View Full Version : arrggggg sick as a dog

9th May 2007, 14:38
blah being sick sucks...

my day job boss wants me to head home because he doesn't want me affecting everyone at the office with my germs :( *sharing is caring*

Which is pretty pointless seeing as I have to go and infect everyone at my night job later anyway... bleh!


Paul in NZ
9th May 2007, 15:20
blah being sick sucks...

my day job boss wants me to head home because he doesn't want me affecting everyone at the office with my germs :( *sharing is caring*

Which is pretty pointless seeing as I have to go and infect everyone at my night job later anyway... bleh!


Yeah - everyone is sick at the moment - nasty bugs going about - GO HOME

9th May 2007, 15:23
Yup sick as a dog too... :cry:

Cant belive how many people are not well at the mo....

9th May 2007, 15:38
sounds like you lot need a cup of "Harden the fuck up"
<img src="http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2006/05/10/markchopperread_narrowweb__300x357,0.jpg">
shit james!!! where have you been hiding!!! email me you cock...

9th May 2007, 16:36
:sick: Ah well, least you can put your head down and have a nice lie down in a warm bed! Keep your fluids up and go to sleep :baby: :yawn: :zzzz: Nothing a little rest can do! :yes:

9th May 2007, 16:40
...seeing as I have to go and infect everyone at my night job later anyway...

one question pf... WHY do you HAVE to go to work later???? :shit:

why not stay cuddled up in a warm bed & rest.. & get better!!! :yes:

9th May 2007, 20:26
Yup sick as a dog too...

Cant belive how many people are not well at the mo....

It must be these strange temp changes we have been having :(

Im trying to act like Im not sick because MissSniper is in bed all sniffily and chesty. Cant have 2 people in the house who are sick. Besides, colds are easily fought off (or so I keep trying to tell myself :()

9th May 2007, 20:32
Damn and I gaved you and Sammy my best cuddles too... I feel fine BTW. You want I should come up and keep your tent warm?

Paul in NZ
9th May 2007, 20:43
Damn and I gaved you and Sammy my best cuddles too... I feel fine BTW. You want I should come up and keep your tent warm?

I think we found the reason why so many people are sick....

9th May 2007, 20:44
:Oi: I hug peoples back to right!!

You'll get yours next time Pauly...

Bloody Mad Woman (BMW)
9th May 2007, 20:51
Stay in bed - it doesn't go away quickly. Wish you a speedy recovery

9th May 2007, 20:51
Im scared....

9th May 2007, 20:56
I've always been a sick fukka - never bothered me.....oh, I see, we're talking about health....ah.