View Full Version : Question for Uni students or those with student loans

9th May 2007, 14:35
So I've hung around in NZ long enough to get that whole interest-free student loan going on. I've heard of people doing the `course-related costs' thing to borrow the max $1000 to get a scooter, or pay for speeding tickets, or whatever.

Can somebody tell me what I should do? I want to get the max $1k to get rid of the rest of the money on my bike. Would really help. I've never done course related costs; I understand getting the form and ticking the boxes, but what do I write for transportation? What evidence can I put? It's not like I can give them a receipt for the bike, as I bought it last year, and that'll look weird. Also, it's not like I can chuck bus tickets or something on there. What do you guys do? How can I get past the guys in charge with the red `Application Rejected' stamp?


Disco Dan
9th May 2007, 14:39
So I've hung around in NZ long enough to get that whole interest-free student loan going on. I've heard of people doing the `course-related costs' thing to borrow the max $1000 to get a scooter, or pay for speeding tickets, or whatever.

Can somebody tell me what I should do? I want to get the max $1k to get rid of the rest of the money on my bike. Would really help. I've never done course related costs; I understand getting the form and ticking the boxes, but what do I write for transportation? What evidence can I put? It's not like I can give them a receipt for the bike, as I bought it last year, and that'll look weird. Also, it's not like I can chuck bus tickets or something on there. What do you guys do? How can I get past the guys in charge with the red `Application Rejected' stamp?



Fill out the form -

$1000 divided by 52 (weeks) is 19.23

So say $20 per week PETROL over 52 weeks.

They wont ask you for evidence. Worst case scenario, and I have NEVER heard of it happening is they will ask at the end of the year. you just empy your pockets of a few reciepts and presto! last couple of weeks petrol evidence!

Ive done this for the past 2 years without problems.

If you buy a laptop or something for a $1000 you will need to give them a reciept for proof of purchase etc... so by doing it this way you get $1000 deposited into your personal bank account 4-5 working days later.

9th May 2007, 15:10
My recommendation to you as someone who got f'ed by the g.o.v.t. with no student allowance and a nice student loan. Put as little on that student loan on as possible. Keep the bike nice a cheap until you get a job. Interest free loans are like water wings - water wings don't do shit in the 6ft swell that is life.

9th May 2007, 17:00
I claimed my course related costs this year so that I could buy some bike gear. And I did as disco suggested. Yet my maths was slightly different. I took my petrol receipt, multiplied it by how many uni weeks (30 I think it is) and it came to like 1020 or something.
Petrol is the only way to go, unless you still have your receipts from getting your books, and then attach them as well. They pay up to $1000 so I made mine slightly over.
Good luck :)

9th May 2007, 19:45
well, my dad is in charge of all the money on my side. so he made me do it legi, by using it for my books, which is good though, most of my books cost around $200 bucks and i have 4 of them... but yes, i should be getting the cash in soon, but it goes straight to my dad...

however, if i pass my course, my dad pays for everything!! MWAHAHA! the joys of having brothers who dropped out of uni and are now bums at home...


9th May 2007, 19:49
well, my dad is in charge of all the money on my side. so he made me do it legi, by using it for my books, which is good though, most of my books cost around $200 bucks and i have 4 of them... but yes, i should be getting the cash in soon, but it goes straight to my dad...

however, if i pass my course, my dad pays for everything!! MWAHAHA! the joys of having brothers who dropped out of uni and are now bums at home...


:gob: I hate you!! If only my parents saw it that way! My older sister went to Otago and did her first year in a drinking degree... wasted 10 grand! Where as me.. good lil studier wont get what you get!
But then I would hate for my parents to handle my money

9th May 2007, 19:52
yeah, the thing is, i already owe my dad 5k anyway hah! ... however, they see me as their "last hope" to have one of their kids pass and get a degree and get a JOB! ... my parents are just about ready to chuck my bros out on the street because they WONT get a job... it pisses me off too... i dont know how they can just mooch off my folks like that....

