View Full Version : Black Power baby tragedy

9th May 2007, 23:46
disclaimer, the followin contains poor spelling, grammar and punctuation, due to speed hacking at keyboard, it also contains ANTI MAORI / GANG / TARIANA TURIA opinions

I am some what bothered by Tariana Turia's latest comments that she couldn't possibly label gang members as criminals, just like she wont label policemen rapists, no matter what way she tries to say it she's way out of line. THE MAJORITY OF GANG MEMBERS ARE/WERE FILTHY FUKN CRIMINAL MINDED RAPISTS, inversely proportional to the number of policemen/expolicemen who "had sexual relations with teenagers".

the BITCH needs a bullet, pronto. If I was a gang member in the skirmishes and I saw that fat ugly hypocritical wolf crying bitch walking down the street I would shoot her for disrespecting my mana or what ever sets the muts going.

Secondly im deeply concerned that my trip home today was delayed for under a single minute, passing south after levin before Oblacki, we were slowed down by road signs saying "QUE" "30km/h", Highway poatrolmen waving away,
and other slow moving cars. I thought its bad enough NZ's main highway has pedestrian crossings on it in towns like oblacki, but even worse, we are slowed down for some MARI's who inconsiderately parked on the main highway, for the "tangi" of a 2yr old, who none would know or have any emotional relationship with, the muts just wanted there day in the sun to show off there patches thye earned through community service. even worse theres 50 odd black muts out the front wearing their patches, standing smug and PROUD AS, 50 cars up and down either isde of the road,

They should of all been arrested on the spot for the murder of wade or even the theft of some chewing gum, surely the district commander could have come up with someting to have 50 gang members arrested on the spot. he was given a gift and he sent highway patrol men to watch traffic??????????

so instead the muts were given preferential fukn treatment, motorway slowed down. I asked my co pilot, if you saw a beat up old RED for falcon full of muts amred to the teeth heading towards the tangi, would you try and stop them killing the other muts and there "families", if you could call them that. he wasnt to keen on the killing of children but im getting to that. I wouldnt try stop the killing, I'd cheer them on, maybe shout them another round, of bullets, for when the next tangi is.

Whcih brings me to the next point

The 2yr old probably would of growen up, tuned into what his/her parents were (filth rotten low decile scum) either in jail or patched up on the benefit / housing corp house, and BEING A MUT, breeding more muts. its statistacally proven, year after year, check with stats NZ, low decile breeds low decile.none of these 100 people at the tangi that delayed my trip for a minute had any real connection with him/her, at 2yrs, was just a little ugly fat ball no good to anyone, cant talk but can EAT AN SHIT. maybe smile if ya tickle it.

I have no sympathy for "mourning" families.
I think the police should let the muts and the BLACK POWER fight it out, then arrest anyone whose left. nah fuk that,
gun them down.
I'd spring for the ammo, but I'd hate to see a bullet wasted on something liek a botched up bank robbery, If im paying for bullets they'd have to be used for gang wars.


10th May 2007, 00:09
Yea let them kill each other, then maybe when they all die we can get some real gangs in NZ like Mafia, or Triads none of this 'Black power' bull shit they're almost as bad as the soft cock niggar gangs, pffft 50c a gansta yeah right.

10th May 2007, 00:21
i agree with mikey's general point, i saw on the news a while back that a number of maori protesters camped at an old school for a week or so. They caused $20,000 of damage, they were there illegally and they were even stealing water and electicity from the neibouring houses,

yet they didnt get arrested, they didnt get fined for trespassing, they didnt get fined for malicious damage they caused, they didnt get charged for the electircy that they stole, they got given the fucken land...

More and more in NZ they are becoming the ones who are treated 'special' i'm speaking very generally but the rate of crime is higher, the level of positive input into the community is almost non existant and millions of dollars of the taxes that your average hard working nz'er pays goes into funding their lifestyles, increased medical costs and gang related injurys.

so glad i'm not in NZ.... the fact that they work in gangs/large groups should not mean that they are above the law.

10th May 2007, 00:32
i reported my post as offensive.

10th May 2007, 02:53
so glad i'm not in NZ....

yeah the UK is soooo great.........

NZ needs to fix this us and them shit fast, I mean its in our laws now that they get preferential treatment and it is seriously holding our nation back. We should clear our hull of the shit growing out the bottom of it and slap a lick of solid Anti-fouling paint on it before the great canoe is beyond salvage.

10th May 2007, 08:55
Best post I've seen on this site for weeks.:rockon:

Agreed. The pricks get away with so much and make a fortune from drugs that cause so much crime to pay for it and from the consquences of taking it.

The rest of us keep paying for their benefits and getting sodomised by the tax-hungry Govt that spends our money on bullshit and bureaucracy day in day out.

The Pastor
10th May 2007, 09:05
How would you fix it? If you made the "one law for all" enforced straight away, there would be a riot. A very big one.

Vote national and they will start turning the tide. Or at least thats what they said eh? Politians don't lie - they just steall 800 000g almost 3 times and sign others paintings.

Letting the gang members fight? They very rarley kill alot of each other in one go, I say put a bounty on there heads which is higher if they are brought in dead. Maybe a slight fine if you bring one in alvie.

10th May 2007, 09:21
How would you fix it? If you made the "one law for all" enforced straight away, there would be a riot. A very big one.
Something about making omelettes?

Vote national and they will start turning the tide. Or at least thats what they said eh? Politians don't lie - they just steall 800 000g almost 3 times and sign others paintings.
The theory is fine - but let's face it, whatever party they represent, pollies are really only in it for themselves and that's where they wanna stay, noses in trough. Except for the truly dangerous ones - the 'do-gooders'

Letting the gang members fight? They very rarley kill alot of each other in one go, I say put a bounty on there heads which is higher if they are brought in dead. Maybe a slight fine if you bring one in alvie.
This has some merit

Time we had another us v. them thread eh?

10th May 2007, 09:33
Ban babies, then they can't get killed and I can't get held-up by prams in the supermarket

10th May 2007, 10:07
agreed, mikey.

things here in wangas have basically ground to a halt. im getting bombarded with it all by customers. the eagles been flying around for roughly 24 solid hours. [thanks, auckland!] from what ive read, things were meant to go bad yesterday... yet the only gang member i saw was a tribesman. did have a carload of blue smurfs come in, but their rego details were taken, and the pumps were on prepay anyway.

the girl is better off dead... as you said, mikey, she would have grown up to emulate her parents. she would have ended up being someones punching bag and baby maker. same with the kahui twins... better off dead.
apparently her father has handed in his patches... like thatll fix anything. itll just make him a target of both gangs.

im sick of the maori party spouting off bullshit.
last i checked, gangs existed in our society, not the other way around. we should not be forced to change our actions and clothing colors to conform. they should be arrested on the spot. the "congregation" in levin should have had a higher police presence. same with the pack hanging around the court house the other day... a total of 3 cops outside, plus 3 security on the door. granted its less than 5 mins from the cop shop, but still not good.
same here in town. they reckon we have a larger force here right now. i dont think so... i saw one cop pull someone up just outside wangas in the 80k zone [from palmy way] and then another 3 were pulling up cars and checking warrents. sure... may be a higher number in town, but they aint doing anything gang related!

10th May 2007, 10:15
I agree,but I had an idea for a reality TV programme,get all the gangs together,put them on say Sommes Island in the Wgtn harbour,have TV cameras all over the place,give them one knife,film the whole thing as a series & once there is only one survivor,head onto the Island & shoot the last remaining fucker & the problem is solved
Also we would make a bloody fortune & rid the world of some scum at the same time
What do you think???

10th May 2007, 10:20
I agree,but I had an idea for a reality TV programme,get all the gangs together,put them on say Sommes Island in the Wgtn harbour,have TV cameras all over the place,give them one knife,film the whole thing as a series & once there is only one survivor,head onto the Island & shoot the last remaining fucker & the problem is solved
Also we would make a bloody fortune & rid the world of some scum at the same time
What do you think???

Somes too small, and too close to land - but you're on the right track.

10th May 2007, 10:51
Somes too small, and too close to land - but you're on the right track.

Somewhere uncomfortable-like Enderby Is.

10th May 2007, 10:54
Somewhere uncomfortable-like Enderby Is.

Googled that....Auckland Islands' a better choice (mid-Winter, of course)

Squeak the Rat
10th May 2007, 10:55
Tariana Turia says not all gang members are crims, and that we should take some time to talk to the gangs to understand where they are coming from.

Talk to them sure. Like - We don't want you, here are the rules, work with us or we're going to use all our resources to fuck you over.

10th May 2007, 11:15
Here's a novel idea.. treat crims as crims.

You do bad - you get locked up. Patched or non patched - I don't care. If you're a gang wanna be and you want to earn the patch by taking the fall for someone else - go for it. You get done for obstructing or attempting the pervert the course of justice... then the real perp gets identified and nailed AS WELL!

Anyone blocking the investigation (remine me about the Kahui twins again??) gets locked up for similarly obstruction the course of justice (or whatever the charge actually is).

We have the rules in place now. We just have the use them.

Oh yeah - I was one of the 2 that voted against letting people kill each other. That's the thin end of the vigilante wedge, and encouraging wars to escalate where innocents are maimed and killed. Boot camp - they're looking for mates, discipline, rules/structure and something to do??

Stick 'em in the army!

10th May 2007, 11:19
i reported my post as offensive.

That gets my respect. I'm not sure the post is offensive personally - it's raising a bloody good issue that needs to be thrashed out.

2c poorer yet again

10th May 2007, 11:22
and by resources that doesn't mean the police.

10th May 2007, 11:27
Stick 'em in the army!

Would they want them?

10th May 2007, 11:30
Would they want them?

LOL... I'll leave it to those in the Army to answer that categorically, but from those I know, ex Military types... the answer would be a resounding yes.

10th May 2007, 11:33
LOL... I'll leave it to those in the Army to answer that categorically, but from those I know, ex Military types... the answer would be a resounding yes.

Of course.
Replacements for when the bayonet practice bags are broken.:yes:

10th May 2007, 11:36
Stick 'em in the army!

That's a good idea, recondition them physically then give them the skills and equipment to do a Fiji on the rest of us!

I just can't wait. :sick: John.

10th May 2007, 11:49
i reported my post as offensive.

Sorry, I don't find your post offensive at all, in fact it is very frank and topical and in the right forum.

Good on you mikey for saying what you really feel, after all it is in response to behaviour that society needs to front up to, sooner rather than later! :yes: John.

10th May 2007, 12:05
Poll is moot - they'll fight anyway. They well know revenge is best served on a cold platter and are the helis gonna circle for 20 years?

That said - how about gated communities, or we give them a homeland and erect a Berlin Wall with dogs and snipers and allow seperate development.
Michael Laws staff could police the border and visas would only be granted for a few hours.

On the basis that given a choice to sink or swim they might get their shit together. Good reality tv too - could earn them a bit of income.

Hopefully this 'incident' has been educational for the up and coming generation that they might wish to look at other options. I'm sure Bishop Tamaki is circling in the area. I do know his lot went to the Maori Anglican church to solicit dollars from oldies there awhile back.

10th May 2007, 12:08
Hopefully this 'incident' has been educational for the up and coming generation that they might wish to look at other options. I'm sure Bishop Tamaki is circling in the area. I do know his lot went to the Maori Anglican church to solicit dollars from oldies there awhile back.

Ha ha yeah right.
And we all know just where that prat's interest lies....

10th May 2007, 12:28
I agree,but I had an idea for a reality TV programme,get all the gangs together,put them on say Sommes Island in the Wgtn harbour,have TV cameras all over the place,give them one knife,film the whole thing as a series & once there is only one survivor,head onto the Island & shoot the last remaining fucker & the problem is solved
Also we would make a bloody fortune & rid the world of some scum at the same time
What do you think???

Can't do sorry, ITS MY ISLAND!
when a more favourbale government is in I plan to build the biggest commercial jail in NZ on somes island,
sharks will circle the perimter with FREAKIN LASER BEAMS.
the cells will have a nice homely touch to them, one blanket, one pillow. possibly a mattress. one roll of shitter paper a year. cup of rice and some water for the day.
if the prisoners display the correct attitude towards each other they will be let put back in gangs, something there used to. made to feel at home, just they will be in gutting gangs, gutting fish for 5 mike dollars a week. free labour gutting fish also making me money. if they kill each other with the razor sharp knives then so be it, plenty more where they came from and more food to keep the sharks circling.
i will only bill the government 50,000 per year per prisoner with minimum stay being 5 years. a whopping 200% cut in current prices for looking after inmates.

and the poll is not moot, it was worded kiwibiker friendly.

what it implies is should they be allowed to kill each other, why waste emergency resources sending police/ambos doctors nurses tax dollars on them. just let the filth die and modify street sweeping trucks to have a body mincer on board.

