View Full Version : Riding in shorts

14th May 2007, 20:24
Anyone see the TV3 news earlier. Had a piece about a couple of Aussie riders being snapped by a revenue collecting camera. Read a thread earlier about aussies riding in shorts but these guys were doing 120 with thier legs over the handlebars wearing stubbies !! :gob: Ixions Darwin theory again prevails

14th May 2007, 20:35
riding in shorts :

is for losers:nono:

14th May 2007, 20:38
and another thought, legs over the bars in stubbies! wouldnt that result ib a high chance of the mouse pooping out of his house

making any possible road rash much much worse

14th May 2007, 21:17
and another thought, legs over the bars in stubbies! wouldnt that result ib a high chance of the mouse pooping out of his house

making any possible road rash much much worse

ooooo.....the definition of tough: sliding down the road using ya gnads as brakes :laugh:

14th May 2007, 21:20
lmao !!!!!!!!!!!!

The Pastor
14th May 2007, 21:22
Riding in shorts is for wusses, I ride in my G string. Cos im a man (6 days of the week at least).

14th May 2007, 21:43
and another thought, legs over the bars in stubbies! wouldnt that result ib a high chance of the mouse pooping out of his house
making any possible road rash much much worse

Nah. The wind chill factor would shrink said mouse to no size at all which woulld in turn render it impervious to road rash .... or anything else for that matter.

Big Dave
14th May 2007, 21:45
Riding in shorts is for wusses, I ride in my G string. Cos im a man (6 days of the week at least).

Don't park your bike in the summer sun.

15th May 2007, 10:15
Riding in shorts? No. No. No. Not Ever!

15th May 2007, 10:31
I was at a Ulysses meeting last night and a guy pulled up across the road on a VTR dressed in Swandri, shorts, and boots. We wondered if he was coming to our meeting but he didn't. Judging by his attire he may have been looking for a Federated Farmers meeting?

(Note: The guy was wearing the Swandri, not the VTR...)

15th May 2007, 10:54
I used to ride in my school shorts every day when I had my first bike. Came off once at 60kph. Wore my school sorts the next day to school. Had many folk tell me Im going to die, I need real gear ect ect. At one stage I worried about it, after a while I got sick and tired of other people telling me what I should and shouldnt be wearing on my bike.

Hell, if thats what they want to wear, let them, its their funeral. I see a variety of reasons why people think that people like that need cuddeling and education, me, I just leave them to do as they please.

15th May 2007, 12:21
I've read you're ok if you wear shorts and a Corona T-Shirt though... Is this true? :)

15th May 2007, 12:55
All very well Sniper but who picks up the bill when these f***wits get injured,it seems my bike regos cost me more than my cars(extra 'no blame' ACC levies)work that out!!!! Arseholes!!!

15th May 2007, 14:32
All very well Sniper but who picks up the bill when these f***wits get injured,it seems my bike regos cost me more than my cars(extra 'no blame' ACC levies)work that out!!!! Arseholes!!!

Have a cry, theres one way to fix that DONT RIDE A BIKE Im sure these guys werent to blame......they are in Australia.
Wear what you want on a bike I do, until the law changes to say you must wear leather/protective gear at all times on a bike people will continue to do it and if they do change it everyone will have a cry about thier rights and that they should be able to wear what they want.

Cant win and this topic has been thrashed. NEXT:whocares:

15th May 2007, 14:38
Its those aussies for ya - when I was in the Gold Coast earlier in the year I was surprised at the number of pillions in mini skirts. Damn shame that...

15th May 2007, 15:16
Yeah crying in my helmet-don't ride a bike 'cause knobjockies without two braincells to rub together drive my rego costs up,that makes sense......NOT
You're right tho Smorg,it's a can't win situation,no one wants compulsory riding gear laws.......

15th May 2007, 15:30
I rode home in my shorts almost 20 yrs ago coming back from a hockey practice.
Courtesy of the Golf GTi that trashed me, I still have a nice reminder of it today ...

15th May 2007, 16:38
All very well Sniper but who picks up the bill when these f***wits get injured,it seems my bike regos cost me more than my cars(extra 'no blame' ACC levies)work that out!!!! Arseholes!!!

Oh, so its just those that don't wear gear that push the levis up?

What about tourists on the road?
What about cellphone toteing (sp) blonde bimbos?
What about those that have no idea what an inicator is?
What about those that have no idea what "merge" means?
What about those that move to NZ and only have to scratch to get a license?
What about those that reverse into you at stop lights?
What about those that pull out in front of you?
What about those that spread deisel on your favourite corner?

Those are just a few. Go have a cry about others and your situation. End of the day it wont do you any good and we will all be doing exactly what out great govt says. How about you approach every biker you see not wearing the right gear and tell them why they should. Im not attacking your veiwpoint mate, as I said in my first post (which I don't think you read throughrouly) I understand where you are coming from, but bitching about it aint going to solve jack shit

15th May 2007, 17:24
Anyone see the TV3 news earlier. Had a piece about a couple of Aussie riders being snapped by a revenue collecting camera. Read a thread earlier about aussies riding in shorts but these guys were doing 120 with thier legs over the handlebars wearing stubbies !! :gob: Ixions Darwin theory again prevails

Shorts is one thing but one of the guys was also wearing jandals!

15th May 2007, 21:38
Shorts is one thing but one of the guys was also wearing jandals!

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that little gem !

15th May 2007, 22:19
What colour jandals?
It's important.

15th May 2007, 22:41
I think it is only permissable to wear shorts if you are a farmer.

15th May 2007, 23:13
i see a guy riding a xjr1200 most days in a Tshirt and shorts, i also see alot of kids/student types riding scooters around hamilton on a daily basis without gloves,

for gods sake! i worry more about the state they will be in if they fall off than they do:gob:

the first thing you do is put your hands out, even at 30kms the skin/tendon damage can be devastating.

i will never forget my wifes stepmother telling me about a patient at hospital(shes a nurse in a&e) he was wheelieing up and down a freshly sealed road with all the lovely loose chippings we know and love wearing only shorts when he flipped it, he had peices of stone pushed into his body, spine and the back of his head, i wont go into detail but he was a mess, and spent a long time recovering.

Big Dog
15th May 2007, 23:53
If someone wants to make an informed decision and they are not mentally incompetent then they take the risk at the their own expense.

I have two pet hates:
Beginners who ride like they stole it in inadequate gear and nonone who should know better says anything.
People who have good gear but never wear it.

Simple fact is that if you know when you are going to fall off you will not ride that day so it makes sense to have a little insurance every time.

I will be an epileptic for the rest of my life becuase there was not a bin to put the packaging in when I got a push bike helmet for my 16th birthday.
That was 50 kmph on a push bike. Add a couple of tonne of various moving cars or even just 250kg of flailing bike and I will take all the gear I can lay my hands on.
You cannot be safe but you can control the things you have control over.

Flick through www.ride2die.com, what is the common denominator? No one is wearing adequate gear for the conditions.

16th May 2007, 04:39
the first thing you do is put your hands out, even at 30kms the skin/tendon damage can be devastating.

maybe someone that has never trained in rugby, martial arts, skateboarding,gymnastics, mtbing etc would put there hands out first..... i thought more of a natural reaction is to curl, shoulder first

your right tho damage could be devastating but i hardly ever wear gloves and have never hurt my hands in a crash. damn i probably will tomorrow now so i will put my gloves on

16th May 2007, 08:57
mtbing etc


16th May 2007, 09:44
Ya gotta remember Murphy's law.

For motorcyclists it goes something like this.
Wear a full suit of leathers, best boots and gloves you can buy, top of the line helmet and there's a 99% chance you will never come off or have an accident.

The one time you wear jandals, no gloves, T-shirt and shorts, you are going to have a doozy. Some tart will take you out pulling out of a sideroad or driveway, some clown will slam there brakes on in front of you for no reason, a nice diesel patch will be hiding around the corner waiting to pounce, Fulton Hogan will leave a nice landing patch of freshly laid chip with no signs around on the next long sweeper.....

I proved it twice recently. Nothing serious thank goodness.
First time was I cleaned the bike six weeks ago wearing jandals, shorts and T shirt. Put the bike on the centre stand after said scrubbing and fired her up to dry the water off the engine casings etc. Went to climb on the right hand side to push her off the stand and into the garage and smelled a nice steak sizzling and a stabbing pain up my leg. Nice big burn across my calf muscle and nearly dropped the bike :(

Next time, same deal. Running out of time so I'll just blat up the road, back down again and that will blow any water off the motor and bike.
Came down the road and went to do a U turn, front wheel hits a pissy little branch that had fallen off a tree, bike shoots sideways and nearly washes out the front, yours truly nearly comes off and gets jandal caught in footpeg.

Now if I had come off, no helmet, jandals, shorts ewww. Could have been nasty lying their with a quarter ton machine grinding my widdle bones.

But, that's Murphy.

16th May 2007, 10:36
maybe someone that has never trained in rugby, martial arts, skateboarding,gymnastics, mtbing etc would put there hands out first..... i thought more of a natural reaction is to curl, shoulder first

your right tho damage could be devastating but i hardly ever wear gloves and have never hurt my hands in a crash. damn i probably will tomorrow now so i will put my gloves on

well yeah ok but you get the idea, i meen when you are sliding down the road on your ass, you try and slow yourself.

16th May 2007, 10:57
Could have been nasty lying their with a quarter ton machine grinding my widdle bones.

You wern't wearing pants?

16th May 2007, 11:11
Just goes to prove stupidity only has one cure:scooter:

Squeak the Rat
16th May 2007, 13:01
Do what you like.

You take your risks and you pays your price.

However, the rewards for not wearing gear are minimal, the risks are high.
It's not my fault that an accident that I have affects your acc levy. It's the system's. Complain about the system, not my actions. While your at it complain that farm and offroad bikes contribute to the motorcycle crash stats which affect our levies.

16th May 2007, 15:39
I have two pet hates:
People who have good gear but never wear it.

When I was a teen I lived in Brussels where teen culture was moped culture (or 50cc aprilia race reps for the flashest), road legal at 15. It was 'the law' that the large Moroccan group wore there mandatory crash helmet over their arms, like a shopping basket. This way if spotted by the police they would quickly put in on. Presumably when they saw an accident coming they would whip it on (but they must be able to do up the chinstrap faster than my record of 49 seconds).

As a more sinister aside in about '87 one such was pulled over for said offence, and as he was unlicenced 'sped' (ie. 50cc) away, whereby the cops shot him 7 times, once through the head. Ironically I reckon the helmet would have saved him ... twice over.

It was a huge case over the police (who were apparently not aiming at him, but accidently shot a moving target through the head), but no one mentioned the helmet problem in all that. Go figure.

16th May 2007, 18:10
In the gold coast recently I was in a taxi van heading up the motorway, my friend was in the front and I was in the back facing backwards...
we were doing 100 when I spotted the light of a gsxr about a km back and was growing bigger rapidly,
This twat was in shorts, singlet - helmet and shoes riding a k5 yellow gixer thou.. well over 200km/h passing cars lane to lane..

All the gear all the time. although I must say I wear skateshoes 90pc of the time compared with boots

16th May 2007, 18:34
You can always tell the riders that have fallen off (come to grief, had an accident, injured themselves, or just plain listened to good advice) by the gear they wear and then . . . there are those that don't.

You will pay the price of your decision