9th May 2007, 19:54
yeah, the thing is, i already owe my dad 5k anyway hah! ... however, they see me as their "last hope" to have one of their kids pass and get a degree and get a JOB! ... my parents are just about ready to chuck my bros out on the street because they WONT get a job... it pisses me off too... i dont know how they can just mooch off my folks like that....

Is amazing how some people can do that! I moved out of home pretty early! My sis has just moved back home because it was too far for her to go where her boyfriend was moving. Only thing I really miss is my mums cooking! She is awesome! lol

9th May 2007, 20:00
aww... i cant wait to move out... i wont even miss my moms cooking coz i cook for myself anyway..

but yeah.. my 22 and 20 yr old bros are BUMS!! who still have to pay off their HUGE student loans!!

gawd i would die... i cant wait til i get my qualifications either... hehe.. at 20 ill be a vet nurse! YAY!

9th May 2007, 21:31
aww... i cant wait to move out... i wont even miss my moms cooking coz i cook for myself anyway..

but yeah.. my 22 and 20 yr old bros are BUMS!! who still have to pay off their HUGE student loans!!

gawd i would die... i cant wait til i get my qualifications either... hehe.. at 20 ill be a vet nurse! YAY!

:gob: If they were in an asian family, the first thing they'd do is get a job! If only for the frrrreeeeeddooooooommmmmm to get away from the family business(es) you end up slaving away at :rofl:

I'm still at home, 'cause I'm unmarried (a situation my mum wishes to change drastically!) and I still work in the family business! :pinch: Now ... does anyone know any tall female asian biker girls? :scratch: :o :innocent:

Or kawaii asian combat macho babes? :o

I think I spent most of my student loan on comic books, movies, role-playing games and miniatures...

9th May 2007, 21:36
lolz... hmm, i know some asian chicks.. but none of them bikers... and mayhaps a little young...

but yes, i do agree with the getting away from the family business... ive heard the stories!

but indeed, they need jobs.. ANY jobs.. problem is, they're lazy and fussy...

9th May 2007, 21:43
My recommendation to you as someone who got f'ed by the g.o.v.t. with no student allowance and a nice student loan. Put as little on that student loan on as possible. Keep the bike nice a cheap until you get a job. Interest free loans are like water wings - water wings don't do shit in the 6ft swell that is life.

Oh I know, I have no student allowance either. However, it's my mum's $1k that is currently owning that bike, and I'd rather pay her back (not very fair on her, I think) sooner than later. I have a job, but it's the usual student restaurant thing so it'll be ages before I pay her back. $1k is pretty small compared to the total my loan will be by the end, and it gets paid back in my taxes anyway once I start work, so I'm not fussed.

Cheers Dan, will give that a shot. Bling. Looks like the way to go :D

9th May 2007, 21:44
:gob: If they were in an asian family, the first thing they'd do is get a job! If only for the frrrreeeeeddooooooommmmmm to get away from the family business(es) you end up slaving away at :rofl:

I'm still at home, 'cause I'm unmarried (a situation my mum wishes to change drastically!) and I still work in the family business! :pinch: Now ... does anyone know any tall female asian biker girls? :scratch: :o :innocent:

Or kawaii asian combat macho babes? :o

I think I spent most of my student loan on comic books, movies, role-playing games and miniatures...

Hmmm... I know plenty of tall Asian girls, none of them are bikers though.

My girlfriend, however, is both pretty kawaii and can kick my arse :D However she's short and she's this filthy gwai lou's :D

9th May 2007, 22:22
Hmmm... I know plenty of tall Asian girls, none of them are bikers though.

My girlfriend, however, is both pretty kawaii and can kick my arse :D However she's short and she's this filthy gwai lou's :D

In that case, I shall invoke Trial By Kung Fu! To the victor goes the spoils of war!

When shall we meet for this? Since I issued challenge, you can decide on style, weapon choice and whether it is to the death or best of blows!

