View Full Version : Potholes from Hell

22nd May 2007, 14:20
Shish, I counted myself lucky on Sunday - a big pot hole was lying in wait for me on Chapel Road (Near Botany Shopping centre).

Bloody thing was massive and deep, busy time of day so didn't get much of a chance to see it coming until too late. I must have just managed to miss it or by putting feet on the pegs managed to stabilise the RG over it.:dodge: I thanked my lucky stars I didn't bite down into the bugger and flip myself and the bike.

Anyone had a nasty experience with pot holes? Do tell! And best practises to avoid being superman/woman off ya bike etc.

Ride safe and plug that damn hole ASAP NZ Road dudes!

22nd May 2007, 14:23
I almost hit it too and was trying to signal its presence to you but you had already passed it. Right outside the shopping centre when i'm busy looking for crazy cagers!

22nd May 2007, 14:29
Chickadee - Did you ring the council on the day after your ride and told their afterhours call centre or rung them on Monday morning?

If they dont get the phone calls telling them where they are, then that damned pothole wont get fixed.

Or at least they put out those orange safety cones around the area warning others of said pothole until they can fix it.

The road work guys were working in my area recently and making big wide and deep cuts and making them into holes and refilling up the area... made a huge mess. One evening it was getting dark and I had to dodge the crap left and no orange cones out. They were still working further down the road but around the curve in the road.... I stopped and told them that it was too dark and that we couldnt see what was wrong with the road... and explained that it is damned harder on the bike.... I sure didnt fancy coming off my bike again...

They sent someone back up the road with some orange cones..... making it safer.

22nd May 2007, 14:33
Good point Crashe, will do (call the council), I'd hate for another rider to come off.

22nd May 2007, 15:35
There was a motherfucker of a one on Northcote Rd; or whatever that road is (go north over Harbour Bridge, take Northcote Rd exit and head towards Sunnynook Rd). Was all complacent and sleepy after the longish motorway run, then *BOOM*!! front end bottoms out, back end kicks up and my speedo unit is hanging off the front of the bike (it was only araldited on anyway, smashed the mountings when I crashed when first got the bike). So now it's duct-tape FTW :D

It seems to have gone now. They were doing some road works at one point in the general vicinity, maybe it was fixed then.

22nd May 2007, 15:39
Road Workers = The Devil.

22nd May 2007, 16:04
Councils been notified, I'm sure they thought I was from Mars reporting it, but hey if it gets fixed that saves us from crashing into the bloody thing - it's all good.

Hope no one plants their front tyre in it before it's fixed!

22nd May 2007, 19:56
Can't you bunny-hop it on a little thing like an RG150?

22nd May 2007, 20:06
Shish, I counted myself lucky on Sunday - a big pot hole was lying in wait for me on Chapel Road (Near Botany Shopping centre).

Bloody thing was massive and deep, busy time of day so didn't get much of a chance to see it coming until too late. I must have just managed to miss it or by putting feet on the pegs managed to stabilise the RG over it.:dodge: I thanked my lucky stars I didn't bite down into the bugger and flip myself and the bike.

Anyone had a nasty experience with pot holes? Do tell! And best practises to avoid being superman/woman off ya bike etc.

Ride safe and plug that damn hole ASAP NZ Road dudes!
are you talking about the one outside that small block of shops (with apartments on top)?

I have to ride over that everyday to get to work

22nd May 2007, 21:13
Nope - just before you come to Botany Shopping Centre there is this big sucker situated accross the road from Building with 'Panasonic Entertainment Centre' thingy - where there's a set of lights.

I don't think it's been there that long, lots of traffic on that road including trucks which wear hard on the road. I'm sure its given a few a bit of a fright.

23rd May 2007, 18:42
hrmm i never really ride through that intersection so I havn't seen it(im always cutting through the actual shopping mall haha)
Thanks for the warning though!

23rd May 2007, 18:55
Yup I hate potholes you never quite know how your bikes gona handle them. Im a new rider so I get a bit paranoid about the road surface. I guess you gotta avoid them if you can and trust your bike to correct itself when you do. Cats eyes can be a bit hairy as well. A while ago I hit a cats eye with my front tyre and a hole with my back and managed to launch both tyres off the road at the same time, yay airborne! Actually it was a bit scary, feet came off footpegs as well!

23rd May 2007, 19:37
Yup I hate potholes you never quite know how your bikes gona handle them. Im a new rider so I get a bit paranoid about the road surface. I guess you gotta avoid them if you can and trust your bike to correct itself when you do. Cats eyes can be a bit hairy as well. A while ago I hit a cats eye with my front tyre and a hole with my back and managed to launch both tyres off the road at the same time, yay airborne! Actually it was a bit scary, feet came off footpegs as well!

man, i hate potholes!!

wangas is full of road works right now. ya cant avoid them unless you stay home. recently theyve had to redo about 4 blocks cos the manholes were eft sitting about 10cm above road level... and theres about 20 manholes in those blocks, all over the road!!

and again with the rip up on the main road through the new plymouth, nothing but ridges that flick you from left to right willy nilly, and loose gravel to boot.

plus they are resealing roads that dont even need it! not a bump, hole or ripple. damned losers!

27th May 2007, 15:49
Went past today and has been filled. Well done Chickadee.