View Full Version : The Insomniac Thread

5th May 2007, 04:39
Anyone else sometimes have real trouble sleeping? I've got so much to do tomorrow and I'm gonna be a zombie by tomorrow afternoon. Tried going to bed at 11. Lay there for about an hour trying not to fidget nor wake up the S.O.. Got up, watched a bit of telly (usually makes me sleep). Played with cat. Went back to bed about half 11. No joy again. Drunk horlics. Had a bath and read a book. 2 hours later no joy. Gave up, decided to do some work on the PC so I'll have less on the todo list tomorrow. It's now half past bloody 4 <sigh>. S.O. gets up in twenty minutes to do the horsey thing so I'm as well cooking her breakfast.

I don't believe in popping pills before anyone suggest that.

Riff Raff
5th May 2007, 04:46
Yeah I'm having real trouble sleeping tonight. Damn tones going and pager bleeping, then having to head out in the cold. It's just rude.

5th May 2007, 04:50
Just finished my 4500 word E-Commerce essay, now onto the Information Systems 2500 word one :].

5th May 2007, 05:38
its only 1830 here...............

5th May 2007, 06:13
You can never forcce your body to sleep. Thinking about sleep, and trying to force it does just the opposite.

Disco Dan
5th May 2007, 08:30
yeah that sucks all right. I will often be stuck wide awake till 4/5am...

Especially so if I have to get up early for any particular reason...

I find turning the pillow over helps, hot chocolate (horlix is gross) make it properly using real milk heated slowly in a saucepan. Another thing I do is take "herbal pils" that "relax" you. That helps heaps. Oh and see how long you can lie in bed awake. Instead of trying to sleep, try and stay awake... your body is cruel and responds surprisingly well !

Cough medicine also makes you drowsy. But too much has an halucnagenic effect... cool on its own.. not when you want to sleep.

The Pastor
5th May 2007, 11:26
5hrs before you want to sleep start drinking and don't stop untill you fall asleep.

5th May 2007, 11:33
5hrs before you want to sleep start drinking and don't stop untill you fall asleep.

it takes you 5 hours to pass out?

yer but if you drink too much you end up needing to piss

ive laid awake for hours on many occasions, drives me fucking nuts, it's like the one time you need to get sleep you just can't, like when i'm getting a new bike or something it's like a boy on christmas eve, can't fing sleep!

5th May 2007, 15:57
I'm a funny one, find it hard to sleep at night. Most nights I go to bed at 4am or so, and sleep til 11am or later. Uni's great like that, as are part-time jobs. During the day I can cat-nap on cue even when not particularly tired, but I'm stuffed doing that at night, even when I need sleep and have been trying like that for a week. School used to bite.

5th May 2007, 17:22
I don't believe in popping pills...

Then I recommend a spliff.

5th May 2007, 18:49
i have trouble sleeping as well, its a bit different to you who have already posted though, i tend to get to sleep pretty easily (half of the time) then i have weird, disturbing and horrible dreams all night which make me wake up every 10 mins or so! so i dont actually get any proper SLEEP!

then i toss and turn for hours until i have to get up at 6am and take my 1 and a half hour bus ride to unitec... and in lectures.. i sleep no problem.. especially when they're talking about something interesting!!!

5th May 2007, 19:11
Then I recommend a spliff.


And some pink floyd - works every time :zzzz: