View Full Version : Cager stupidity... What have you seen?

27th April 2007, 14:55
Something that came up in another thread started me wondering ....... have searched and can't see any similar threads [sorry, Sniper, if there are ....]

whilst on the road i've personally seen all drivers doing all sorts of daft things ...... shaving, applying lipstick [not usually the same person], juggling coffee and a donut, etc ------

just wondered what other people's observations were

or mebbe it's just me - and i'm flypaper for weirdos ............:shutup:

27th April 2007, 14:57
Driving is one daft thing they do..............

27th April 2007, 15:00
Something that came up in another thread started me wondering ....... have searched and can't see any similar threads [sorry, Sniper, if there are ....]

whilst on the road i've personally seen all drivers doing all sorts of daft things ...... shaving, applying lipstick [not usually the same person], juggling coffee and a donut, etc ------

just wondered what other people's observations were

or mebbe it's just me - and i'm flypaper for weirdos ............:shutup:

it's not you mate....the list is endless....

reading the paper....thats a goodie

or the classic is when you come up behind a car thats going about 30 under the limit and wandering side to side on the road and you can see the driver blathering on and on and gesticulating wildly as they point out all the little places of interest to their 90yr old granny who has just flown in from timbuctwaddle....dont worry dear, you dont need to watch the road, these new cars practically drive themselves!!

27th April 2007, 15:03
juggling coffee and a donut, etc ------

But.... but... it was a speed trap... I wasn't driving... I was parked... honest...

27th April 2007, 15:05
Driving is one daft thing they do..............

bugger you beat to it... :innocent:

27th April 2007, 15:10
Guy that hit me was not concentrating on the road.
But don't worry folks, the law got him:
4 months he couldn't drive his car (well he could he just lost his license)
$400 to the man
lol. Justice

27th April 2007, 15:15
1. Texting and swerving across two lanes when a patrol car is up your arse.

2. Overtaking on the inside of roundabout traffic and cutting across to get off on the right.

3. Cross dressing men driving in high heels.

4. Getting dressed while driving.

5. Spanking the monkey while driving.

27th April 2007, 15:18
But.... but... it was a speed trap... I wasn't driving... I was parked... honest...

But aren't cop cars normally parked waiting for speedsters?

27th April 2007, 15:36
But aren't cop cars normally parked waiting for speedsters?

Only when eating donuts and drinking coffee... otherwise it is "Mobile Mode..."

Disco Dan
27th April 2007, 15:51
I used to drive along and then sit at the lights and shave... usually running late... you know the kind of morning where you drink your coffee and have a smoke while in the shower (it can be done believe me, I used to do it often). Never while actually moving though!

I was splitting this afternoon along blockhousebay road by the firestation.. as im paddling through a small gap, the cars and vans to my right started all moving right over to the left as far as they could squishing me in! I had no idea a fire engine was stuck between a large truck on the other side of the road and the line of cars to my right... if it was not for the van I would have seen what was happening and got out of the way... as it happened i made things worse.... feck.

27th April 2007, 15:57
1. Texting and swerving across two lanes when a patrol car is up your arse.

2. Overtaking on the inside of roundabout traffic and cutting across to get off on the right.

3. Cross dressing men driving in high heels.

4. Getting dressed while driving.

5. Spanking the monkey while driving.

you have actually SEEN them doing ALL these things???? :gob:

27th April 2007, 16:02
you have actually SEEN them doing ALL these things???? :gob:

yes siree!

27th April 2007, 16:18
Today I followed a guy up the Pakuranga Highway who seemed determined to insert his right arm up his right nostril all the way up to the elbow :)

I enjoyed that.

Some girl eating a bowl of cereal at the lights I've seen although not whilst I was on a bike

Disco Dan
27th April 2007, 16:21
Today I followed a guy up the Pakuranga Highway who seemed determined to insert his right arm up his right nostril all the way up to the elbow :)

I enjoyed that.

Some girl eating a bowl of cereal at the lights I've seen although not whilst I was on a bike

eating cereal from a bowl is stupid. the milk goes everywhere.

get those little variety packs in the little single serve boxes. open the top.. add milk! Viola!

27th April 2007, 16:36
I've seen a guy with a cup of coffee and an electric razor, somehow managing to both shave his head and drink at the same time. That's going past the hospital in CHCH.

27th April 2007, 16:47
eating cereal from a bowl is stupid. the milk goes everywhere.

get those little variety packs in the little single serve boxes. open the top.. add milk! Viola! you watch too much TV :yes:

27th April 2007, 16:59
I was riding along the nor western this afternoon and a car started to swerve into my lane so I braked and dropped back then pulled up alongside them and had a look in the window and it was my X doing fucking Sudoku.......beat that:mellow:

27th April 2007, 17:54
Perving at my missus' arse while parking..............a police car!

