating that the policies are not labour policies!

Now that some people are realising the damage being done, labour will lose votes. But they won't. Coz they just bring in more refugees and beneficiaries to counter any lost votes not catered for by emmigrating professionals. Doesn't matter that it's a fine recipe for reaching third world status. Coz with a few pay packets from being in the top job, Aunty H will be departing for greener French pastures once there's no more money to be made. Where Helen and her lesbian partner can live happily ever after.

I hear that Helens so called Husband doesn't even live in the same town as Helen. Helen has Premier house in Wellington and her own home in Auckland. Well Hubby lives South of Auckland.
Problem for Helen is, she has to maintain the marital status to look credible to New Zealanders. She won't admit that she's a lesbian.
It's all lies. The whole labour party is based on lies!!!!!!

18th April 2007, 06:59

18th April 2007, 08:16
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Ever watched 'police ten 7' and wondered why the overwhelming majority of crims are maori

Sort of because a lot of pale skinned people still claim to be Maori?
Hell, they 've got at least 1/16th Maori blood so they must be.......:rolleyes:

Mr Merde
18th April 2007, 08:43
Sort of because a lot of pale skinned people still claim to be Maori?
Hell, they 've got at least 1/16th Maori blood so they must be.......:rolleyes:

Like O'Regan's 1/32 Moari blood you mean.

18th April 2007, 09:29
Ever watched 'police ten 7' and wondered why the overwhelming majority of crims are maori ?......

Because they're dumb and always get caught?

18th April 2007, 10:39
Bloody immigrants harming Maori unemployment. How dare these immigrants contribute to yet another decline in the number of unemployed Moari by over 7% since September..

I blame the govt. How dare they be responsible for policies which have contributed to the lowest unemployment level in NZ for decades. Some of us would rather be out of work and drawing benefits from the state.

18th April 2007, 11:51
As I see it, there are basically only two groups of people that make up the human race.

Leaders and followers! :yes:

In which group do you belong?

Unfortunately, some self proclaimed leaders don't know which way their followers went! :doh: :rofl: John.

18th April 2007, 13:38
On a lighter note, we need immigrants. Kiwi's are generally very lazy and have a poor work ethic. The good ones have long gone and what's left at the bottom of the bucket is not worth much. A country is in a very bad state of affairs when it has such a huge welfare industry and no one to pick fruit.

If you think Kiwis are lazy etc, you should see the Aussies. It's true about the fruit too. I worked on a farm up in Omaha Beach some years ago. They couldn't get anyone to work for them. It was very hard work, and I learnt a lot about Horticulture e.g. the same Botritis that produces "noble rot" in grapes is deadly to tomatoes and capsicum, destroying the stems. Anyway, they had to use foreign backpackers as all the unskilled locals
would rather sit on the dole and go to the pub.

The Koreans made me laugh. They grew Aubergines there. We planted, grew and harvested them along with capsicums and Courgettes. The egglpants have a really spiked stem. You'd tell the Koreans "wear gloves, and hold the eggplant by the base be fore cutting the stem". (a demonstration was given) What do the do, forget the gloves and grab the fruit by the stem. You'd hear them yelp across the paddock, go see them, and they'd have hundreds of thorns broken off in their hands. The leaves of the courgette plants are covered in spikes as well.

18th April 2007, 13:40
As I see it, there are basically only two groups of people that make up the human race.

Leaders and followers! :yes:

In which group do you belong?

Unfortunately, some self proclaimed leaders don't know which way their followers went! :doh: :rofl: John.

Sorry, I'm not following you.

18th April 2007, 14:30
Sorry, I'm not following you.

Well spotted that man!

I will hopefully see you there then, I suspect there will be a very small group gathering at the destination. :yeah: Cheers John.

18th April 2007, 14:40

Mr Merde
18th April 2007, 14:45
Racism still exists in this country. .....

It exists in every country and in every ethnic variety. It exists. You will never remove it just possibly lessen the incidents of it.

18th April 2007, 14:57
Racism still exists in this country. This thread [and many others on KB] prove that many are willing to judge.
The Moari bashing is getting thin and serves no purpose Finn.

Interesting word "bashing". What should it be called when white folk raise their concerns about the ever increasing social problems regarding people who call themselves Maori?

18th April 2007, 15:11
Interesting word "bashing". What should it be called when white folk raise their concerns about the ever increasing social problems regarding people who call themselves Maori?

