View Full Version : Memorial seat for LooseBruce.

22nd April 2007, 02:20
Ok good people, the time has come to dig deep.
I've spoken again with Bruces family, and they have decided that a seat next to, or as close as possible to Uncle B's seat is what they'd prefer.
I'm all for it.

So......I'm going to start proceedings with $100.00, and I really hope you can all spare a few bucks to make this happen. It's not the amount that matters, so please, don't be shy or ashamed to bank $1.00 if that's all you can spare, it all helps.

The account details are...
P G McDonald
020568 0433431 97

Please PM me when you've made a deposit, and perhaps use your KB name as a reference when you do so.

Thanks in advance.


Big Dan
22nd April 2007, 08:36
Great idea what is your dead line for collecting the funds i'll see what i can spare each pay till the deadline

22nd April 2007, 09:22
That's awesome Pete! I have a feeling we may need to do some collaborative work to get these seats in close proximity to each other, let me know if you need any info on the park etc, two bods pushing the council will be better than one!!
Come on folks, there's $900+ sitting in the Uncle B account, lets see if we can match that for LB's seat:sunny:

Big Dan
22nd April 2007, 10:12
just did some quick sums and from what i can see is the average users online is close to 200 so 5 bucks from each of thoses isn't much and will be more than enough lets do LB proud - he deserves it -- dont ya reckon

22nd April 2007, 20:48
I am in Pete .. will deposit shortly ..

anything left over can we donate to Hunter ?

done should show Tues ;)

White trash
26th April 2007, 07:22
Right-O. 4 days, 4 posts.

C'mon you guys, a couple of bucks isn't muct to spare for a fallen mate.

Money transferred Pete, PM sent.


26th April 2007, 07:49
Payday (later this week) and money will be deposited - on behalf of Grub and myself.

27th April 2007, 20:19
I'll cough up some funds

28th April 2007, 02:34
Nice one to the peeps that've have helped so far.

A friendly nudge to those that are needing one.

28th April 2007, 07:32
Just made our contribution.

Big Dan
28th April 2007, 07:46
Hey Crasher

whats the running telly at the moment you should see mine on payday next wednesday

28th April 2007, 09:42
Keep bumping the thread mate, I'm a forum whore at times, and I still missed it.

28th April 2007, 15:51
Keep bumping the thread mate, I'm a forum whore at times, and I still missed it.

I'm a whore fullstop. Trouble is......no-one wants to pay for the pleasure??

28th April 2007, 15:52
Hey Crasher

whats the running telly at the moment you should see mine on payday next wednesday

Dunno Bruva.....I'll ring and have a nosey shortly. Cheers for the help. I know Lb's family really appreciate this.

7th May 2007, 16:35
Lets get it happening!:scooter:

7th May 2007, 16:41
Money in ya account bro

7th May 2007, 16:41
yeah thanks Crasher, I have stuck this thread so it does not get lost again.

Loosebruce did soooo much for so many people on this site.
Come on people time to dig deep and honour this amazing man!

7th May 2007, 21:21
Money in ya account bro

Massively generous donation it was too mate.
Really appreciate all donations!

yeah thanks Crasher, I have stuck this thread so it does not get lost again.

Loosebruce did soooo much for so many people on this site.
Come on people time to dig deep and honour this amazing man!

Thanks for that Joni......every bit of help we can get is good help.

I'll have a bit of a tally up around Wed to see how we're going and let you all know.

Thanks a mill people.....


7th May 2007, 21:24
Just contributed - think these seats are a great idea. Drive by there most days.

8th May 2007, 10:57
Big..... BUMP!!!

Come guys... I cant believe we have to beg to this level to get less than $1000.00 for a seat, when you consider how amazing Bruce was/is :love:

Dig deep people...

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
8th May 2007, 22:11
Payday later in week. will contribute then

8th May 2007, 22:23
Big..... BUMP!!!

Come guys... I cant believe we have to beg to this level to get less than $1000.00 for a seat, when you consider how amazing Bruce was/is :love:

Dig deep people...

agree Joni .. I only met Bruce once, but definately a great guy ....