27th April 2007, 18:02
-Using 2 lanes heading up the kaimais in a big ass 4 wheel drive people mover thing. Trying to race me! :rofl:

-And talking to their wife when driving ( they locked up their brakes and stopped in the wrong side of the road to miss smashing into the back of me )

James Deuce
27th April 2007, 18:06
I've seen me not stay out of the way of people I should have spotted.

27th April 2007, 18:18

27th April 2007, 18:20

Your Spankme's minion, don't be greedy

28th April 2007, 01:22
One trend I have noticed more and more... people pulling out of side roads straight into the fast lane... since when was that ever a smart idea? Indeed, some even wait for both (or more) lanes to be clear, and only THEN pull out. :shit:

Only other stupidity is the inability to keep moving, keep traffic moving. When a car is pulled to the side of the road, to turn into side street, lets all slow down with them, grind to a halt, and once they have turned, we can continue. Its not like we should go around them aye?

One I had happen to me, which was actually bad, and unexpected. Merging lanes, car beside me on left didn't seem to want to go first, so I did. Got in front, and when the lanes merged, I carried on... only to find the car had decided to stick its nose alongside my bike, on a narrowing road, right before a bend, in the pouring rain. A nice casual turn on the seat, with 1 calmly raised finger, pointed in their direction cured that. :finger:

28th April 2007, 02:43
Do I win anything?

yep - a MAJOR PRIZE!!!!

your NAME in PURPLE on THIS SITE!!!!!

eeeeek - dontcha think that purple is vomit-inducing?? :sick: :sick:

28th April 2007, 02:54
I'm sure someone spotted a nice young lady "flicking the bean" in her car while the rider was lane splitting....apparently put him right off his stride.

28th April 2007, 08:12
I've seen a guy with a cup of coffee and an electric razor, somehow managing to both shave his head and drink at the same time. That's going past the hospital in CHCH.

What??????? A guy multi tasking??????????? Bwahahahahahahahaha.... funny stuff....

28th April 2007, 10:04
man... i need to ride up in auckland for a while! worst ive seen down here is being stuck behind some dopey bitch at the lights while she rummaged in her purse. lights went green, and she was still digging. a quick beep of the horn got her going.

at work, however, ive seen [as they drive along]nose picking, cell phone talking, txting [including one scooter], trying to do a 360 head turn as they stare back at me [fuck that looks funny... dont watch me, watch the bloody road!]
last weekend, work was closed due to the computer getting her period, so cones covering each driveway.
i saw numerous "almost pileups" due to a customer wanting to come in, and slamming their brakes, sitting with their indicator flashing while they contemplated the meaning of the cones.
also saw numerous cars come THROUGH the cones. when questioned, one woman said she thought they were roadworks [what bloody roadworks? the ones 10 minutes down the road??] i wonder whether they would still do that if we had an lpg leak with emergency vehicles everywhere?

28th April 2007, 10:52
talking on a cellphone while eating a sausage roll

motorway doing 110kph at night....eating a pie....

texting while driving pisses me off no end because ive been in my mates car when hes texting while driving and his attention to the road becomes almost non existant...i don't do it i always stop at lights before i do if i don't finish it at the lights i wait until next lights...or stop somewhere...a call i will take briefly but ask them to call back.

i can't think of anything else right now

28th April 2007, 11:06
when i uesd to do truck deliveries i once saw a young lady playing with herself while waiting at a set of lights, she seemed oblivious to the fact i was there :gob:

28th April 2007, 11:46
ddnt happen to get a phone number did ya?

Street Gerbil
28th April 2007, 12:56
Well, how about forgetting that splitting is the prerogative of two-wheeled vehicles (Khyber pass, Auckland, 2 weeks ago, red car with reg# RED 001)? Do I get the cookie?

28th April 2007, 23:47
Idiot person in black sporty car overtook me (hanging FAR RIGHT) at amazing speed ( I can only manage 45 happily there) on blind corner at bottom of Kelson LOWER HUTT 2 nights ago. Had to be teen. I was waiting for the headon bang, a ricocheting car and possibly myself entangled. Only luck...

Where is the brain of these dicks - I was seriously shocked at the sheer idiocy - maybe the driver was 8. So I wanted to give chase and a piece of my mind. The wish for a rock to hiff at Daddys car was strong. But they were outta sight by the time I ascended enough to get a good view of road ahead.

Next up - an angry guy having a domestic with female who got out of car and is storming off on busy road in the hutt (also last week). He starts doing donuts for some reason (well kinda u-turns gone wrong like figure 8s all over as hes chasing her and trying to get her attention), and cars coming round a bend just before where he's doing that have to keep slamming on brakes.

