View Full Version : A year on...

23rd April 2007, 21:00
Well, here I sit......

Tomorrow is my bikes first birthday, as far as year olds go, it hasn't gone too bad. It has been binned once, nothing major (well, major f up, not major damage), been dropped twice (not counting the bin),.....but other than a few minor scratches, my babe has got me through the year without any major issues.

So, my 4th bike, 10 or so years since my last one, an x wife that said I would die within a month, a boss that gave me 2 months, 15000 k's, a year, and they're all wrong.

How cool!

Sorry, is more than likely pointless drivel, but sitting here alone (mrs has gone south for the winter, or at least the night), waiting for my chilli to cook, and figured, why not share my sense of quiet achievement.

So with that, yeah, I'm stoked, a year back in the saddle, met crap loads of cool peeps on here, a few on the road, and all the better for it. Cheers guys and girls.

Is there a question, no, add what you like, I just wanted to share the love.:done:

23rd April 2007, 21:45
Well done Ozzie. I had the same situation a couple of years back, no bike for 9 years then bought a ZX6R. Everyone thought I was mad and unfit to be a father, but as soon as I got on the bike it felt like yesterday since I'd last ridden - 2 years on and I'm still here riding everyday and plan to keep doing so even with baby no.3 on it's way. Spread the love dude:Punk:

23rd April 2007, 22:00
awesome guys! I stillhave yet to get my first bike, but fear ye not! (or on second thought... fear ye lots!) for AJ will be getting a bike some day... (when she has the funds for it!) ... right now im just concentratingon getting my car licence.. had my learners now for about 2 years... hah... *embarassed*