10th May 2007, 13:14
I agree,but I had an idea for a reality TV programme,get all the gangs together,put them on say Sommes Island in the Wgtn harbour,have TV cameras all over the place,give them one knife,film the whole thing as a series & once there is only one survivor,head onto the Island & shoot the last remaining fucker & the problem is solved
Also we would make a bloody fortune & rid the world of some scum at the same time
What do you think???
Hmmmm - someone's been listening to George Carlin. - 'cept it was about macho alpha males.
Good idea though.......

10th May 2007, 13:29
Would they want them?

im sure mr bush could use some more sacrifices!! LOL.

10th May 2007, 13:37
Mate, on the whole your post is on the money. It is with a sad heart that i agree that the little girl would probably have ended up just like her useless bloody parents...needing a bullet. However, sadly she was taken by a bullet when she was still young and had potential to break out of the mould and do something special...maybe. Kids never should be caught up in cycles of life such as the gangs, but sadly real life does not show such mercies. That is one question I will be asking when in heaven one day.

As far as I am concerned, I couldn't care less if a vigilante group of ex-army, police, SAS etc. guys go together and starting clean the streets one CRIM ...AKA generally a gang member...at a time. I am reminded of a story, I think it was over in Turkey, however I do not correctly recall...

This town in the 80's?? was being over run by gangs, they were robbing and slaughtering anything that moved. The police got together and recruited ex SAS (including the NZ force) and off duty cops and they would drive around in big vans, KIDNAP known gang members, beat the living hell out of them, take their clothes, drive them ages out of town and ditch them in a gutter. Shortly after, the trouble had declined immensley.

I do not see why we as Kiwi's/immigrants/humans need to put up with such shit. I am disgusted with the behavious that we are made to put up with, with comments such as Tariana Turia's MORONIC comments, with HELEN FUCKN CLARK and her BS bloody Socialist ideas. It is about time that those of us who give a shit, are out there working, being productive, raising our kids/families to be respectful of one another, one anothers property and to understand basic human decency stand up and do something about these low life scum faggots and the pathetic excuse for a government that currently are commandeering our country into a watery grave.

Drive the bastards into the ocean like the pied piper ran the lemmings into the sea.

10th May 2007, 13:49
give them one knife,film the whole thing as a series & once there is only one survivor,head onto the Island & shoot the last remaining fucker & the problem is solved
Series 7 - http://imdb.com/title/tt0251031/. You'll love it.


10th May 2007, 13:53
brett... i think the pied piper had the rats, and then the children. loved that story as a kid!

10th May 2007, 13:56
brett... i think the pied piper had the rats, and then the children. loved that story as a kid!

LMAO right you are.

10th May 2007, 14:00
Mate, on the whole your post is on the money. It is with a sad heart that i agree that the little girl would probably have ended up just like her useless bloody parents...needing a bullet. However, sadly she was taken by a bullet when she was still young and had potential to break out of the mould and do something special...maybe. Kids never should be caught up in cycles of life such as the gangs, but sadly real life does not show such mercies. That is one question I will be asking when in heaven one day.

Potential...yep...every person born deserves a chance. Timely of you to remind us that this baby no longer has that chance.

10th May 2007, 16:03
It is with a sad heart that i agree that the little girl would probably have ended up just like her useless bloody parents...

Yeah, I heard the little girl was a patched member... Pumkin Patched.

10th May 2007, 17:20
If the police are not getting the co-operation from the MM to deliver up a child killer the whole fucking gang should be charged with her murder.


10th May 2007, 17:30
Offer them beads............its worked before...........:yes:

10th May 2007, 18:14
Yea let them kill each other, then maybe when they all die we can get some real gangs in NZ like Mafia, or Triads none of this 'Black power' bull shit they're almost as bad as the soft cock niggar gangs, pffft 50c a gansta yeah right.

Black Power is a lot more organized these days, this type of attention is bad for business.. The Mob, well they can go fuck themselves.

We have Mob, Black Power, Out Cast members all training under the same roof.. they're all full of shit and crumble when it comes to sparring and the ring.. most drop their balls.

