View Full Version : It's a funny world

8th May 2007, 18:23
Well today I had a meeting with various OT's, Ministry of Education guys to look at mods required for my Daughters new school next year.

One of the geezers is in a wheelchair. He is the 'Barrier' guy.

I asked him what happened. "It was a motorbike accident"...."But mitigating circumstances"

"Oh Yeah" I say

"I did a runner from the Police and lost it"

"So what were the mitigating circumstances then" I say

"The flashing blue light"

So there is these geezer in a wheelchair, because he did a runner, and he is assessing my Daughter's needs..........kinda weird.....he was a nice guy and it happened when he was 17 although he said he did a runner at another time.....when he was disabled........hummm

Sometimes you have to wonder why the Govt allows ACC to provide better benefits than is provided for a child born with a disability.

1. I had to fight for a powered wheelchair

2. I had to fight for a high low seat function

3. I have to go to various Funders to get other equipment.

4. I cannot get a mobility vehicle funded via The Ministry of Health who say they recognise that disabled kids have the same needs as disabled adults simply because my Daughter who is 4 cannot drive the vehicle.....they understand that there is an anomoly in the system but will not do anything about it but ACC....which at end of day is a Govt Dept funded by tax/levies....will fund a mobility vehicle for a child who is disabled following the accident because the vehicle is for the 'Claimant' and they do not have to drive the vehicle.

5. Missed out on Lottery Funding cause there was an unusally high number of applicants...all I need is about $15,000 to add to my cage to get one.[LIST]

Not a lot in the grand scheme of things.

This geezer rolls up in a V8, modified for his needs with a fun plate.............he is a nice guy and at least he is doing something worthwhile with his life.

It's a funny old world we live in.

8th May 2007, 18:58
Good points made dude.

8th May 2007, 19:03
i hear ya buddy

my wife works for the min of ed with disabled kids (mentally and physically) as well as the troublemakers, etc and the apparent lack of logic in the way cases are assessed/handled/legislated/prioritised/approved (or not) is bizarre....

8th May 2007, 19:05
Well today I had a meeting with various OT's, Ministry of Education guys to look at mods required for my Daughters new school next year.

One of the geezers is in a wheelchair. He is the 'Barrier' guy.

I asked him what happened. "It was a motorbike accident"...."But mitigating circumstances"

"Oh Yeah" I say

"I did a runner from the Police and lost it"

"So what were the mitigating circumstances then" I say

"The flashing blue light"

So there is these geezer in a wheelchair, because he did a runner, and he is assessing my Daughter's needs..........kinda weird.....he was a nice guy and it happened when he was 17 although he said he did a runner at another time.....when he was disabled........hummm

Sometimes you have to wonder why the Govt allows ACC to provide better benefits than is provided for a child born with a disability.

1. I had to fight for a powered wheelchair

2. I had to fight for a high low seat function

3. I have to go to various Funders to get other equipment.

4. I cannot get a mobility vehicle funded via The Ministry of Health who say they recognise that disabled kids have the same needs as disabled adults simply because my Daughter who is 4 cannot drive the vehicle.....they understand that there is an anomoly in the system but will not do anything about it but ACC....which at end of day is a Govt Dept funded by tax/levies....will fund a mobility vehicle for a child who is disabled following the accident because the vehicle is for the 'Claimant' and they do not have to drive the vehicle.

5. Missed out on Lottery Funding cause there was an unusally high number of applicants...all I need is about $15,000 to add to my cage to get one.[LIST]

Not a lot in the grand scheme of things.

This geezer rolls up in a V8, modified for his needs with a fun plate.............he is a nice guy and at least he is doing something worthwhile with his life.

It's a funny old world we live in.

your the guy that thinks p cooks should get A1 care.... remember???

8th May 2007, 22:34

9th May 2007, 09:44
There was something along similar lines on the news recently - a woman who had a degenerative muscle wasting disease was not eligible for any help yet a burglar who was injured breaking into someone's house got the works! I sincerely hope I don't develop anything that slowly takes away my ability to live without assistance because the government sure ain't going to step in.

9th May 2007, 10:16
your the guy that thinks p cooks should get A1 care.... remember???

Nop, I was against letting them die........note I was not complaining, just sharing a thought.

9th May 2007, 10:25
There was something along similar lines on the news recently - a woman who had a degenerative muscle wasting disease was not eligible for any help yet a burglar who was injured breaking into someone's house got the works! I sincerely hope I don't develop anything that slowly takes away my ability to live without assistance because the government sure ain't going to step in.

