View Full Version : Lead (Pb) Looking for as much as I can get.

Mr Merde
23rd April 2007, 23:13
Anyone in the Auckland area in the tyre trade.

I am looking for wheel weights.

Anyone else got any old lead they want getting rid of.

Give me a PM.


My other hobby is target shooting and I cast my own bullet heads. Always onthe lookout for spare lead.

In one competition I can use about 5kg of the stuff.

Wheelweights are needed to make the harder bullets for M1 carbine, 30-30, etc.

Be really gratefull if anyone can help out.

PS, Batery lead is no good unfortunately.

Mr :shit:

24th April 2007, 05:56
Shit and arseholes:
It is appropriate that Mr Merde has a lot of Plumb Bumb.

24th April 2007, 07:12
Just out of curiousity, why is battery lead no good? Is it a different chemical makeup?

24th April 2007, 07:36
Shit, come down to CHCH, I have over 200kg of the stuff. I was going to make sinkers out of it but if you are going to use it to kill things, thats better

Squeak the Rat
24th April 2007, 07:41
Looking for a lead on some lead eh? What sort of lead time are we talking, and were is this inane post leading. You guessed it, PD. Take me leader.....