I must admit I have been suprised by the lack of support here .. esp reading the memorials & the amount of ppl who posted about Bruces generous nature & how lucky they were to be recipents of it .. wether it be at hells, or some other help with bikes etc

but I guess its the nature of ppl these days to be takers not givers

its pretty disappointing actually

8th May 2007, 23:37
done. its not much, but its something

Big Dan
9th May 2007, 07:25
Just done one off payment wish i could do more to help try to give more next week

This great man is the reason i'm where i am today my life hasn't been the same since 6 months ago

Come on people give this guy what he fucking deserves we are giving him a seat but he deserves way way much more i'm sorry for the swearing but this man was the best man i've ever met and it upsets me to see the lack of support for this


Matt Bleck
9th May 2007, 16:49
Don't know how I missed this, but I've found it now.....

PM sent Crasherfromwayback.

9th May 2007, 18:36
done. its not much, but its something

its never about how much you can give .. every a $1 helps .. but good on ya :D

11th May 2007, 13:53
Bump. Are we half way there yet? Does this thread need more prominence, like front paging or duplicate in general section? What is expected date for both seats to go up roughly - just curious?

Big Dan
11th May 2007, 16:38
come on guys this so dissappointing as i post this it would be the 28th post is this what this great man meant to you all come on give this man his dew

Crasher can we have an update total and how many donations? please

11th May 2007, 17:56
come on guys this so dissappointing as i post this it would be the 28th post is this what this great man meant to you all come on give this man his dew

Crasher can we have an update total and how many donations? please

Yeah sorry guys, I meant to do this Wed. I can't do online banking, so will call into the bank Monday. I couldn't get away this week to do it, as work has been frantic. But I've got Monday off, so will post a running total Mon evening!

Cheers to everyone that's made the effort so far......really appreciate it!


Big Dan
11th May 2007, 18:31
Yeah sorry guys, I meant to do this Wed. I can't do online banking, so will call into the bank Monday. I couldn't get away this week to do it, as work has been frantic. But I've got Monday off, so will post a running total Mon evening!

Cheers to everyone that's made the effort so far......really appreciate it!


no problem pete is was an honour

14th May 2007, 11:37
I will be in a position to make a contribution in a few weeks

14th May 2007, 14:23
Will make a deposit from myself and McJim later in the week once pays in. Good luck with raising dosh, come on KB'ers - we can do it!

Big Dan
14th May 2007, 19:58
Did you make it to the bank today pete?

14th May 2007, 20:03
My personal opinion, and sorry no offence Dan... is not how many people have deposited money, but rather how much the balance is... I would never want to high light that some people only contributed a small amount... so maybe the amount alone would suffice?

Sorry if that comes across as rude mate.

Big Dan
14th May 2007, 20:06
My personal opinion, and sorry no offence Dan... is not how many people have deposited momney, but rather how much the balance is... I would never want to high light that some people only contributed a small amount... so maybe the amount alone would suffice?

Sorry if that comes across as rude mate.

Joni your right and no offence was taken i decided to take a gate instead

16th May 2007, 13:40
I've no intention of naming who's deposited, or stating how much they've deposited!
The ones that have know who they are.......and you all deserve max credit for doing so!

I've been off work with a rooted lower back for this week....so sorry about my slackness in coming back to you all.

We've got $430.00 so far.....a fantastic effort!

I owe you all a beer or ten for helping out.......lets keep it rolling.....you know it's for a great cause!

Cheers people.....


16th May 2007, 14:16
bumpity bump ...

how much do we need to raise there Pete ? I still would like to see us raise some excess & donate towards his son

24th May 2007, 13:41
Sorry to be a pain ... but its not to late to deposit is it?

Please MSN me or email to advise thanks.

24th May 2007, 13:43
Sorry to be a pain ... but its not to late to deposit is it?

Please MSN me or email to advise thanks.

never to late to deposit mate ... ;)

24th May 2007, 14:11

PM sent and money should be through tonight to your bank. Hope we can make a difference to the fund - looking forward to seeing a picture of the seat once it's in location.

Good luck with the fund raising
Chickadee & McJim

28th May 2007, 19:44

Just wondering/hoping that the balance is growing.
Keep us updated

29th May 2007, 19:34
Can't do much at the moment but have given it a nudge.

Big Dan
31st May 2007, 18:50
how are we looking crasher?

2nd June 2007, 13:00
how are we looking crasher?

I'll suss it out Tues (must get with the program and set up online banking!) and let you all know. In the meantime.....keep it coming folks....going well!