Yep.....it is because the Govt separates ACC and 'Others'.

Guess this guy comes under ACC, just like a drunk driver would. Now, that is fine but people born with or who have a belated disorder come under the Minsitry of Health - Disability which has a 'Budget'.

Having said that following yesterdays meeting, it is being recommended that $50,000 be spent to build a new 'bathroom' for Nats, a new pathway and I suspect that by the time it is all done the cost will be $100,000 so the system does work but of course this is 'Education' based.

Overall, despite having to fight for stuff, the funding is there but you have to deal with various agencies....whereas ACC is just 1 Dept and does the running around and it is just the Mobility vehicle that is the hard one.

Whatever it takes......I am sure all parents would do what it took, whatever the financial cost eh......it has cost me a lot but it's only money.

9th May 2007, 10:43
Yea its bloody annoying,Not enough money to go around.

You pay taxes all your working life, you dont suck anything out of the system.
Then every other bludger comes along and takes a piece of the pie and nothing left for those who have contributed and/or deserve help.

Some never pay tax from the time they leave school,but get pay outs thier entire life,others come here from overseas and just expect to get help from the govt.
It just isnt right.

9th May 2007, 10:51
Yea its bloody annoying,Not enough money to go around.

You pay taxes all your working life, you dont suck anything out of the system.
Then every other bludger comes along and takes a piece of the pie and nothing left for those who have contributed and/or deserve help.

Some never pay tax from the time they leave school,but get pay outs thier entire life,others come here from overseas and just expect to get help from the govt.
It just isnt right.

No it aint right, however, life aint perfect and that is part of the challenge, however hard it seems sometimes.

As long as my Daughter is 'appy that is the main thing.......

9th May 2007, 12:54
Yep.....it is because the Govt separates ACC and 'Others'.

Guess this guy comes under ACC, just like a drunk driver would. Now, that is fine but people born with or who have a belated disorder come under the Minsitry of Health - Disability which has a 'Budget'.

Having said that following yesterdays meeting, it is being recommended that $50,000 be spent to build a new 'bathroom' for Nats, a new pathway and I suspect that by the time it is all done the cost will be $100,000 so the system does work but of course this is 'Education' based.

Overall, despite having to fight for stuff, the funding is there but you have to deal with various agencies....whereas ACC is just 1 Dept and does the running around and it is just the Mobility vehicle that is the hard one.

Whatever it takes......I am sure all parents would do what it took, whatever the financial cost eh......it has cost me a lot but it's only money.

simple way [bit of a pisstake... dont shoot me!!] tell acc your daughter was an accident.


9th May 2007, 13:02
simple way tell acc your daughter was an accident.


An interesting point....her condition did not manifest itself until she was just over a year old............

Taken from ACC site

[B]Regardless of how the injury happened, even if it was something you did yourself.

Her nerve cells became injured and could not do what they used too.

9th May 2007, 13:21
An interesting point....her condition did not manifest itself until she was just over a year old............

Taken from ACC site

Regardless of how the injury happened, even if it was something you did yourself.

Her nerve cells became injured and could not do what they used too.

how were they injured? sounds like she should fall under acc, most definately.

9th May 2007, 14:24
Nop, I was against letting them die........note I was not complaining, just sharing a thought.

well one of the pricks has died one to go

9th May 2007, 14:33
well one of the pricks has died one to go

I have just prayed for you JimJim....sad you feel that way.

9th May 2007, 15:12
That or capatalists running the system down untill a private organisation says 'hey, we can fix that, gonna cost ya though'

9th May 2007, 16:08
Well I've just prayed that the other cunt dies... slowly and painfully. Funny world eh?

Wow - so tell me about him. What do you know? All the facts... y'know - who his wife and children are, those that are affected by his injuries, or something as simple as his role in the whole thing.

I mean wishing the supreme being to visitm him with a slow lingering death is a big call... but I guess you have good reason.

Or is it because you can, or enjoy a wind up. I have to admit my son's like that. I'm hoping he'll grow out of it by the time he hits 8.

9th May 2007, 16:09
Back on topic GB... yeah it is a funny old world. Politics and funding = votes to be bought. Those groups that are highest in number or easiest to please probably get funding priority... just at a guess.

9th May 2007, 16:24
You are right, GB, tis a funny old world.
I work with kids with disabilities, all of them congenital -i.e. none are as a result of accident, its heartbreaking at times to see what parents have to go through to get some help for their kids and themselves. I'm not talking big things either, just a few little things can make a huge difference to how a family copes.

9th May 2007, 16:37
Then there are problems which are hitting parliament at the moment
http://www.stuff.co.nz/4053772a10.html this article is just out on stuff. It shows that those with disabilities are not getting what they should anyway ...

It is a problem that ACC funding for accidents is better than the funding we get for having a disability - it is a real annoyance that we have to fight tooth and nail for each cent or assistance that we can get - makes you appreciate it loads when it works. But it is a real issue when we are getting ripped off by agencies out there that are there to help ... and they take the money and don't provide the service.

I could say more .. but will shut up for now .. I get really angry about this and so do those in the MS groups I am a member of.

9th May 2007, 17:04
I am going to the Disability Forum tomorrow.........

It is frustrating and although I have banged heads and made a nusiance of myself to get stuff, no point getting angry.

MS, yep I belong to. Complaints there too but not much I can do.

9th May 2007, 17:10
We (personally) have been getting ripped of by these people for 43yrs, nothings changed.

I get pretty pissed off when people get paid taxpayer money to exist while they establish P Labs, blow themselves up, then we have to pay for them to be fixed up again. (generalising here)

Don't forget that taxpayers probably also have to pay for the victims of the P Lab product that they have sold at big (tax free) profits before they got blown up too.

The cost spiral of maintaining self made deadbeats in this country must be astronomical, no wonder the invalids who's difficulties were not self inflicted feel hard done by by comparison!

Yes it is a funny world alright! :shit: John.

9th May 2007, 18:39
I have just prayed for you JimJim....sad you feel that way.

dont waste your prayers on me just prey these arseholes dont ever get to your kids

9th May 2007, 18:47
dont waste your prayers on me just prey these arseholes dont ever get to your kids

:zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz:

9th May 2007, 19:04
:zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz: :zzzz:

sleep all you like bud but turning the other cheek doesnt work with these cnuts

9th May 2007, 19:12
sleep all you like bud but turning the other cheek doesnt work with these cnuts

So it didn't work with you then..........:gob:

9th May 2007, 19:21
While I can see your point GB, I believe you got look after your own and not depend on any other prick to sort your problems out. You're doing the right thing by trying to raise the funds through different means and I comend you on your actions, keep at it as it will pay off in the end. Just dont expect this comunist gov' to do jack shit for you and your daughter.

9th May 2007, 19:27
While I can see your point GB, I believe you got look after your own and not depend on any other prick to sort your problems out. You're doing the right thing by trying to raise the funds through different means and I comend you on your actions, keep at it as it will pay off in the end. Just dont expect this comunist gov' to do jack shit for you and your daughter.

I agree and I know I cannot rely on others..sorry if it came across that way.

The wheelchair cost $45,000, her standing frame and special hi/low seat for home cost $6,000 and $4,000 so that is stuff I need to get funding for.

The mobility vehicle, well my car is worth $20,000 or so so I am happy to try and afford finance for the difference and I now get Family Tax credit which will help for things like this.

Yes it is a battle at times, however, I enjoy a challenge.

White trash
9th May 2007, 20:12
Fucken sucks Graham, I know what you're going through.

From age 11 months, my foster brother lived with us. He had svere Cerbral Palsy and required 24 hour attention. My mum did most (read all) of the work, in return they were paid a small board allowance.

After five years (he was expected to survive two), mum and dad were made legal guardians. For years and years, Mum battled for funding and support to get items which would make Andys (and ours) lives easier. Lotteries funded a shitty Nissan Caravan van that would allow is wheelchair to be accomodated while some fuckhead who lost his legs in a car crash while drunk, got a new Comodore and hand controls fitted.

This fucken system sucks.

9th May 2007, 20:18
Fucken sucks Graham, I know what you're going through.

From age 11 months, my foster brother lived with us. He had svere Cerbral Palsy and required 24 hour attention. My mum did most (read all) of the work, in return they were paid a small board allowance.

After five years (he was expected to survive two), mum and dad were made legal guardians. For years and years, Mum battled for funding and support to get items which would make Andys (and ours) lives easier. Lotteries funded a shitty Nissan Caravan van that would allow is wheelchair to be accomodated while some fuckhead who lost his legs in a car crash while drunk, got a new Comodore and hand controls fitted.

This fucken system sucks.

Bless ya mate......just have to avoid the system sucking you under cause one day it will change...I have lots to say at this forum tomorrow.....

9th May 2007, 21:38
Bless ya mate......just have to avoid the system sucking you under cause one day it will change...I have lots to say at this forum tomorrow.....

I have a physically disabled family member and know how things are. I also work at a school part time and see the money spent on making life easier for the disabled. Those born with disabilities sure do get the short end of the stick and when you see the Govt spending up large on b/s projects (pick any or several) it makes you want to puke. While I admit there are many worthwhile things that need attention surely human life should rate right up there. On the North Shore there were the dotterels (feathered things that needed hundreds of thousands spent on them coz their bed got moved) and on the West Coast some snails looked like dinner (which cost a similar truckload of cash to relocate) and still those who had nothing to do with anything have to struggle to retain their dignity, their mobility and often their rights.

It sucks alright. Give Helen a ring, she's got plenty to spend on art.
Maybe we should burn a Macahn in protest?

9th May 2007, 21:47
While reading this, it pisses me off that in Masterton is a mobility van that was supplied to someone but is never used. Instead, our company mobility van is called out any time he wishes to go somewhere. All courtesy of ACC. :brick:

9th May 2007, 23:08
Fucken sucks Graham, I know what you're going through.

From age 11 months, my foster brother lived with us. He had svere Cerbral Palsy and required 24 hour attention. My mum did most (read all) of the work, in return they were paid a small board allowance.

After five years (he was expected to survive two), mum and dad were made legal guardians. For years and years, Mum battled for funding and support to get items which would make Andys (and ours) lives easier. Lotteries funded a shitty Nissan Caravan van that would allow is wheelchair to be accomodated while some fuckhead who lost his legs in a car crash while drunk, got a new Comodore and hand controls fitted.

This fucken system sucks.

I can vouch for what he says, I knew the family then and the work that they put in for Andy was bloody fantastic and the support they got from welfare etc was absolutely minimal.

That was one time you really could "feel the love" and it flowed both ways too!

The progress Andy made with their family was miraculous the whole family are Saints in my mind. :yes: John.

10th May 2007, 00:58
Having been in Oz for 15 years I'm outta touch with the ACC system but there seems to be some obvious glaring inconsistencies. The system itself sounds fantastic in theory but the application is obviously flawed.

The obvious question is: how do we change it?

The point has been raised, the issue acknowledged as genuine, so what/who/how can we make it better? Who do we approach? Who is responsible?

The glaring inconsistencies are sensationalist enough to grab the attention of the media so it shouldn't be that hard to get some impetus in the debate. If half the words written here had been spoken in the right ear then we could be part way to some positive changes.

This is a motorcycling forum after all and there is a fair chance that many of us will be requiring it's services at some point or other.

White trash
10th May 2007, 11:58
I can vouch for what he says, I knew the family then and the work that they put in for Andy was bloody fantastic and the support they got from welfare etc was absolutely minimal.

That was one time you really could "feel the love" and it flowed both ways too!

The progress Andy made with their family was miraculous the whole family are Saints in my mind. :yes: John.
Thanks John. You'll be pleased to hear the old man arrives back in NZ tomorrow morning, I'll make sure he gets in touch when he's down your way.


10th May 2007, 11:58
Having been in Oz for 15 years I'm outta touch with the ACC system but there seems to be some obvious glaring inconsistencies. The system itself sounds fantastic in theory but the application is obviously flawed.

The obvious question is: how do we change it?

Deregulate it again and reintroduce competition, it worked better then! :yes: John.

10th May 2007, 13:56
IMHO we are far better off having ACC than the legal damages/compensation system which exists in the rest of the world. Just ask any Kiwi living in Australia - you need insurance for everything.

ACC is no-fault. You don't have to prove someone caused your accident and try to get damages from them.

However my heart goes out to you Graham and other people dealing with disabilities. The original 1967 Woodhouse Report, which was the foundation for the revolutionary 1972 Accident Compensation Act, recommended that it cover sickness and disability.

Norman Kirk's government which inheirited the new scheme said they'd add sickness etc once it was up and running. But that never happened because in the early days ACC was a real learning curve for everyone. Eventually the government came to the conclusion that full coverage was simply unaffordable in New Zealand.

This was in the wake of the 1973 oil shock and NZ was in dire financial straits. Britain joined the EEC in 1972 and we lost half our overseas markets overnight.

I still think full cover should be introduced even if it meant GST rising to 15%.