View Full Version : Greetings from Missfinn

23rd April 2007, 20:08

Thought I would join KB to see what all the fuss is about and besides, it's probably a better way to keep in contact with Finn. I don't ride pillion much because Finn's bikes are too uncomfortable but I have met a few of you at our place.

So tell me, what's all the fuss about?

23rd April 2007, 20:10

Thought I would join KB to see what all the fuss is about and besides, it's probably a better way to keep in contact with Finn. I don't ride pillion much because Finn's bikes are too uncomfortable but I have met a few of you at our place.

So tell me, what's all the fuss about?
hello miss finn......do you know sophie??

23rd April 2007, 20:10
What's all the fuss about? Finn's been getting up to mischief again, that's what. He needs a good spanking.

Crazy Steve
23rd April 2007, 20:10
Show us your tits.

Crazy Steve..:yes:

23rd April 2007, 20:14
hello miss finn......do you know sophie??

Yeah, that's Finn's feminine side...

Crazy Steve
23rd April 2007, 20:15
Let me guess..

You don't have any...Becasue your really a Little Boy..

I hear that Finn likes little boys because he can turn them over and pretend they are little Girls..:dodge:

Crazy Steve..

23rd April 2007, 20:15
What's all the fuss about? Finn's been getting up to mischief again, that's what. He needs a good spanking.

Try living with him.

Mrs Busa Pete
23rd April 2007, 20:16
He needs a good spanking.

Well spank and finn should get on really well then.

Oh welcome you will now be able to keep up with all finns shit stirring now. I would tell him to get a bike that is at lest comfortable for you to be able to go riding as well .

23rd April 2007, 20:16
Yeah, that's Finn's feminine side...
you mean he has a masculine side???

23rd April 2007, 20:17
Let me guess..

You don't have any...Becasue your really a Little Boy..

I hear that Finn likes little boys because he can turn them over and pretend they are little Girls..:dodge:

Crazy Steve..

I've got a nice set of tits for Finn only to enjoy.

23rd April 2007, 20:19
Well spank and finn should get on really well then.

Oh welcome you will now be able to keep up with all finns shit stirring now. I would tell him to get a bike that is at lest comfortable for you to be able to go riding as well .

Finn is not very considerate. I don't think that's an option. Tough life.

23rd April 2007, 20:22
Welcome to KB MissFinn. I guess you know not to feed Finn after dark!!!! :whistle:

Mrs Busa Pete
23rd April 2007, 20:24
Finn is not very considerate. I don't think that's an option. Tough life.

I forgot to put mrs busa pete on that last post so on that note i would just take his credit card shopping while he was out riding.That might change his mind after a while.:yes:

23rd April 2007, 20:26
Just take that MV contraption down to the bike shop and trade it in on a nice comfy crusier.

23rd April 2007, 20:26
I've got a nice set of tits for Finn only to enjoy.
do you wear glasses?

23rd April 2007, 20:27
I forgot to put mrs busa pete on that last post so on that note i would just take his credit card shopping while he was out riding.That might change his mind after a while.:yes:

Good idea, I might try that:done:

23rd April 2007, 20:29
do you wear glasses?

No, why do you ask?

Disco Dan
23rd April 2007, 20:30
Greetings and my condolences.


23rd April 2007, 20:30
Do you bake ?

23rd April 2007, 20:31
I've got a nice set of tits for Finn only to enjoy.

I dunno, I quite enjoy them.

23rd April 2007, 20:31
Greetings and my condolences.


Hi. Are you the guy who tried to date my boyfriend?

23rd April 2007, 20:32
I dunno, I quite enjoy them.

She means her tits , not Finns. Of course, there are those....

23rd April 2007, 20:33
Do you bake ?

Of course I do, and cook too. Finn's too lazy.

23rd April 2007, 20:34
Hi. Are you the guy who tried to date my boyfriend?

Ah. Fetch your service revolver my dear Watson.

Disco Dan
23rd April 2007, 20:34
Hi. Are you the guy who tried to date my boyfriend?

Indeed I am.... she/he still owes me a date... dam lady-boys... there all the same... lead a guy on, flap their willy about in front of you then run off home back under their rock....


23rd April 2007, 20:36
Indeed I am.... she/he still owes me a date... dam lady-boys... there all the same... lead a guy on, flap their willy about in front of you then run off home back under their rock....

fuck he made you look like a arse!!!!!!! lmfao!!!!!

23rd April 2007, 20:36
Indeed I am.... she/he still owes me a date... dam lady-boys... there all the same... lead a guy on, flap their willy about in front of you then run off home back under their rock....


There are lots of fafafinis in NZ, watch out.

23rd April 2007, 20:39
No, why do you ask?
do you wear jandels?

23rd April 2007, 20:50
hmmmm.....someone turned the lights off again.....buggar.....oh well!!! nitie nite kids!!!!

23rd April 2007, 21:33
Welcome to Kiwi Biker, MissFinn. Please endeavour to avoid feeding the trolls. After all that's Finn's job.

23rd April 2007, 21:35
do you wear jandels?

What's wrong with you?

Disco Dan
23rd April 2007, 21:35
ahh the lights are back on!

alright. who copped a feel?

23rd April 2007, 21:40
Welcome to Kiwi Biker, MissFinn. Please endeavour to avoid feeding the trolls. After all that's Finn's job.

Don't worry, I'm a nice person. Apparently opposites atract.

23rd April 2007, 21:43
Hello. I'm here now.The rest of you lot can clear off.

Missfinn, if any of them give you any grief you come see me and I'll see you right

23rd April 2007, 21:44
How do you cope with what I can only assume to be an extreme difference in height? Does it intefere with the more intimate aspects of your relationship with Finn?

I only ask because I saw the video of him today, quite amazing that someone so short has managed to survive so very very long.

23rd April 2007, 21:47
What's wrong with you?
Oh, Lord. Where would one start. Just ignore him, regard him as part of the furniture, like the horribly vulgar whatnot that Great Aunt Gladys gave you, and which you are too soft hearted to throw away because it would hurt her feelings.Just don't mention jelly or goats.

23rd April 2007, 21:47
Welcome to KB.

Funny, I thought you'd be Mrs Finn. How come you've not got a bike? Go and get one. It's a girly past-time. you just need to look at Finn and The_Dover to see how girly it really is.

All the best from the blue man. (takes me a week of sunbathing to go white)

23rd April 2007, 21:48
How do you cope with what I can only assume to be an extreme difference in height? Does it intefere with the more intimate aspects of your relationship with Finn?

I only ask because I saw the video of him today, quite amazing that someone so short has managed to survive so very very long.

Well, you know what they say about short men.

23rd April 2007, 21:48
Instant fame - just add Finn....

23rd April 2007, 21:49
hmmmm.....someone turned the lights off again.....buggar.....oh well!!! nitie nite kids!!!!
Oh look kids the lights are back on....and we outta PD

23rd April 2007, 21:50
Should have just loged on as Ziggy Stardust....would have been more believable as far as Alter ego's go....:yes:

23rd April 2007, 21:51
That's why we love you, Mr Poos. You're so bloody observant!

23rd April 2007, 21:52
Oh, Lord. Where would one start. Just ignore him, regard him as part of the furniture, like the horribly vulgar whatnot that Great Aunt Gladys gave you, and which you are too soft hearted to throw away because it would hurt her feelings.Just don't mention jelly or goats.

I got jelly!

23rd April 2007, 21:53
That's why we love you, Mr Poos. You're so bloody observant!
hmmmm....I thoug it was or my rugged good looks and daring riding skills!!!


23rd April 2007, 21:54
What's wrong with you?
have you seen that movie twins?

23rd April 2007, 22:13
Well, you know what they say about short men.

Something about being angry...

23rd April 2007, 22:15
Hello. I'm here now.The rest of you lot can clear off.

Missfinn, if any of them give you any grief you come see me and I'll see you right

I might take you up on that. Hey, does this apply to Finn too?

23rd April 2007, 22:19
Something about being angry...
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha gasp for breath!!!! hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaaha hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hahah

I think thats the last of finns problems I'ld be worried about!!!

23rd April 2007, 22:19
Something about being angry...

Hm. Obviously not in this case. Never mind, I'm sure you love him dearly anyway. They say love is blind.

23rd April 2007, 22:21
Hello. I'm here now.The rest of you lot can clear off.

Missfinn, if any of them give you any grief you come see me and I'll see you right
hope you got those boxing gloves ready lil fella????

23rd April 2007, 22:23
Yep. Just waiting for you, lover...

23rd April 2007, 22:24
I might take you up on that. Hey, does this apply to Finn too?
Anyone.. you just name them...

23rd April 2007, 22:36

Sniff, nearly shed a tear then. My mum used to call me that. :crybaby:

23rd April 2007, 22:48
What a load of complete and utter shit this is! :done:

23rd April 2007, 22:48
Sniff, nearly shed a tear then. My mum used to call me that. :crybaby:
she had a point....poofta!!

23rd April 2007, 22:49
What a load of complete and utter shit this is! :done:
you love it don't ya hun.... ;)

23rd April 2007, 22:50
so many angry people... haha, sup missfinn.

23rd April 2007, 22:53
hey cowpoos, do you someime travel to northland? a guy bought a porno mag and mint jelly from the 4cube i work at a while ago.... was that you?

23rd April 2007, 22:53
she had a point....poofta!!

