View Full Version : Sweet alcohol... this is my last drink

18th April 2007, 22:35
Yep, I'm stopping drinking.
I drink every evening and it is bad and I am going to try not having a couple or four every night.
It's part of my "stop being a gloomy bastard" campaign.
I have tried before and I crave it, can't help myself, oh sweet malty beer, oh sour tangy Gin and Tonic... mmm
I'm drunk right now in point of fact.

Anybody else given up the demon booze?
I still plan to drink every so often when out with friends, just not at home.

18th April 2007, 22:40
I'm lucky - my job forces me to have days and nights on end of abstinence.

But other times I have one or two.

18th April 2007, 22:41
You'll be restricted to one and no more (and that a very small one) once Bazley Binti has her Ethical Code of Conduct for Miserable Plods in force. Gather thy rosebuds while ye may.

18th April 2007, 22:50
I refuse to drink alone.

Me and my mate Glen(Fiddich) have been known to share a drink.

Captain Morgan, has visited occaisionally too.

18th April 2007, 22:56
I refuse to drink alone.

Me and my mate Glen(Fiddich) have been known to share a drink.

Captain Morgan, has visited occaisionally too.

Watching a modern drama/opera (Gimme gimme gimme) while salivating over my 12 year old Glenfiddich....ah, it's a tough life...

Mr Ixions warnign does not phase me one jot....

18th April 2007, 23:01
I've never been a gloomy bastard,and I've never been addicted to booze - but the last few years I've been having a drink or two after work to knock the edge off a stressful day....and every day was stressful.If I didn't get my drink I got really annoyed,and was cracking a cap as early as I could.Now I'm out of there,drank everything in stock before I left....there is a box of Mac here at home and I haven't touched one,have no reason to except for a taste if I want.A beer,a packet of chips and a Mars bar - now I ride my pushbike everyday and feel heaps better.

18th April 2007, 23:01
My uncle Jim and Cousin Jack... oh wait wrong thread

18th April 2007, 23:22
I gave up drinking for 20 years after I got married & been making up for lost time since I got devoiced. My friend Jose Cuervo is to blame for that :drinknsin

18th April 2007, 23:32
When you're alergic to alcoholic drink you have no choice but not to drink.

The extra money savings help in buying petrol and gadgets :yes:
Although sometimes you felt missed out when all your friends are drinking and all you can drink is a glass of Coke. :bye:

18th April 2007, 23:34
I gave up drinking for 20 years after I got married & been making up for lost time since I got devoiced. My friend Jose Cuervo is to blame for that :drinknsin

Having a tequila liquer now - very partial to a tequila, Mr Cuervo makes a nice drop. (BTW My bike is called Tequila Sunrise)

18th April 2007, 23:42

I love a good drink, dont end up most nights because of living at my folks house, its good because then i cant get out of hand... I can enjoy a few Rum and Cokes and a movie, or do the full on beer-chugging booze up... but I'm always sure to keep check of myself.

18th April 2007, 23:59
Having a tequila liquer now - very partial to a tequila, Mr Cuervo makes a nice drop. (BTW My bike is called Tequila Sunrise)
Those crazy mexicans are prity dame good but jose streat is hard to beat :drool:

19th April 2007, 07:39
Good luck Steam.
My boss hands me a glass of wine every afternoon about an hour before I knock off, seems rude to say no. But I can do without, it's just a mindset, set your mind on other things and you'll be fine.

Squeak the Rat
19th April 2007, 07:45
Good move steam.

I normally have a beer or two or three after work, but have tried to cut that back recently. What I have found is that I now actually have motivation to do something other than sit on the couch watching tv in the evenings.

Easy to fall back into the habit, but what i do is knock back a pint of water or juice as soon as i get home to at least remove thirst from the equation.

And you don't feel as guilty when you go on a right bender.

19th April 2007, 08:12
I gave up 7 years ago... don't miss it, love waking up most mornings feeling the same as the day before, being able to afford to go out 3-4 nights a week, being able to drive/ride there and home, not having to wonder what I'd done the night before... Life is great without the demon booze

Paul in NZ
19th April 2007, 08:43
Good Move Steam

Most of us have self medicated with booze at some point and it's not a cure for anything except health and wealth. I love to drink but realise you can't do it every day...

Crisis management
19th April 2007, 08:51
Go for it Steam, I have also started not drinking as I was having a couple each night and it was just habit / stress relief. It takes a bit of getting used too, and a bit of willpower but I really notice the difference, feeling healthier and more alive.

the hard bit is chosing not to have the first one, find something to do, go for a walk or clean the bike. Change your routine so your not sitting down thinking about the drinking!

You can do it.......if you lapse we'll all want an explanation and public flogging!:gob:

19th April 2007, 08:54
Good luck with your aspirations, young Steam. All things in moderation?

19th April 2007, 09:07
Good on ya!

Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking.
Dave Barry (1947 - ), "The Taming of the Screw"

If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.
Dean Martin

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)

Great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about wine.
Fran Lebowitz (1950 - )

My Grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.
Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)

[Water is] the only drink for a wise man.
Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)

The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass.
Martin Mull (1943 - )

One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time.
Nancy Astor (1879 - 1964)

I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything on.
Oscar Levant (1906 - 1972)

Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900),

Drinking makes such fools of people, and people are such fools to begin with, that it's compounding a felony.
Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945)

I always keep a supply of stimulant handy in case I see a snake--which I also keep handy.
W. C. Fields (1880 - 1946)

Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.
W. C. Fields (1880 - 1946)

Jimmy B
19th April 2007, 09:46
Good on you Steam

Sometimes you just got to step back and have a look at what’s going on and if you are not happy with what you see then take some affirmative action.

I have given up the fags, was smoking 1-2 packs a day and I know it was hurting me. Problem is the slide is so gradual that each day is imperceptibly worse than the last, so much so that I have forgotten what good health feels like.

Anyway, for me, booze and fags go together. They go together so well that I was also drinking every day. Part of my job is to entertain people so throw in at least several binges on top of a 1000 fags a month.

14 days ago I stopped both and basically slept for 4 days. Since then instead of fagging and boozing I have spent more time doing the things that are important.

Early days but I cannot tell you how great I feel right now.

Good luck

Ms Piggy
19th April 2007, 09:51
Ahhh yes, trying to cut back on the "attitude adjusters", good on ya Steam.

I've been cutting back myself too - last year I was in a job that I didn't enjoy and working there 32 hours a week required "attitude adjusters" most nights but now that I'm back studying and doing something, that while being a lot more stressful, I am actually enjoying I don't have the need...of course we'll see when I have my last 3 HUGE essays due within 1 week.

Maybe (getting really deep here!) there's some other stuff you need to change? But, maybe that's not the case at all.

7th June 2007, 01:35
As I type I have polished off a whole bottle of wine over an evening so a little bit tiddly. Anyway, I was wondering how Steam and JimmyB are geting along. You guys going on the wagon are doing it for good reasons and I hope you succeed. You really aren't missing anything.

I worked three years as a sober driver, no drinking full stop. Actually can't see the point so it's very rare for me to be tiddly these days. I read some stuff in Allen Carr's 2nd book about booze which some may find interesting, I'll paraphrase with my take on it weaved in:

Basically, all booze requires an aquired taste for the effect of the alcohol. Can't argue with that. Give a child any booze that isn't sugary alcopop and they will tell you it tastes yuk. Alcopop drinkers will be quite candid that they are drinking to get pissed.

So what are the benefits of getting pissed?

Only one. You stop caring about any worries. Poor alcoholics get into a trap where the excess alcohol creates another (pretty damn serious) problem. Then the dependency sets in and they are stuffed until they quit and drag themselves back to normality.

The physical dependence on alcohol is a product of the stuffed up metabolism and it takes a bit of willpower and good nutrition to recover. More booze makes the symptoms go away but only temporarily. Good food, exercise, fresh water, sleep, no more booze, rest and faith in the universe to see you right and you're all set.

7th June 2007, 10:58
Good on ya STEAM. I enjoy a drink, but very rarely drink on "school days" ie Mon - Thurs. When I first started driving our Party Bus, I just felt like joining in for a drink!! - but ofcourse thats impossible. I DO enjoy one or two when I get home tho, after driving our Drunken clients round, - I enjoy the relaxing effect. I know a Guy who knocks off for a month every year - he usually does it in February for obvious reasons!

I heard a really interesting discussion on the radio about alcohol - they referred to "alkaloids" I think - ie anything that relaxes the social senses, - and how there always has been an alkaloid in every ethnic group since forever - and how it is/was necessary to reduce social barriers with breeding etc - still applies today in many cases!!

7th June 2007, 11:06
Good decision, Steam!
I gave up booze, caffeine, etc. YEARS ago, but only for about 4 years, and then I got tired of making such a big deal of it. But I wish I'd stuck to it.

Lately, I too drink nearly every night - never more than 1 beer, or a couple of small wines. I figgerd, "I'm pharkt - why shouldn't I? I enjoy it!", but that's a pretty dumb rationale. In any case, I can't handle more than about that quantity anyway, so it's self-limiting.

7th June 2007, 11:58
All this talk makes me want a drink.

7th June 2007, 13:39
Ahhh Steam, your onto the right track.

I gave up because of my medication, no drinking while on it. I feel so much better, being able to drive home after going out for dinner with the boys is a great feeling, they have to chug out $20 for a taxi.

I have to admit, I would love a cold Macs Gold after mowing the lawn or working on the house but a tall glass of Pepsi with ice goes down almost as good.

You will feel 100% better in about a month, once the body has worked all of that crap out of ya system.

Good on ya Steam!

7th June 2007, 13:42
Ah yes the good ol' days when i would have a shot of KRAP KRISTOV every half hour at home to make life smooth.

The Pastor
7th June 2007, 17:38
Ah yes the good ol' days when i would have a shot of KRAP KRISTOV every half hour at home to make life smooth.