Big Dan
2nd June 2007, 15:31
I'll suss it out Tues (must get with the program and set up online banking!) and let you all know. In the meantime.....keep it coming folks....going well!


you should i've had it since i was 21 many years ago

2nd June 2007, 16:32
you should i've had it since i was 21 many years ago

Mate.....I don't even own a cell phone yet!:innocent:

Big Dan
2nd June 2007, 17:20
Mate.....I don't even own a cell phone yet!:innocent:

wow must be one of few in NZ who dont

14th June 2007, 15:48
I've just been to the bank.....and there are some fantastic people here!
I need to tally this printout up with my last.....I'll do that tonight.
But right here and now, I'll say a fantastic and hugely generous effort Guys and Gals.....and an effort I really do appreciate!



14th June 2007, 19:09
Fantastic effort......and I'm sure there's more to come!

I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to update this people, but I've been so busy at work I've not been able to get down to the bank to get a printout.
My boss is away, and while he's not there, I have to be.....from 8.00 till 5.30 Mon-Fri....and till 3.00 Sat! It's made me realize that I really do have to get with the programe and sort out internet banking!

Now......I'm gonna try and pm everyone that's helped so far...BUT....there are quite a few deposits that simply have your 'real' names as a reference.

Please PM me, to let me know who you are 'here'.......and under what name you deposited the dosh under. I want to make personal contact with each and every one of you.

Remember guys and gals.....if you can afford to deposit $5.00 because things are tight....that's as generous as depositing $100.00 for the ones that can do so.

Please don't think you'll be named or shamed......every dollar counts and our mate LB would've been one of the first to deposit coin for someone else!

Top effort.......glad I joined up to this here site!


Big Dan
14th June 2007, 19:50
Please don't think you'll be named or shamed......every dollar counts and our mate LB would've been one of the first to deposit coin for someone else!


the ones that know him best know that he didn't have much spare but anytime i had money problems he would always bail me out somehow

This is fantastic so far guys keep it up lets do him proud


14th June 2007, 20:45
I've chucked some $$ in, it's not much but then Bruce won't be counting the pennies, hell he virtually fed my family through my degree. I miss that bugga messin up my couch cushions and cluttering up the shed with that bloody TL!

14th June 2007, 20:51
awesome effot guys .. would love to attend a memorial ride & unveiling once its all ready to be revealed .. am sure the family & Bruce would love to see that ...

what do you think Pete ??

14th June 2007, 20:57
I've chucked some $$ in, it's not much but then Bruce won't be counting the pennies, hell he virtually fed my family through my degree. I miss that bugga messin up my couch cushions and cluttering up the shed with that bloody TL!

Like the great Winston Churchill said....."Ask not what your country (I'm sure he meant Biker Mate) can do for you, but what you can do for your Biker Mate!"

Really appreciate your contribution!


14th June 2007, 20:59
awesome effot guys .. would love to attend a memorial ride & unveiling once its all ready to be revealed .. am sure the family & Bruce would love to see that ...

what do you think Pete ??

I think we should organize a KB ride, followed by a picnic at the site when it's all sorted!
So yes.....I'm with you!:sunny:

17th June 2007, 08:30
awesome stuff, let me know when you plan on doing the ride as I would love to come down for it.... (and can it please be after july as i'm out of the country till then?) thanks!
thank you again Crasher for organising this, and all the KBers who have contributed.... its a lovely way to remember LB....

17th June 2007, 10:07
Yeah Nix... if possible, I will be up there with you hun :hug:

17th June 2007, 11:52
Yeah Nix... if possible, I will be up there with you hun :hug:

I'll be REALLY thirsty by then!:innocent:

17th June 2007, 18:17
Yeah Nix... if possible, I will be up there with you hun :hug:
cool... its been too long.....
if i get my bike lowered in time, i'll pillion you if you want :)
it will be cool to ride down... my Gix needs a decent blat.... just havent since december :(

17th June 2007, 18:32
Like the great Winston Churchill said....."Ask not what your country (I'm sure he meant Biker Mate) can do for you, but what you can do for your Biker Mate!"

Really appreciate your contribution!


Sorry Crasherfromwayback...Winston Churchill said many things in his great speeches but that was not one of them I am afraid. The quote was actually said by JF Kennedy at his inaugural speech as President of the USA. Just a piece of trivial history if you ever get asked at Trivial Pursuit.

As you were...back to the thead please, as it's really important.

17th June 2007, 18:55
Sorry Crasherfromwayback...Winston Churchill said many things in his great speeches but that was not one of them I am afraid. The quote was actually said by JK Kennedy at his inaugural speech as President of the USA. Just a piece of trivial history if you ever get asked at Trivial Pursuit.