Reow, put yah hoof away would you

23rd April 2007, 22:57
you love it don't ya hun.... ;)

Not as much as CM2005 loves your visits to his employment it seems.......:innocent:

hey cowpoos, do you someime travel to northland? a guy bought a porno mag and mint jelly from the 4cube i work at a while ago.... was that you?

23rd April 2007, 22:57
I notice the threads started by chicks tend to get alot more attention on these forums, haha.

23rd April 2007, 22:58
Reow, put yah hoof away would you
I will...but...only if you stop spitting when you hiss......please :)

23rd April 2007, 23:01
hey cowpoos, do you someime travel to northland? a guy bought a porno mag and mint jelly from the 4cube i work at a while ago.... was that you?
probally....was I pissed?

23rd April 2007, 23:02
I will...but...only if you stop spitting when you hiss......please :)

Sorry its the buck teeth not my fault

23rd April 2007, 23:04
lol, cant memba. ponytail, cap glasses?

23rd April 2007, 23:05
lol, cant memba. ponytail, cap glasses?
hmmm...sounds like speedygirl....lmfao!!!!

23rd April 2007, 23:05
200th post

23rd April 2007, 23:06
Sorry its the buck teeth not my fault
not the big gap between your teeth then??

23rd April 2007, 23:10
not the big gap between your teeth then??

Your gonna have a big gap in your teeth in a minute boy!

23rd April 2007, 23:13
Your gonna have a big gap in your teeth in a minute boy!

:gob: sorry mistress kittie won't happen again....now whip me you bad bad thing!!

23rd April 2007, 23:15
:gob: sorry mistress kittie won't happen again....now whip me you bad bad thing!!

Why I'd never..!!!!

I see you've been watching to much porn

23rd April 2007, 23:18
hahahaha. does speedygirl have bumfluff?

23rd April 2007, 23:23
hahahaha. does speedygirl have bumfluff?
I dare you to ask her!!!!! :yes: lmao!

23rd April 2007, 23:24
Why I'd never..!!!!

I see you've been watching to much porn
no....errrr....well....maybe...a lil...just...a lil....well...okay...a bit more than a lil... :innocent:

23rd April 2007, 23:35
This thread should be in PD.

23rd April 2007, 23:38
I see MissFinn has gone off and left the littlies to play.

Come back soon, we'll be good, Promise.


23rd April 2007, 23:40
Oh Hello Mr Finn, didn't see you there.:innocent:

23rd April 2007, 23:41
I see MissFinn has gone off and left the littlies to play.

Come back soon, we'll be good, Promise.


No, she's gone off to play with the littlie. Good night.

23rd April 2007, 23:44
Yes sir, Good night sir.

24th April 2007, 01:20
i can't BELIEVE i read this thread from start to finish ......

i was actually waiting for missfinn to transform into SpankMe and start offering free flights to west australian members to allow them to join in the rides ..................... :innocent:


*exits, sobbing .......... AGAIN*

oh - welcome to the site missfinn .................... did you bring donuts?

24th April 2007, 08:10
No, she's gone off to play with the littlie. Good night.

What?..... On her Knee's?

24th April 2007, 08:55
Finn is not very considerate. I don't think that's an option. Tough life.

Your replacement won't have that attitude.

24th April 2007, 09:54
Welcome to KB Missfinn!!!
At least we don't have to warn you about Finn, although, you could've warned us!!:yes:

24th April 2007, 09:59
Your replacement won't have that attitude.

Oi Dover - looks like that "pay rise" is coming.

24th April 2007, 10:13
Oi Dover - looks like that "pay rise" is coming.
hmmm.....isn't this irocnic.....doncha think

24th April 2007, 10:16
lol what a thread... welcome to KB MissFinn

24th April 2007, 12:28
I just read that whole thread, who do I see about getting that ime of my life back.

O and welcome to KB MissFinn

24th April 2007, 13:38
I just read that whole thread, who do I see about getting that ime of my life back.

Stephen Hawkins.

24th April 2007, 18:14
Your replacement won't have that attitude.

Here we go again, always trying so hard to be tough... :hug:

24th April 2007, 18:15
Or is it just tough to be hard...?

24th April 2007, 18:42
Hi Missfinn, did Finn admit to you he thought a perfect day would be him doing my missus? Only thing is she is still waiting and he hasn't even come down to Welly to shout us both dinner or any such perfect thing as I presume I'm invited to watch - is he that hopeless with you too?

25th April 2007, 13:18
Hi Missfinn, did Finn admit to you he thought a perfect day would be him doing my missus? Only thing is she is still waiting and he hasn't even come down to Welly to shout us both dinner or any such perfect thing as I presume I'm invited to watch - is he that hopeless with you too?

He says all sorts of things, don't take him too seriously. At home he is a nice and sweet boy.:yes:

26th April 2007, 12:35
Welcome MissFinn.
Has the idea of a mobile home, come to fruition yet?