Fucking pussys

10th May 2007, 19:47
If the police are not getting the co-operation from the MM to deliver up a child killer the whole fucking gang should be charged with her murder.


yeh, but sky, look how well that worked on the kahuis? the right to remain silent can be abused sometimes.

10th May 2007, 20:54
Black Power is a lot more organized these days, this type of attention is bad for business.. The Mob, well they can go fuck themselves.

We have Mob, Black Power, Out Cast members all training under the same roof.. they're all full of shit and crumble when it comes to sparring and the ring.. most drop their balls.

Fucking pussys

Where do you box?

10th May 2007, 20:57
Yeah, I heard the little girl was a patched member... Pumkin Patched.

I am not sure whether your are taking the piss or dissagreeing with me...but just in case you are dissagreeing, my point was that the girl was never given a chance to break the cycle...so saying that she was going to become what her parents are (while probably not an unfair guess) is a bit of a cop out as she was never given the chance to prove otherwise.

10th May 2007, 21:14
I am not sure whether your are taking the piss or dissagreeing with me...but just in case you are dissagreeing, my point was that the girl was never given a chance to break the cycle...so saying that she was going to become what her parents are (while probably not an unfair guess) is a bit of a cop out as she was never given the chance to prove otherwise.

Neither. The day this hit the news I was more concerned if my rear tire was properly inflated. No pity here, we're sold out.

10th May 2007, 22:11
Where do you box?
Familys gym here in Hams. train Muay tai, boxing, kick boxing.. you'll know the one if you trained there.. mob members with 'MMM' tattoo on there forehead lol.. couple detectives train there to..

Brian d marge
11th May 2007, 02:15
Funnily enough , was listening to the national program the other day, and one of the best bits came from a black power fella ..

He pointed the finger ( and I agree) at the North american ( IMF) monetary policys used by NZ.

It was known then , and proved now that the money doesnt reach the bottom . So you get a large underclass ,( with all the problems associated ,, P use and propertiy crime ,, that was an interesting read )

hey you have that there , savages breed savages and you end up with problems not just this sad case but all the other minor ones , like intimidation of other people by ( staunching around ,,I remember one incident a few years ago of 2 savages trying to see how staunch the other was ,,so he shot and killed? the other .... not a lot of thought given there fellas ! )

No the people I am the most angry with are the people who did nothing 20 odd years ago when they allowed the new right way of thinking to be put in place with such speed .( Australia took its time and did I think a better Job ,,,) and did nothing ( I did,. thats why I CAN complain because I did get off my arse ! ) anyway...

So we are stuck with mess , its not just gangs it the whole thread of not respecting the other person ,,, Driving , at a party , here on this list ..it goes right though , ( the teenager who killed 2 girls in chch?)

Nailing them up wont help , Prison wont help, execution wont help ( china and japan knock of a fair few each year ,,,hasnt solved anything .

The only real solution is a modified army ( then NAaaaaaaailll em up)

three strikes and its 6 years( or more ) in the Army where YOU WILL learn self respect and to respect others .. oh and you Will spend your waking hours helping the rest of society, laying broadband ,
Helping National infrastructure run ( yes at a loss ...why do Hospitals need to make a profit ???? Schools ... you name it ..
but not just you are here cause its a different type of prison ,,, no a place that has disaplined structure that makes you get up early , work hard and respect others ... ( I am sure the army can do that ? )

oh and if you screw up I am sure the Army can find ways to help ...

you dont like it , tough , I want to leave my back door open with out the fear of some hoodie ,, helping himself .


no I wasnt in the Army and who is a lazy undisaplined smuck who wishes he could have got more out of life , from a more structured lifestyle !

11th May 2007, 03:21
That's a good idea, recondition them physically then give them the skills and equipment to do a Fiji on the rest of us!

I just can't wait. :sick: John.

I just finished working with a whole bunch of young patch wannabes in the Limeted Service Volunteer scheme. You might make them fitter but I doubt you will remove the gang mentality. And I doubt they would make good soldiers most of them, discipline?

11th May 2007, 09:46
Was sure I posted on this thread.... have since found my comment has been "moved" onto some pointless drivel thread. Fuck it I'm offended!! My post may have been a little flippant but I don't think it desrved that.

Christ.... I think the moderators on this site may be loosing the plot.