View Full Version : Childcare

Matt Bleck
3rd May 2007, 20:04
I didn't realise until today when I went to the Daycare up the road from work that the Goverments 20 hr free child care is actually what they call ECE Early Childhood Education, and only apply's to 3 & 4yr kids.

Did I miss that part? Was that mentioned after the word FREE, after which all I heard was blah, blah, blah, childcare?

Hey don't get me wrong that is great, but what about under 3's, do they think the child appears from the whom at 3?


3rd May 2007, 20:10
You believed the goverment and to make it worst you thought there would be no special rules. When are these people going to learn?

3rd May 2007, 21:23
wait until the govt helping hand for home buyers kicks in. i bet it will be means tested aimed at your lower class no hopers, who cant be arsed saving for a decent deposit because it doesnt leave enough out of their dole to go to the pub and fagging themselves to death

3rd May 2007, 21:33
Possibly the 3-4 is because Kindergarten is cheaper (and voluntary) for pre-shoolers at 4 so maybe there is no catch.........

3rd May 2007, 21:34
....Hey don't get me wrong that is great, but what about under 3's, do they think the child appears from the whom at 3?...
Yes usually from whom ever has them...

3rd May 2007, 21:36
do they think the child appears from the whom at 3?

They probably know that it appears from a womb, but bugger-all else.

I don't know why the Government just doesn't make childcare payments tax-deductible, rather than this convoluted system they've dreamed up.

3rd May 2007, 21:55
Because they can't retain (and pay) state servants without having convoluted systems with which to hide them... :dodge:

3rd May 2007, 21:55
I don't know why the Government just doesn't make childcare payments tax-deductible, rather than this convoluted system they've dreamed up.

I know, I know!! Because that would be far too sensible and logical. Duh!!

3rd May 2007, 21:56
Because they can't retain (and pay) state servants without having convoluted systems with which to hide them... :dodge:

Damn you and your quick responses.

And damn my fat fingers.

3rd May 2007, 22:06
And don't forget that a large proportion of child care centres seem to be turning down the government's offer of funding meaning it will not be available to many families anyway...

My opinion (fwiw): all child care should be free and those people who look after children should be paid the equivalent of lawyers....

3rd May 2007, 23:25
wait until the govt helping hand for home buyers kicks in. i bet it will be means tested aimed at your lower class no hopers, who cant be arsed saving for a decent deposit because it doesnt leave enough out of their dole to go to the pub and fagging themselves to death

Yup, we hard working taxpayers will pick up that tab too! My missus thought she'd get a second job to bring in some more dosh.....after seconadry tax it would have netted 8 bucks an hour!

Where's the incentive to better yourself?

No wonder people grow pot and peddle 'p'.

3rd May 2007, 23:30
And don't forget that a large proportion of child care centres seem to be turning down the government's offer of funding meaning it will not be available to many families anyway...

My opinion (fwiw): all child care should be free and those people who look after children should be paid the equivalent of lawyers....

After seeing what those pre-school people did with my two, if I could I'd be dishing out cash, medals and free child care left right and centre. They are inspirational and so many parents can learn from them. Pre-school education is a vital part of the bigger picture and so many politicians (and parents) miss the point.

Matt Bleck
4th May 2007, 09:49
You believed the goverment and to make it worst you thought there would be no special rules. When are these people going to learn?

I guess I'm more pissed that I actually believed them. :no:

Yes usually from whom ever has them...


4th May 2007, 14:04
No people this is all good. for once this family actually gets something back from the goverment because this plan is not means tested WAHOO!

Despite the fact that it only lasts for us for a couple of months before junior moves up to school I am happy to finally get something for free (unlike that "free" healthcare for under 5s etc etc).

And our centre is taking it up :woohoo:

Trust the kindy mum on this one

4th May 2007, 14:15
There is no such thing as "free". Somebody somewhere is paying. Hang on, I think it's me!

James Deuce
4th May 2007, 14:20
Can't get child care for the two that need it, and we've pumped thousands into the local Kindy, just in time to "enjoy" 12 months of "free" Kindy (It would be free if we had a corresponding tax cut) for number 2.

Nothing is free.

4th May 2007, 14:22
I think it is a great idea... makes my job a lot easier in the long run as the children would have come from some other form of education. We talk quite a bit about early childhood education, a lot of our papers are the same. I could never do it though!

4th May 2007, 14:35
I remember the days when kindy or any sort of pre-school education was the exception, rather than the norm. Mind you, them was the days when families could survive on the earnings of one parent. One wonders what sort of society we are creating for future generations.

4th May 2007, 14:48
There is no such thing as "free". Somebody somewhere is paying. Hang on, I think it's me!

Meh! It's all of us who are paying.... as I wrote previously, for once this family actually gets something back - without paying again then.... not free


James Deuce
4th May 2007, 14:55
Mind you, them was the days when families could survive on the earnings of one parent. One wonders what sort of society we are creating for future generations.

Living proof that it can be done.


It requires debt management, not saving. You listening Dr Cullen?

4th May 2007, 15:00
Dear God - imagine policy actually encouraging kids to be with their parents during the first few years of their lives. The damage it'll do to their little brains.