As you were...back to the thead please, as it's really important.

Funny you should say that.....as I originally thought it was WC....but then asked a mate just in case, as I started second guessing myself!

So that makes two dummies. Myself and my lawyer friend. See...it's true what they say....never trust a lawyer!

Thanks for the correction....and like you say....lets get some more moola!


17th June 2007, 19:08
Cajun and I would be keen to ride down for a KB picnic to tie it in with seeing Bruce's seat. Great idea folks :rockon:

17th June 2007, 19:19
Cajun and I would be keen to ride down for a KB picnic to tie it in with seeing Bruce's seat. Great idea folks :rockon:

Be fantastic if we could gather a huge crowd of KBers from North and South for the two Bruces seats!
If anyone up that way thinks Daryls family might like something similar......we could make it an annual round trip!

17th June 2007, 20:00
Dalai Lama once said "If you build it, they will come".

Oh hang on.....

17th June 2007, 22:33
Bit of a toughy as Daryl wasnt from wellington like the Bruce's so it would be a little funny. Maybe Quasi or the likes would like to comment or I can email Daryl's mum.... i'll have a chat to both.

17th June 2007, 22:42
I may be up for the ride down to welly, it depends how the work side of things goes though

17th June 2007, 23:41
Bit of a toughy as Daryl wasnt from wellington like the Bruce's so it would be a little funny. Maybe Quasi or the likes would like to comment or I can email Daryl's mum.... i'll have a chat to both.

I was meaning maybe getting one put up on Daryls patch. If someone that knew him well up that way would want to look into it? I'm only too happy to contribute to one for the man up that way too....as I'm sure most people will be.

Not trying to push the idea.....just a thought.

17th June 2007, 23:45
I was meaning maybe getting one put up on Daryls patch. If someone that knew him well up that way would want to look into it? I'm only too happy to contribute to one for the man up that way too....as I'm sure most people will be.

Not trying to push the idea.....just a thought.
for sure... be a tiki tour ride to see all 3 :)
Quasi will be your man to ask then.

20th June 2007, 12:08
Come on people ...

LB meant a huge amount to a great number of people. I know there's always this good cause and that good cause, but something in memory of a fellow biker should be reason enough to make a donation, no matter how small. As Crasher said, if you haven't got much spare, then $5 is as generous as those that donate more. Obviously, the more the better, but every bit helps.

Crasher - PM sent.

22nd June 2007, 20:10
Small contribution made :)

23rd June 2007, 15:52
Small contribution made :)

Way cool, thanks!

I'll get another statement Monday and post the balance.


Big Dan
10th July 2007, 18:17
Hey Crasher hows it going

how are we going by getting bruce his seat

11th July 2007, 16:28
Pete (Crasher) is in the US until the end of the month hun.... so he wont be responding for a while...

I know he did mention to me that the "unveiling" of the seat would be sometime in August/September :yes:

9th August 2007, 18:16
Hey Crasher hows it going

how are we going by getting bruce his seat

Pete (Crasher) is in the US until the end of the month hun.... so he wont be responding for a while...

I know he did mention to me that the "unveiling" of the seat would be sometime in August/September :yes:

Hey there good people!

Really sorry about my slackness on this front. Poor skills.
Now that I'm back from my trip and up to speed at work, I'll get right on to this important task.

Report coming tomorrow.



30th August 2007, 20:24
Still waiting for that report Pete?

13th September 2007, 16:12
Bumpity bump bump bump...

13th September 2007, 18:15
Bumpity bump bump bump...

As mentioned in the thread for Uncle Bruces thread ... Mrs kendog is looking after both seats and helping Crasher. refer to that thread :)

Last time I spoke to Debbie she was quite happy for us to do whatever we felt appropriate.
So how about something like:

In rememberance of our friend Bruce Hannaford (Uncle B).

and maybe something like:

He will ride with us always
????? or something. Just suggestions, I'm not going to please everyone, but hey.

I'm also organising having LooseBruce's seat put in at the same time, and was told we are most welcome to go down when they are put in to arrange them, where they face etc, so if anyone's keen I'm looking at getting them in on the 29th of Nov and we can have an unveiling/ride etc on the Sunday.

13th September 2007, 18:40
Ahhhh, no, I'm not, please don't bombard me with PMs about this. LooseBruce's family are considering a couple of options I have put to them, so lets just let them do that and then either they, Pete or I will fill you all in with the details. Cheers.

