View Full Version : Goodbye to slavery

11th May 2007, 16:39
After umpteen ( you don’t see that word very often ) years working as an IT technician, being sent all over the country side at short notice, being on call 24/7 blah blah blah today I told my boss I wanted to work three days a week as a workshop technician. After a full and frank discussion looks like I am getting what I asked for. Saying goodbye to the company car and a large proportion of my salary but saying hello to a less stressful life, working 8 til 5 and having an excuse to take the bike to work. Will probably help Sarah in her business 1 day, house husband the other day. Might even be able to sneak out for a ride while the rest of you slaves are toiling :scooter:

The Pastor
11th May 2007, 16:42
awesome dude, stick it to the man, if you can afford to live off 3 or less days a week, why work the rest? go fishing!

11th May 2007, 16:44
Hey welcome back to a "LIFE" phantom, I played the same game a few years ago, except I dumped the job, travelled Oseas a few years then came back to a 5 day week of reasonably normal hours.. its a bummer dropping the Sal & Perks but hey,"lifes to short" as they say.. Yaaay, that 24/7 is just a lifestyle killer .. ENJOY....

11th May 2007, 16:53
So Finn's empire is down on staff again then..

11th May 2007, 20:58
Yep and its all helens fault.....damn pinkos

11th May 2007, 21:22
After umpteen ( you don’t see that word very often ) years

who many? waahht!

Might even be able to sneak out for a ride while the rest of you slaves are toiling :scooter:

Go for it. I work for myself and max at 30 hours per week, to give me time for whanau, riding and getting fat and lazy :yes:

30th May 2007, 20:08
Good on ya Pete, a wise decision:niceone:

30th May 2007, 20:41
Nice one mate. There's so many better things to with life than working all the time.

30th May 2007, 20:48
good to hear man.me,i made the decision to work hard out for 6 months of the year an have fun the rest of the time about 18 months back an have yet to regret it.i''ve since travelled the south island,done part of the north island and enjoyed life in general.funds are short now though,so am starting work part time tomorrow(BUMMER!)

30th May 2007, 20:55
From July 1st I am working Monday to Wednesday, the rest of the time I might help Sarah ( Ms phantom ) with her business, might go for a ride, might sit on my arse and read a book:rockon: Incidentally , and quite seriously , if someone is interested in a job as an IT tech in Palmie ( come on now it's not that bad ) drop me a line as thay are looking to take on a full time person to take up the slack

31st May 2007, 09:09
Enjoy the freedom mate :D:D