If we show concern, we are 'bashing' the poor Maori. If we ignore it, we are contributing to the problem. If we throw money at the problem, we are stupid. What the hell should we do? I understand that offering to waka them home to the islands they came from has been rejected.

18th April 2007, 15:17
If we show concern, we are 'bashing' the poor Maori. If we ignore it, we are contributing to the problem. If we throw money at the problem, we are stupid. What the hell should we do? I understand that offering to waka them home to the islands they came from has been rejected.

I don't know, but I'm sick of being white. The guilt is overwhelming.

Mr Merde
18th April 2007, 15:23
I don't know, but I'm sick of being white. The guilt is overwhelming.

I'm not white.

From Wikipaedia

"Technically speaking, white is not a color at all, but rather the combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_spectrum)"

Last time I looked I was a various mix of browns, yellows, reds and greys etc. Makes me coloured doesnt it

18th April 2007, 15:25
I'm not white.

From Wikipaedia

"Technically speaking, white is not a color at all, but rather the combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_spectrum)"

Last time I looked I was a various mix of browns, yellows, reds and greys etc. Makes me coloured doesnt it

No. If you are the colours of the rainbow then unfortunately that makes you gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that unless you're religious.

Mr Merde
18th April 2007, 15:39
No. If you are the colours of the rainbow then unfortunately that makes you gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that unless you're religious.

Of course I'm gay. Its been a good day and I am extremely happy, even gay.

18th April 2007, 15:44
i'm not white

----- i'm putty-coloured

----------- sort of the colour of a slightly overdone marie biscuit


aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh :gob: I'M BEIGE :shutup: *staggers off, weeping heartbrokenly*

- quick, someone - please check and make sure i'm not french as well....

18th April 2007, 15:45
No. If you are the colours of the rainbow then unfortunately that makes you gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that unless you're religious.

Richard Of York Gained Battle In Vain.....................

18th April 2007, 15:50
Richard Of York Gained Battle In Vain.....................

...............and when he bent over, Grahameeboy came.

Mr Merde
18th April 2007, 15:52
...............and when he bent over, Grahameeboy came.

Hair trigger ????

18th April 2007, 15:53
...............and when he bent over, Grahameeboy came.

No, I was reciting the memory method of remembering the colours of the rainbow...................0/10 for originality Finn.........:sunny:

18th April 2007, 19:15
Interesting word "bashing". What should it be called when white folk raise their concerns about the ever increasing social problems regarding people who call themselves Maori?

"Must spread some reputation around"

Finn, I'm getting worried, we agree too much lately.

18th April 2007, 19:26
"Must spread some reputation around"

Finn, I'm getting worried, we agree too much lately.

.....just need SixPack now and we can all be jolly eh??

18th April 2007, 19:28
.....just need SixPack now and we can all be jolly eh??

Don't push it big boy, I have my limits!

18th April 2007, 19:31
Don't push it big boy, I have my limits!


18th April 2007, 19:32
Racism still exists in this country. This thread [and many others on KB] prove that many are willing to judge.
The Moari bashing is getting thin and serves no purpose Finn.

So does that now apply to the Police bashing..............

18th April 2007, 19:47
No, I was reciting the memory method of remembering the colours of the rainbow...................0/10 for originality Finn.........:sunny:
I thought it was ROYGBIV.

18th April 2007, 19:48
Racism? I'll give you racism......

Tell those mutha farker Cubans to Fark Off!!!!

What the hell is Mother Biatch doing, opening a communist, U.S Banned Cuban Embassy in this country???

Perhaps it was true - Helen and Fidel Castro are great mates! But of course she would be, He's a farkin communist!

So now we're opening the flood gates to Cubans!!!

When is the Biatch gonna stop raping this country into the ground?

When will dumb fark NZ'ers stop voting labour???????????????????????

18th April 2007, 19:51
I heard today that todays New Zealand dollar is considerably less powerful in the international community than in the days of the National led Muldoon government - Interesting.

Mind you, those were the days when New Zealand was about New Zealanders.
Not about Immigration or Benefits.

18th April 2007, 19:56
I thought it was ROYGBIV.

That is the short hand version I guess

18th April 2007, 19:59
When will dumb fark NZ'ers stop voting labour???????????????????????

When the Maori's have to learn how to roll cigars to pay for Sky?

18th April 2007, 20:04
foooookin labour!

18th April 2007, 20:05
That is the short hand version I guess

You left out one.

18th April 2007, 21:49

18th April 2007, 21:53
You left out one.

Which one?...............

18th April 2007, 21:54
A person can choose their job, but not their race.

The police 'bashing' as you call it is having the desired effect and will continue.

......but they can chose how to run their 'race'..........:yes: Sir

18th April 2007, 21:55
Which one?...............

O .

18th April 2007, 21:58
O .

'Of' was there..................

18th April 2007, 22:00

18th April 2007, 22:01
We decide that. As our servants they do the fuck as they are told.

What planet are you on? Public servants who do as they are told? Yeah, right.

18th April 2007, 22:06
We decide that. As our servants they do the fuck as they are told.

They are not our servants........they are employees like you and I but just happen to be in a job that gets whipped.

Maori's are a race but they still have individual choices how to be in society and White are a race and have the same deal cause racism is really 'specism'.

18th April 2007, 22:08

18th April 2007, 22:12

18th April 2007, 22:17
A person can choose their job, but not their race.

The police 'bashing' as you call it is having the desired effect and will continue.

I at least can leave my 'team' if it's proved to be a bunch of losers.

What are YOUR mates going to do when their 'team' is proved as a bunch of losers?.....:wait:

18th April 2007, 22:19
Good point. Yet an entire race is to blame for the actions of a few.

Judging individual's on where they are born, their genetic makeup and the colour of their skin is clinically insane.

You are a lousy Christian.

No it's not. It is doubtless silly, and inefficient, but it does not in itself have any of the characteristics of any form of insanity. Clinical insanity is a well defined medical condition. Bigotry is not insanity clinical or otherwise.

18th April 2007, 22:20
We decide that. As our servants they do the fuck as they are told.

THIS servant will do what he feels like doing.....and if you're lucky it will be what you would like me to do...

18th April 2007, 22:23
Actually, technically, the police aren't public servants, like say, WINZ or CYPS. They are servants of the Crown, swearing allegiance to Her Majesty. They are not creatures of Parliament, so strictly, they don't have to do what the public (or the Government) want. Of course, over diligent adherence to that principle coule be career limiting for a Commissioner . The Government, and thus indirectly, the public control the purse strings.

18th April 2007, 22:46
Maori's are a race but they still have individual choices how to be in society and...
I suspect they are making choices, some good ones which we dont see and are unaware of...And which stands to reason that some of us here are just a little pre-occupied with what we know???

Bigotry is not insanity clinical or otherwise.
Of course its not. Bigotry is a choice.

THIS servant will do what he feels like doing.....and if you're lucky it will be what you would like me to do...
This comment just helped me to understand the mindset driving the likes of Rickards, Shipton and co...

18th April 2007, 23:18
This comment just helped me to understand the mindset driving the likes of Rickards, Shipton and co...

Maybe this will help you to understand even more: I don't frikkn care.

Got it??

18th April 2007, 23:21
"Must spread some reputation around"

Finn, I'm getting worried, we agree too much lately.

Yes, I'm having that problem too. Maybe someone has hijacked his computer?

19th April 2007, 01:44
We decide that. As our servants they do the fuck as they are told.

Based on the over representation of Maori sucking our health, justice and welfare systems dry, I'd say that as tax payers, we are the servants.

19th April 2007, 01:56
Yet an entire race is to blame for the actions of a few.

A few? I think you'll find the problem is a bit bigger than that.

19th April 2007, 02:56
Fuck wheere is me boxing gloves ..........
Damn will have to sit this one out

19th April 2007, 02:57
Going out on a limb here, thinking at 3am but talking from my own experience...

There is a definite rejection of cultural hybridity in NZ popular culture.

To proclaim being a part of Maoridom is, in this particular social context, placing oneself as the "other" away from the ruling body, Pakeha (anyone of fair skin). A rejection of the mainstream dominant culture in favour of the underdog stance. One's actual genealogy, even if a heavy mix of ethnicities, in this scenario becomes for all intents and purposes irrelevant.

All this with a glazing of "good ol' kiwi" patriotic brush guided with a hypersensitive P.C. twitch really highlights the general confusion in regards to cultural identity in NZ (my guess is the exact same conditions can be found within any nation that experienced colonial rule).

I'm not by any means saying that cultural identity is irrelevant (be that Maori or otherwise) but when it's sliced into Maori, White and Misc. (in this case, "the immigrants") it becomes shallow and a case of "us and them".

19th April 2007, 06:43
Good point. Yet an entire race is to blame for the actions of a few.

Judging individual's on where they are born, their genetic makeup and the colour of their skin is clinically insane.