It has been a while since I have used my Dim Sum skills ... and the lesser arts of Won Ton Chow Mein Su Yap!

I propose top of Mangere Mountain, when the sun is at highest point in sky. In deference to your smaller build, I shall allow you to choose your placement on hill of trial first.

When the moon is next full, our challenge shall commence Gwei Lou!

9th May 2007, 22:43
In that case, I shall invoke Trial By Kung Fu! To the victor goes the spoils of war!

When shall we meet for this? Since I issued challenge, you can decide on style, weapon choice and whether it is to the death or best of blows!

It has been a while since I have used my Dim Sum skills ... and the lesser arts of Won Ton Chow Mein Su Yap!

I propose top of Mangere Mountain, when the sun is at highest point in sky. In deference to your smaller build, I shall allow you to choose your placement on hill of trial first.

When the moon is next full, our challenge shall commence Gwei Lou!

Seiw some low bak!! Ngor woe da say lei!!! Mo dai mo say, mou lou :innocent:

The Pastor
9th May 2007, 22:46
I just wrote $960 for petrol and $30 "in case petrol goes up"

And they gave it to me.

9th May 2007, 22:48
HAH! and using that mone for fines...

9th May 2007, 22:59
So I've hung around in NZ long enough to get that whole interest-free student loan going on. I've heard of people doing the `course-related costs' thing to borrow the max $1000 to get a scooter, or pay for speeding tickets, or whatever.

Can somebody tell me what I should do?

Debt is dumb dont do it - and if your interested I'll teach you how to make your bike payments interest free so you pay it off much quicker.
Then I can show you how to stay out of debt.
PM me if you want and I'll send you some info.

9th May 2007, 23:00
I just wrote $960 for petrol and $30 "in case petrol goes up"

And they gave it to me.

Hahahaha I like that one. Rep given :D

You should've written `in case I put my calipers back-to-front and need a new brake disc' as well :yes:

9th May 2007, 23:07
Seiw some low bak!! Ngor woe da say lei!!! Mo dai mo say, mou lou :innocent:

Aiyaah! Diem gai ni mei bi wo mien? Dai si ni! Ni hei si kai dai! Ni mama,baba arn lu dor, gum yet tay ni sat tol! (note : My mouth is moving out of synch with subtitles)

9th May 2007, 23:07
Debt is dumb dont do it - and if your interested I'll teach you how to make your bike payments interest free so you pay it off much quicker.
Then I can show you how to stay out of debt.
PM me if you want and I'll send you some info.

It's my mum I owe money to, and she's interest free anyway. $1k is a drop in the ocean compared to what my debt will be like once I graduate, so it's moot really.

I appreciate the advice, though. Had a credit card for a couple of months. Not doing that again. I hate debt, it shits me.

9th May 2007, 23:23
It's my mum I owe money to, and she's interest free anyway. $1k is a drop in the ocean compared to what my debt will be like once I graduate, so it's moot really.

I appreciate the advice, though. Had a credit card for a couple of months. Not doing that again. I hate debt, it shits me.

Ahh mum with the loan ... reminds me of the old saying ...

Keep your friends and family close, but keep your enemies closer still! :devil2:

No relevance whatsoever, just getting into the spirit of our kung pao chicken shlock! :msn-wink:

13th May 2007, 19:08
I have a job, but it's the usual student restaurant thing so it'll be ages before I pay her back. $1k is pretty small compared to the total my loan will be by the end, and it gets paid back in my taxes anyway once I start work, so I'm not fussed.

$50 per week re-payment (based on about $40K/yr)......how long is it going to take to pay back that extra $1K.
Why not get a small bank loan, or an interest free OD for say $500.....pay back your mum $500.....and force yourself to repay the debt though weekly repayments from your job.
Sorry for being paranoid. But i don't believe these interest free student loans are going to last very long.
+ if you have to repay now, you will respect its value more.

13th May 2007, 22:11
kung pow is the awesomest movie...!! (note spelling of kung pow is like that on the movie im pretty sure... )