View Full Version : Et tu, Brute.

6th June 2007, 17:30
Sibyl paid me a vist today (no, not that Sibyl, she's got her hands full with Basil and Manuel. The wise and prophesying Sibyl. She of the Golden Bough)

The Quadrumvirate is now a Triumvirate, it seems. Aye, the Heaven Born have turned upon one of their own.

And a goodly man ,a gentleman indeed, has covered his face with his toga.

He's been here a long time , longer than most, and contributed a lot to the site, and to motorcycling. A biker of the fine old school (not many of them around now, wonder why) .

He deserved better than a knife in the back.

But perhaps we will hear that he was ambitious. And they are honourable men (and woman) the Heaven Born.Or perhaps he did not meet his infraction quota. If it were so, it was a grievous fault,And grievously hath he answered it.

"Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno" Sibyl said to me. I dare say this latest blood shed upon these Forum steps will not be the last.

Big Dave
6th June 2007, 17:33
Did you go somewhere?

6th June 2007, 17:34
Les, are you well mate?

6th June 2007, 17:44
So the chicken entrails spoke the truth??

6th June 2007, 17:59
EDIT: For the prevention of confusion, this (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showpost.php?p=1085286&postcount=3)is what I mean

6th June 2007, 18:00
I see that the Hotel California has claimed another victim.

6th June 2007, 18:08
I see that the Hotel California has claimed another victim.

"You can log-in anytime you like, but you can never leave!!"

Mr. Peanut
6th June 2007, 18:17
You've identified the fact that this website is privately owned, as was brought up so well by OAB.

However, this forum wouldn't be what it is without the contribution of its thousands of members. And you can, to a certain extent, exert control over members on this site. This is because we community members value said community sufficiently enough to tolerate a small amount of bureaucracy.

And hey, this websites pretty popular now, and its getting a bit of publicity in various magazines. So I guess that makes us something of a commodity.


Drunken Monkey
6th June 2007, 18:20
Remember this classic?

there appears to be no way out of this site - can i be unsubscribed please

Big Dave
6th June 2007, 18:37
And hey, this websites pretty popular now, and its getting a bit of publicity in various magazines.

who'd a thunk it.

Big Dave
6th June 2007, 18:39
Remember this classic?

Very good.

Mr. Peanut
6th June 2007, 18:40
who'd a thunk it.
Go throw some superlatives at a motoring product... The last third indeed :bleh:

Big Dave
6th June 2007, 18:54
Go throw some superlatives at a motoring product... The last third indeed :bleh:

'Final' third thanks.

4 years ago I was worried i would run out. The enormity of that erroneousness has me reaching for the thesauraus lest I alude to alliteration.

And I've only fallen back on the open with a literary quote gambit twice.

6th June 2007, 18:59
Welcome back Ixion and I'd say there's no need to ever go away again.

Now can you go retrieve grumpy old Motu and get him back? He'd be enjoying Paul's story on the FZR400EXUP and offering advice I am sure.

Big Dave
6th June 2007, 19:02
Onya Merv.:Punk:

Mr. Peanut
6th June 2007, 19:23
'Final' third thanks.

4 years ago I was worried i would run out. The enormity of that erroneousness has me reaching for the thesauraus lest I alude to alliteration.

And I've only fallen back on the open with a literary quote gambit twice.

"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts..."

And so it would seem our journalistic jester is playing his part in the great stage of life. One can only wonder what lies in wait for him as he enters his final third.

:bye: Beautiful...

6th June 2007, 19:48
Carb cleaner is supposed to be used in a well ventilated area.

The Pastor
6th June 2007, 19:49
Yay one less mod.

Big Dave
6th June 2007, 19:55
One can only wonder what lies in wait for him as he enters his final third.

Valve bounce.

6th June 2007, 20:35
"Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno" Sibyl said to me. I dare say this latest blood shed upon these Forum steps will not be the last.

Very clever! Linking the Roman Forum to an internet Forum. Impressive work! For accuracy though it needs to be said that the latin quote was more to do with "wars, terrible wars, and the Tiber foaming with much blood" which is I'd suggest is a bit more violent than the wee adjustment we're going through at the moderator level of KB at the moment.

What really struck me as ironic though was that this latin verse really became famous when a British politician (Enoch Powell) used it in a speech pushing his own views opposing proposed legislation to make racial discrimination illegal. He lost his shadow cabinet post the next day and never held a senior political position again.

Thus as Mr Powell stood by his (misguided) views and was no longer seen in his elevated position so has our Mr Ixion expressed and stood by his views of how things should be and is no longer in his elevated position.

Funny how history repeats itself.

(PS, I have no axe to grind against Ixion ... I just had to respond to such flowery prose)

6th June 2007, 20:38
I give it three months till the advertising / sponsorship begins...

6th June 2007, 22:13
Sibyl paid me a vist today (no, not that Sibyl, she's got her hands full with Basil and Manuel. The wise and prophesying Sibyl. She of the Golden Bough)

The Quadrumvirate is now a Triumvirate, it seems. Aye, the Heaven Born have turned upon one of their own.

And a goodly man ,a gentleman indeed, has covered his face with his toga.

He's been here a long time , longer than most, and contributed a lot to the site, and to motorcycling. A biker of the fine old school (not many of them around now, wonder why) .

He deserved better than a knife in the back.

But perhaps we will hear that he was ambitious. And they are honourable men (and woman) the Heaven Born.Or perhaps he did not meet his infraction quota. If it were so, it was a grievous fault,And grievously hath he answered it.

"Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno" Sibyl said to me. I dare say this latest blood shed upon these Forum steps will not be the last.

Well at least you've got friends out there in the cold, O Elusive Pimpernel. Is this latest event vindication?

No real point in saying this, as I doubt you'll enter into discourse, but we're not all mods here. In fact 99% of us aren't. Just saying.

6th June 2007, 22:24
Of the mods, I can't say I am suprised about SP - he always seemed to have his head screwed firmly on his shoulders

6th June 2007, 22:27
Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem!

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam

Big Dave
6th June 2007, 22:55
Funny how history repeats itself.

Funnier how no c*** learns from it.


6th June 2007, 23:06
I tried to think of something intelligent to say but it's all been said.

So long Ix....................She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes, She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes. She'll be comin' round the mountain, comin' round the mountain.................she'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes.


7th June 2007, 02:22
Very clever! Linking the Roman Forum to an internet Forum. Impressive work! For accuracy though it needs to be said that the latin quote was more to do with "wars, terrible wars, and the Tiber foaming with much blood" which is I'd suggest is a bit more violent than the wee adjustment we're going through at the moderator level of KB at the moment.

What really struck me as ironic though was that this latin verse really became famous when a British politician (Enoch Powell) used it in a speech pushing his own views opposing proposed legislation to make racial discrimination illegal. He lost his shadow cabinet post the next day and never held a senior political position again.


I did not intend to respond , but getting the original quote in context AND the association to Mr Powell deserves recognition.(Did everyone else sleep all through fifth form Latin?). I always had a great deal of time for Mr Powell, be his opinions right or wrong, he was never prepared to sacrifice principle for expediency. I admire that.

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem!

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam

I never retreat. More of a die in the last ditch chap, m'self. And I am only a poor old man, with a verra hard head, so I scorn your catapult, and have no money to give you, be your stones ever so big.