You are a lousy Christian.

I was not judging individuals on where they are born..........where did you drag that one from. To me we are all the same................you happily judge individuals on where they work...need I say more.

I will not bite on the 'Christian' bit............:whocares:

19th April 2007, 07:02

19th April 2007, 07:27
You girls wait until I go to bed then bite. Bastards!

I tried to green ya and it said I had to spread some rep first.

Thats funny for you so early in the morning SPB

19th April 2007, 07:51
I tried to green ya and it said I had to spread some rep first.

Thats funny for you so early in the morning SPB

Put the lap top down and give him a nudge, he will wake up properly soon...:yes:

19th April 2007, 07:53
Put the lap top down and give him a nudge, he will wake up properly soon...:yes:

Not sure I should be waking the dead........dya reckon?

19th April 2007, 09:20
Interesting word "bashing". What should it be called when white folk raise their concerns about the ever increasing social problems regarding people who call themselves Maori?

White folk???
Wrong country - wrong century Finn.

Any New Zealander should be allowed raise concerns regarding social problems in their country. I'm just not certain of the contribution Maori make to them and what being Maori has to do with being dumb and getting caught and cigars and Sky.

19th April 2007, 09:48
White folk???
Wrong country - wrong century Finn.

Any New Zealander should be allowed raise concerns regarding social problems in their country. I'm just not certain of the contribution Maori make to them and what being Maori has to do with being dumb and getting caught and cigars and Sky.

If you're looking for PC, don't try to find it with me.

Maori have huge social issues and this government has successfully accelerated the problem. As for Maori and dumb, that was a joke. Remember Billy T? I was replying to SixPackBlack's comment about the Police 10-7 show being racist. He asked why their are so many Maori's on the show. I thought the answer was quite simple so added humour.

As for cigars and sky, I think you need to study Cuba like Helen did.

19th April 2007, 09:53
If you're looking for PC, don't try to find it with me.


Come on Finn your no fun!!

19th April 2007, 10:20
I'm Maori and have absoloutely no competition from immigrants in my industry!

This is a rather lame Maori bashing thread.

But be aware, I'm taking notes of all you Maori bashing fools, when my empire is big enough to stage a forced military style take over of New Zealand (which could be done by lunch time...) you will all be exiled.

In the mean time, continue your dribble.

Dafe: You're a fucken homo.

19th April 2007, 10:26
I'm Maori and have absoloutely no competition from immigrants in my industry!

This is a rather lame Maori bashing thread.

Agree.............you'd think the Maori are the only 'Race' that has issues.......Pakiha's are perfect?.....yeah righto.......Pakiha's don't have issues?......yeah righto.

I agree that some of the Maori rights thingys do get a bit much, however, Maori is the only real culture NZ has and should ne embraced.

Dave Lobster
19th April 2007, 10:40
Maori is the only real culture NZ has and should be embraced.

This is joke, right??

19th April 2007, 10:46
This is joke, right??

Mmmm....No......it is what I believe...............Rugby and Drinking is not a real culture don't ya know?

19th April 2007, 10:55
But be aware, I'm taking notes of all you Maori bashing fools, when my empire is big enough to stage a forced military style take over of New Zealand (which could be done by lunch time...) you will all be exiled.

I think Maori's are smarter than that. I heard they've built their strategy on Sun Tzu's book, Art of War and have adopted the "destroy the enemy from within" tactic. However, we are one step ahead of them. Headed by Stephen Tindall, The Warehouse, Sky City, TAB, and KFC have combined their efforts and formed secret weapons of temptation that the Maori warrior just cannot resist, thus sucking their funds dry. In addition, KFC, now with an 8th secret spice (added lard) has caused an obesity epidemic rendering the warrior unfit for battle and a rather easy target even for the untrained soldier.

19th April 2007, 10:57
Maori is the only real culture NZ has and should be embraced.

But my wife doesn't like it when I hit her.

19th April 2007, 10:59
But my wife doesn't like it when I hit her.

I thought she was Swiss?

Culture......not way of leading life..........

19th April 2007, 11:00
But my wife doesn't like it when I hit her.
She should cook the fuck'n eggs faster then.

19th April 2007, 11:01
I thought she was Swiss?

Swedish, but I can still get her to yodel.

19th April 2007, 11:06
Swedish, but I can still get her to yodel.