Kristov and smooth in the same sentance? WTF MATE!

7th June 2007, 18:10
Thanks to those who've wished me well.

Hmm... well for the first month I failed miserably.
I'd go to the supermarket and think "Och, I'll just have a wee dram tonight, start tomorrow..." then buy a dozen Speight's.
This month has been better, maybe only every second night. But I look in the fridge at my flatmate's beer and a lust grips me, a thirst...
mostly I resist...
Maybe I'll ask him to remove it.

I wish low or No-alcohol beer was as good, to wean me off. But it's bad. Really bad. I've never tasted a low-alcohol beer that satisfied.

It's a long term process I guess, I've just begin.
Thank God I never started smoking, I'd be useless at giving that up! I think I must be an addictive personality.

7th June 2007, 18:12
I feel your pain steam

I've recently given up drinking, smoking weed and smoking durrys. (all cold turkey)
was drinking about 2l of wine a day, most days,
smoking weed 2-3 times an evening,
smoking 10-20 smokes a day
all for 10 odd years

its only just started
but already i feel shit loads better
have lost over 10kg in 2 months
more alert
etc etc
its hard to get to sleep at night tho!

Hang in there :sunny:
you can do it :yes:

7th June 2007, 18:36
was drinking about 2l of wine a day, most days,
smoking weed 2-3 times an evening,
smoking 10-20 smokes a day
all for 10 odd years

Holy moley! Puts my wee problem in perspective! Good luck to you too!

7th June 2007, 21:55
I am not allowed to drink because of health reasons... so in one way I think you are crazy! I love my liquor! But on the other hand I know how much better I feel without it... so I think you should stick at it!
After two weeks the cravings will go, and when you do drink you wont need as much.
Imagine the money you will save!

7th June 2007, 21:59
Whatever you're posting on here for forget it, the dogooders of this site are only trying to make you feel better, make you think you are taking the moral high ground, go around to Hitchers right this instant and get him to pour you a big glass of dirty old man scotch, to make you feel better. Fuck, atleast your not on P like half the wellington people on this site.

7th June 2007, 22:02
Fuck, at least you're not on P like half the Wellington people on this site.

So it's true then. You are moving down here.

(Quote quietly edited by the BDOTGNZA Remedial Therapy Unit)

7th June 2007, 22:05
If i moved down and opened up shop, welly hardporncore would go out of business

7th June 2007, 22:07
If i moved down and opened up shop, welly hardporncore would go out of business

I'm not sure whether that is bad news or good.

7th June 2007, 22:10
yes, tough being old and wise...now should i snort it or smoke it tonight?

7th June 2007, 22:11
That depends whether or not you're coming or going.

Holy Roller
8th June 2007, 11:15
I think I must be an addictive personality.

Isn't that why we all ride:Punk:

All the best for your journey.
I gave up drink in the early 80's after developing a wee bit of a problem. One aspect that the Navy did not help me with. Only fell of the wagon a couple of times years ago. Now its only a wine or stieny now for my or my wife's birthday.
The guys at work think it would be funny to see me drunk but I dont think they would like it at all. One drink I stay well away from is Rum thanks to the Navy.
Only time I felt like getting plastered was when my dog (a rescued Greyhound) had to be put down after being my mate for many years, last year.

8th June 2007, 13:44
So, Fish or Hitcher, how old must one be in order for one's high class liquor to be "dirty old man" classified?

8th June 2007, 13:46
So, Fish or Hitcher, how old must one be in order for one's high class liquor to be "dirty old man" classified?

Fairly old, I think.

But I couldn't be entirely sure.

I seem to be suffering from occasional personality shifts and memory lapses, of late.

8th June 2007, 13:49
So, Fish or Hitcher, how old must one be in order for one's high class liquor to be "dirty old man" classified?

That depends on how the liquor is held. And spelt.

8th June 2007, 18:23
Well, I enjoy my booze far too much to stop.

Right now I am enjoying a wee dram of Glenmorangie Burgandy Wood Finish, listening to some early Dire Straits.

Seems to go together quite well...

8th June 2007, 21:24
...all for 10 odd years...

mmm. does that constitute a 'problem'? Only problem I've got is I can't afford it any more!

No disrespect meant to those struggling with issues. I'm having one for ya!

8th June 2007, 22:18
mmm. does that constitute a 'problem'? Only problem I've got is I can't afford it any more!

na, i didn't see it as a problem while i was inside looking out

i'm reeeeaaly hanging out for a drink (read 20 drinks) a seshion and a big durry atm btw

8th June 2007, 22:31
I'm your huckleberry.

8th June 2007, 22:38
Cheers :D

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
8th June 2007, 23:12
Haven't had a drink for 11.5 years, gave up the drugs and had given up cigarettes - left the husband - now it was pretty damned sad when I realised my mother (who was separated) had a sex life and her daughter didn't!!!
Thank God for change!! I smoke cigs again lol - however tonite I did buy the Allen Carr book on how to stop smoking - worked for me the first time.

If you can't give up the drink on your own - Go to Alcoholics Anonymous.