View Full Version : Anyone else having internet trouble?

Mr. Peanut
6th May 2007, 20:20
I'm on Xnet, and MSN, Utorrent, and just about anything other than web browsers has stopped working.

I've reset my router, but to no avail. Is there something I'm missing, or is this a WAN issue?

6th May 2007, 20:24
My internet is fine, torrenting and watching MotoGP live so no problems here.

6th May 2007, 20:34
My internet seems to be painfully slow tonight.. :bye: have restarted puter plus router a couple of times.. but no improvement.. :angry: (with Slingshot)

Mr. Peanut
6th May 2007, 20:38
It's all better now, go figure... :mellow:

The Pastor
6th May 2007, 23:41
Anyone else having internet trouble?

Dude, what planet are you on? We are in NZ, EVERYONE has shit net. Deal with it.

7th May 2007, 11:49
My internet is broken. I can't see this thread.

7th May 2007, 17:36
My internet is broken. I can't see this thread.

I can see the thread bit I can not understand the lingo.


7th May 2007, 20:16
<img src=http://themot.org/gallery/d/147749-1/dontworryimfrominternet.jpg></img src>