A Latin pissing contest is always fun, but cannot disguise the fact that a bloody good bloke has been knifed, shamefully treated.

I had already been gone for a month , after refusing to toe the party line on the brave new KB world ,before I was bounced (I originally intended to do a Lou Giradin, and just slip silently away) so I can't really complain. Mr SPMan's treatment was more brutal,shameful, a chilling indication of the sort of ethics KB's new rulers will impose on it.

Welcome back Ixion and I'd say there's no need to ever go away again.

Now can you go retrieve grumpy old Motu and get him back? He'd be enjoying Paul's story on the FZR400EXUP and offering advice I am sure.

I fear not. I have spent my life fighting elitism, bullying and censorship. It is impossible to pretend that the new regime is but a continuation of Mr Spankme's wise rule (*he* never tried to Leader us).I could not , with regard to my conscience , endorse it, when it represents all those things I oppose . And silence is consent. Things *have* changed, others beside me have commented upon it. And they will change much more as the new regime gets to work. Of course, those of a right wing and authoritarian persuasion will notice no change, just a (to them agreeable) lack of opposition to their opinions.

Moreover, if I did not voluntarily withdraw, it is very certain that it would only be a short time before I was infracted and sin binned out anyway, like others before me. I certainly am not going to strike my colours, to toady up to the NeoCon opinions of the Heaven Born, and it has been made very clear that dissent will not be tolerated.

BTW, both Mr Motu and I (and a good many other ex KBers ) can be contacted at www.advrider.com (http://www.advrider.com)

I have also joined Mr Spankme's SV1000 site , now that I "qualify". Nice place, like KB used to be. Mr Spankme is God, indeed, and we shall all revere him. But no matter how much I revere God, I see no reason to worship his bishop, Brian tamaki, no mayter how much he may declare himself my Leader. Nor any of God's other Vicars on earth, Leader they as they will. It's spelled mod, with an 'm', not a 'g'.

7th June 2007, 10:41
(I originally intended to do a Lou Giradin, and just slip silently away)

Lou's absence is not of his own choice. Got castigated at work.
His mouth prevents him from doing anything silently.
He is currently living in a cave in Tuscany.

7th June 2007, 11:36
I have no opinion about your issues with Spankme but do wonder how long this resignation of yours is actually going to take.

Have you resigned from KB or have you not?

Have I simply misread your thread? :confused: John.

7th June 2007, 12:06
I'm still not sure what people think is actually "different" around here since... whenever?

Apart, that is, from the workload that now falls on the moderating team since Spankme's departure. The crap that that guy used to deal with largely on his own beggars belief.

If some people get their jollies by making all sorts of allegations about "knifings" and other perceived scurrilous innuendo, good luck to them.

7th June 2007, 12:11
One thing I have learned from KB.... there is 2 sides to every story... pity people are prepared to bad mouth and spout with only half the pic...

7th June 2007, 12:12
Well I could speculate about what's going on between whom and why and really raise hell about it (it seems to be the done things around here) but there are two things getting in my way...
1) I don't know the facts
2) I don't really care...

... I'm off back to my simple life again.

Oh and WB Les - you are back are you not?

7th June 2007, 12:24
Well I could speculate about what's going on between whom and why and really raise hell about it (it seems to be the done things around here) but there are two things getting in my way...
1) I don't know the facts
2) I don't really care...

... I'm off back to my simple life again.

Yea me too. I am just confused as to whether I should care or not. :mellow: I dont know latin, and I dont know hardly any of the mods. Just that I like KB... I have no problems with anyone and KB (thats the ordinary, down to earth, shit flinging, grumpy, friendly and caring people) have helped me alot.

If I was to do a goodbye thread I would entitle it "Goodbye and thanks for all the help, friendship and advice".. waiting to find out where the fish comes from... I like orange roughy mainly, but blue cod is quite nice too... Oh and I wouldnt turn down paua either.... So Yay Ixion is BACK???

7th June 2007, 12:55
So Yay Ixion is BACK???

It's hard to have the last word if one isn't here...

7th June 2007, 13:12
.(Did everyone else sleep all through fifth form Latin?). .
No, I slept through 4th form French. Latin wasnt available at my college - you must have gone to a posh one.....

Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 13:24
If some people get their jollies by making all sorts of allegations about "knifings" and other perceived scurrilous innuendo, good luck to them.

Frankly i think I'm missing out on a LOT! It's not fair! I demand a good scurrilous knifing!

7th June 2007, 13:28
Frankly i think I'm missing out on a LOT! It's not fair! I demand a good scurrilous knifing!

Cajun knifes Paul in the leg

happy now?

7th June 2007, 13:42
You bastard! You knifed Paul !!

7th June 2007, 14:00
Survivor Internet Forum! We should sell the idea to the Survivor producers!

7th June 2007, 14:12
Now this is more like it. A bit of light hearted banter.
Please continue....

7th June 2007, 14:20
It's hard to have the last word if one isn't here...What does Et tu, brute mean?

Surviour KB.. good idea. :D
I have the immunity idol... I stole it from Pauls bag, and I'm NOT giving the truck back!! :yes:

7th June 2007, 14:25
.(Did everyone else sleep all through fifth form Latin?).

Damn it, my secret is out. Well I didn't Quite sleep through it, more like day dream about the beautiful young lady sitting right in front of me during the Latin Class.

But all is not lost, I can still remember 3rd form Latin when I was sitting next to here and reciting "amo, amas, ......."

Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 14:27
Cajun knifes Paul in the leg

happy now?

What? That? Its just a flesh wound - come on - I can still take ya!

(ok - lets stop now before we end up in a paper bag in the middle of the road)

Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 14:28
What does Et tu, brute mean?

Its an ancient maori advert for a particularly smelly aftershave

7th June 2007, 14:29
(ok - lets stop now before we end up in a paper bag in the middle of the road):lol: You worry me at times mate... but still love ya anyway!

7th June 2007, 14:38
What does Et tu, brute mean?

Wikipedia is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_tu_brute

7th June 2007, 14:41
Wikipedia is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_tu_brute

Other classical references made by The Very Rev Dr The Hon Ixion include:


Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 14:48
Other classical references made by The Very Rev Dr The Hon Ixion include:


Quite ironic given the London bombings really....

Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 14:49
:lol: You worry me at times mate... but still love ya anyway!

NOT a Monty Python Fan Joni? It's a hard job to find the perfect woman...

7th June 2007, 15:00
Ye, and does she have an Eden park sized box?

7th June 2007, 15:10
NOT a Monty Python Fan Joni? It's a hard job to find the perfect woman...

I am a Python fan - and a couple of oranges up the shirt combined with a frilly red sleevless number makes me a convincing enough woman...

7th June 2007, 15:19
Quite ironic given the London bombings really....

And I always thought that Virgil was single and flew Thunderbird 2. FAB.

7th June 2007, 15:20
Aaah, I love KB on days liks this :grouphug:

7th June 2007, 15:26
Aaah, I love KB on days liks this :grouphug:

LOLOL must spread my love around before donating to Joni again!