Straight after that was in the curtain shop and saw a crash at intersection a block from cop shop due to fail to give way in rush hour - doh!There certainly are some freks out there. I'd like a tyre gun or some way to immobilise - a light sabre? When will they realise some people must be banned for life, cars auctioned for charity every time they get spotted, and given concession tickets or better yet disability scooters. $5000 cost to taxpayer better than 5g to OUR undertaker. The shame to teen guys would soon fix them right up.

30th April 2007, 10:38
i wonder whether they would still do that if we had an lpg leak with emergency vehicles everywhere?

Yep, sure would...happens every time at any emergency... I shit you not!!!:gob:

30th April 2007, 10:39
when i uesd to do truck deliveries i once saw a young lady playing with herself while waiting at a set of lights, she seemed oblivious to the fact i was there :gob:

She "seemed..."

I bet she knew...!!!

30th April 2007, 12:09
candor....no, dont give them mobility scooters!! the oldies here that have them think they own the whole town. from the road to the footpath to the cycle tracks!
we nearly bowled one the other day coming up on an intersection cos the old geezer just shot out in front. didnt even look...

patrick :shutup: is all i have to say about that! some cagers are dickheads.

30th April 2007, 12:56
patrick :shutup: is all i have to say about that! some cagers are dickheads.

And some passengers have been seen giving the dicks head... seen that a few times, was sure I had a drunk driver each time....

30th April 2007, 13:02
And some passengers have been seen giving the dicks head... seen that a few times, was sure I had a drunk driver each time....

lol... ive never had the guts to try that m'self. lmfao.

30th April 2007, 13:11
I saw someone reversing up a motorway onramp that also happens to be a 180 degree very tight blind hairpin that I previously loved going around rather quickly.

30th April 2007, 13:40
Come on guys get a grip. There will always be some car driver who's got their brain in neutral. Just stay alert, and don't get so outraged.

I've seen some pretty stupid stuff down by bike riders as well.

30th April 2007, 14:02
5. Spanking the monkey while driving.

Now that I have actually seen... I was on the bus at the time and the dude was having a good ole time... mrs palmer and her 5 daughters :shutup:

30th April 2007, 15:55
Now that I have actually seen... I was on the bus at the time and the dude was having a good ole time... mrs palmer and her 5 daughters :shutup:

Used to be a guy on the Shore that would target the schoolgirl buses for that... he knew the "audience" was watching...

30th April 2007, 17:25
Now that I have actually seen... I was on the bus at the time and the dude was having a good ole time... mrs palmer and her 5 daughters :shutup:

Yep, them buses see a lot from up there! :gob:

30th April 2007, 18:56
Observing Mt Ruapehu through binoculars whilst driving up the Desert Rd (with family in car).

A mate and I were riding down the road as he drifted across the centre line....we.....in particular, me as 2nd rider were very lucky.

Black Bandit
30th April 2007, 21:27
"Seen" on the interweb, does that count?

30th April 2007, 22:11
On the River Road, Upper Hutt yesterday. Dumb bitch woman pulls onto River Road from Riverstone Terrace subdivision into north bound lanes heading toward Moonshine bridge, into the outside lane doing about 30kmh, seemingly oblivious to the car behind (ie me) bearing down at 100 (but slowing fast). Suddenly the dipshit pulls a 180 and crosses the double yellows into the outside lane of the southbound lane, again oblivious to the cars doing 80-90kmh coming off the Moonshine bridge. I was too gobsmacked to take note of the registration number.

1st May 2007, 08:38

My mate did that to me through the Karangahake Gorge. Luckily my car had an automatic cut out for idots and just turned my car off. Was still fun trying to get round the corners with buggered steering and the hand break.

Needless to say he has been relegated to the back seat for the rest of his life :yes:

Also had a lady that refused to merge like a zip on the way to warkworth. We were in dads big challenger so we carried on, she carried on beside us, up the curb, along the grass for a bit before deciding to go behind us finally. Even tried it again, up the curb, only pulling back in as she was about to go off the side of a bridge. Stupid women!

1st May 2007, 08:47
last weekend, work was closed due to the computer getting her period, so cones covering each driveway.
i saw numerous "almost pileups" due to a customer wanting to come in, and slamming their brakes, sitting with their indicator flashing while they contemplated the meaning of the cones.
also saw numerous cars come THROUGH the cones. when questioned, one woman said she thought they were roadworks [what bloody roadworks? the ones 10 minutes down the road??] i wonder whether they would still do that if we had an lpg leak with emergency vehicles everywhere?

Yea people are stupid when it comes to cones. Had about 5 cars follow us through some cones into a lane clearly coned off behind and infront of us. They then sat there looking confused to why we had stopped next to our work site.

Took one lady about 3 minutes to actually pull back into the open lane, looking angry and mouthing something. :whocares: