View Full Version : Auto-refreshing script.

22nd April 2007, 21:11
Right. I ave done the following saved into a html doc on my HD. Set d:\temp\kiwibiker.html as my homepage.

TITLE cowboyz /TITLE
meta http-equiv="refresh" content="200"
FRAMESET cols="100%, 0%"
FRAMESET rows="800, 0"
FRAME src="http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/usercp.php"



I took all the < > out otherwise it doesnt work well in the post.

Works well.. well. kinda well.

Problem is it keeps loosing the log in. So every few times it refreshes it asks for username and password.

Any ideas on how to make it keep me logged in?

22nd April 2007, 21:14
Right. I ave done the following saved into a html doc on my HD. Set d:\temp\kiwibiker.html as my homepage.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="200">
<FRAMESET cols="100%, 0%">
<FRAMESET rows="800, 0">
<FRAME src="http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/usercp.php">



Works well.. well. kinda well.

Problem is it keeps loosing the log in. So every few times it refreshes it asks for username and password.

Any ideas on how to make it keep me logged in?

you might be able to use a php script (if the nice people who admin the site dont use encryption or will tell you what they use...maybe md5?)
OR you need to retain the cookie somehow...again, you probably need to know how its set up at the KB end

*** looks like they use md5 so you'd need to use the md5 function in php to login for ya....this won't necessarily work tho ***

22nd April 2007, 21:17
hmmm. now it is getting more confusing. Now it wants to logg me in randomly. Some refreshes it asks for username/password. then without putting them in it just loggs me in. I think it is getting all confused with multi windows open...... hmmmmmmm m ore thought required.

22nd April 2007, 21:21
haha...you've just bugged their site mate

you tried to paste your html in the first post on here?? and it didnt appear?? the browser is treating it as legitimate html (which it is) and is refreshing THIS page every 20 seconds hahaha

cool...we can have some fun with this....

22nd April 2007, 21:29
oops. feel an infraction coming real soon!!

The Pastor
11th May 2007, 22:53
you can download an auto refresher plugin for your broswer? it keeps the cookies, OR you could use kb spy.