Close.........so not Maori then so guess your wife bashing is your way of life rather than your Culture then...........:yes: :done:

19th April 2007, 11:11
Close.........so not Maori then so guess your wife bashing is your way of life rather than your Culture then...........:yes: :done:

I've got 1/10,000th Maori blood so that makes it okay.

19th April 2007, 11:20
I've got 1/10,000th Maori blood so that makes it okay.

Were Maori's around 10,000 years ago then?

19th April 2007, 11:23
Were Maori's around 10,000 years ago then?

7993 BC to be correct.

19th April 2007, 11:28
7993 BC to be correct.

You had to get a calculator to work that out eh?............and "yeah right"

19th April 2007, 11:31
Maori is the only real culture NZ has and should ne embraced.

Last time I checked, there were more Chinese living in NZ then Maori.

I honestly can't imagine how Maoridom can be embraced any further providing the ethnic breakdown of the population (mmm...pie).

19th April 2007, 11:33
You had to get a calculator to work that out eh?............and "yeah right"

Hey church basher, what was Jesus' last words to the Maori before he was crucified? "Wait here, do nothing till I get back."

19th April 2007, 11:38
Hey church basher, what was Jesus' last words to the Maori before he was crucified? "Wait here, do nothing till I get back."

Mmm....no I don't bash churches......find a post where I have....that will give ya something to do eh?

19th April 2007, 11:46
Last time I checked, there were more Chinese living in NZ then Maori.

I honestly can't imagine how Maoridom can be embraced any further providing the ethnic breakdown of the population (mmm...pie).

I am talking about an historically established Culture.........what do overseas people most associate with the 'culture' of NZ?

And of course there would be more Chinese living here than Maori's given the rate of immigration compared with the rate of Maori population rise but I was talking about the culture not the numbers of people.

19th April 2007, 11:48
what do overseas people most associate with the 'culture' of NZ?

Rugby of course.

19th April 2007, 11:50
Rugby of course.

Is that all you could come up with?

19th April 2007, 11:58
Is that all you could come up with?

You said "most". Okay, I'll add Once We're Warriors then.

19th April 2007, 12:02
I am talking about an historically established Culture.........what do overseas people most associate with the 'culture' of NZ?

And of course there would be more Chinese living here than Maori's given the rate of immigration compared with the rate of Maori population rise but I was talking about the culture not the numbers of people.

Ah yes, "authenticity" or the search for it.

I'd imagine, by now, the numbers of second and third generations Chinese living in NZ would have become significant enough for the "Immigrant" label to be no longer applicable to a large portion of that denominator.

The plastic tikis of Rotovegas are hardly the "embrace" you call for. Sort of on par with putting a monkey in a zoo to educate the masses of the nobility of the animal.

Dave Lobster
19th April 2007, 15:54
what do overseas people most associate with the 'culture' of NZ?

The same as S Africans.. working in bars in London.


19th April 2007, 17:53
But be aware, I'm taking notes of all you Maori bashing fools, when my empire is big enough to stage a forced military style take over of New Zealand (which could be done by lunch time...) you will all be exiled.

Where to, Hawaiiki???

Be no Maori there though eh?:shutup:

19th April 2007, 18:03
Otago .

19th April 2007, 18:39
......what do overseas people most associate with the 'culture' of NZ?


sheep? :mellow:

do i get a major prize? do i? do i? huh? huh??.......:dodge:

19th April 2007, 19:34
Where to, Hawaiiki???

Be no Maori there though eh?:shutup:
I haven't decided that yet, but you wouldn't be one of those I'd exile, simply because you're the police man of the village people - if you know what I mean.

19th April 2007, 19:59

19th April 2007, 20:38
I haven't decided that yet, but you wouldn't be one of those I'd exile, simply because you're the police man of the village people - if you know what I mean.

Well, nice to know I have SOME mana!!

19th April 2007, 21:09
All this talk of "Maori bashing etc".

I asked my self the serious question:

Am I racist?


Absolutely, when it suits me to be, I can be anything at any time if it suits the situation.

Am I ashamed of that?

No, not at all but it is not very often that such emotions overtake my rational sense of reason but if pushed I will grasp at anything to fight back with.

I try to control such behaviour, not to be PC, it's just that there is little to be gained by such uncontrolled outbursts.

I guess the child in me still gets out of control now and then and I say silly things.

Even if I don't say them I am still guilty of thinking them but it isn't going to cause world war three if I slip up because I feel I have been provoked too far, it only happens now and then.

So am I a racist?

Yes damn it, yes.

I bet we all are sometimes, if we are honest about it! :shutup: Very un PC, John.