View Full Version : For all the english nerds

14th September 2004, 17:07
Right... This is especially for the nerdy english types and their irritating counterparts who insist on correcting any and all KB members grammar!! (oh and anyone else you likes a challenge)

If you've seen this before, don't post the answer straight away because there are some potentially entertaining permutations in that sentance!


using any normal punctuation that you like (hyphens, Capital Letters, commas, full stops, speech marks, semi-colons, whatever) you need to make this string of words make sense. (The only clue I'm giving out at the moment is that Tom and Harry are the only names.)

where tom had had had harry had had had had had had had had the teachers approval

White trash
14th September 2004, 17:10
Fuck off! My brain hurts just looking at that!

"Hitcher! Sic 'em!"

14th September 2004, 17:12
what a horrible excercise, I've given it 5 minutes and can't do it, go on show me how it's done!!

14th September 2004, 17:22
:sly: Engrish

14th September 2004, 17:55
Sorry guys... can't work a computer properly and accidentally posted the thread twice.

Spankme, please feel free to close this one down or close it... or everyone else just ignore it and use the other one![U]