7th June 2007, 15:29
LOLOL must spread my love around before donating to Joni again!Heeeey, I want more love! :cry:

The Stranger
7th June 2007, 15:32
Heeeey, I want more love! :cry:

This is MDU we are talking about here, you may be pleased you didn't get the donation.

7th June 2007, 15:36
This is MDU we are talking about here, you may be pleased you didn't get the donation.

hey shuddup you - get back to the orbital sander trick (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?p=934787#post934787) I told you about... or is that not enough for you now?

Heeeey, I want more love!

Remind me next time I'm in Chch... or you are in Auckland...

7th June 2007, 15:38
One notes wryly that a thread that started with allegations of moderators knifing each other and metaphors about rivers of blood, has now turned into a group hug thread. NB, Allanis Morrisette, that is ironic!

Big Dave
7th June 2007, 15:43
One notes wryly that a thread that started with allegations of moderators knifing each other and metaphors about rivers of blood, has now turned into a group hug thread. NB, Allanis Morrisette, that is ironic!

That's not fuckin' ironic Alanis you git. - like rain on your wedding day FFS!!! what would be ironic is if you were getting married to a weather forecaster and he said it was going to be a fine day - and THEN it rained - THAT would be fuckin ironic.

you mean?

The go down on you in a theater thing has merit though.

Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 15:45
One notes wryly that a thread that started with allegations of moderators knifing each other and metaphors about rivers of blood, has now turned into a group hug thread. NB, Allanis Morrisette, that is ironic!

I know - you mods are so vicious eh?

7th June 2007, 15:47
Its like Raaaaiiinnn, on your wedding day.
Its a freee riiiiide, when you have already paid...

OK, I better shut up before that ruthless Hitcher infracts me for bad singing...

7th June 2007, 16:11
you mean?

Yeah I really do think!

7th June 2007, 18:03
I still can't believe no-one's noticed that Cajun's first act as a moderator was to stab Paul in the leg... :dodge:

Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 19:19
I still can't believe no-one's noticed that Cajun's first act as a moderator was to stab Paul in the leg... :dodge:

I bloody noticed! Frankly - if it was not for this knife in my leg I'd bloody leave!

Big Dave
7th June 2007, 19:20
I bloody noticed! Frankly - if it was not for this knife in my leg I'd bloody leave!

Circles, always round in the circles

Paul in NZ
7th June 2007, 19:26
Circles, always round in the circles

Glad someone 'got it'

Big Dave
7th June 2007, 19:31
Glad someone 'got it'

?? I meant your writing.

7th June 2007, 21:42
I still can't believe no-one's noticed that Cajun's first act as a moderator was to stab Paul in the leg... :dodge:

We noticed ... we just didn't care. Besides, he did ask to be stabbed ....

8th June 2007, 00:28
Any one seen my Swiss army knife?

I had it just now but it looks like it's walked! :spudwhat: John.

Disco Dan
8th June 2007, 00:56
All I can say is your going to need a lot of sauce for that chip on your shoulder.

Im not a very long standing member of KB, but I cant say I have noticed any change?

They way I see life, is that it 'evoloves' - nothing remains the same. Be that your favourite road that suddenly now has new seal, your intelligence or even your perception of women. KB is occupied with so much 'life' that it is simply evolving too...

Not a dig iXion, you know you have my respect. Just an opinion.


8th June 2007, 06:32
Any one seen my Swiss army knife?

I had it just now but it looks like it's walked! :spudwhat: John.

I think Cajun stole it to stab Paul:yes: it might be still sticking out of his leg

8th June 2007, 07:31
This thread is a classic example of how to get lost if you follow a moderators road map....get to an unmarked intersection?...what to do ? turn right and ride up Off Topic rd when all that was needed was to ride straight ahead and keep on Topic dr. :scooter:

Paul in NZ
8th June 2007, 08:31
We noticed ... we just didn't care. Besides, he did ask to be stabbed ....

You callous utter bastards... I was bloody stabbed!! I DEMAND compensation (It's only fair), I didn't understand what I was doing, Internet isn't my first language....

8th June 2007, 08:32
I still can't believe no-one's noticed that Cajun's first act as a moderator was to stab Paul in the leg... :dodge:

not my first act as moderator ( i had been a moderator) for 2 months, and it wasn't even my first act as senior mod either.

8th June 2007, 08:35
You callous utter bastards... I was bloody stabbed!! I DEMAND compensation (It's only fair), I didn't understand what I was doing, Internet isn't my first language....

quiet you i make ya other leg match!

8th June 2007, 08:46
I wonder how many infringements have been issued for taking a thread off topic.... :whistle:

8th June 2007, 09:15
Oh come on now...

the mods would never get anything done if that was the case. :dodge:

8th June 2007, 09:31
Sorry Paul, you're not an immigrant nor are you dead. No money for you.
( or to put it another way- you are a law abiding, tax paying, non sexual deviant white guy in NZ-you're fucked)

8th June 2007, 09:32
Sorry Paul, you're not an immigrant Oooooh, does that mean I can get some money if bananaman stabs me too! :shifty:

Paul in NZ
8th June 2007, 09:37
Sorry Paul, you're not an immigrant nor are you dead. No money for you.
( or to put it another way- you are a law abiding, tax paying, non sexual deviant white guy in NZ-you're fucked)

I immigrated from Christchurch....

Big Dave
8th June 2007, 09:53
Oooooh, does that mean I can get some money if bananaman stabs me too! :shifty:

I didn't think you were that kind of girl.
Now i really like you

8th June 2007, 10:22
I didn't think you were that kind of girl.
Now i really like youHmmm... I dunno.
The occasionally school-marmish tone of the moderating side of things is sometimes a bit of a turnoff. It'd be better if she went just a bit further and opted for the "black leather and whips"...

8th June 2007, 12:10
Frankly i think I'm missing out on a LOT! It's not fair! I demand a good scurrilous knifing!

I think your understanding of internet is just fine. You even even used an adjective to describe the type of knifing you "demand"ed.
I'm sorry but your virtual leg must remain virtually knifed.

8th June 2007, 12:11
Harden The virtual-Fuck Up?

Crisis management
8th June 2007, 12:48
Harden The virtual-Fuck Up?

You'll want the tee shirt next.....

DAVE! marketing opportunity!!!!!!!

Paul in NZ
8th June 2007, 13:25
Harden The virtual-Fuck Up?

God no! It's bad enough being stabbed in the leg - I don't want to give him a target like that! (plus quite frankly - being stabbed - aint that 'exciting' if you know what i mean!)

8th June 2007, 13:44
You callous utter bastards... I was bloody stabbed!! I DEMAND compensation (It's only fair), I didn't understand what I was doing, Internet isn't my first language....

Forget about your compensation, give me me bloody knife back! :nono: Nanna gave me that! John.

Paul in NZ
8th June 2007, 13:49
Forget about your compensation, give me me bloody knife back! :nono: Nanna gave me that! John.

That knife is now stained with the blood of my ancestors! It is sacred to my family and is a great treasure! It cannot be returned!

Paul N

(cough - send me a pm with a wad of unmarked bills of mixed denominations as a 'gift' and I'll see what can be done eh?)

8th June 2007, 13:50
Now isn't this more fun ..... ? :sunny:

8th June 2007, 13:51
I don't think that this is what Ixion had in mind when he raised the issue of Virgil Reality.

8th June 2007, 13:52
I don't think that this is what Ixion had in mind when he raised the issue of Virgil Reality.Proof that any story can be pulled and moulded to suit your requirements! :yes:

8th June 2007, 13:55
I wonder how many infringements have been issued for taking a thread off topic.... :whistle:

I doubt any have been, it started to slope away on page 3 by a mod and theres been three of them contributing to it so?....wouldnt want to get shot by friendly fire aye?...:nono: ....

8th June 2007, 14:20
Yes, they're all conspiring against us arent they?
Its not like they are people, or even more, heaven forbid, fellow bike riders, who joined the same forum you did and are exercising thier typing fingers.
Shit, wait a minute:shit:

8th June 2007, 14:47
Oh! Groan.....

8th June 2007, 15:02
The mods have been a bit quiet lately. I wonder if they've committed group huri-curi and infracted themselves all into the sin bin.

One can only hope.



8th June 2007, 15:04
I can start singing again FJ...

This time the song will be called "Dream on"....


8th June 2007, 15:07
The mods have been a bit quiet lately. I wonder if they've committed group huri-curi and infracted themselves all into the sin bin.

One can only hope.



thats a plan wonder if i can infact myself never tried always a first time, nope i can not )c:<

this is funny tho
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 6 (3 members and 3 guests)
Cajun, Hitcher, Joni

8th June 2007, 15:14


You must owe the Mods' Christmas Drinks Fund a considerable amount by now -- enough at least for a couple of bottles of Tui.

8th June 2007, 15:26
thats a plan wonder if i can infact myself

Infact...i think the word is Infract infact!!!.....:killingme

8th June 2007, 16:31
did all you mods pull this thread off topic, just to stab him in the back more?

ixion i'd have to say i like a strong opinion even if it's against me. strong opinions are for strong people.

all in all i think the mods are doing a good job. if kb goes pc im outta here, my parents are bad enough

8th June 2007, 17:56
Its like fishing man, just like fishing......

8th June 2007, 18:10
I don't think that this is what Ixion had in mind when he raised the issue of Virgil Reality.

I got it Hitcher. 'Virgil Reality'. Outstanding! (Should we let the rest of the gang in on the joke?)

8th June 2007, 19:34
'Tis a tragedy that a greatly repected KBer must "withdraw" (hark, i hear the sweet song of a tui....). And yet he logs on every week or so, simply to sling more excrement and bitterness around - such a useful contribution....

However, the thread has been a most entertaining read indeed....:yes:

8th June 2007, 20:19
Moderators' moderate.
Dictators' dictate.

8th June 2007, 20:45
Moderators' moderate.
Dictators' dictate.

...and Potators have chips on their shoulders....

8th June 2007, 22:09
...............A Latin pissing contest is always fun...............

besides.....quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur...

8th June 2007, 22:40
besides.....quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur...

"what is said in latin sounds profound" ?

8th June 2007, 22:53
Bene, cum Latine nescias, nodo manus meas in te maculare.

8th June 2007, 23:00
"what is said in latin sounds profound" ?

Pretty much. ("Anything said in latin sounds profound" - my translation anyway)

Some of the most profound statements I have seen on this site have been said with somewhat less eloquence than some on this thread, but profound they are none the less.

Spitting the dummy with eloquence might be styley but it is still spitting the dummy, whatever language you use.

8th June 2007, 23:08
Bene, cum Latine nescias, nodo manus meas in te maculare.

Quite, but it's friday and it's late and.....meum cerebrum nocet......(been a very long week, punctuated by some little ar#$ helping himself to the entire contents of my vehicle in the early hours of thursday morning:angry2: ).

Big Dave
9th June 2007, 01:54
Spitting the dummy with eloquence might be styley but it is still spitting the dummy, whatever language you use.

Scores points in baby talk.

9th June 2007, 02:01
EDIT: For the prevention of confusion, this (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showpost.php?p=1085286&postcount=3)is what I mean

the thread in ixion's link is conveniently 'closed' - heaven forfend that anyone should be permitted a voice in relply.

i've been keeping away from kb in deference to SPman who, for the past few weeks, has been losing sleep over the petty, nitpicking, jackboot approach to moderating that the senior moderating team has been taking.

i have lived with him through every commonsense, reasonable approach he has put forward to his fellow senior moderators and lived with his despair as it has all fallen on deaf ears...... until - unable to tolerate any further reasonable debate or opposing opinion to their hard-line approach, they, outnumbering him, have ousted him.

this shames me - i was the one who, when he wanted to pull the plug weeks ago, said that he should stick with it as he was the only sane voice of reason on the team and the forum needed him

silly me - with luck he'll forgive me in time.

but i don't forgive - but then, i have honour, integrity and English as a first language.

ok - that's my 2c ----------------- now watch how fast this post is deleted.
after all, dissention is akin to treason, n'est pas? :innocent:

9th June 2007, 02:20
However, the thread has been a most entertaining read indeed....:yes:

don't kid yourself

the only reason this hasn't been consigned to 'pointless drivel' is that the senior mods complicit in the 'backstabbing' feel it a useful vehicle for them to appear cute, cuddly and semi-human

if any other thread had been so woefully hijacked it would have been whisked away without a second's thought

tui anyone? :innocent:

9th June 2007, 02:27
thats a plan wonder if i can infact myself never tried always a first time, nope i can not )c:<

this is funny tho
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 6 (3 members and 3 guests)
Cajun, Hitcher, Joni

don't get carried away

you may feel honoured, but the only reasons that you [specifically] have been invited to be a senior mod are as follows:-

you are young, impressionable, able to be manipulated.


9th June 2007, 02:36
Proof that any story can be pulled and moulded to suit your requirements! :yes:

you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.

9th June 2007, 02:41
Oooooh, does that mean I can get some money if bananaman stabs me too! :shifty:

heavens gal - as one forum member to another, you don't have to offer to PAY for it [as usual as having to pay for 'personal services' may be to someone like you ......]

with a disposition like yours, i'm sure you could find plenty of volunteers to stab you for free? :yes:

9th June 2007, 09:25
....the only reason this hasn't been consigned to 'pointless drivel' is that the senior mods complicit in the 'backstabbing' feel it a useful vehicle for them to appear cute, cuddly and semi-human....

you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.

heavens gal - as one forum member to another, you don't have to offer to PAY for it [as usual as having to pay for 'personal services' may be to someone like you ......]

with a disposition like yours, i'm sure you could find plenty of volunteers to stab you for free? :yes:

Is this the voice of reasoned debate?:shit:

It's a real shame that many who are closest to the issue appear to have been twisted into petty vindictive people.

9th June 2007, 09:59
you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.Very low... and very classless!

You know little of me and who I am...

However feel free to be the usual KB'er who attacks on presumptions and only half the facts...

Hope you feel better now that all of that is off you chest!


9th June 2007, 10:09
you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.Ok, now you're just being a stupid fucking whore. I can only assume you haven't met Joni, and/or you're on some sort of fucked up drugs... she's a top person, I can't believe you'd suggest she's a Nazi... that's fucked up.

I'll likely get a warning at the least, probably infracted, for this post (which I'd deserve), so whilst I sit in the sinbin, I'll be making a little mstriumph voodoo doll, which I'll be running over with my Tonka toys :angry:

9th June 2007, 10:17
you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.

With statements worded like that it's no wonder 'dissension' could be seen as being akin to 'treason'.

Ahh sorry mstriumph. You're obviously a lot closer to this unpleasantness than I am and you don't need me poking sticks in your eye over it. I'm off to Samoa for 9 days in 4 hours and I probably won't be logging in over there. I hope you've all kissed and made up ... or at least found a way to exist together by the time I get back. Be nice to each other guys :bye:

9th June 2007, 10:20
Ok, now you're just being a stupid fucking whore. angry:

Oh, Groan...! Do you really think that is going to help..?
Cmon folks the whole world (well the Kiwi one) is watching this site descend into anarchy and stupidity. Do yer bickering offline...

9th June 2007, 10:28
I think you are right Terbang...

This should never of happened online... but MsTriumph decided it was time to air her thoughts in the most public way she could...

In true KB spirit... people will respond to bullshit when they read it.

9th June 2007, 10:31
The question to ask yourself is would you say what you are saying if you were face to face with the other person?

If the answer is "no" or "not sure" then why say it here just because you can't get smacked in the face.

Time for us all to be nice to each other I would say. Me, I don't have a bad bone in my body so I never say stuff like that anyway.

Have fun!

Big Dave
9th June 2007, 10:32
Oh, Groan...! Do you really think that is going to help..?
Cmon folks the whole world (well the Kiwi one) is watching this site descend into anarchy and stupidity. Do yer bickering offline...

Beats watching Coronation Street.
Though I suspect they use the same script writer.

9th June 2007, 10:33
I'm off to Samoa for 9 days in 4 hours

Lucky Bastard....we are off to Rarotonga in Sept and i dont know how many hours that is, wouldnt mind going to Western Australia as a 2nd destination....:yes: ....no Et tu Brutes there :innocent:

9th June 2007, 10:34
The question to ask yourself is would you say what you are saying if you were face to face with the other person?

If the answer is "no" or "not sure" then why say it here just because you can't get smacked in the face.

Time for us all to be nice to each other I would say. Me, I don't have a bad bone in my body so I never say stuff like that anyway.

Have fun!

Damn...should have multied....I love you Merv......:love:

9th June 2007, 10:35
Beats watching Coronation Street.
Though I suspect they use the same script writer.

Um err maybe we are their free script writers. Now there's something we can market.

9th June 2007, 10:40
Damn...should have multied....I love you Merv......:love:

Ssshhh don't tell anyone, I'm a bloke remember.

I'm seem to have a lot of trips ahead of me at the moment - Auck next week, Sydney Sunday, Napier after that, then Cairns for hols on 4 July so what am I doing today instead of riding to make sure I get them in on time is tax returns - lovely!!

9th June 2007, 10:44
The question to ask yourself is would you say what you are saying if you were face to face with the other person?

If the answer is "no" or "not sure" then why say it here just because you can't get smacked in the face.If I called someone a Nazi to their face, I'd probably deserve to get smacked in mine. I'm a million times more of a Nazi than any of the mods, it offends my sense of fair play that I'm not getting called one :nono:

9th June 2007, 11:08
but i don't forgive - but then, i have honour, integrity and English as a first language.

You certainly could have fooled me about that with the tone of your posts

ok - that's my 2c ----------------- now watch how fast this post is deleted.
after all, dissention is akin to treason, n'est pas? :innocent:

contrary to what the ignorant and uninformed might think, very little is deleted off this forum

don't kid yourself

the only reason this hasn't been consigned to 'pointless drivel' is that the senior mods complicit in the 'backstabbing' feel it a useful vehicle for them to appear cute, cuddly and semi-human

if any other thread had been so woefully hijacked it would have been whisked away without a second's thought

tui anyone? :innocent:

Well yes your post is a "yeah right" moment, but a Tui is more than it deserves

you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Strange that you should mention him as I was just thinking you might be one of his descendants after reading the work of fictions you've posted lately

I'm a million times more of a Nazi than any of the mods, it offends my sense of fair play that I'm not getting called one :nono:

you Nazi :bleh:

He's right, he is, you're lucky you got him on a good day

9th June 2007, 11:14
contrary to what the ignorant and uninformed might think, very little is deleted off this forum

You are right....Censored is the correct term.....:yes:

9th June 2007, 11:27
i have lived with him through every commonsense, reasonable approach he has put forward to his fellow senior moderators and lived with his despair as it has all fallen on deaf ears...... until - unable to tolerate any further reasonable debate or opposing opinion to their hard-line approach, they, outnumbering him, have ousted him.

Oh yeah speaking of Goebbels that'd have to be one of the funniest and most inaccurate things on KB I've ever had the misfortune to read :lol:

I vote mstriumph for Minister of Propaganda

You are right....Censored is the correct term.....:yes:

The only form of censorship I have seen in my time as a Mod is the moving of posts to PD

9th June 2007, 15:48
Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.

Maybe so....but the real bad ones were shipped off to Australia to join the other thieves and rapists already setting up camp there!:Punk:

9th June 2007, 15:51
Maybe so....but the real bad ones were shipped off to Australia to join the other thieves and rapists already setting up camp there!:Punk:

Isn't that ironic....

Paul in NZ
9th June 2007, 16:06
Hmm.. Sounds like a late night fracar involving alcohol methinks...

Funny how people chuck about the 'you are a nazi' phrase as well as 'this PC rubbish' phrase to justify their own unpopular opinions

Take a chill pill - life - this site - the universe, it's all going to keep turning - enjoy the ride..

White trash
9th June 2007, 18:24
you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.
THAT, is just disgustingly out of line and deserves an infraction, regardless of wether I aggree with the system or not.

Know the people you're poking shit at personally do you? Spent a bit of time with them? Thought not.

While we're on the personal, unjustified attacks theme, can you just nip into the next room and ask John exactly what he sees in the nasty, vindictive, crap spouting type? The numerous times I've met him I thought he was above that.


Ps. Yamahas are shit. (There's a completely broad, stupidly under thought and completely untrue statement to match your own)

White trash
9th June 2007, 18:29
don't get carried away

you may feel honoured, but the only reasons that you [specifically] have been invited to be a senior mod are as follows:-

you are young, impressionable, able to be manipulated.

Actually, he's not that young, got alot of time at work to spend online and reads everything on KB. Seems like a perfect reason to take the job, although he's obviously stupid enough to take on a thankless job like this for no pay, silly boy.

Another Mod you know real well eh? You're really proving a point here.

9th June 2007, 18:30
you're just being a stupid fucking whore.

That's worse than implying someone is a Nazi. Everyone should just calm down. Go book a ticket for the Dali Lama visit or something.

9th June 2007, 18:33
you should know :innocent:

i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.

Thats one of the most poisonous and vicious things I've ever read on KB. I'm guessing your a bit hungover today and having that "OMFG what DID I do last night" feeling.

White trash
9th June 2007, 18:37
don't kid yourself

the only reason this hasn't been consigned to 'pointless drivel' is that the senior mods complicit in the 'backstabbing' feel it a useful vehicle for them to appear cute, cuddly and semi-human

if any other thread had been so woefully hijacked it would have been whisked away without a second's thought

tui anyone? :innocent:
Ummmm, you've essentialy made attacks on each of them. Who amongst them is going to deal with this thread and not appear biased?

You've obviously got alot of pent up frustration over this, Dr Trash is prescribing a couple of valium and half a bottle of Vodka, you'll fell mint 'till tomorrow morning, I promise.

9th June 2007, 18:38
Ixion must be having a huge laugh at everyones expense, how fucken' cool is must feel to post a 'Wierd' thread and watch so many (of the ones he aimed it at) get it on!!....Clever Clever man.....:yes:

White trash
9th June 2007, 18:41
Ixion must be having a huge laugh at everyones expense, how fucken' cool is must feel to post a 'Wierd' thread and watch so many (of the ones he aimed it at) get it on!!....Clever Clever man.....:yes:
"Cocksucker" would be my term. Who the hell posts a "goodbye" thread them comes back to post another?

(Except this cocksucker of course)

Edit: I can't be infracted for calling him a cocksucker, he said wasn't coming back.

9th June 2007, 18:43
Ixion must be having a huge laugh at everyones expense, how fucken' cool is must feel to post a 'Wierd' thread and watch so many (of the ones he aimed it at) get it on!!....Clever Clever man.....:yes:

I reckon. Who needs to watch boxing when we have our very own scrap right on KB! Sittin' back with a few beers........:innocent:

9th June 2007, 18:43
Edit: I can't be infracted for calling him a cocksucker, he said wasn't coming back.

Nah he said he would pop in from time to time, in his original farewell post.
It has all been very entertaining though, hasn't it.:yes:

9th June 2007, 18:44
Edit: I can't be infracted for calling him a cocksucker, he said wasn't coming back.

Laughin my ass off! ++

9th June 2007, 19:03
i'm betting that Goebbels was your childhood's hero?

Not suprising really, with the number of Nazi war criminals that found refuge in south africa....... shame that it's allowed to sully a perfectly innocent motorcycle site though.

I've just lost any respect I ever had for you.

How low are you going to take this?

9th June 2007, 19:16

here http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?p=1088938#post1088938

9th June 2007, 20:14
"Cocksucker" would be my term. Who the hell posts a "goodbye" thread them comes back to post another?

Tsk tsk. You didn't READ my post did you. See my signature.I'm like that bad smell from the drains. Every time you think it's finally gone, your wife comes in and says "It's back!"

SPman who, for the past few weeks, has been losing sleep over the petty, nitpicking, jackboot approach to moderating that the senior moderating team has been taking.

i have lived with him through every commonsense, reasonable approach he has put forward to his fellow senior moderators and lived with his despair as it has all fallen on deaf ears...... until - unable to tolerate any further reasonable debate or opposing opinion to their hard-line approach, they, outnumbering him, have ousted him.

Well, now that someone else has has "blown the whistle" perhaps matters can be brought into the open, for the benefit of all.

I should mention first however, that I have no complaint about being badly treated, 'cos I wasn't. A little bird told me of what was happening in the Senior Mods discussion (there's a special forum for it , y'know). And for the record, the birdie wasn't Mr Spman, or Ms Mstriumph. I didn't like what was happening , but couldn't say much without comprimising my source (the classic journalist's dilemma!). I was told "if you don't like it, piss off". So I pissed off without saying anything. Then I heard what was happening to Mr Spman,so I knew it wasn't just me being hypersuspicious, and people started asking if I was dead. So I came back, a month later, to write my wee valedictory. With that penultimate paragraph.I lost no blood

Now. With all that stuff out of the way:

Firstly: MsTriumph's post must show any logical person that there ARE changes, present or upcoming. If there were not, there would have been no cause for such heated argument amongst the Heaven Born (and very heated it was, I understand). For there to be such disagreement, there must be something to disagree ABOUT.

Secondly: The argument that "this is not a democracy" and members should just accept whatever is dished out and shut up, is flawed. The site is Mr Spankme's. He may indeed set any rules he chooses, and delegate what he chooses. But the members are stakeholders. They have a justifed interest in what happens to the site. Firstly because, without members , there would be no site. And secondly because some of them have invested time (and money , in some case) into making it what it is. Every ruling body (governments etc) must govern. And sometimes they will, and must, make decisions and rules that people will object to. but, even governments consult people before they change things . They may still go ahead with changes that many, even all, people object to. That is the function of governments, to govern. But stakeholders do have a right to be consulted first. Even the cops and LTSA do that much.

So, we see that the Heaven Born are planning changes (sigh. Yes. I know. The party line is "There are no changes".See above , it's called logic). Whether those are new rules, or extensions to old ones doesn't really matter (If the police started issuing tickets for 1kph over the speed limit, would you not think that was a change to the rules? Even though no legislative change is required).

And, perceptive people can see that *something* is going on. Whilst the present climate of secrecy is maintained, people will suspect the worst. And, assume the worst of motives for it. It may well be that some of the proposals won't get off the ground anyway (f'instance Mr Spankme squelched the idea of asking the ISPs of naughty KBers to bar their Internet access).But noone knows that either. I know our latest Tetrarch has a number of ideas to change things. Personally, I think they're more suited to KiddieBiker than Kiwibiker, but others may well think differently. That's what consultation is about .

So, why not DO the consultative thing? A simple "We think that "this" ....... needs to happen. We'll listen to input about it, reserving the right to go ahead even if "this" is unpopular". Sticking with the "We are the leaders,there ARE NO CHANGES, we will make the decisions and the first you'll know of them is when we tell you" will be totally destructive in the long term. And the short term. And leads to unpleasantness for all.

9th June 2007, 20:23
Yamahas are shit.

That's worse than implying someone is a Nazi.

I reckon

Apologies for the terrible quotes.......guys, come on!!! this is getting silly now....you want Mom to make you kiss and make up, or worse hold hands??

Can we please agree to disagree??? and move on???

:corn: :corn: :corn:

Please.... I hate popcorn !!!

White trash
9th June 2007, 20:23
Sorry, my bad for not reading the original post.

You're obviously a thinkin' man, you obviously form your posts with a great deal of thought (unlike me and another protaganist that's come to light). Why didn't you answer the questions asked of you in the first instance, rather than ignoring your fellow moderators before your "powers" were stripped? Can't change a system from the outside, everyone knows that. Myself personally, I wouldn't do the job you guys so (or did), there's no way I can be impartial, being an angry bastard and all.

I'm really mistified as to what the hoo-ha is all about to be honest.

Edit: Being a particularly slow bastard, I've just worked out the answer to my own question. You, Ixion, were the minority in the opioin stakes. Rather than continue being the odd one out, you decided to duck out, leave those other wankers to it and have a winge at their expense. Well if a "mod" is a minority in their opinions, then surely the majority better represent the populous in the descision making? Similar to a government or summit? I dunno, just speculating.......

James Deuce
9th June 2007, 20:47
I call Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_Law).

More from xkcd:

<img src=http://airminded.org/wp-content/img/misc/regarding_mussolini.png>

White trash
9th June 2007, 21:01
There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's Law.

Nice. I like it :D

9th June 2007, 21:16
"Cocksucker" would be my term. Who the hell posts a "goodbye" thread them comes back to post another?




I call Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_Law).

Funnily enough, I think this thread is the first genuine instance I've ever seen of that law in action.

Big Dave
9th June 2007, 21:22
I watched some motocross at Muriwai this afternoon.

9th June 2007, 21:27
I bought some winter riding gear today.

9th June 2007, 21:37
Does my arse look big in this?

Str8 Jacket
9th June 2007, 21:39
Does my arse look big in this?

YES!! x10!!

9th June 2007, 21:42
YES!! x10!!


9th June 2007, 21:53
Where's your bike Biff? :mellow:

9th June 2007, 22:08
Can we just throw this thread / subject into PD and get on with Kiwi Biker again.

Life's too bloody short to be focusing our energies on nasty personal point scoring!

I don't mean chucking shit at each other, that's fun but if we were all in a pub this would be a brawl by now.

Been there done all that, there just isn't any future in it, lets all just shake hands (or keyboards) and start again. :yes: John.

10th June 2007, 00:13
kiss and make up, or worse hold hands??

Huh? I was just watchin' the fight.

I never kiss and wear make up.

10th June 2007, 11:41
I never kiss and wear make up.
Don't blame you, The lippy always comes off on [who|what]ever you're kissing...

10th June 2007, 12:33
Okay guys, I've got it all worked out.

All this talk of dark secrets and deep conspiracies gave me a feeling of deja vu, which I could not shake off. The answer came to me in the early hours of the morning, and after some careful research and fearless scullduggery, I am now in a position to reveal the startling truth.

Ixion, your cover is blown.

I can now reveal that Ixion is an alias.

Ixion is no other than - Agent Fox Mulder.

Yes, it's true ladies and gentlemen, the X-Files have been re-opened.

I'm sorry to be the one to blow his cover, but we conspiracy theorists have a duty to the greater good of mankind.

It all makes sense now. The deep, dark secrets, that can only be aluded to and not directly spoken, lest he reveal his source.

And what of that source? Whispers of The Smoking Man are not easily ignored.....

The identity of Agent Scully is yet to be revealled. Unfortunately, I cannot release this information, for fear of compromising my inside source. But we all have our own suspicions, don't we?

I have this morning presented this information to the upper management. They, of course, denied everything. But that denial, ladies and gentlemen, is the ultimate confirmation of a true conspiracy....

Just remember - "The Truth Is Out There...."

10th June 2007, 13:01
Where's your bike Biff? :mellow:

It lives in Tauranga now. I was made an offer I couldn't resist, so I'm currently bikeless, and will probably stay so for at least the next couple of months, until I finally make my mind up what I want next.

10th June 2007, 14:16
<img src="http://mfrost.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/06/06/puppigami.jpg">
<img src="http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/images/2007/06/07/foot_in_mouf.jpg">
<img src="http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/images/2007/06/07/amy_winehouse.jpg">


11th June 2007, 18:14
I did not intend to respond

(Did everyone else sleep all through fifth form Latin?).

I never retreat. More of a die in the last ditch chap, m'self. And I am only a poor old man, with a verra hard head, so I scorn your catapult, and have no money to give you, be your stones ever so big.

A Latin pissing contest is always fun, but cannot disguise the fact that a bloody good bloke has been knifed, shamefully treated.

I had already been gone for a month , after refusing to toe the party line on the brave new KB world ,before I was bounced (I originally intended to do a Lou Giradin, and just slip silently away)

I fear not. I have spent my life fighting elitism,

BTW, both Mr Motu and I (and a good many other ex KBers ) can be contacted at www.advrider.com (http://www.advrider.com)

I have also joined Mr Spankme's SV1000 site , now that I "qualify". Nice place, like KB used to be. Mr Spankme is God, indeed, and we shall all revere him. But no matter how much I revere God, I see no reason to worship his bishop, Brian tamaki, no mayter how much he may declare himself my Leader. .

Your ego of elephantiasis proportions would never allow you to 'just slip quietly away'.

Latin? Is this a mark of a man?
To you maybe....but to me......balls and resilience count.

So you never retreat eh? So I guess packing a wee tanty and throwing your toys out of the pram are not one and the same?

So you've spent your life fighting elitism you say?

"BTW....both Mr Motu and I can be contacted ...."

Bullshit, you're lightweight.

You and others that've been here a while thrived on it.
A couple of times, when I dared challange your incredible knowledge of all things mechanical........you went suddenly silent.

I'm sure you're about to say it's because you were far too busy swatting up on your Latin to bother replying......but I reckon it's because I have a good enough knowledge of things mechanical when it relates to motorcycles to have had the upper hand on your 'I know all' plop. By the way.....what's the Latin word for that?

Now...about the knife....

You wank on (as wankers tend to) about the knife coming out.....putting the 'knife' into Spankme's site, and the people he's trusted to look after it for him.......while at the same time trying your best to crawl up his arse on his SV site?

I need one more translation please.
The Latin word for Loser?

I'm guessing, it's spelt something like Ixion.

You may well be missed.

But not by me.

11th June 2007, 19:02
It lives in Tauranga now. I was made an offer I couldn't resist, so I'm currently bikeless, and will probably stay so for at least the next couple of months, until I finally make my mind up what I want next.

Offer ya couldn't refuse? Was the buyer a member of the Mafia or wot?

Or did you just have no cajones??

11th June 2007, 19:44
Or did you just have no cajones??

WTF is a cajone(s) ?

The BiffBird is no more..

11th June 2007, 19:48
Balls, nuts testes

11th June 2007, 19:51
WTF is a cajone(s) ?

The BiffBird is no more..

Balls, scrotum fillers, nuts, gonads...

Wot ya don't have. (apparently!):dodge:

11th June 2007, 20:00
Balls, nuts testes

Balls, scrotum fillers, nuts, gonads...

Wot ya don't have. (apparently!):dodge:

Yes nuts.

Photomagraphic evidence attached.

I like nuts..

James Deuce
11th June 2007, 20:02
sp. Cojones.

11th June 2007, 20:03
Yes nuts.

Photomagraphic evidence attached.

I like nuts..

So THAT'S what you look like - and the brain to match I suppose?

El Dopa
11th June 2007, 20:03
Balls, scrotum fillers, nuts, gonads...

Then you eeeees meaning 'cojones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cojones)', senor.......

11th June 2007, 20:08
sp. Cojones.

Beat me to it...

11th June 2007, 20:08
So THAT'S what you look like - and the brain to match I suppose?

So..like... you looked at an R rated image of me showing my nuts, you have a 70s porn star moustacho, freely admit to the fact you enjoy wearing tassles in public....I suppose you still work at the Pink Flamingo Bar as well do you?


11th June 2007, 20:57
So..like... you looked at an R rated image of me showing my nuts, you have a 70s porn star moustacho, freely admit to the fact you enjoy wearing tassles in public....I suppose you still work at the Pink Flamingo Bar as well do you?


Yup. As your pimp.

Next time you're late at the Pink Flamingo? you're dead, punk.

11th June 2007, 22:08
Yup. As your pimp.

Next time you're late at the Pink Flamingo? you're dead, punk.

Yo Dude!

Please forward me the address of said bar.
I've just gotta see this!:innocent:

11th June 2007, 23:34
Yo Dude!

