View Full Version : A Great Fathers Day

5th September 2004, 19:45
Hey everyone.

I could have been a bit bummed out about today for a number of reasons:

1. It's the first year since they were born that I haven't been allowed to see Jessie and Zach (bad shit with ex has prevented any access for 5 months now)

2. Gini is bedridden and really sore with a painful pregnancy

3. I had to spend my ride money on bike parts so no ride today.

Anyway I chose not to get bummed when the day dawned bright and blue and Tim bounded in the the bedroom at 8.00 (a sleep in!) with a nice card and a cool new chamois as a fathers day present.

This could only mean one thing - a birthday for the bike - its annual clean!!!

So Tim and I went outside this morning and spent 2 hours cleaning bikes - me with fizzer, and him his two-wheeler, which has been languishing in the gargre since his mean old dad took the trainer wheels off it and told him he had to learn to ride without them. So far its been a dismal failure.

The bike cleaned up brilliantly and I even got the kerosine out and cleaned chain until it shone and greased it up with the old Silkolene can. The bike looks beaut...

But the best part of the day was taking Tim to the park with his bike in the forlorn hope that today would be the day that he actually tried to ride.

And what happened? He surprised the hell out of me. He actually got it this time... and rode for the first time in his life!

He started out a bit wobbly and progressed over the next two hours to the point where he was leaning it into turns (we progressed to the Ward Street Netball courts from Miro Street Park), practicing his takeoffs and pulling skids at will. The look on his face when he realised he was really riding and the amount of confidence he quickly built up was incredible.

So now Tim can ride! And, of course, now totally bugging me and Gini about his motorbike...

So all in all it was a great day. Wonderful to see my boy and how much joy he got from finally riding on two wheels.

The future of biking is looking good in Wallaceville today. :sunny:

5th September 2004, 19:58
Sounds like a good time was had by all in the No6 household.

I can't wait to see my kids riding a bike. Still a few years off, that is.

If we're going to tell Father's Day stories, then today I picked the kids up from their grandparents, gave my father a pat on the back and a bottle of chocolate body paint (I was at Colemans yesterday, so I had to go round the corner and pick up something useful, didn't I?), and had a go on a skateboard with oversize wheels and a 50cc two-stroke bolted on the back. I didn't fall off.

5th September 2004, 21:15
Sorry you missed the ride today and how old is Tim?

5th September 2004, 21:42
No one mentioned fathers day to me - and that's how I like it.

5th September 2004, 22:03
Sounds like a good time was had by all in the No6 household. Well, a good time was had by the males. Gini spent the whole day in bed in pain. Endo and babies is not a fun combination.

Sorry you missed the ride today and how old is Tim? Yes, one of these days I will manage to catch up for a ride. Money is kinda tight at the moment and when the budgets gone, its gone. Better to have the bike going at the moment though as its my transport for day to day.

Tim is 5 at the start of November. School visits start in 3 weeks. Can't wait. :2thumbsup

5th September 2004, 22:36
Mate, I'm glad you managed a day full of postives !! I too had to give up on the ride ... my youngest has got the local bug really badly and so I have had little sleep and am now feeling a bit on chuckish side myself .... Oh well shit happens !! Hopefully we'll both make the next ride and can get around to chewing the fat about music again ....
Have a cracker week ...
I remember watching my daughters faces as they realised they were riding on their own ..... nothing better in my opinion !! :2thumbsup