View Full Version : Setting up a secondary school radio station.

30th April 2007, 16:37
Hi guys,
My college is about to set up a radio station and was wondering if you guys had any wisdom you would like to impart on us. Also if anyone is interested in doing any advertising on it that would be cool and extremely reasonable. Target audience will be approx 10-25.

30th April 2007, 17:41
www.veronica.co.uk <<<< good place for your transmission gear. I'd recommend a line level balancer of some sort, and don't forget the PSU (although you'll find cheaper at DSE)

Stick to 1W transmit power (2W ERP is ok) in order to avoid licence fees.

If you need a mixer/microphones etc - I shop here>>> www.rockshop.co.nz

Transmit at around 90MHz. Use a standard radio to find out where around the 90 MHz range people are currently transmitting. Don't forget some radio stations only operate on weekends/evenings etc

The higher the antenna the better the area of coverage.

Any specific questions PM me, I set up local radio stations for a 'hobby'.

PS - I havent forgotton about your other request - I'll be over 'there' for a few weeks from next week.

30th April 2007, 19:00
hey hey, we used to have a radiostation at my school back in the day...

the thing you need to take in mind is, lost of people like different types of music, so play a wide selection and maybe even including some classics from the years of 1960-1990, you'd be surprised how many people like the older music these days... and with the presenting, make sure its energetic, but not annoying or OVERLY enthusiastic, but at the same time, dont mumble... have confidence and your own style ... but remember what i said about VARIETY ;)


1st May 2007, 08:00
thanks for your help so far. anyone got any more?

1st May 2007, 14:11
My brother ran one in Twizel.

He got a telling off from metservice from saying "the forecast is always wrong so I'll just look out the window" while doing the weather.

"Weathers shit today so call in sick and stay in bed" didn't go down too well either

1st May 2007, 22:03
I'm pretty sure they had one up and running at Wellington High when I was there in the 90's. No idea if they still run it but ya could try talking to them for suggestions.

I'm pretty sure the staffmember that was involved was the journalism teacher, I think his name was Laurie Steel (been a dozen years and I didnt take his course so I could be wrong)