Please forward me the address of said bar.
I've just gotta see this!:innocent:
You can be expected not to know, being from Wellington.

The JAFAs are intimately acquainted with it, however...


Big Dave
12th June 2007, 00:29
You can be expected not to know, being from Wellington.

The JAFAs are intimately acquainted with it, however...


Howlers as usual.

12th June 2007, 10:39
I don't think that this is what Ixion had in mind when he raised the issue of Virgil Reality.

Virgil Realty?
They have an office in the fourth circle of Hell.
Dante Alighieri is the sales manager.
Tell him I sent you.

12th June 2007, 10:45
What do you call a tunnel with no echo?

The internet

12th June 2007, 10:45
I can now reveal that Ixion is an alias.

I have a confession to make too.
My real name isn't Pixie

12th June 2007, 10:49
Balls, nuts testes

Specifically Spanish Balls, nuts testes

12th June 2007, 11:06
Your ego of elephantiasis proportions would never allow you to 'just slip quietly away'.

Latin? Is this a mark of a man?
To you maybe....but to me......balls and resilience count.

So you never retreat eh? So I guess packing a wee tanty and throwing your toys out of the pram are not one and the same?

So you've spent your life fighting elitism you say?

"BTW....both Mr Motu and I can be contacted ...."

Bullshit, you're lightweight.

You and others that've been here a while thrived on it.
A couple of times, when I dared challange your incredible knowledge of all things mechanical........you went suddenly silent.

I'm sure you're about to say it's because you were far too busy swatting up on your Latin to bother replying......but I reckon it's because I have a good enough knowledge of things mechanical when it relates to motorcycles to have had the upper hand on your 'I know all' plop. By the way.....what's the Latin word for that?

Now...about the knife....

You wank on (as wankers tend to) about the knife coming out.....putting the 'knife' into Spankme's site, and the people he's trusted to look after it for him.......while at the same time trying your best to crawl up his arse on his SV site?

I need one more translation please.
The Latin word for Loser?

I'm guessing, it's spelt something like Ixion.

You may well be missed.

But not by me.

Still an angry little man eh..?

Big Dave
12th June 2007, 11:43
What do you call a tunnel with no echo?

A lame joke on the internet.

12th June 2007, 12:02
Still an angry little man eh..?

Not at all angry actually. Simply quite happy to openly say what I think, even at the risk of offending people like your good self.

To me.....drama queeens that announce their dramatic 'exit' deserve no less.

Jesus man.....you should've seen the shit I got when I first 'joined' up.
Hell....I still get it....and I'm sure you'll think it's deserved.

BUT....if I found it all too much....I'd simply stop signing in. Easy really.
I mean.....how many times have you pointed out here just how much of a better, more level headed person than me you are on this site?
See me run away crying?

Not gonna happen.

12th June 2007, 12:35
Virgil Realty?
They have an office in the fourth circle of Hell.
Dante Alighieri is the sales manager.
Tell him I sent you.
"You must spread..." Yeah yeah, all right.

Damn! That had me cracking up

Company motto: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate"

Funnily enough, their sideline in Advertising never paid off...

12th June 2007, 12:53
This way a good soul never passes...

12th June 2007, 14:00
This thread needs cat macros.

<img src="http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/aggressivecat.jpg">

<img src="http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/holdinuppiano-gavin.jpg">

<img src="http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/getoffmylawnunbrand.jpg">

<img src="http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/invisiblebreasts1.jpg">

12th June 2007, 22:39
Not at all angry actually. Simply quite happy to openly say what I think, even at the risk of offending people like your good self.

To me.....drama queeens that announce their dramatic 'exit' deserve no less.

Jesus man.....you should've seen the shit I got when I first 'joined' up.
Hell....I still get it....and I'm sure you'll think it's deserved.

BUT....if I found it all too much....I'd simply stop signing in. Easy really.
I mean.....how many times have you pointed out here just how much of a better, more level headed person than me you are on this site?
See me run away crying?

Not gonna happen.

He's leaving, ok? right?

So why the rant?

Is it personal to you when somebody 'pulls the pin' or what????


13th June 2007, 00:40
He's leaving, ok? right?

So why the rant?

Is it personal to you when somebody 'pulls the pin' or what????


Ok....it's like this.

I thought this was a place you could express your opinions? I believe it's what you're doing yeah?

It's my opinion that Ixion was an elitist know all. I had read quite a few posts of his regarding various things mechanical.....and even dared 'challange' some of his put downs of people he so obviously thought he was way smarter than.

He loved replying to people that had certain things a tad wrong......but was strangely mute when someone was in fact.....correct....to which he had no logical answer for.

He then does exactly what he says he leaving for (the knife?).....all the while telling us he never retreats.

So.....I simply added my views to the views and opinions others had already shared.

Isn't that how it works? So I can't have my views because you don't agree with them? Is that what you're saying?

If you simply want to get all cuddly and close with fellow bikers, because you're lonely or something, that's great.

But I have plenty of great friends in the real world, I don't need to try and collect more here.

Some I've chatted with here and have met have turned into friends.....some never will.

So what?

By the way.......I have read plenty of your posts that have been somewhat of a rant.......you being in the police force, should know then that it's hypocritical and wrong to preach so called wrong doings when you often do the same yourself.

14th June 2007, 00:09
Ok....it's like this.

I thought this was a place you could express your opinions? I believe it's what you're doing yeah?

By the way.......I have read plenty of your posts that have been somewhat of a rant.......you being in the police force, should know then that it's hypocritical and wrong to preach so called wrong doings when you often do the same yourself.

(1) I voice my opinion about individuals I have never met with a little less vitriol.

(2)You don't pay me enough to totally stop me being 'hypocritical'

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

A little tolerance goes a long way dude.

14th June 2007, 08:49
In through the mouth, out through the nose.

14th June 2007, 10:39
(1) I voice my opinion about individuals I have never met with a little less vitriol.

(2)You don't pay me enough to totally stop me being 'hypocritical'

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

A little tolerance goes a long way dude.

(1) That's fine by me, we're all different.

(2) I couldn't agree with you more on this one. Yours is truly (mostly) a thankless job, and I think you should be paid far more for doing it.

I tend to operate under "Cast as many stones as you wish....provided you're fully prepared to be pelted yourself"

14th June 2007, 17:29
In through the mouth, out through the nose.

....except when drinking coffee. Trust me on this, it bloody hurts....:shutup:

14th June 2007, 20:25
(1) That's fine by me, we're all different.

(2) I couldn't agree with you more on this one. Yours is truly (mostly) a thankless job, and I think you should be paid far more for doing it.

I tend to operate under "Cast as many stones as you wish....provided you're fully prepared to be pelted yourself"

If I might express an opinion, I think Crasherfromwayback said it like it really is as he sees it and did it rather clearly and he made some good points.

I have to agree with many of his points on the Ixion issue and unless he has actually met him he can only judge by what he has witnessed on this forum.

Crasher certainly took a roasting (well deserved too) when he first came onto KB, so he can take as well as dish it out, I respect him for that.

I defend his right to express his point of view and encourage him to continue to do so even if it means upsetting the natives on the forum.

Good on you Crasherfromwayback, I salute you. :yes: Cheers John.