View Full Version : BJ goes down

9th May 2007, 12:38
Could be taken in so many ways, but in this instance, we're talking geographically.

Me and the vitter have cast aside our jaffa membership and headed down sarf to the Kapiti coast. Commuting every morning around the 7ish time so if you see a red vitter on the road with a tubby crunt on the back its probably me.

The morning/evening ride is totally more satisfying than the traffic cutting run through akl city but FARK its cold...I seriously have to grow some hair in tender areas or something (cue Chopper Reid advice).

But the best part of all is arriving at my parking point in Wellybum to find another two VTR's to keep mine company (albeit one of them has had a serious dose of steroids via an SP badge).

Anyhoo, t'ra Auckland bikers, hello Kapiti/Wellybum riders. I'll try to get on the next ride after settling the family down a bit.

9th May 2007, 12:55
Welcome to the wonderful Kapiti Coast. There is a few of us KBers round here, and we often hook up with the Welly crew for rides. Check out these...

9th May 2007, 12:57
Glad I have not paid my yearly membership.....nah way I think I am a Jaffa.....bloody silly name and reminds me of those nice choco / with orange middle bickies you get in UK...

9th May 2007, 13:03
Welcome to the coast. Please wipe your feet at the door and prepare to be sanitised of all things jaffa-ish. :laugh:

9th May 2007, 13:09
Welcome to Kapiti - a fine decision. For commuting I recommend going over Paekak Hill - it's the best part of my day (although take care).

9th May 2007, 13:45
Love the thread title :rofl:

9th May 2007, 14:13
Commuting every morning around the 7ish time so if you see a red vitter on the road with a tubby crunt on the back its probably me..

I'm the white CBR with green seat, pink wheels and yellow/black cordura suit that waves to you coming north from the bottom of Paekak Hill Rd. Welcome to wellyland

p.s. How 'bout actually putting Kapiti in your profile location so when we're looking to include locals in an event, you're name comes up

9th May 2007, 14:24
Anyhoo, t'ra Auckland bikers, hello Kapiti/Wellybum riders. I'll try to get on the next ride after settling the family down a bit.

Was an awesome 'Going away for good' party BJ....:innocent: and may i add a huge thanks for that Barry Sheene disc you gave me far oy cool!...

choco / with orange middle bickies you get in UK...

They call that bogan ice-creme here, the jaffa flavoured shit...:sick:

9th May 2007, 17:17
p.s. How 'bout actually putting Kapiti in your profile location so when we're looking to include locals in an event, you're name comes up

Will do...I tend towards the anti-stalker approach, but fuck it.

Was an awesome 'Going away for good' party BJ....:innocent: and may i add a huge thanks for that Barry Sheene disc you gave me far oy cool!...

I figured the Puhoi gathering was the wildest you got, so gave it a miss :bleh:

Seriously though, I'm going to make sure I do some trips up there and will make sure you chaps and chapesses are one it for a catch up. No worries on the disc, if I find any more its yours. Bet you're rockin on the Ohlins by now!

10th May 2007, 07:09
So am I.. bling

Love the thread title :rofl:

The Pastor
10th May 2007, 14:08
(cue Chopper Reid advice).

This is TempBJ, TempBJ doesnt like the cold, it gives him sniffles, awwww poor TempBJ has a sniffle.

<img src='http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/4158/shopper4hr.jpg'>

11th May 2007, 08:19
Bling renegade