13th September 2007, 19:29
Ahhhh, no, I'm not, please don't bombard me with PMs about this. LooseBruce's family are considering a couple of options I have put to them, so lets just let them do that and then either they, Pete or I will fill you all in with the details. Cheers.

Whoops .. didn't mean to drop that in there wrongly ... :(

14th September 2007, 13:40
Ahhhh, no, I'm not, please don't bombard me with PMs about this. LooseBruce's family are considering a couple of options I have put to them, so lets just let them do that and then either they, Pete or I will fill you all in with the details. Cheers.
do you mind me helping with it too? CFWB was keeping me in the loop.... i guess not now?....
you can tell me to butt out if you want.... but i'll try and make it down for the ride....

14th September 2007, 18:40
To be honest I'm not actually sure what I will be doing to organise Bruce's seat if anything at this point.
Pete is still in charge, but has no longer has access to KB at work, hence the reason he hasn't updated or replied to pms.
All I did was offer to organise getting both Bruce's seats put in the ground at the park to save time and effort, but LB's family are looking at a possible alternative date than what we're looking at doing UB's seat, so really don't know if I will be involved at all at this point.
Soooo, to cut a long story short, best to get hold of Peg and co. or Pete.
Thanks though Nicksta, if I am in involved and need a hand, I'll definately be in touch!:niceone:

16th September 2007, 17:03
To be honest I'm not actually sure what I will be doing to organise Bruce's seat if anything at this point.
Pete is still in charge, but has no longer has access to KB at work, hence the reason he hasn't updated or replied to pms.
All I did was offer to organise getting both Bruce's seats put in the ground at the park to save time and effort, but LB's family are looking at a possible alternative date than what we're looking at doing UB's seat, so really don't know if I will be involved at all at this point.
Soooo, to cut a long story short, best to get hold of Peg and co. or Pete.
Thanks though Nicksta, if I am in involved and need a hand, I'll definately be in touch!:niceone:

You're a true Gem Trudi!

I'm sorry I've been :love: out of the loop for so long...and I appreciate the help like you wouldn't believe!

I've got an email from Peggy...I'll sort that with you Trudi and let you all know what's going on.

In the mean time, I'd simply like to thank you all for your generous contributions to this worthy cause once again. I know Bruces family are blown away by it.

Hope to see you all at the seat(s) when they're done.


6th October 2007, 08:06
did we get there? is it still open for dontations?

Matt Bleck
22nd May 2008, 10:49
Is this still work in progress?

22nd May 2008, 12:29
good question, i havent heard anything in a while......
will ask on the weekend :)

22nd May 2008, 14:06
did we get there? is it still open for dontations?

We got to $850.00 which is a fantastic effort, and I thank you all.

The seat is gonna be around $1000.00, and I'm happy to pick up the balance.

Is this still work in progress?


good question, i havent heard anything in a while......
will ask on the weekend :)

I've spoken with both the Lower Hutt City Council and LB's parents, and we're trying to sort out a suitable spot.


Matt Bleck
22nd May 2008, 14:29
We got to $850.00 which is a fantastic effort, and I thank you all.

The seat is gonna be around $1000.00, and I'm happy to pick up the balance.


I've spoken with both the Lower Hutt City Council and LB's parents, and we're trying to sort out a suitable spot.

Thanks for the update Pete. :niceone:

22nd May 2008, 15:01
cool good to hear....
i'll put some in dude so its not so much... what account should i flick it to?
after all, i'm quire looking forward to riding down to see it :)

Matt Bleck
22nd May 2008, 15:03
Be cool to do abit of a convoy down as mentioned in here earlier. :scooter:

28th May 2008, 12:29
cool good to hear....
i'll put some in dude so its not so much... what account should i flick it to?
after all, i'm quire looking forward to riding down to see it :)

No need to worry about any more coin, it's all good!

Matt Bleck
2nd December 2008, 09:57
Any more progress?

2nd December 2008, 10:02
Any more progress?

Yep. In constant contact with LB's family, and we're planning to have it all sorted early in the new year.

Look forward to seeing as many of you all as poss there!


Matt Bleck
2nd December 2008, 10:06
Yep. In constant contact with LB's family, and we're planning to have it all sorted early in the new year.

Look forward to seeing as many of you all as poss there!

awesome Pete! :niceone:

2nd December 2008, 10:16
great work pete.